  * Change level flags
  * @param string $list
  * @param bool $state
 private function _changeLevelFlags($list, $state)
     $flags = Steelcode_String_Helper::explode(',', $list);
     foreach ($flags as $flag) {
         $this->_levelFlags[trim($flag)] = $state;
  * Find the extension of a file from its filename and
  * get it in lower case
  * @param string $file : name of the file
  * @return string : extension of the file in lower case
 public static function fileExtension($file)
     if (Steelcode_String_Helper::isNull($file)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         $ext = end(explode('.', $file));
         return strtolower($ext);
  * Class constructor
  * @param string $salt
 public function __construct($salt = null)
     if ($salt === null) {
         $salt = Steelcode_String_Helper::randomString(32);
     if (32 === Steelcode_String_Helper::safeLength($salt)) {
         $this->_salt = $salt;
     } else {
         throw new Steelcode_Crypto_Exception('Salt should be exactly 32 characters long');
  * Creates a new model
  * @return bool
 protected function _createComponent()
     $this->_model = ucfirst(Steelcode_String_Helper::dashedToCamel($this->_name));
     $model = "{$this->_model}.php";
     $this->_path = "{$this->_location}/application/models/{$model}";
     $this->_filePointer = fopen($this->_path, "w");
     if ($this->_filePointer === null) {
         $this->_setErrorText("Error! Could not create model:\n\t- {$this->_path}");
         return false;
     $this->_setMessageText("Done! Successfully created new model\n\t- {$this->_name}");
     return true;
  * Creates a new configuration class
  * @return bool
 protected function _createComponent()
     $this->_config = ucfirst(Steelcode_String_Helper::dashedToCamel($this->_name));
     $config = "{$this->_config}.php";
     $this->_path = "{$this->_location}/application/configs/{$config}";
     $this->_filePointer = fopen($this->_path, "w");
     if ($this->_filePointer === null) {
         $this->_setErrorText("* Error! Could not create configuration:\n\t- {$this->_path}");
         return false;
     fwrite($this->_filePointer, "<?php\n");
     fwrite($this->_filePointer, "/**\n * Class Config_{$this->_config}\n */\n");
     $text = "class Config_{$this->_config} " . '{' . "\n\n}\n";
     fwrite($this->_filePointer, $text);
     $this->_setMessageText("Done! Successfully created new configuration class:\n\t- Config_{$this->_config}");
     return true;
  * Prepare column names for query
  * @param array $columns
  * @return string
 public static function columns(array $columns)
     $columnValue = "";
     foreach ($columns as $key => $value) {
         if (is_numeric($key)) {
             $columnValue = "";
         } else {
             $columnValue = "{$key}.";
         if (Steelcode_String_Helper::hasSubSting(' ', $value)) {
             $columnValue .= $value;
         } else {
             $columnValue = "`{$columnValue}{$value}`";
         $columns[$key] = $columnValue;
     return Steelcode_Array_Helper::implode(', ', $columns);
  * Get the current script url without the script name
  * @return string
 public static function url()
     $hostUrl = self::host();
     if (!empty($scriptName = Steelcode_Server_Vars::getVar('SCRIPT_NAME'))) {
         $arr = explode('/', $scriptName);
         $arrLen = count($arr);
         if ($arrLen <= 2) {
             return $hostUrl;
         } else {
             if (Steelcode_String_Helper::isNull($arr[0])) {
             unset($arr[$arrLen - 1]);
             $newUrl = implode('/', $arr);
             return "{$hostUrl}/{$newUrl}";
     return $hostUrl;
  * Hash a given password using BlowFish algorithm
  * @param string $password
  * @return string
 public function hash($password)
     if ($this->_salt === null) {
         $randomString = Steelcode_String_Helper::randomString(10);
         $randomSalt = substr(sha1($randomString), 0, 22);
     } else {
         $randomSalt = $this->_salt;
     $this->_salt = null;
     $hashCount = $this->_loopCount;
     $hashPassword = "******";
     while ($hashCount >= 0) {
         $hashPassword = sha1(sprintf("%s%s%d", $hashPassword, $randomSalt, $hashCount));
     $hashPassword = crypt($hashPassword, '$2y$12$' . $randomSalt . '$');
     echo $randomString . "<br>";
     $hashLength = strlen($hashPassword);
     exit(sprintf("%s%s", $randomSalt, substr($hashPassword, 29, $hashLength)));
  * Set the domain
  * @param string $domain
 public function setDomain($domain)
     $this->_domain = Steelcode_String_Helper::camelToDashed($domain);
  * Create project components according to configuration
  * @throws Steelcode_Project_Exception
 public function execute()
