Exemple #1
function PN_Visitor_Default()
    global $pluginMenuURL, $pluginHandlerURL;
    $blogid = getBlogId();
    $stats = Statistics::getStatistics($blogid);
    $date = isset($_GET['date']) ? $_GET['date'] : date('Ym', strtotime("now"));
<!-- This tab space below this line is inserted for the indentation of original admin page -->
						<script type="text/javascript">
    if (Acl::check('group.owners')) {
								function setTotalStatistics() {
									if (confirm("방문자의 수를 초기화하면 방문객의 수가 0이 됩니다.\n정말 초기화하시겠습니까?")) {
										var request = new HTTPRequest("GET", "<?php 
        echo $pluginHandlerURL;
										request.onSuccess = function() {
											//document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = 0;
											window.location = '<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
											return true;
										request.onError = function() {
											alert("저장하지 못했습니다.");
											return false;
								function addCommas(nStr) {
									nStr += '';
									x = nStr.split('.');
									x1 = x[0];
									x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
									var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
									while (rgx.test(x1)) {
										x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
									return x1 + x2;
								window.addEventListener("load", execLoadFunction, false);
								function execLoadFunction() {
									tempDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
									tempDiv.style.clear = "both";
					 	<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $pluginHandlerURL;
					 		<div id="part-statistics-visitor" class="part">
					 			<h2 class="caption"><span class="main-text">방문자 통계정보를 보여줍니다</span></h2>
						 		<div id="statistics-counter-inbox" class="data-inbox">
									<div class="title">
										<span class="label"><span class="text">현재까지의 방문자 수</span></span>
										<span class="divider"> : </span>
										<span id="total"><?php 
    echo number_format($stats['total']);
    if (Acl::check('group.owners')) {
									<a class="init-button button" href="<?php 
        echo $pluginHandlerURL;
/PN_Visitor_Default_set" onclick="setTotalStatistics(); return false;"><span class="text">초기화</span></a>
								<hr class="hidden" />
								<table id="statistics-month-inbox" class="data-inbox" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
											<th colspan="2"><span class="text">월별 방문자 수</span></th>
    $temp = Statistics::getMonthlyStatistics($blogid);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp); $i++) {
        $record = $temp[$i];
        $className = $i % 2 == 1 ? 'even-line' : 'odd-line';
        $className .= $i == sizeof($temp) - 1 ? ' last-line' : '';
										<tr class="<?php 
        echo $className;
 inactive-class" onmouseover="rolloverClass(this, 'over')" onmouseout="rolloverClass(this, 'out')" onclick="window.location.href='<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
        echo $record['datemark'];
											<td class="date"><a href="<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
        echo $record['datemark'];
        echo Timestamp::formatDate2(Utils_Misc::getTimeFromPeriod($record['datemark']));
											<td class="count"><a href="<?php 
        echo $pluginMenuURL;
        echo $record['datemark'];
        echo $record['visits'];
								<hr class="hidden" />
								<table id="statistics-day-inbox" class="data-inbox" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
											<th colspan="2"><span class="text">일별 방문자 수</span></th>
    if (isset($date)) {
        $temp = Statistics::getDailyStatistics($date);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp); $i++) {
            $record = $temp[$i];
            $className = $i % 2 == 1 ? 'even-line' : 'odd-line';
            $className .= $i == sizeof($temp) - 1 ? ' last-line' : '';
										<tr class="<?php 
            echo $className;
											<td class="date"><?php 
            echo Timestamp::formatDate(Utils_Misc::getTimeFromPeriod($record['datemark']));
											<td class="count"><?php 
            echo $record['visits'];
function getDailyStatistics($period)
    return Statistics::getDailyStatistics($period);