function onEndShowScripts($action) { if (isset($action->recaptchaPluginNeedsOutput) && $action->recaptchaPluginNeedsOutput) { // Load the AJAX API if (StatusNet::isHTTPS()) { $url = ""; } else { $url = ""; } $action->script($url); // And when we're ready, fill out the captcha! $key = json_encode($this->public_key); $action->inlinescript("\$(function(){Recaptcha.create({$key}, 'recaptcha');});"); } return true; }
static function url($filename) { if (!self::validFilename($filename)) { // TRANS: Client exception thrown if a file upload does not have a valid name. throw new ClientException(_("Invalid filename.")); } if (common_config('site', 'private')) { return common_local_url('getfile', array('filename' => $filename)); } if (StatusNet::isHTTPS()) { $sslserver = common_config('attachments', 'sslserver'); if (empty($sslserver)) { // XXX: this assumes that background dir == site dir + /file/ // not true if there's another server if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) && mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) { $server = common_config('site', 'sslserver'); } else { if (common_config('site', 'server')) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } } $path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/file/'; } else { $server = $sslserver; $path = common_config('attachments', 'sslpath'); if (empty($path)) { $path = common_config('attachments', 'path'); } } $protocol = 'https'; } else { $path = common_config('attachments', 'path'); $server = common_config('attachments', 'server'); if (empty($server)) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } $ssl = common_config('attachments', 'ssl'); $protocol = $ssl ? 'https' : 'http'; } if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') { $path .= '/'; } if ($path[0] != '/') { $path = '/' . $path; } return $protocol . '://' . $server . $path . $filename; }
/** * Add stuff to notices in API responses * * @param Action $action action being executed * * @return boolean hook return */ function onNoticeSimpleStatusArray($notice, &$twitter_status, $scoped) { // groups $notice_groups = $notice->getGroups(); $group_addressees = false; foreach ($notice_groups as $g) { $group_addressees[] = array('nickname' => $g->nickname, 'url' => $g->mainpage); } $twitter_status['statusnet_in_groups'] = $group_addressees; // for older verions of gnu social: include the repeat-id, which we need when unrepeating later if (array_key_exists('repeated', $twitter_status) && $twitter_status['repeated'] === true) { $repeated = Notice::pkeyGet(array('profile_id' => $scoped->id, 'repeat_of' => $notice->id, 'verb' => '')); $twitter_status['repeated_id'] = $repeated->id; } // more metadata about attachments // get all attachments first, and put all the extra meta data in an array $attachments = $notice->attachments(); $attachment_url_to_id = array(); if (!empty($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if (is_object($attachment)) { try { $enclosure_o = $attachment->getEnclosure(); // add id to all attachments $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['id'] = $attachment->id; // add data about thumbnails $thumb = $attachment->getThumbnail(); $large_thumb = $attachment->getThumbnail(1000, 3000, false); if (method_exists('File_thumbnail', 'url')) { $thumb_url = File_thumbnail::url($thumb->filename); $large_thumb_url = File_thumbnail::url($large_thumb->filename); } else { $thumb_url = $thumb->getUrl(); $large_thumb_url = $large_thumb->getUrl(); } $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['large_thumb_url'] = $large_thumb_url; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['width'] = $attachment->width; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['height'] = $attachment->height; // animated gif? if ($attachment->mimetype == 'image/gif') { $image = ImageFile::fromFileObject($attachment); if ($image->animated == 1) { $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['animated'] = true; } else { $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['animated'] = false; } } // this applies to older versions of gnu social, i think } catch (ServerException $e) { $thumb = File_thumbnail::getKV('file_id', $attachment->id); if ($thumb instanceof File_thumbnail) { $thumb_url = $thumb->getUrl(); $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['id'] = $attachment->id; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['large_thumb_url'] = $thumb_url; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['width'] = $attachment->width; $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['height'] = $attachment->height; // animated gif? if ($attachment->mimetype == 'image/gif') { $image = ImageFile::fromFileObject($attachment); if ($image->animated == 1) { $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['animated'] = true; } else { $attachment_url_to_id[$enclosure_o->url]['animated'] = false; } } } } } } } // add the extra meta data to $twitter_status if (!empty($twitter_status['attachments'])) { foreach ($twitter_status['attachments'] as &$attachment) { if (!empty($attachment_url_to_id[$attachment['url']])) { $attachment = array_merge($attachment, $attachment_url_to_id[$attachment['url']]); } } } // quoted notices if (!empty($twitter_status['attachments'])) { foreach ($twitter_status['attachments'] as &$attachment) { $quoted_notice = false; // if this attachment has an url this might be a notice url if (isset($attachment['url'])) { $noticeurl = common_path('notice/', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); $instanceurl = common_path('', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); // remove protocol for the comparison below $noticeurl_wo_protocol = preg_replace('(^https?://)', '', $noticeurl); $instanceurl_wo_protocol = preg_replace('(^https?://)', '', $instanceurl); $attachment_url_wo_protocol = preg_replace('(^https?://)', '', $attachment['url']); // local notice urls if (strpos($attachment_url_wo_protocol, $noticeurl_wo_protocol) === 0) { $possible_notice_id = str_replace($noticeurl_wo_protocol, '', $attachment_url_wo_protocol); if (ctype_digit($possible_notice_id)) { $quoted_notice = Notice::getKV('id', $possible_notice_id); } } elseif (strpos($attachment_url_wo_protocol, $instanceurl_wo_protocol) !== 0 && stristr($attachment_url_wo_protocol, '/notice/')) { $quoted_notice = Notice::getKV('url', $attachment['url']); // try with http<->https if no match. applies to notices mostly if (!