private function find_routes($org, $dest, &$flights) { $result = array(); $queue = new SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($flights as $flight) { if ($flight['org_id'] == $org) { $route = new Route($this->route_opts); $num_seats = Flight::get_open_seats_on_flight($flight['flight_id'], $this->user); $route->add_flight($flight, $num_seats); $queue->insert($route, $route->get_joy()); } } //BFS to find all routes that take < 10 hours $count = 0; while ($queue->count() > 0 && $count < $this->opts['max_results']) { $cur_route = $queue->extract(); if ($cur_route->get_dest() == $dest) { $result[] = $cur_route; $count++; continue; } foreach ($flights as $flight) { if (!array_key_exists($flight['dest_id'], $cur_route->visited) && $flight['org_id'] == $cur_route->get_dest() && $flight['e_depart_time'] > 30 * 60 + $cur_route->get_arrival_time()) { $new_route = $cur_route->copy(); $num_seats = Flight::get_open_seats_on_flight($flight['flight_id'], $this->user); $new_route->add_flight($flight, $num_seats); if ($new_route->get_trip_time() < 24 * 60 * 60 && $new_route->seats >= $this->opts['passengers']) { $queue->insert($new_route, $new_route->get_joy()); } } } } return $result; }
private function find_routes($org, $dest, &$flights) { $result = array(); $queue = new SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($flights as $flight) { if ($flight['org_id'] == $org) { $route = new Route($this->route_opts); $route->add_flight($flight); array_push($this->id, $flight['flight_id']); $queue->insert($route, $route->get_joy()); } } //BFS to find all routes that take < 10 hours $count = 0; while ($queue->count() > 0 && $count < $this->opts['max_results']) { $cur_route = $queue->extract(); if ($cur_route->get_dest() == $dest) { $result[] = $cur_route; $count++; continue; } foreach ($flights as $flight) { if ($flight['org_id'] == $cur_route->get_dest() && $flight['e_depart_time'] > 30 * 60 + $cur_route->get_arrival_time()) { $new_route = $cur_route->copy(); $new_route->add_flight($flight); array_push($this->id, $flight['flight_id']); if ($new_route->get_trip_time() < 24 * 60 * 60) { $queue->insert($new_route, $new_route->get_joy()); } } } } return $result; }
protected function loadConfiguration() { $sources = new \SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($this->getKomponents() as $komponent) { foreach ($komponent->getConfigurationSources($this->getContextName()) as $source) { $sources->insert($source, $source->getPriority()); } } $cfg = new TestConfigLoader(); $this->testLoader->loadConfigurationSources($cfg); foreach ($this->testLoader->findRules() as $rule) { $rule->loadConfigurationSources($cfg); } foreach ($cfg as $source) { $sources->insert($source, $source->getPriority()); } $loader = new ConfigurationLoader(); $loader->registerLoader(new PhpConfigurationLoader()); $loader->registerLoader(new YamlConfigurationLoader()); $config = new Configuration(); $params = $this->getContainerParams(); foreach ($sources as $source) { $config = $config->mergeWith($source->loadConfiguration($loader, $params)); } foreach ($this->testLoader->findRules() as $rule) { $config = $config->mergeWith($rule->loadConfiguration()); } return $config->mergeWith($this->testLoader->loadConfiguration()); }
public function execute() { // Get the document object. $document = $this->getApplication()->getDocument(); $viewFormat = $this->getInput()->getWord('format', 'html'); $viewName = $this->getInput()->getWord('view', 'dashboard'); $layoutName = $this->getInput()->getWord('layout', 'default'); $this->getInput()->set('view', $viewName); // Register the layout paths for the view $paths = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $themeOverride = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $this->getApplication()->get('theme') . '/html/' . strtolower($viewName); if (is_dir($themeOverride)) { $paths->insert($themeOverride, 'normal'); } $paths->insert(JPATH_COBALT . '/View/' . ucfirst($viewName) . '/tmpl', 'normal'); $viewClass = 'Cobalt\\View\\' . ucfirst($viewName) . '\\' . ucfirst($viewFormat); $modelClass = ucfirst($viewName); if (class_exists('Cobalt\\Model\\' . $modelClass) === false) { $modelClass = 'DefaultModel'; } $model = $this->getModel($modelClass); /** @var $view \Joomla\View\AbstractHtmlView **/ $view = new $viewClass($model, $paths); $view->setLayout($layoutName); $view->document = $document; // Render our view. echo $view->render(); return true; }
