Exemple #1
$bible = Access_Bible::clamp($database_config_user->getBible());
$month = $database_config_user->getSprintMonth();
$year = $database_config_user->getSprintYear();
$header = new Assets_Header(Locale_Translate::_("Sprint"));
$view = new Assets_View(__FILE__);
@($title = $_POST['add']);
if (isset($title)) {
    $database_sprint->storeTask($bible, $year, $month, $title);
    $view->view->success = Locale_Translate::_("New task added");
    // Focus the entry for adding tasks only in case a new task was added.
@($mail = $_GET['mail']);
if (isset($mail)) {
    Sprint_Logic::burndown($bible, true);
    $view->view->success = Locale_Translate::_("The information was mailed to the subscribers");
    // Give the burndown logic time to update the sprint history,
    // so the page will display the updated burndown chart.
@($bible = $_GET['bible']);
if (isset($bible)) {
    if ($bible == "") {
        $dialog_list = new Dialog_List2(Locale_Translate::_("Select which Bible to display the Sprint for"));
        $bibles = Access_Bible::bibles();
        foreach ($bibles as $bible) {
            // Select from Bibles the user has write access to.
            if (Access_Bible::write($bible)) {
                $dialog_list->add_row($bible, "&bible={$bible}");
Exemple #2
if (!$client) {
    if ($hour == 0 && $minute == 30) {
// Database maintenance and trimming.
// It takes a few minutes on a production machine.
if ($hour == 0 && $minute == 50) {
    Tasks_Logic::queue(Tasks_Logic::PHP, array(__DIR__ . "/database.php"));
// Sprint burndown.
// It runs every hour.
// The script itself determines what to do at which hour of the day or day of the week or day of the month.
if (!$client) {
    if ($minute == 5) {
        Sprint_Logic::burndown("", false);
// A flag is set upon installation, so it (re-)generates the stylesheets once.
$create_css_flag = "../dyncss/create_css.txt";
if (file_exists($create_css_flag)) {
// Export the Bibles to the various output formats.
// This may take an hour on a production machine.
if ($hour == 1 && $minute == 10) {
// Re-index Bible and notes.
if ($hour == 2 && $minute == 0) {