$quoted_notice instanceof Notice) { if (strpos($attachment['url'], 'https://') === 0) { $quoted_notice = Notice::getKV('url', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $attachment['url'])); } else { $quoted_notice = Notice::getKV('url', str_replace('http://', 'https://', $attachment['url'])); } } } // include the quoted notice in the attachment if ($quoted_notice instanceof Notice) { $quoted_notice_author = Profile::getKV('id', $quoted_notice->profile_id); if ($quoted_notice_author instanceof Profile) { $attachment['quoted_notice']['id'] = $quoted_notice->id; $attachment['quoted_notice']['content'] = $quoted_notice->content; $attachment['quoted_notice']['nickname'] = $quoted_notice_author->nickname; $attachment['quoted_notice']['fullname'] = $quoted_notice_author->fullname; $quoted_notice_attachments = $quoted_notice->attachments(); foreach ($quoted_notice_attachments as $q_attach) { if (is_object($q_attach)) { try { $qthumb = $q_attach->getThumbnail(); if (method_exists('File_thumbnail', 'url')) { $thumb_url = File_thumbnail::url($qthumb->filename); } else { $thumb_url = $qthumb->getUrl(); } $attachment['quoted_notice']['attachments'][] = array('thumb_url' => $thumb_url, 'attachment_id' => $q_attach->id); } catch (Exception $e) { common_debug('Qvitter: could not get thumbnail for attachment id=' . $q_attach->id . ' in quoted notice id=' . $quoted_notice->id); } } } } } } } } try { $twitter_status['external_url'] = $notice->getUrl(true); } catch (InvalidUrlException $e) { common_debug('Qvitter: No URL available for external notice: id=' . $notice->id); } // reply-to profile url try { $reply = $notice->getParent(); $twitter_status['in_reply_to_profileurl'] = $reply->getProfile()->getUrl(); } catch (ServerException $e) { $twitter_status['in_reply_to_profileurl'] = null; } // fave number $faves = Fave::byNotice($notice); $favenum = count($faves); $twitter_status['fave_num'] = $favenum; // repeat number $repeats = $notice->repeatStream(); $repeatnum = 0; while ($repeats->fetch()) { if ($repeats->verb == ActivityVerb::SHARE) { // i.e. not deleted repeats $repeatnum++; } } $twitter_status['repeat_num'] = $repeatnum; // is this a post? (previously is_activity) if (method_exists('ActivityUtils', 'compareVerbs')) { $twitter_status['is_post_verb'] = ActivityUtils::compareVerbs($notice->verb, array(ActivityVerb::POST)); } else { $twitter_status['is_post_verb'] = $notice->verb == ActivityVerb::POST ? true : false; } // some more metadata about notice if ($notice->is_local == '1') { $twitter_status['is_local'] = true; } else { $twitter_status['is_local'] = false; if ($twitter_status['is_post_verb'] === true) { try { $twitter_status['external_url'] = $notice->getUrl(true); } catch (InvalidUrlException $e) { common_debug('Qvitter: No URL available for external notice: id=' . $notice->id); } } } if (ActivityUtils::compareTypes($notice->verb, array('qvitter-delete-notice', 'delete'))) { $twitter_status['qvitter_delete_notice'] = true; } return true; }
/** * Show content license. * * @return nothing */ function showContentLicense() { if (Event::handle('StartShowContentLicense', array($this))) { // TRANS: DT element for StatusNet site content license. $this->element('dt', array('id' => 'site_content_license'), _('Site content license')); $this->elementStart('dd', array('id' => 'site_content_license_cc')); switch (common_config('license', 'type')) { case 'private': // TRANS: Content license displayed when license is set to 'private'. // TRANS: %1$s is the site name. $this->element('p', null, sprintf(_('Content and data of %1$s are private and confidential.'), common_config('site', 'name'))); // fall through // fall through case 'allrightsreserved': if (common_config('license', 'owner')) { // TRANS: Content license displayed when license is set to 'allrightsreserved'. // TRANS: %1$s is the copyright owner. $this->element('p', null, sprintf(_('Content and data copyright by %1$s. All rights reserved.'), common_config('license', 'owner'))); } else { // TRANS: Content license displayed when license is set to 'allrightsreserved' and no owner is set. $this->element('p', null, _('Content and data copyright by contributors. All rights reserved.')); } break; case 'cc': // fall through // fall through default: $this->elementStart('p'); $image = common_config('license', 'image'); $sslimage = common_config('license', 'sslimage'); if (StatusNet::isHTTPS()) { if (!empty($sslimage)) { $url = $sslimage; } else { if (preg_match('#^', $image)) { // CC support HTTPS on their images $url = preg_replace('/^http/', 'https', $image); } else { // Better to show mixed content than no content $url = $image; } } } else { $url = $image; } $this->element('img', array('id' => 'license_cc', 'src' => $url, 'alt' => common_config('license', 'title'), 'width' => '80', 'height' => '15')); $this->text(' '); // TRANS: license message in footer. // TRANS: %1$s is the site name, %2$s is a link to the license URL, with a licence name set in configuration. $notice = _('All %1$s content and data are available under the %2$s license.'); $link = "<a class=\"license\" rel=\"external license\" href=\"" . htmlspecialchars(common_config('license', 'url')) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars(common_config('license', 'title')) . "</a>"; $this->raw(sprintf(htmlspecialchars($notice), htmlspecialchars(common_config('site', 'name')), $link)); $this->elementEnd('p'); break; } $this->elementEnd('dd'); Event::handle('EndShowContentLicense', array($this)); } }
function showQvitter() { $logged_in_user_nickname = ''; $logged_in_user_obj = false; $logged_in_user = common_current_user(); if ($logged_in_user) { $logged_in_user_nickname = $logged_in_user->nickname; $logged_in_user_obj = ApiAction::twitterUserArray($logged_in_user->getProfile()); } $registrationsclosed = false; if (common_config('site', 'closed') == 1 || common_config('site', 'inviteonly') == 1) { $registrationsclosed = true; } // check if the client's ip address is blocked for registration if (is_array(QvitterPlugin::settings("blocked_ips"))) { $client_ip_is_blocked = in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], QvitterPlugin::settings("blocked_ips")); } $sitetitle = common_config('site', 'name'); $siterootdomain = common_config('site', 'server'); $qvitterpath = Plugin::staticPath('Qvitter', ''); $apiroot = common_path('api/', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); $attachmentroot = common_path('attachment/', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); $instanceurl = common_path('', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); // user's browser's language setting $user_browser_language = 'en'; // use english if we can't find the browser language if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $user_browser_language = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); } common_set_returnto(''); // forget this // if this is a profile we add a link header for LRDD Discovery (see WebfingerPlugin.php) if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') == 1) { $nickname = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\$/", $nickname) == 1) { $acct = 'acct:' . $nickname . '@' . common_config('site', 'server'); $url = common_local_url('webfinger') . '?resource=' . $acct; foreach (array(Discovery::JRD_MIMETYPE, Discovery::XRD_MIMETYPE) as $type) { header('Link: <' . $url . '>; rel="' . Discovery::LRDD_REL . '"; type="' . $type . '"'); } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title><?php print $sitetitle; ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> css/qvitter.css?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/css/qvitter.css')); ?> " /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> css/jquery.minicolors.css" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php print $qvitterpath; print QvitterPlugin::settings("favicon"); ?> "> <?php // if qvitter is a webapp and this is a users url we add feeds if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') == 1) { $nickname = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\$/", $nickname) == 1) { $user = User::getKV('nickname', $nickname); if (!isset($user->id)) { //error_log("QVITTER: Could not get user id for user with nickname: $nickname – REQUEST_URI: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { print '<link title="Notice feed for ' . $nickname . ' (Activity Streams JSON)" type="application/stream+json" href="' . $instanceurl . 