/** * Add a step to the current workflow * * @param Step $step * @param integer|null $priority * * @return $this */ public function addStep(Step $step, $priority = null) { $priority = null === $priority && $step instanceof PriorityStep ? $step->getPriority() : $priority; $priority = null === $priority ? 0 : $priority; $this->steps->insert($step, $priority); return $this; }
function encode($symb2freq) { $heap = new SplPriorityQueue(); // Instancia fila de prioridades utilizando max heap. $heap->setExtractFlags(SplPriorityQueue::EXTR_BOTH); // define o modo de extração no caso extrai array com a prioridade foreach ($symb2freq as $sym => $wt) { $heap->insert(array($sym => ''), -$wt); } while ($heap->count() > 1) { $lo = $heap->extract(); // extraio o minimo $hi = $heap->extract(); // extraio o minimo foreach ($lo['data'] as &$x) { $x = '0' . $x; } foreach ($hi['data'] as &$x) { $x = '1' . $x; } $heap->insert($lo['data'] + $hi['data'], $lo['priority'] + $hi['priority']); } $result = $heap->extract(); return $result['data']; }
public static function getView($viewName, $layoutName = 'default', $viewFormat = 'html', $vars = null) { // Get the application $app = \Cobalt\Container::fetch('app'); $document = $app->getDocument(); $app->input->set('view', $viewName); // Register the layout paths for the view $paths = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $themeOverride = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $app->get('theme') . '/html/' . strtolower($viewName); if (is_dir($themeOverride)) { $paths->insert($themeOverride, 'normal'); } $paths->insert(JPATH_COBALT . '/View/' . ucfirst($viewName) . '/tmpl', 'normal'); $viewClass = 'Cobalt\\View\\' . ucfirst($viewName) . '\\' . ucfirst($viewFormat); $modelClass = ucfirst($viewName); if (class_exists('Cobalt\\Model\\' . $modelClass) === false) { $modelClass = 'DefaultModel'; } $model = self::getModel($modelClass); /** @var $view \Joomla\View\AbstractHtmlView **/ $view = new $viewClass($model, $paths); $view->setLayout($layoutName); $view->document = $document; if (isset($vars)) { $view->bypass = true; foreach ($vars as $varName => $var) { $view->{$varName} = $var; } } return $view; }
/** * 刷新监听者队列 */ protected function refreshQueue() { $this->storage->rewind(); $this->queue = new \SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($this->storage as $listener) { $priority = $this->storage->getInfo(); $this->queue->insert($listener, $priority); } }
function getQueueWithLittleData() { $q = new SplPriorityQueue(); $q->insert('dux', 4); $q->insert('legati', 3); $q->insert('centurion', 2); $q->insert('munifex', 1); return $q; }
/** * Method to load the paths queue. * * @return \SplPriorityQueue The paths queue. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function loadPaths() { $app = \JFactory::getApplication(); $theme = $app->get('theme'); $option = $app->input->getString('option'); $tmplPaths = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $tmplPaths->insert(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/' . $this->name . '/tmpl', 0); $tmplPaths->insert(JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $theme . '/html/' . $option . '/' . $this->name, 1); return $tmplPaths; }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @return void */ protected function setUp() { $paths = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $paths->insert('libraries/windwalker/resource/asset/{type}', 800); $paths->insert('libraries/windwalker/test/Asset/Stub/{type}', 500); $paths->insert('media/jui/{type}', 300); $paths->insert('media/{name}/{type}', 100); $this->instance = new AssetManager('test', $paths); $this->instance->setDoc($this->doc = new MockHtmlDocument()); $this->doc->reset(); }
