Exemple #1
  * Fetches locale for a certain language application combo
  * @param  string $language
  * @param  string $application
  * @return array
 protected function getLocale($language, $application)
     return (array) $this->database->getRecords('SELECT type, module, name, value
          FROM locale
          WHERE language = ? AND application = ?
          ORDER BY type ASC, name ASC, module ASC', array($language, $application));
Exemple #2
     * Build the language files
     * @return	void
     * @param	SpoonDatabase $db		The database connection instance.
     * @param	string $language		The language to build the locale-file for.
     * @param	string $application		The application to build the locale-file for.
    public function buildCache(SpoonDatabase $db, $language, $application)
        // get types
        $types = $db->getEnumValues('locale', 'type');
        // get locale for backend
        $locale = (array) $db->getRecords('SELECT type, module, name, value
											FROM locale
											WHERE language = ? AND application = ?
											ORDER BY type ASC, name ASC, module ASC', array((string) $language, (string) $application));
        // start generating PHP
        $value = '<?php' . "\n";
        $value .= '/**' . "\n";
        $value .= ' *' . "\n";
        $value .= ' * This file is generated by the Installer, it contains' . "\n";
        $value .= ' * more information about the locale. Do NOT edit.' . "\n";
        $value .= ' * ' . "\n";
        $value .= ' * @author		Installer' . "\n";
        $value .= ' * @generated	' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
        $value .= ' */' . "\n";
        $value .= "\n";
        // loop types
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            // default module
            $modules = array('core');
            // continue output
            $value .= "\n";
            $value .= '// init var' . "\n";
            $value .= '$' . $type . ' = array();' . "\n";
            $value .= '$' . $type . '[\'core\'] = array();' . "\n";
            // loop locale
            foreach ($locale as $i => $item) {
                // types match
                if ($item['type'] == $type) {
                    // new module
                    if (!in_array($item['module'], $modules)) {
                        $value .= '$' . $type . '[\'' . $item['module'] . '\'] = array();' . "\n";
                        $modules[] = $item['module'];
                    // parse
                    if ($application == 'backend') {
                        $value .= '$' . $type . '[\'' . $item['module'] . '\'][\'' . $item['name'] . '\'] = \'' . str_replace('\\"', '"', addslashes($item['value'])) . '\';' . "\n";
                    } else {
                        $value .= '$' . $type . '[\'' . $item['name'] . '\'] = \'' . str_replace('\\"', '"', addslashes($item['value'])) . '\';' . "\n";
                    // unset
        // close php
        $value .= "\n";
        $value .= '?>';
        // store
        SpoonFile::setContent(PATH_WWW . '/' . $application . '/cache/locale/' . $language . '.php', $value);
  * Fetch the data as an array.
  * @return	array
  * @param	int[optional] $offset		The offset to start from.
  * @param	int[optional] $limit		The maximum number of items to retrieve.
  * @param	string[optional] $order		The column to order on.
  * @param	string[optional] $sort		The sorting method.
 public function getData($offset = null, $limit = null, $order = null, $sort = null)
     // fetch query
     $query = $this->query;
     // order & sort defined
     if ($order !== null && $sort !== null) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order . ' ' . $sort;
     // offset & limit defined
     if ($offset !== null && $limit !== null) {
         $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $limit;
     // fetch data
     return (array) $this->db->getRecords($query, $this->queryParameters);
Exemple #4
  * Fetch the data as an array.