'api/statuses/user_timeline/' . $user->id . '.as" rel="alternate">' . "\n"; print ' <link title="Notice feed for ' . $nickname . ' (RSS 1.0)" type="application/rdf+xml" href="' . $instanceurl . $nickname . '/rss" rel="alternate">' . "\n"; print ' <link title="Notice feed for ' . $nickname . ' (RSS 2.0)" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . $instanceurl . 'api/statuses/user_timeline/' . $user->id . '.rss" rel="alternate">' . "\n"; print ' <link title="Notice feed for ' . $nickname . ' (Atom)" type="application/atom+xml" href="' . $instanceurl . 'api/statuses/user_timeline/' . $user->id . '.atom" rel="alternate">' . "\n"; print ' <link title="FOAF for ' . $nickname . '" type="application/rdf+xml" href="' . $instanceurl . $nickname . '/foaf" rel="meta">' . "\n"; print ' <link href="' . $instanceurl . $nickname . '/microsummary" rel="microsummary">' . "\n"; // maybe openid if (array_key_exists('OpenID', StatusNet::getActivePlugins())) { print ' <link rel="openid2.provider" href="' . common_local_url('openidserver') . '"/>' . "\n"; print ' <link rel="openid2.local_id" href="' . $user->getProfile()->profileurl . '"/>' . "\n"; print ' <link rel="openid2.server" href="' . common_local_url('openidserver') . '"/>' . "\n"; print ' <link rel="openid2.delegate" href="' . $user->getProfile()->profileurl . '"/>' . "\n"; } } } } elseif (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 7) == '/group/') { $group_id_or_name = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 7); if (stristr($group_id_or_name, '/id')) { $group_id_or_name = substr($group_id_or_name, 0, strpos($group_id_or_name, '/id')); $group = User_group::getKV('id', $group_id_or_name); if ($group instanceof User_group) { $group_name = $group->nickname; $group_id = $group_id_or_name; } } else { $group = Local_group::getKV('nickname', $group_id_or_name); if ($group instanceof Local_group) { $group_id = $group->group_id; $group_name = $group_id_or_name; } } if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\$/", $group_id_or_name) == 1 && isset($group_name) && isset($group_id)) { ?> <link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(common_local_url('ApiTimelineGroup', array('id' => $group_id, 'format' => 'as'))); ?> " type="application/stream+json" title="Notice feed for '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($group_name); ?> ' group (Activity Streams JSON)" /> <link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(common_local_url('grouprss', array('nickname' => $group_name))); ?> " type="application/rdf+xml" title="Notice feed for '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($group_name); ?> ' group (RSS 1.0)" /> <link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(common_local_url('ApiTimelineGroup', array('id' => $group_id, 'format' => 'rss'))); ?> " type="application/rss+xml" title="Notice feed for '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($group_name); ?> ' group (RSS 2.0)" /> <link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(common_local_url('ApiTimelineGroup', array('id' => $group_id, 'format' => 'atom'))); ?> " type="application/atom+xml" title="Notice feed for '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($group_name); ?> ' group (Atom)" /> <link rel="meta" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(common_local_url('foafgroup', array('nickname' => $group_name))); ?> " type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF for '<?php echo htmlspecialchars($group_name); ?> ' group" /> <?php } } // oembed discovery for local notices if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 8) == '/notice/' && $this->arg('notice') && array_key_exists('Oembed', StatusNet::getActivePlugins())) { $notice = Notice::getKV('id', $this->arg('notice')); if ($notice instanceof Notice) { if ($notice->isLocal()) { try { $notice_url = $notice->getUrl(); print '<link title="oEmbed" href="' . common_local_url('apiqvitteroembednotice', array('id' => $notice->id, 'format' => 'json')) . '?url=' . urlencode($notice_url) . '" type="application/json+oembed" rel="alternate">'; print '<link title="oEmbed" href="' . common_local_url('apiqvitteroembednotice', array('id' => $notice->id, 'format' => 'xml')) . '?url=' . urlencode($notice_url) . '" type="application/xml+oembed" rel="alternate">'; } catch (Exception $e) { // } } } } ?> <script> /* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page. Copyright (C) 2015 Hannes Mannerheim and other contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. @licend The above is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page. */ window.usersLanguageCode = <?php print json_encode($user_browser_language); ?> ; window.usersLanguageNameInEnglish = <?php print json_encode(Locale::getDisplayLanguage($user_browser_language, 'en')); ?> ; window.englishLanguageData = <?php print file_get_contents(QVITTERDIR . '/locale/en.json'); ?> ; window.defaultAvatarStreamSize = <?php print json_encode(Avatar::defaultImage(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE)); ?> ; window.defaultAvatarProfileSize = <?php print json_encode(Avatar::defaultImage(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE)); ?> ; window.textLimit = <?php print json_encode((int) common_config('site', 'textlimit')); ?> ; window.registrationsClosed = <?php print json_encode($registrationsclosed); ?> ; window.thisSiteThinksItIsHttpButIsActuallyHttps = <?php // this is due to a crazy setup at, sorry about that $siteSSL = common_config('site', 'ssl'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' && $siteSSL == 'never') { $this_site_thinks_it_is_http_but_is_actually_https = true; print 'true'; } else { $this_site_thinks_it_is_http_but_is_actually_https = false; print 'false'; } ?> ; window.siteTitle = <?php print json_encode($sitetitle); ?> ; window.loggedIn = <?php $logged_in_user_json = json_encode($logged_in_user_obj); $logged_in_user_json = str_replace('http:\\/\\/\\/', 'https:\\/\\/\\/', $logged_in_user_json); print $logged_in_user_json; ?> ; window.timeBetweenPolling = <?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("timebetweenpolling"); ?> ; window.apiRoot = <?php $api_root = common_path("api/", StatusNet::isHTTPS()); if ($this_site_thinks_it_is_http_but_is_actually_https) { $api_root = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $api_root); } print '\'' . $api_root . '\''; ?> ; window.fullUrlToThisQvitterApp = '<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> '; window.siteRootDomain = '<?php print $siterootdomain; ?> '; window.siteInstanceURL = '<?php print $instanceurl; ?> '; window.defaultLinkColor = '<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("defaultlinkcolor"); ?> '; window.defaultBackgroundColor = '<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("defaultbackgroundcolor"); ?> '; window.siteBackground = '<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("sitebackground"); ?> '; window.enableWelcomeText = <?php print json_encode(QvitterPlugin::settings("enablewelcometext")); ?> ; window.customWelcomeText = <?php print json_encode(QvitterPlugin::settings("customwelcometext")); ?