/** * Attach a filter to the chain * * @param callable|FilterInterface $callback * @param int $priority * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return FilterChain */ public function attach($callback, $priority = self::DEFAULT_PRIORITY) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { if (!$callback instanceof FilterInterface) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected a valid PHP callback; received "%s"', is_object($callback) ? get_class($callback) : gettype($callback))); } $callback = [$callback, 'filter']; } $this->filters->insert($callback, $priority); return $this; }
public function spl_priority_queue_is_useful_for_custom_priorities() { $priority_queue = new SplPriorityQueue(); $priority_queue->insert('o', 1); $priority_queue->insert('i', 3); $priority_queue->insert('S', 4); $priority_queue->insert('n', 0); $priority_queue->insert('m', 2); $result = []; foreach ($priority_queue as $value) { $result[] = $value; } assert_that(implode($result))->is_identical_to(__); }
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { if (false === $container->hasDefinition('profiler')) { return; } $definition = $container->getDefinition('profiler'); $collectors = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $order = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('data_collector') as $id => $attributes) { $priority = isset($attributes[0]['priority']) ? $attributes[0]['priority'] : 0; $template = null; if (isset($attributes[0]['template'])) { if (!isset($attributes[0]['id'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Data collector service "%s" must have an id attribute in order to specify a template', $id)); } $template = array($attributes[0]['id'], $attributes[0]['template']); } $collectors->insert(array($id, $template), array($priority, --$order)); } $templates = array(); foreach ($collectors as $collector) { $definition->addMethodCall('add', array(new Reference($collector[0]))); $templates[$collector[0]] = $collector[1]; } $container->setParameter('data_collector.templates', $templates); }
/** * Executes any pending timers. Returns the number of timers executed. * * @return int * * @internal */ public function tick() : int { $count = 0; $time = microtime(true); while (!$this->queue->isEmpty()) { list($timer, $timeout) = $this->queue->top(); if (!$this->timers->contains($timer) || $timeout !== $this->timers[$timer]) { $this->queue->extract(); // Timer was removed from queue. continue; } if ($this->timers[$timer] > $time) { // Timer at top of queue has not expired. return $count; } // Remove and execute timer. Replace timer if persistent. $this->queue->extract(); if ($timer->isPeriodic()) { $timeout = $time + $timer->getInterval(); $this->queue->insert([$timer, $timeout], -$timeout); $this->timers[$timer] = $timeout; } else { $this->timers->detach($timer); } // Execute the timer. $timer->call(); ++$count; } return $count; }
/** * 检查是否有可执行的定时任务,有的话执行 * @return void */ protected function tick() { while (!$this->_scheduler->isEmpty()) { $scheduler_data = $this->_scheduler->top(); $timer_id = $scheduler_data['data']; $next_run_time = -$scheduler_data['priority']; $time_now = microtime(true); if ($time_now >= $next_run_time) { $this->_scheduler->extract(); // 如果任务不存在,则是对应的定时器已经删除 if (!isset($this->_task[$timer_id])) { continue; } // 任务数据[func, args, flag, timer_interval] $task_data = $this->_task[$timer_id]; // 如果是持续的定时任务,再把任务加到定时队列 if ($task_data[2] === self::EV_TIMER) { $next_run_time = $time_now + $task_data[3]; $this->_scheduler->insert($timer_id, -$next_run_time); } // 尝试执行任务 try { call_user_func_array($task_data[0], $task_data[1]); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e; } continue; } else { // 设定超时时间 $this->_selectTimeout = ($next_run_time - $time_now) * 1000000; return; } } $this->_selectTimeout = 100000000; }
public function insert($datum, $priority, $rulePriority = 0) { if (is_int($priority)) { $priority = array($priority, $rulePriority, $this->queueOrder++); } parent::insert($datum, $priority); }