  * @return	array
  * @param	int[optional] $offset
  * @param	int[optional] $limit
  * @param	string[optional] $order
  * @param	string[optional] $sort
 public function getData($offset = null, $limit = null, $order = null, $sort = null)
     // fetch query
     $query = $this->query;
     // order & sort defined
     if ($order !== null && $sort !== null) {
         $query .= " ORDER BY {$order} {$sort}";
     // offset & limit defined
     if ($offset !== null && $limit !== null) {
         $query .= " LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
     // fetch data
     return (array) $this->db->getRecords($query, $this->queryParameters);
Exemple #5
  * Returns an array containing all widgets
  * @return string
 protected function getSitemapId()
     if (empty($this->sitemapId)) {
         $widgets = (array) $this->database->getRecords('SELECT i.id, i.module, i.action
              FROM modules_extras AS i
              WHERE i.type = ? AND i.hidden = ?', array('widget', 'N'), 'id');
         // search sitemap
         foreach ($widgets as $id => $row) {
             if ($row['action'] == 'Sitemap') {
                 $this->sitemapId = $id;
     return $this->sitemapId;
Exemple #6
 public function index()
     include __DIR__ . "/../../../../clientManager_new/cm_includes/spoon/spoon.php";
     $mysql = new SpoonDatabase("mysql", "localhost", "root", "", "clienthub");
     $source = $mysql->getRecords("SELECT * FROM profiles");
     /*for($i=1; $i<=1683; $i++){
     			$gravatar = null;
     				$gravatar = $source[$i-1]['photo'].".".$source[$i-1]['photoext'];
     			$this->db->insert('clients', array('name' => $source[$i-1]['name'], "gravatar" => $gravatar, "status" => ($source[$i-1]['status'] == "trash" ? "trash" : "active")));
     foreach ($source as $num => $row) {
         $data = array('id' => $row["id"], 'file' => $row["file"], 'case' => $row["case"], 'ic' => $row["ic"], 'sex' => $row["gender"] == null ? null : ($row["gender"] == "male" ? "男" : "女"), 'placeofbirth' => $row["placeofbirth"], 'education' => $row["education"], 'language' => $row["language"], 'race' => $row["race"], 'faith' => $row["faith"], 'maritalstatus' => $row["maritalstatus"] == "Married" ? "已婚" : ($row["maritalstatus"] == "Singer" ? "单身" : "不详"), 'nationality' => $row["nationality"], 'profession' => $row["profession"], 'address' => $row["address"], 'epf' => $row["epf"], 'banker' => $row["banker"], 'contactno' => $row["contactno"], 'email' => $row["email"], 'platesno' => $row["platesno"], 'asset' => $row["assets"], 'height' => $row["height"], 'weight' => $row["weight"], 'blood' => $row["blood"], 'eye' => $row["eye"], 'hair' => $row["hair"], 'skin' => $row["skin"], 'dna' => $row["dna"], 'case' => $row["casereport"], 'family' => $row["family"], 'company' => implode(" ", explode(", ", $row["company"])), 'remarks' => $row["remarks"]);
         $this->db->insert('clientsdata', $data);
// set include path
ini_set("include_path", ".:../library/");
// required classes
require_once 'spoon/spoon.php';
require_once 'publicApp/publicApp.php';
$tpl = new SpoonTemplate();
// do I know you?
if (SpoonSession::exists('public_uid')) {
    $tpl->assign('oLogout', true);
    $tpl->assign('oNavMe', true);
    $uid = SpoonSession::get('public_uid');
    $db = new SpoonDatabase('mysql', 'localhost', 'xqdchsmn_public', 'pRAcHU8Ajath7qa3', 'xqdchsmn_public');
    $checkins = $db->getRecords('SELECT * FROM checkins WHERE user_id = ?', $uid);
    $user = new User($uid);
    $tpl->assign('daysActive', 'NOT ENOUGH DATA');
    $tpl->assign('checkins', count($checkins));
    $tpl->assign('avgDrinks', 'NOT ENOUGH DATA');
    $tpl->assign('avgDay', 'NOT ENOUGH DATA');
    $tpl->assign('topFriends', 'NOT ENOUGH DATA');
    if ($user->GetTopPubs(5) !== null) {
        $tpl->assign('oTopPubs', true);
        $tpl->assign('iTopPubs', $user->GetTopPubs(5));
    } else {
        $tpl->assign('oNoTopPubs', true);
} else {
  * @depends testExecute
 public function testGetRecords()
     $this->assertEquals(100, count($this->db->getRecords('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id != ? LIMIT 100', 1337)));
     $this->assertEquals(100, count($this->db->getRecords('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id != :id LIMIT 100', array(':id' => 1337))));
Exemple #9
        header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . '/login.php');
//loading mysql system
$mysql = new SpoonDatabase('mysql', MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_UN, MYSQL_PW, MYSQL_DB);
if (defined('LOAD_TEMPLATE')) {
    //loading template system
    $tpl = new SpoonTemplate();
    $tpl->assign('title', SITE_TITLE);
    $tpl->assign('base_url', BASE_URL);
    $tpl->assign('css_path', BASE_URL . '/' . CONTENTS_PATH . '/css/style.css');
    $tpl->assign('jquery_path', BASE_URL . '/' . CONTENTS_PATH . '/js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js');
    $tpl->assign('profiles_total', count($mysql->getRecords('SELECT `id` FROM `profiles` WHERE `status` !=  \'trash\'')));
    $tpl->assign('expired', round(($_SESSION['expired'] - time()) / 60, 1));
    //expired time in minutes
    $tpl->assign('adminname', md5(ADMINNAME));
    $tpl->assign('adminpw', md5(ADMINPASSWORD));
if (defined('IN_LOGIN')) {
    $tpl->assign('login', true);
if (defined('LOAD_TEMPLATE') && defined('LOAD_HEADER')) {
    $tpl->display(ROOT_PATH . '/' . TEMPLATE_PATH . '/header.tpl.php');
function setMulAttributes(&$frm, array $id, $key, $value, $type = 'Text')
    $function = "add" . $type;
    foreach ($id as $element) {