> ; window.urlShortenerAPIURL = '<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("urlshortenerapiurl"); ?> '; window.urlShortenerSignature = '<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("urlshortenersignature"); ?> '; window.commonSessionToken = '<?php print common_session_token(); ?> '; window.siteMaxThumbnailSize = <?php print common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize'); ?> ; window.siteAttachmentURLBase = '<?php print $attachmentroot; ?> '; window.siteEmail = '<?php print common_config('site', 'email'); ?> '; window.siteLicenseTitle = '<?php print common_config('license', 'title'); ?> '; window.siteLicenseURL = '<?php print common_config('license', 'url'); ?> '; window.customTermsOfUse = <?php print json_encode(QvitterPlugin::settings("customtermsofuse")); ?> ; window.siteLocalOnlyDefaultPath = <?php print common_config('public', 'localonly') ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> ; <?php // Get all topics in Qvitter's namespace in Profile_prefs if ($logged_in_user) { try { $qvitter_profile_prefs = Profile_prefs::getNamespace(Profile::current(), 'qvitter'); } catch (Exception $e) { $qvitter_profile_prefs = array(); } if (count($qvitter_profile_prefs) > 0) { $topic_data = new stdClass(); foreach ($qvitter_profile_prefs as $pref) { $topic_data->{$pref->topic} = $pref->data; } print 'window.qvitterProfilePrefs = ' . json_encode($topic_data) . ';'; } else { print 'window.qvitterProfilePrefs = false;'; } } ?> // available language files and their last update time window.availableLanguages = {<?php // scan all files in the locale directory and create a json object with their change date added $available_languages = array_diff(scandir(QVITTERDIR . '/locale'), array('..', '.')); foreach ($available_languages as $lankey => $lan) { $lancode = substr($lan, 0, strpos($lan, '.')); // for the paranthesis containing language region to work with rtl in ltr enviroment and vice versa, we add a // special rtl or ltr html char after the paranthesis // this list is incomplete, but if any rtl language gets a regional translation, it will probably be arabic $rtl_or_ltr_special_char = '‎'; $base_lancode = substr($lancode, 0, strpos($lancode, '_')); if ($base_lancode == 'ar' || $base_lancode == 'fa' || $base_lancode == 'he') { $rtl_or_ltr_special_char = '‏'; } // also make an array with all language names, to use for generating menu $languagecodesandnames[$lancode]['english_name'] = Locale::getDisplayLanguage($lancode, 'en'); $languagecodesandnames[$lancode]['name'] = Locale::getDisplayLanguage($lancode, $lancode); if (Locale::getDisplayRegion($lancode, $lancode)) { $languagecodesandnames[$lancode]['name'] .= ' (' . Locale::getDisplayRegion($lancode, $lancode) . ')' . $rtl_or_ltr_special_char; } // ahorita meme only on if ($lancode == 'es_ahorita') { if ($siterootdomain == '') { $languagecodesandnames[$lancode]['name'] = 'español (ahorita)'; } else { unset($available_languages[$lankey]); unset($languagecodesandnames[$lancode]); continue; } } print "\n" . ' "' . $lancode . '": "' . $lan . '?changed=' . date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/locale/' . $lan)) . '",'; } ?> }; </script> <?php // event for other plugins to use to add head elements to qvitter Event::handle('QvitterEndShowHeadElements', array($this)); ?> </head> <body style="background-color:<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("defaultbackgroundcolor"); ?> "> <?php // add an accessibility toggle link to switch to standard UI, if we're logged in if ($logged_in_user) { print '<a id="accessibility-toggle-link" href="#"></a>'; } ?> <input id="upload-image-input" class="upload-image-input" type="file" name="upload-image-input"> <div class="topbar"> <a href="<?php // if we're logged in, the logo links to the home stream // if logged out it links to the site's public stream if ($logged_in_user) { print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user_nickname . '/all'; } else { print $instanceurl . 'main/public'; } ?> "><div id="logo"></div></a><?php // menu for logged in users if ($logged_in_user) { ?> <a id="settingslink"> <div class="dropdown-toggle"> <div class="nav-session" style="background-image:url('<?php print htmlspecialchars($logged_in_user_obj['profile_image_url_profile_size']); ?> ')"></div> </div> </a><?php } ?> <div id="top-compose" class="hidden"></div> <ul class="quitter-settings dropdown-menu"> <li class="dropdown-caret right"> <span class="caret-outer"></span> <span class="caret-inner"></span> </li> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="logout"></a></li> <li class="fullwidth dropdown-divider"></li> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="edit-profile-header-link"></a></li> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="settings" href="<?php print $instanceurl; ?> settings/profile" donthijack></a></li> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="faq-link"></a></li> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="shortcuts-link"></a></li> <?php if (common_config('invite', 'enabled') && !common_config('site', 'closed')) { ?> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="invite-link" href="<?php print $instanceurl; ?> main/invite"></a></li> <?php } ?> <li class="fullwidth"><a id="classic-link"></a></li> <li class="fullwidth language dropdown-divider"></li> <?php // languages foreach ($languagecodesandnames as $lancode => $lan) { print '<li class="language"><a class="language-link" title="' . $lan['english_name'] . '" data-lang-code="' . $lancode . '">' . $lan['name'] . '</a></li>'; } ?> <li class="fullwidth language dropdown-divider"></li> <li class="fullwidth"><a href="" target="_blank" id="add-edit-language-link"></a></li> </ul> <div class="global-nav"> <div class="global-nav-inner"> <div class="container"> <div id="search"> <input type="text" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" name="q" placeholder="Sök" id="search-query" class="search-input"> <span class="search-icon"> <button class="icon nav-search" type="submit" tabindex="-1"> <span> Sök </span> </button> </span> </div> <ul class="language-dropdown"> <li class="dropdown"> <a class="dropdown-toggle"> <small></small> <span class="current-language"></span> <b class="caret"></b> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li class="dropdown-caret right"> <span class="caret-outer"></span> <span class="caret-inner"></span> </li> <?php // languages foreach ($languagecodesandnames as $lancode => $lan) { print '<li><a class="language-link" title="' . $lan['english_name'] . '" data-lang-code="' . $lancode . '">' . $lan['name'] . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="no-js-error">Please enable javascript to use this site.<script>var element = document.getElementById('no-js-error'); element.parentNode.removeChild(element);</script></div> <div id="page-container"> <?php $site_notice = common_config('site', 'notice'); if (!empty($site_notice)) { print '<div id="site-notice">' . common_config('site', 'notice') . '</div>'; } // welcome text, login and register container if logged out if ($logged_in_user === null) { ?> <div class="front-welcome-text <?php if ($registrationsclosed) { print 'registrations-closed'; } ?> "></div> <div id="login-register-container"> <div id="login-content"> <form id="form_login" class="form_settings" action="<?php print common_local_url('qvitterlogin'); ?