public function actionIndex() { $this->pageName = Yii::t('StatsModule.default', 'MODULE_NAME'); $this->breadcrumbs = array(Yii::t('StatsModule.default', 'MODULE_NAME') => array('/admin/shop'), $this->pageName); $result = array(); $stats = Yii::app()->stats; $s = $stats->initRun(); foreach (StatsMainh::model()->findAll(array('order' => '`t`.`i` ASC')) as $rw) { $dt_i = $rwz["dt"][] = $rw->dt; $rwz["cnt1"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt1; $rwz["cnt2"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt2; $rwz["cnt3"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt3; $rwz["cnt4"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt4; $rwz["cnt5"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt5; } foreach (StatsMainp::model()->findAll() as $rww) { $dt_i = $rww["dt"] . $rww->god; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt1"] = $rww->cnt1; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt2"] = $rww->cnt2; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt3"] = $rww->cnt3; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt4"] = $rww->cnt4; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt5"] = $rww->cnt5; } $c = 0; $all_uniqs = 0; $all_hits = 0; $all_se = 0; $all_other = 0; $all_fix = 0; $sdate = 0; $r = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(); $r->selectDistinct('day, dt'); $r->from('cms_surf'); $r->order('i DESC'); $res = $r->queryRow(false); //$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT day,dt from cms_surf ORDER BY i"; //$cmd = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow(); //unset($res[count($res)-1]); $fdate = date('Ymd'); foreach ($r->queryAll() as $dtm) { if (substr($sdate, 4, 2) != substr($dtm['dt'], 4, 2) and $sdate != 0) { $c++; } $sdate = $dtm['dt']; if ($dtm['dt'] != $fdate and !empty($rwz["cnt2"][$dtm['dt']])) { $m_uniqs[$dtm['dt']] = $rwz["cnt1"][$dtm['dt']]; $m_hits[$dtm['dt']] = $rwz["cnt2"][$dtm['dt']]; } else { //die(print_r($this->c_uniqs_hits($dtm[1]['dt']))); list($m_uniqs[$dtm['dt']], $m_hits[$dtm['dt']]) = $stats->countVisits($dtm['dt']); } } $sdate = $res['dt']; $i = 0; //mysql_data_seek($r, 0); $max_hits = max($m_hits); foreach ($r->queryAll() as $row) { $dt = $row['dt']; if ($dt != $fdate and isset($rwz["cnt3"][$dt])) { $m_se[$dt] = $rwz["cnt3"][$dt]; $m_other[$dt] = $rwz["cnt4"][$dt]; $m_fix[$dt] = $rwz["cnt5"][$dt]; } else { $m_se[$dt] = $stats->countSearchEngine($dt); $m_other[$dt] = $stats->countOther($dt); if ($stats->fx) { $m_fix[$dt] = $stats->countFix($dt); } else { $m_fix[$dt] = 0; } //if (isset($rwz)) { if ($dt != $fdate and !in_array($dt, $rwz["dt"])) { // die('save'); $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO cms_mainh(dt,cnt1,cnt2,cnt3,cnt4,cnt5) VALUES('" . $dt . "','" . $m_uniqs[$dt] . "','" . $m_hits[$dt] . "','" . $m_se[$dt] . "','" . $m_other[$dt] . "','" . $m_fix[$dt] . "')"; Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql_insert)->execute(); $sql_del = "DELETE me FROM cms_mainh as me, cms_mainh as clone WHERE me.dt = clone.dt AND me.i > clone.i"; Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql_del)->execute(); //mysql_query("INSERT INTO mainh(dt,cnt1,cnt2,cnt3,cnt4,cnt5) VALUES('" . $dt . "','" . $m_uniqs[$dt] . "','" . $m_hits[$dt] . "','" . $m_se[$dt] . "','" . $m_other[$dt] . "','" . $m_fix[$dt] . "')"); //mysql_query("DELETE me FROM mainh as me, mainh as clone WHERE me.dt = clone.dt AND me.i > clone.i"); } // } } if ($m_uniqs[$dt] == $m_hits[$dt]) { $graphic = "<img src=/stats/pxu.gif width=" . ceil(372 * $m_uniqs[$dt] / $max_hits) . " height=11 border=0>"; } else { $graphic = "<img src=/stats/pxu.gif width=" . round(372 * $m_uniqs[$dt] / $max_hits) . " height=11 border=0><img src=/stats/pxh.gif width=" . (ceil(372 * $m_hits[$dt] / $max_hits) - ceil(372 * $m_uniqs[$dt] / $max_hits) - 1) . " height=11 border=0>"; } $result[] = array('date' => StatsHelper::$DAY[$row['day']] . StatsHelper::dtconv($dt), 'graphic' => $graphic, 'hosts' => Html::link($m_uniqs[$dt], '/admin/stats/detail/hosts/?date=' . $dt), 'hits' => Html::link($m_hits[$dt], '/admin/stats/detail/hits/?date=' . $dt), 'search' => Html::link($m_se[$dt], '/admin/stats/detail/search/?date=' . $dt), 'sites' => Html::link($m_other[$dt], '/admin/stats/detail/other/?date=' . $dt)); } $dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($result, array('sort' => array('attributes' => array('date' => array('asc' => 'date DESC', 'desc' => 'date ASC'))), 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 10))); $this->render('index', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider)); }