     if (!isset($this->_config['component'])) {
         throw new Steelcode_Project_Exception('Component name not found');
     try {
         switch ($this->_config['component']) {
             case 'application':
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Application();
             case 'domain':
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Domain();
             case 'controller':
                 if (!isset($this->_config['parent']) || Steelcode_String_Helper::isNull($this->_config['parent'])) {
                     throw new Steelcode_Project_Exception('* Error! Domain is not specified for creating controller');
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Controller();
             case 'model':
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Model();
             case 'layout':
                 $this->_config['name'] = "layout-{$this->_config['name']}";
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Layout();
             case 'config':
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Config();
             case 'bootstrap':
                 $this->_objComponent = new Steelcode_Project_Bootstrap();
                 throw new Steelcode_Project_Exception("* Error! Invalid component name '{$this->_config['component']}' found");
         $this->_messageText = $this->_objComponent->getMessageText();
     } catch (Steelcode_Project_Exception $ex) {
         $this->_errorText = $ex->getMessage();
         throw $ex;
  * Get file contents from $_FILE server variable and move
  * the uploaded file to a location specified in $location
  * @param string $location (optional) : upload media directory
  * @throws Steelcode_Media_Exception
 public function uploadFile($location = null)
     if (!isset($_FILES) || !is_array($_FILES)) {
         $this->_lastFileError = 'No files are selected to upload';
         throw new Steelcode_Media_Exception($this->_lastFileError);
     if (Steelcode_String_Helper::isNull($location)) {
         $mediaDir = $this->_mediaLocation;
     } else {
         $mediaDir = $location;
     if (Steelcode_String_Helper::isNull($mediaDir)) {
         $this->_lastFileError = 'No destination is set to move uploaded files';
         throw new Steelcode_Media_Exception($this->_lastFileError);
     $fileName = $_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['name'];
     $fileSize = $_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['size'];
     $fileType = $_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['type'];
     $fileExt = Steelcode_Media_Helper::fileExtension($fileName);
     if ($fileSize > $this->_fileMaxSize) {
         $this->_lastFileError = 'File size is larger than the limit';
         throw new Steelcode_Media_Exception($this->_lastFileError);
     if (false === in_array($fileExt, $this->_extensionList)) {
         $this->_lastFileError = 'You can not upload this kind of file';
         throw new Steelcode_Media_Exception($this->_lastFileError);
     do {
         $shaName = sha1($fileName);
         $shaName = str_shuffle($shaName) . ".{$fileExt}";
         $newFilePath = "{$mediaDir}{$shaName}";
     } while (file_exists($newFilePath));
     if ($_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['error'] > 0) {
         $this->_lastFileError = 'Server set an error code (' . $_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['error'] . ')';
         $this->_lastFileErrorCode = $_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['error'];
         throw new Steelcode_Media_Exception($this->_lastFileError, $this->_lastFileErrorCode);
     if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->_inputIndex]['tmp_name'], $newFilePath)) {
         $this->_lastFileName = $fileName;
         $this->_lastFileType = $fileType;
         $this->_lastFileExt = $fileExt;
         $this->_lastFileSize = $fileSize;
         $this->_lastFileHash = $shaName;
     } else {
         $this->_lastFileError = 'There was an error while uploading the file';
         throw new Steelcode_Media_Exception($this->_lastFileError);
  * Decode the token
  * @param string $token
  * @return true
 protected function _decode($token)
     $segments64 = Steelcode_String_Helper::explode('.', $token);
     if (count($segments64) !== 3) {
         $this->_setMessage('Wrong number of segments. Token is not a valid JSON web token');
         return false;
     $segments = $segments64;
     foreach ($segments as $index => $value) {
         $segments[$index] = $this->urlSafeB64Decode($value);
         if ($index < 2) {
             $segments[$index] = Steelcode_Json_Helper::decode($segments[$index]);
     if (empty($segments[0])) {
         $this->_setMessage('Invalid header encoding');
