public function run()
     // Initialize empty array
     $status = array();
     $date = new DateTime();
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Out for Diagnostics', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL);
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Out for Repair', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL);
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Broken - Not Fixable', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL);
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Lost/Stolen', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL);
     // Delete all the old data
     // Insert the new posts
 public function run()
     // Initialize empty array
     $status = array();
     $date = new DateTime();
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Ready to Deploy', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 1, 'pending' => 0, 'archived' => 0, 'notes' => '');
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Pending', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 0, 'pending' => 1, 'archived' => 0, 'notes' => '');
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Archived', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 0, 'pending' => 0, 'archived' => 1, 'notes' => 'These assets are permanently undeployable');
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Out for Diagnostics', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 0, 'pending' => 0, 'archived' => 0, 'notes' => '');
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Out for Repair', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 0, 'pending' => 0, 'archived' => 0, 'notes' => '');
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Broken - Not Fixable', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 0, 'pending' => 0, 'archived' => 1, 'notes' => '');
     $status[] = array('name' => 'Lost/Stolen', 'created_at' => $date->modify('-10 day'), 'updated_at' => $date->modify('-3 day'), 'user_id' => 1, 'deleted_at' => NULL, 'deployable' => 0, 'pending' => 0, 'archived' => 1, 'notes' => '');
     // Delete all the old data
     // Insert the new posts
Exemple #3
function statusLabelList()
    $statuslabel_list = Statuslabel::orderBy('name', 'asc')->lists('name', 'id');
    return $statuslabel_list;
Exemple #4
| Admin API Routes
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api', 'namespace' => 'Controllers\\Admin', 'before' => 'admin-auth'], function () {
    /*---Hardware API---*/
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'hardware'], function () {
        Route::get('list/{status?}', ['as' => 'api.hardware.list', 'uses' => 'AssetsController@getDatatable']);
    /*---Status Label API---*/
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'statuslabels'], function () {
        Route::resource('/', 'StatuslabelsController');
        Route::get('{statuslabelId}/deployable', function ($statuslabelId) {
            $statuslabel = Statuslabel::find($statuslabelId);
            if ($statuslabel->deployable == '1' && $statuslabel->pending != '1' && $statuslabel->archived != '1') {
                return '1';
            } else {
                return '0';
    /*---Accessories API---*/
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'accessories'], function () {
        Route::get('list', ['as' => 'api.accessories.list', 'uses' => 'AccessoriesController@getDatatable']);
        Route::get('{accessoryID}/view', ['as' => 'api.accessories.view', 'uses' => 'AccessoriesController@getDataView']);
    /*---Consumables API---*/
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'consumables'], function () {
        Route::get('list', ['as' => 'api.consumables.list', 'uses' => 'ConsumablesController@getDatatable']);
Exemple #5
function statusLabelList()
    $statuslabel_list = array('' => Lang::get('general.select_statuslabel')) + Statuslabel::orderBy('name', 'asc')->lists('name', 'id');
    return $statuslabel_list;