public function getToday() { foreach (StatsMainh::model()->findAll() as $rw) { $dt_i = $rwz["dt"][] = $rw->dt; $rwz["cnt1"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt1; $rwz["cnt2"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt2; $rwz["cnt3"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt3; $rwz["cnt4"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt4; $rwz["cnt5"][$dt_i] = $rw->cnt5; } foreach (StatsMainp::model()->findAll() as $rww) { $dt_i = $rww["dt"] . $rww->god; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt1"] = $rww->cnt1; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt2"] = $rww->cnt2; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt3"] = $rww->cnt3; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt4"] = $rww->cnt4; $rwzz[$dt_i]["cnt5"] = $rww->cnt5; } list($s_date, $f_date) = str_replace("+", "", array('13.03.2015', '15.03.2015')); $sdate = StatsHelper::dtconv2(trim($s_date)); $fdate = StatsHelper::dtconv2(trim($f_date)); /* if ($robots = file(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/robots.dat")) { $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($robots); $i++) $robots[$i] = iconv("CP1251", "UTF-8", $robots[$i]); foreach ($robots as $val) { list($rb1, $rb2) = explode("|", $val); $rb2 = trim($rb2); $this->rbd[$i++] = rtrim($rb1); if (!empty($rb2)) $rbdn[$rb2][] = rtrim($rb1); $robo[] = $rb2; } } if ($hosts = file(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/hosts.dat")) { $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($hosts); $i++) $hosts[$i] = iconv("CP1251", "UTF-8", $hosts[$i]); foreach ($hosts as $val) { list($hb1, $hb2) = explode("|", $val); $hb2 = trim($hb2); $hbd[$i++] = rtrim($hb1); if (!empty($hb2)) $hbdn[$hb2][] = rtrim($hb1); $robo[] = $hb2; } } $this->robo = array_unique($robo); */ $iniRun = $this->initRun(); $this->rbd = $iniRun['rbd']; $hbd = $iniRun['hbd']; foreach ($this->rbd as $val) { $zp .= " LOWER(user) NOT LIKE '%" . mb_strtolower($val) . "%' AND"; } if (filesize(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/hosts.dat")) { foreach ($hbd as $val) { $zp .= " LOWER(host) NOT LIKE '%" . mb_strtolower($val) . "%' AND"; } } $zp .= " LOWER(user) NOT LIKE '' AND"; if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/skip.dat")) { if ($skip = file(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/skip.dat")) { foreach ($skip as $vl) { list($s1, $s2) = explode("|", $vl); $zp2 .= " {$s1} NOT LIKE '%" . rtrim($s2) . "%' AND"; } } } $zp .= $zp2; $this->_zp = substr($zp, 0, -4); if ($se_m = file(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/se.dat")) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($se_m); $i++) { $se_m[$i] = iconv("CP1251", "UTF-8", $se_m[$i]); } foreach ($se_m as $vl) { list($s1, $s2, $s3) = explode("|", $vl); $se_n[$s1] = rtrim($s3); $se_nn[$s1] = $s2; } } if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/fix.dat")) { if ($fx_m = file(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.stats') . "/fix.dat")) { $this->_zfx = ""; $pf = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($fx_m); $i++) { $fx_m[$i] = iconv("CP1251", "UTF-8", $fx_m[$i]); } foreach ($fx_m as $vl) { list($s1, $s2, $s3) = explode("|", $vl); $this->_zfx .= $pf . "LOWER(" . $s1 . ") LIKE '%" . mb_strtolower($s2) . "%'"; $pf = " OR "; $s3 = rtrim($s3); if (!empty($s3)) { $fxn[$s3][] = $s1 . "|" . $s2; } $fxo[] = $s3; } } } foreach ($se_nn as $val) { $this->_cse_m .= " OR LOWER(refer) LIKE '%{$val}%'"; $this->_cot_m .= " AND LOWER(refer) NOT LIKE '%{$val}%'"; } $c = 0; $sdate = 0; $all_uniqs = 0; $all_hits = 0; $all_se = 0; $all_other = 0; $all_fix = 0; // $r = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(); // $r->selectDistinct('day, dt'); // $r->from('cms_surf'); // $r->order('i'); $i = 0; //$res1 = $r->queryRow(); // $fdate = $res1['dt']; $visits = $this->visits(date('Ymd')); $system = $this->visitSystem(date('Ymd')); return array('hosts' => $visits['hosts'], 'hits' => $visits['hits'], 'search' => $system['search'], 'sites' => $system['sites']); }