/** * Tick for timer. * @return void */ protected function tick() { while (!$this->_scheduler->isEmpty()) { $scheduler_data = $this->_scheduler->top(); $timer_id = $scheduler_data['data']; $next_run_time = -$scheduler_data['priority']; $time_now = microtime(true); if ($time_now >= $next_run_time) { $this->_scheduler->extract(); if (!isset($this->_task[$timer_id])) { continue; } // [func, args, flag, timer_interval] $task_data = $this->_task[$timer_id]; if ($task_data[2] === self::EV_TIMER) { $next_run_time = $time_now + $task_data[3]; $this->_scheduler->insert($timer_id, -$next_run_time); } call_user_func_array($task_data[0], $task_data[1]); if (isset($this->_task[$timer_id]) && $task_data[2] === self::EV_TIMER_ONCE) { $this->del($timer_id, self::EV_TIMER_ONCE); } continue; } else { $this->_selectTimeout = ($next_run_time - $time_now) * 1000000; return; } } $this->_selectTimeout = 100000000; }
/** * @param string $event * @param array $params * @param string $context */ public function trigger($event, $params = [], $context = '') { if (empty($this->events[$event])) { return; } $queue = new \SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($this->events[$event] as $index => $action) { $queue->insert($index, $action['prio']); } $queue->top(); while ($queue->valid()) { $index = $queue->current(); if (!empty($context)) { $contexts = explode(',', $this->events[$event][$index]['contexts']); $current_context = false; foreach ($contexts as $route) { if (fnmatch(trim($route), $context)) { $current_context = true; break; } } } else { $current_context = true; } if ($current_context && is_callable($this->events[$event][$index]['fn'])) { if (call_user_func_array($this->events[$event][$index]['fn'], $params) === false) { break; } } $queue->next(); } }
/** * Detach the listener from the events manager * * @param string eventType * @param object handler */ public function detach($eventType, $handler) { if (!is_object($handler)) { throw new \Exception("Event handler must be an Object"); } if (isset($this->_events[$eventType])) { if (is_object($this->_events[$eventType])) { // SplPriorityQueue hasn't method for element deletion, so we need to rebuild queue $newPriorityQueue = new PriorityQueue(); $newPriorityQueue->setExtractFlags(\SplPriorityQueue::EXTR_DATA); $priorityQueue->setExtractFlags(PriorityQueue::EXTR_BOTH); $priorityQueue->top(); while ($priorityQueue->valid()) { $data = $priorityQueue->current(); $priorityQueue->next(); if ($data['data'] !== $handler) { $newPriorityQueue->insert($data['data'], $data['priority']); } } $this->_events[$eventType] = $newPriorityQueue; } else { $key = array_search($handler, $priorityQueue, true); if ($key !== false) { unset($priorityQueue[$key]); } $this->_events[$eventType] = $priorityQueue; } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __construct($options = null) { if (is_array($options) && !array_intersect(array_keys($options), array('constraints', 'stopOnError'))) { $options = array('constraints' => $options); } parent::__construct($options); // convert array of constraints into SplPriorityQueue if (is_array($this->constraints)) { $queue = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $constraints = $this->constraints; $constraints = array_reverse($constraints); foreach ($constraints as $index => $constraint) { $queue->insert($constraint, $index); } $this->constraints = $queue; } if (!$this->constraints instanceof \SplPriorityQueue) { throw new ConstraintDefinitionException('The option "constraints" is expected to be a SplPriorityQueue in constraint ' . __CLASS__ . '.'); } $constraintsCopy = $this->getConstraints(); // set extraction mode to both priority and data $constraintsCopy->setExtractFlags(\SplPriorityQueue::EXTR_BOTH); // loop through the priority chain for options validation while ($constraintsCopy->valid()) { $constraint = $constraintsCopy->current(); // fail if the constraint is not actually a constraint if (!$constraint['data'] instanceof Constraint) { throw new ConstraintDefinitionException('The option "constraints" (priority: ' . $constraint['priority'] . ') is not a Constraint, in ' . __CLASS__ . '.'); } // move to next constraint $constraintsCopy->next(); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { if (!$container->hasDefinition('gremo_buzz')) { return; } // Build listeners queue from tagged services $listeners = new \SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('gremo_buzz.listener') as $id => $attrs) { $class = $container->getDefinition($id)->getClass(); $class = $container->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($class); $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($class); $interface = 'Buzz\\Listener\\ListenerInterface'; // Check if the service implements the above interface if (!