> " method="post"> <div id="username-container"> <input id="nickname" name="nickname" type="text" value="<?php print $logged_in_user_nickname; ?> " tabindex="1" /> </div> <table class="password-signin"><tbody><tr> <td class="flex-table-primary"> <div class="placeholding-input"> <input id="password" name="password" type="password" tabindex="2" value="" /> </div> </td> <td class="flex-table-secondary"> <button class="submit" type="submit" id="submit-login" tabindex="4"></button> </td> </tr></tbody></table> <div id="remember-forgot"> <input type="checkbox" id="rememberme" name="rememberme" value="yes" tabindex="3" checked="checked"> <span id="rememberme_label"></span> · <a id="forgot-password" href="<?php print $instanceurl; ?> main/recoverpassword" ></a> <input type="hidden" id="token" name="token" value="<?php print common_session_token(); ?> "> <?php if (array_key_exists('OpenID', StatusNet::getActivePlugins())) { print '<a href="' . $instanceurl . 'main/openid" id="openid-login" title="OpenID" donthijack>OpenID</a>'; } ?> </div> </form> </div> <?php if ($registrationsclosed === false && $client_ip_is_blocked === false) { ?> <div class="front-signup"> <h2></h2> <div class="signup-input-container"><input placeholder="" type="text" name="user[name]" autocomplete="off" class="text-input" id="signup-user-name"></div> <div class="signup-input-container"><input placeholder="" type="text" name="user[email]" autocomplete="off" id="signup-user-email"></div> <div class="signup-input-container"><input placeholder="" type="password" name="user[user_password]" class="text-input" id="signup-user-password"></div> <button id="signup-btn-step1" class="signup-btn" type="submit"></button> </div> <div id="other-servers-link"></div><?php } ?> <div id="qvitter-notice-logged-out"><?php print common_config('site', 'qvitternoticeloggedout'); ?> </div> </div><?php } // box containing the logged in users queet count and compose form if ($logged_in_user) { ?> <div id="user-container" style="display:none;"> <div id="user-header" style="background-image:url('<?php print htmlspecialchars($logged_in_user_obj['cover_photo']); ?> ')"> <div id="mini-edit-profile-button"></div> <div class="profile-header-inner-overlay"></div> <div id="user-avatar-container"><img id="user-avatar" src="<?php print htmlspecialchars($logged_in_user_obj['profile_image_url_profile_size']); ?> " /></div> <div id="user-name"><?php print htmlspecialchars($logged_in_user_obj['name']); ?> </div> <div id="user-screen-name"><?php print htmlspecialchars($logged_in_user_obj['screen_name']); ?> </div> </div> <ul id="user-body"> <li><a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> " id="user-queets"><span class="label"></span><strong><?php print $logged_in_user_obj['statuses_count']; ?> </strong></a></li> <li><a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> /subscriptions" id="user-following"><span class="label"></span><strong><?php print $logged_in_user_obj['friends_count']; ?> </strong></a></li> <li><a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> /groups" id="user-groups"><span class="label"></span><strong><?php print $logged_in_user_obj['groups_count']; ?> </strong></a></li> </ul> <div id="user-footer"> <div id="user-footer-inner"> <div id="queet-box" class="queet-box queet-box-syntax" data-start-text=""></div> <div class="syntax-middle"></div> <div class="syntax-two" contenteditable="true"></div> <div class="mentions-suggestions"></div> <div class="queet-toolbar"> <div class="queet-box-extras"> <button class="upload-image"></button> <button class="shorten disabled">URL</button> </div> <div class="queet-button"> <span class="queet-counter"></span> <button></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="main-menu" class="menu-container"><?php if ($logged_in_user) { ?> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> /all" class="stream-selection friends-timeline"><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> /notifications" class="stream-selection notifications"><span id="unseen-notifications"></span><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> /replies" class="stream-selection mentions"><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> " class="stream-selection my-timeline"><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl . $logged_in_user->nickname; ?> /favorites" class="stream-selection favorites"><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl; ?> main/public" class="stream-selection public-timeline"><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <a href="<?php print $instanceurl; ?> main/all" class="stream-selection public-and-external-timeline"><i class="chev-right"></i></a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="menu-container" id="bookmark-container"></div> <div class="menu-container" id="history-container"></div> <div id="clear-history"></div> <div id="qvitter-notice"><?php print common_config('site', 'qvitternotice'); ?> </div> </div><?php } ?> <div id="feed"> <div id="feed-header"> <div id="feed-header-inner"> <h2></h2> <div class="reload-stream"></div> </div> </div> <div id="new-queets-bar-container" class="hidden"><div id="new-queets-bar"></div></div> <div id="feed-body"></div> </div> <div id="hidden-html"><?php // adds temporary support for microformats and linkbacks on the notice page if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 8) == '/notice/' && $this->arg('notice')) { echo '<ol class="notices xoxo">'; if ($notice instanceof Notice) { $widget = new NoticeListItem($notice, $this); $widget->show(); $this->flush(); } echo '</ol>'; } Event::handle('QvitterHiddenHtml', array($this)); ?> </div> <div id="footer"><div id="footer-spinner-container"></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/jquery-2.1.4.min.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/jquery-2.1.4.min.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/jquery-ui.min.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/jquery-ui.min.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/jquery.minicolors.min.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/jquery.minicolors.min.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/jquery.jWindowCrop.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/jquery.jWindowCrop.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/load-image.min.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/load-image.min.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/xregexp-all-3.0.0-pre.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/xregexp-all-3.0.0-pre.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/lz-string.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/lz-string.js')); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/lib/bowser.min.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/lib/bowser.min.js')); ?> "></script> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/dom-functions.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/dom-functions.js')); ?> "></script> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/misc-functions.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/misc-functions.js')); ?> "></script> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/ajax-functions.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/ajax-functions.js')); ?