         return false;
     if (empty($segments[1])) {
         $this->_setMessage('Invalid claims encoding');
         return false;
     if (empty($segments[0]->alg) || !isset($this->_methods[$segments[0]->alg])) {
         $this->_setMessage('Invalid or unsupported algorithm');
         return false;
     $this->_algorithm = $segments[0]->alg;
     if (!$this->_verify("{$segments64[0]}.{$segments64[1]}", $segments[2], $this->_key, $this->_algorithm)) {
         $this->_setMessage('Signature verification failed');
         return false;
     if (isset($segments[1]->nbf) && $segments[1]->nbf > Steelcode_Date_Helper::time() + $this->_leeway) {
         $this->_setMessage('Cannot handle this token before ' . Steelcode_Date_Helper::date(DateTime::ISO8601, $segments[1]->nbf));
         return false;
     if (isset($segments[1]->iat) && $segments[1]->iat > Steelcode_Date_Helper::time() + $this->_leeway) {
         $this->_setMessage('Cannot handle token prior to ' . Steelcode_Date_Helper::date(DateTime::ISO8601, $segments[1]->iat));
         return false;
     if (isset($segments[1]->exp) && Steelcode_Date_Helper::time() - $this->_leeway >= $segments[1]->exp) {
         $this->_setMessage('Token expired');
         return false;
     $this->_header = (array) $segments[0];
     $this->_payload = (array) $segments[1];
     $this->_signature = $segments[2];
     return true;
define('INCLUDE_PATH', 'Steelcode/');
require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'steelcode.php';
$opt = new Steelcode_Console_Getopt();
/* Array of available short options */
$shortOpts = array('l' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'a' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'c' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'n' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'p' => $opt::OPTIONAL);
/* Array of available long options */
$longOptions = array('location' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'action' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'component' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'name' => $opt::REQUIRED, 'parent' => $opt::OPTIONAL);
$options = $opt->getOptions();
try {
    if (isset($options['l']) || isset($options['location'])) {
        $location = isset($options['l']) ? $options['l'] : $options['location'];
    } else {
        exit("No target location specified!\n");
    $config = array('action' => isset($options['a']) ? $options['a'] : $options['action'], 'component' => isset($options['c']) ? $options['c'] : $options['component'], 'name' => isset($options['n']) ? $options['n'] : $options['name']);
    if (isset($options['p']) && $options['p'] != false) {
        $config['parent'] = $options['p'];
    } elseif (isset($options['parent']) && $options['parent'] != false) {
        $config['parent'] = $options['parent'];
    if (isset($config['parent']) && Steelcode_String_Helper::isNull($config['parent'])) {
    $project = new Steelcode_Project_Handler($location, $config);
    echo "{$project->getMessageText()}\n";
} catch (Steelcode_Project_Exception $ex) {
    echo "{$ex->getMessage()}\n";
  * Check date of format yyyy-mm-dd is valid
  * @param string $date
  * @return bool
 public static function isValidDate($date)
     if (empty($date)) {
         return false;
     $segments = Steelcode_String_Helper::explode('-', $date);
     if (count($segments) != 3) {
         return false;
     return checkdate($segments[1], $segments[2], $segments[0]);
  * Sets the controller name
  * Finds the controller class name and file name
  * @param string $controller
 public function setController($controller)
     $class = ucfirst(Steelcode_String_Helper::dashedToCamel($controller));
     $this->_controller['name'] = $controller;
     $this->_controller['class'] = "Controller_{$class}";
     $this->_controller['file'] = "{$class}Controller.php";
  * Extract controller and domain paths from request
  * @param string $requestPath
 private function _extractPath($requestPath)
     $lastChar = substr($requestPath, -1);
     if ($lastChar == '/') {
         $this->_config->setDomain(trim($requestPath, '/'));
     $arrayReq = Steelcode_String_Helper::explode('/', $requestPath);
     if ($arrayReq[0] == '') {
     $arrayLen = count($arrayReq);
     if ($arrayLen === 1) {
     } elseif ($arrayLen > 1) {
         if ($arrayLen > 2) {
             unset($arrayReq[1], $arrayReq[2]);
     } else {
  * Flush the headers
 public function flushHeaders()
     foreach ($this->_header as $key => $value) {
         if ($key === 'fields') {
             foreach ($this->_header['fields'] as $field => $value) {
                 header(Steelcode_String_Helper::replace("_", "-", $field) . ": " . $value);