> "></script> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/stream-router.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/stream-router.js')); ?> "></script> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $qvitterpath; ?> js/qvitter.js?changed=<?php print date('YmdHis', filemtime(QVITTERDIR . '/js/qvitter.js')); ?> "></script> <?php // event for other plugins to add scripts to qvitter Event::handle('QvitterEndShowScripts', array($this)); // we might have custom javascript in the config file that we want to add if (QvitterPlugin::settings('js')) { print '<script type="text/javascript">' . QvitterPlugin::settings('js') . '</script>'; } ?> <div id="dynamic-styles"> <style> a, a:visited, a:active, ul.stats li:hover a, ul.stats li:hover a strong, #user-body a:hover div strong, #user-body a:hover div div, .permalink-link:hover, .stream-item.expanded > .queet .stream-item-expand, .stream-item-footer .with-icn .requeet-text a b:hover, .queet-text span.attachment.more, .stream-item-header .created-at a:hover, .stream-item-header a.account-group:hover .name, .queet:hover .stream-item-expand, .show-full-conversation:hover, #new-queets-bar, .menu-container div, .cm-mention, .cm-tag, .cm-group, .cm-url, .cm-email, div.syntax-middle span, #user-body strong, ul.stats, .stream-item:not(.temp-post) ul.queet-actions li .icon:not(.is-mine):hover:before, .show-full-conversation, #user-body #user-queets:hover .label, #user-body #user-groups:hover .label, #user-body #user-following:hover .label, ul.stats a strong, .queet-box-extras button, #openid-login:hover:after, .post-to-group { color:/*COLORSTART*/<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("defaultlinkcolor"); ?> /*COLOREND*/; } #unseen-notifications, .stream-item.notification.not-seen > .queet::before, #top-compose, #logo, .queet-toolbar button, #user-header, .profile-header-inner, .topbar, .menu-container, .member-button.member, .external-follow-button.following, .qvitter-follow-button.following, .save-profile-button, .crop-and-save-button, .topbar, .topbar .global-nav.pulse-logo:before, .dropdown-menu li:not(.dropdown-caret) a:hover { background-color:/*BACKGROUNDCOLORSTART*/<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("defaultlinkcolor"); ?> /*BACKGROUNDCOLOREND*/; } .queet-box-syntax[contenteditable="true"]:focus, .stream-item.selected-by-keyboard::before { border-color:/*BORDERCOLORSTART*/#999999/*BORDERCOLOREND*/; } #user-footer-inner, .inline-reply-queetbox, #popup-faq #faq-container p.indent { background-color:/*LIGHTERBACKGROUNDCOLORSTART*/rgb(205,230,239)/*LIGHTERBACKGROUNDCOLOREND*/; } #user-footer-inner, .queet-box, .queet-box-syntax[contenteditable="true"], .inline-reply-queetbox, span.inline-reply-caret, .stream-item.expanded .stream-item.first-visible-after-parent, #popup-faq #faq-container p.indent, .post-to-group, .quoted-notice:hover, .oembed-item:hover, .stream-item:hover:not(.expanded) .quoted-notice:hover, .stream-item:hover:not(.expanded) .oembed-item:hover { border-color:/*LIGHTERBORDERCOLORSTART*/rgb(155,206,224)/*LIGHTERBORDERCOLOREND*/; } span.inline-reply-caret .caret-inner { border-bottom-color:/*LIGHTERBORDERBOTTOMCOLORSTART*/rgb(205,230,239)/*LIGHTERBORDERBOTTOMCOLOREND*/; } .modal-close .icon, .chev-right, .close-right, button.icon.nav-search, .member-button .join-text i, .external-member-button .join-text i, .external-follow-button .follow-text i, .qvitter-follow-button .follow-text i, #logo, .upload-cover-photo, .upload-avatar, .upload-background-image, button.shorten i, .reload-stream, .topbar .global-nav:before, .stream-item.notification.repeat .dogear, .dogear, .ostatus-link, .close-edit-profile-window { background-image: url("<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("sprite"); ?> "); background-size: 500px 1329px; } @media (max-width: 910px) { #search-query, .menu-container a, .menu-container a.current, .stream-selection.friends-timeline:after, .stream-selection.notifications:after,, .stream-selection.public-timeline:after { background-image: url("<?php print QvitterPlugin::settings("sprite"); ?> "); background-size: 500px 1329px; } } </style> </div> </body> </html> <?php }
function qvitterTwitterUserArray($profile) { $twitter_user = array(); try { $user = $profile->getUser(); } catch (NoSuchUserException $e) { $user = null; } $twitter_user['id'] = intval($profile->id); $twitter_user['name'] = $profile->getBestName(); $twitter_user['screen_name'] = $profile->nickname; $twitter_user['location'] = $profile->location ? $profile->location : null; $twitter_user['description'] = $profile->bio ? $profile->bio : null; // TODO: avatar url template ({x}x{y}) $twitter_user['profile_image_url'] = Avatar::urlByProfile($profile, AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE); $twitter_user['profile_image_url_https'] = $twitter_user['profile_image_url']; // START introduced by qvitter API, not necessary for StatusNet API $twitter_user['profile_image_url_profile_size'] = Avatar::urlByProfile($profile, AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE); try { $avatar = Avatar::getUploaded($profile); $origurl = $avatar->displayUrl(); } catch (Exception $e) { // ugly fix if avatar is missing in the db but exists on the server $largest_avatar = array('name' => false, 'size' => 0); foreach (glob('avatar/' . $profile->id . '-*') as $filename) { $size = filesize($filename); if ($size > $largest_avatar['size']) { $largest_avatar['size'] = $size; $largest_avatar['name'] = $filename; } } if ($largest_avatar['size'] > 0) { $origurl = common_path('', StatusNet::isHTTPS()) . $largest_avatar['name']; } else { $origurl = $twitter_user['profile_image_url_profile_size']; } } $twitter_user['profile_image_url_original'] = $origurl; $twitter_user['groups_count'] = $profile->getGroupCount(); foreach (array('linkcolor', 'backgroundcolor') as $key) { $twitter_user[$key] = Profile_prefs::getConfigData($profile, 'theme', $key); } // END introduced by qvitter API, not necessary for StatusNet API $twitter_user['url'] = $profile->homepage ? $profile->homepage : null; $twitter_user['protected'] = !empty($user) && $user->private_stream ? true : false; $twitter_user['followers_count'] = $profile->subscriberCount(); // Note: some profiles don't have an associated user $twitter_user['friends_count'] = $profile->subscriptionCount(); $twitter_user['created_at'] = ApiAction::dateTwitter($profile->created); $timezone = 'UTC'; if (!empty($user) && $user->timezone) { $timezone = $user->timezone; } $t = new DateTime(); $t->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone)); $twitter_user['utc_offset'] = $t->format('Z'); $twitter_user['time_zone'] = $timezone; $twitter_user['statuses_count'] = $profile->noticeCount(); // Is the requesting user following this user? $twitter_user['following'] = false; $twitter_user['statusnet_blocking'] = false; $logged_in_profile = null; if (common_logged_in()) { $logged_in_profile = Profile::current(); $twitter_user['following'] = $logged_in_profile->isSubscribed($profile); $twitter_user['statusnet_blocking'] = $logged_in_profile->hasBlocked($profile); } // StatusNet-specific $twitter_user['statusnet_profile_url'] = $profile->profileurl; Event::handle('TwitterUserArray', array($profile, &$twitter_user, $logged_in_profile, array())); return $twitter_user; }
/** * output a css link * * @param string $src relative path within the theme directory, or an absolute path * @param string $theme 'theme' that contains the stylesheet * @param string media 'media' attribute of the tag * * @return void */ function cssLink($src, $theme = null, $media = null) { if (Event::handle('StartCssLinkElement', array($this, &$src, &$theme, &$media))) { $url = parse_url($src); if (empty($url['scheme']) && empty($url['host']) && empty($url['query']) && empty($url['fragment'])) { if (file_exists(Theme::file($src, $theme))) { $src = Theme::path($src, $theme); } else { $src = common_path($src, StatusNet::isHTTPS()); } $src .= '?version=' . STATUSNET_VERSION; } $this->element('link', array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => $src, 'media' => $media)); Event::handle('EndCssLinkElement', array($this, $src, $theme, $media)); } }
/** * Build a full URL to the given theme's base directory, possibly * using an offsite theme server path. * * @param string $group configuration section name to pull paths from * @param string $fallbackSubdir default subdirectory under INSTALLDIR * @param string $name theme name * * @return string URL * * @todo consolidate code with that for other customizable paths */ protected function relativeThemePath($group, $fallbackSubdir, $name) { if (StatusNet::isHTTPS()) { $sslserver = common_config($group, 'sslserver'); if (empty($sslserver)) { if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) && mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) { $server = common_config('site', 'sslserver'); } else { if (common_config('site', 'server')) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } } $path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/'; if ($fallbackSubdir) { $path .= $fallbackSubdir . '/'; } } else { $server = $sslserver; $path = common_config($group, 'sslpath'); if (empty($path)) { $path = common_config($group, 'path'); } } $protocol = 'https'; } else { $path = common_config($group, 'path'); if (empty($path)) { $path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/'; if ($fallbackSubdir) { $path .= $fallbackSubdir . '/'; } } $server = common_config($group, 'server'); if (empty($server)) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } $protocol = 'http'; } if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') { $path .= '/'; } if ($path[0] != '/') { $path = '/' . $path; } return $protocol . '://' . $server . $path . $name; }
function onStartAddressData($action) { if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) { $user = User::singleUser(); $url = common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $user->nickname)); } else { if (common_logged_in()) { $cur = common_current_user(); $url = common_local_url('all', array('nickname' => $cur->nickname)); } else { $url = common_local_url('public'); } } $action->elementStart('a', array('class' => 'url home bookmark', 'href' => $url)); if (StatusNet::isHTTPS()) { $logoUrl = common_config('site', 'ssllogo'); if (empty($logoUrl)) { // if logo is an uploaded file, try to fall back to HTTPS file URL $httpUrl = common_config('site', 'logo'); if (!empty($httpUrl)) { $f = File::staticGet('url', $httpUrl); if (!empty($f) && !empty($f->filename)) { // this will handle the HTTPS case $logoUrl = File::url($f->filename); } } } } else { $logoUrl = common_config('site', 'logo'); } if (empty($logoUrl) && file_exists(Theme::file('logo.png'))) { // This should handle the HTTPS case internally $logoUrl = Theme::path('logo.png'); } if (!empty($logoUrl)) { $action->element('img', array('class' => 'logo photo', 'src' => $logoUrl, 'alt' => common_config('site', 'name'))); } $action->text(' '); $action->element('span', array('class' => 'fn org'), common_config('site', 'name')); $action->elementEnd('a'); Event::handle('EndAddressData', array($action)); return false; }
static function url($filename) { if (StatusNet::isHTTPS()) { $sslserver = common_config('background', 'sslserver'); if (empty($sslserver)) { // XXX: this assumes that background dir == site dir + /background/ // not true if there's another server if (is_string(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) && mb_strlen(common_config('site', 'sslserver')) > 0) { $server = common_config('site', 'sslserver'); } else { if (common_config('site', 'server')) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } } $path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/background/'; } else { $server = $sslserver; $path = common_config('background', 'sslpath'); if (empty($path)) { $path = common_config('background', 'path'); } } $protocol = 'https'; } else { $path = common_config('background', 'path'); $server = common_config('background', 'server'); if (empty($server)) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } $protocol = 'http'; } if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') { $path .= '/'; } if ($path[0] != '/') { $path = '/' . $path; } return $protocol . '://' . $server . $path . $filename; }
function main() { // fake HTTP redirects using lighttpd's 404 redirects if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'lighttpd') !== false) { $_lighty_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_lighty_url = @parse_url($_lighty_url); if ($_lighty_url['path'] != '/index.php' && $_lighty_url['path'] != '/') { $_lighty_path = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(common_config('site', 'path')) . '\\//', '', substr($_lighty_url['path'], 1)); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'p=' . $_lighty_path; if (isset($_lighty_url['query']) && $_lighty_url['query'] != '') { $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] .= '&' . $_lighty_url['query']; parse_str($_lighty_url['query'], $_lighty_query); foreach ($_lighty_query as $key => $val) { $_GET[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key] = $val; } } $_GET['p'] = $_REQUEST['p'] = $_lighty_path; } } $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] = preg_replace("/\\?.+\$/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // quick check for fancy URL auto-detection support in installer. if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && preg_replace("/^\\/\$/", "", dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) . '/check-fancy' === $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) { die("Fancy URL support detection succeeded. We suggest you enable this to get fancy (pretty) URLs."); } global $user, $action; Snapshot::check(); if (!_have_config()) { $msg = sprintf(_("No configuration file found. Try running " . "the installation program first.")); $sac = new ServerErrorAction($msg); $sac->showPage(); return; } // Make sure RW database is setup setupRW(); // XXX: we need a little more structure in this script // get and cache current user (may hit RW!) $user = common_current_user(); // initialize language env common_init_language(); $path = getPath($_REQUEST); $r = Router::get(); $args = $r->map($path); if (!$args) { // TRANS: Error message displayed when trying to access a non-existing page. $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown page'), 404); $cac->showPage(); return; } $site_ssl = common_config('site', 'ssl'); // If the request is HTTP and it should be HTTPS... if ($site_ssl != 'never' && !StatusNet::isHTTPS() && common_is_sensitive($args['action'])) { common_redirect(common_local_url($args['action'], $args)); return; } $args = array_merge($args, $_REQUEST); Event::handle('ArgsInitialize', array(&$args)); $action = $args['action']; if (!$action || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/', $action)) { common_redirect(common_local_url('public')); return; } // If the site is private, and they're not on one of the "public" // parts of the site, redirect to login if (!$user && common_config('site', 'private') && !isLoginAction($action) && !preg_match('/rss$/', $action) && $action != 'robotstxt' && !preg_match('/^Api/', $action)) { // set returnto $rargs =& common_copy_args($args); unset($rargs['action']); if (common_config('site', 'fancy')) { unset($rargs['p']); } if (array_key_exists('submit', $rargs)) { unset($rargs['submit']); } foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie) { unset($rargs[$cookie]); } common_set_returnto(common_local_url($action, $rargs)); common_redirect(common_local_url('login')); return; } $action_class = ucfirst($action) . 'Action'; if (!class_exists($action_class)) { // TRANS: Error message displayed when trying to perform an undefined action. $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown action'), 404); $cac->showPage(); } else { $action_obj = new $action_class(); checkMirror($action_obj, $args); try { if ($action_obj->prepare($args)) { $action_obj->handle($args); } } catch (ClientException $cex) { $cac = new ClientErrorAction($cex->getMessage(), $cex->getCode()); $cac->showPage(); } catch (ServerException $sex) { // snort snort guffaw $sac = new ServerErrorAction($sex->getMessage(), $sex->getCode(), $sex); $sac->showPage(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $sac = new ServerErrorAction($ex->getMessage(), 500, $ex); $sac->showPage(); } } }
/** * Handle the request * * @param array $args $_REQUEST data (unused) * * @return void */ protected function handle() { parent::handle(); $noticeurl = common_path('notice/', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); $instanceurl = common_path('', StatusNet::isHTTPS()); // remove protocol for the comparison below $noticeurl_wo_protocol = preg_replace('(^https?://)', '', $noticeurl); $instanceurl_wo_protocol = preg_replace('(^https?://)', '', $instanceurl); $url_wo_protocol = preg_replace('(^https?://)', '', $this->url); // find local notice if (strpos($url_wo_protocol, $noticeurl_wo_protocol) === 0) { $possible_notice_id = str_replace($noticeurl_wo_protocol, '', $url_wo_protocol); if (ctype_digit($possible_notice_id)) { $notice = Notice::getKV('id', $possible_notice_id); } else { $this->clientError("Notice not found.", 404); } } if (!$notice instanceof Notice) { // TRANS: Client error displayed in oEmbed action when notice not found. // TRANS: %s is a notice. $this->clientError(sprintf(_("Notice %s not found."), $this->id), 404); } $profile = $notice->getProfile(); if (!$profile instanceof Profile) { // TRANS: Server error displayed in oEmbed action when notice has not profile. $this->serverError(_('Notice has no profile.'), 500); } $authorname = $profile->getFancyName(); $oembed = array(); $oembed['version'] = '1.0'; $oembed['provider_name'] = common_config('site', 'name'); $oembed['provider_url'] = common_root_url(); $oembed['type'] = 'link'; // TRANS: oEmbed title. %1$s is the author name, %2$s is the creation date. $oembed['title'] = ApiAction::dateTwitter($notice->created) . ' (Qvitter)'; $oembed['author_name'] = $authorname; $oembed['author_url'] = $profile->profileurl; $oembed['url'] = $notice->getUrl(); $oembed['html'] = $notice->getRendered(); // maybe add thumbnail $attachments = $notice->attachments(); if (!empty($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if (is_object($attachment)) { try { $thumb = $attachment->getThumbnail(); } catch (ServerException $e) { // } if (!empty($thumb) && method_exists('File_thumbnail', 'url')) { try { $thumb_url = File_thumbnail::url($thumb->filename); $oembed['thumbnail_url'] = $thumb_url; break; // only first one } catch (ClientException $e) { // } } } } } if ($this->format == 'json') { $this->initDocument('json'); print json_encode($oembed); $this->endDocument('json'); } elseif ($this->format == 'xml') { $this->initDocument('xml'); $this->elementStart('oembed'); foreach (array('version', 'type', 'provider_name', 'provider_url', 'title', 'author_name', 'author_url', 'url', 'html') as $key) { if (isset($oembed[$key]) && $oembed[$key] != '') { $this->element($key, null, $oembed[$key]); } } $this->elementEnd('oembed'); $this->endDocument('xml'); } else { $this->serverError(sprintf(_('Format %s not supported.'), $this->format), 501); } }
static function staticPath($plugin, $relative) { $isHTTPS = StatusNet::isHTTPS(); if ($isHTTPS) { $server = common_config('plugins', 'sslserver'); } else { $server = common_config('plugins', 'server'); } if (empty($server)) { if ($isHTTPS) { $server = common_config('site', 'sslserver'); } if (empty($server)) { $server = common_config('site', 'server'); } } if ($isHTTPS) { $path = common_config('plugins', 'sslpath'); } else { $path = common_config('plugins', 'path'); } if (empty($path)) { // XXX: extra stat(). if (@file_exists(INSTALLDIR . '/local/plugins/' . $plugin . '/' . $relative)) { $path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/local/plugins/'; } else { $path = common_config('site', 'path') . '/plugins/'; } } if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') { $path .= '/'; } if ($path[0] != '/') { $path = '/' . $path; } $protocol = $isHTTPS ? 'https' : 'http'; return $protocol . '://' . $server . $path . $plugin . '/' . $relative; }
/** * Hook for adding extra JavaScript * * This makes sure our scripts get loaded for map-related pages * * @param Action $action Action object for the page * * @return boolean event handler return */ function onEndShowScripts($action) { $actionName = $action->trimmed('action'); if (!in_array($actionName, array('showstream', 'all', 'usermap', 'allmap'))) { return true; } switch ($this->provider) { case 'cloudmade': $action->script(''); break; case 'google': $action->script(sprintf('', urlencode($this->apikey))); break; case 'microsoft': $action->script((StatusNet::isHTTPS() ? 'https' : 'http') + '://'); break; case 'openlayers': // Use our included stripped & minified OpenLayers. $action->script($this->path('OpenLayers/OpenLayers.js')); break; case 'yahoo': $action->script(sprintf('', urlencode($this->apikey))); break; case 'geocommons': // don't support this yet // don't support this yet default: return true; } if ($this->provider == 'openlayers') { // We have an optimized path for our default case. // // Note that OpenLayers.js needs to be separate, or it won't // be able to find its UI images and styles. $action->script($this->path('usermap-mxn-openlayers.min.js')); } else { $action->script(sprintf('%s?(%s)', $this->path('js/mxn.js'), $this->provider)); $action->script($this->path('usermap.js')); } $action->inlineScript(sprintf('var _provider = "%s";', $this->provider)); // usermap and allmap handle this themselves if (in_array($actionName, array('showstream', 'all'))) { $action->inlineScript('$(document).ready(function() { ' . ' var user = null; ' . ($actionName == 'showstream' ? ' user = scrapeUser(); ' : '') . ' var notices = scrapeNotices(user); ' . ' var canvas = $("#map_canvas")[0]; ' . ' if (typeof(canvas) != "undefined") { showMapstraction(canvas, notices); } ' . '});'); } return true; }