$reflector->isSubclassOf($interface)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Service '%s' must implement '%s'.", $id, $interface)); } // Add a reference to the listeners queue providing a default priority $listeners->insert(new Reference($id), isset($attrs[0]['priority']) ? $attrs[0]['priority'] : 0); } if (!empty($listeners)) { $browser = $container->getDefinition('gremo_buzz'); // Add listeners starting from those with higher priority foreach ($listeners as $listener) { $browser->addMethodCall('addListener', array($listener)); } } }
/** * Insert a value with a given priority * * Utilizes {@var $serial} to ensure that values of equal priority are * emitted in the same order in which they are inserted. * * @param mixed $datum * @param mixed $priority * @return void */ public function insert($datum, $priority) { if (!is_array($priority)) { $priority = [$priority, $this->serial--]; } parent::insert($datum, $priority); }
public function insert($value, $priority) { if (is_int($priority)) { $priority = array($priority, --$this->counter); } parent::insert($value, $priority); }
/** * Register default paths. * * @param boolean $includeTemplate True to include template path. Should be false before system routing. * * @return void */ protected function registerPaths($includeTemplate = true) { $app = $this->getContainer()->get('app'); $prefix = $app->isAdmin() ? 'administrator/' : ''; if ($includeTemplate) { // (1) Find: templates/[tmpl]/[type]/[name]/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert($prefix . 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/{type}/{name}', 800); // (2) Find: templates/[tmpl]/[type]/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert($prefix . 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/{type}', 700); } // (3) Find: components/[name]/asset/[type]/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert($prefix . 'components/{name}/asset/{type}', 600); // (4) Find: components/[name]/asset/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert($prefix . 'components/{name}/asset', 500); // (5) Find: media/[name]/[type]/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert('media/{name}/{type}', 400); // (6) Find: media/[name]/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert('media/{name}', 300); // (7) Find: media/windwalker/[type]/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert('media/windwalker/{type}', 200); // (8) Find: media/windwalker/[file_name].[type] $this->paths->insert('media/windwalker', 100); // (9) Find: libraries/windwalker/resource/asset/[type]/[file_name].[type] (For legacy) $this->paths->insert('libraries/windwalker/resource/asset/{type}', 50); // (10) Find: libraries/windwalker/resource/assets/[file_name].[type] (For legacy) $this->paths->insert('libraries/windwalker/resource/asset', 20); // (11) Find: libraries/windwalker/assets/[file_name].[type] (For legacy) $this->paths->insert('libraries/windwalker/assets', 10); }
/** * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder $container * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { // configure the profiler service if (FALSE === $container->hasDefinition('profiler')) { return; } $definition = $container->getDefinition('profiler'); $collectors = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $order = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('data_collector') as $id => $attributes) { $priority = isset($attributes[0]['priority']) ? $attributes[0]['priority'] : 0; $template = NULL; if (isset($attributes[0]['template'])) { if (!isset($attributes[0]['id'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Data collector service "%s" must have an id attribute in order to specify a template', $id)); } if (!isset($attributes[0]['title'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Data collector service "%s" must have a title attribute', $id)); } $template = [$attributes[0]['id'], $attributes[0]['template'], $attributes[0]['title']]; } $collectors->insert([$id, $template], [-$priority, --$order]); } $templates = []; foreach ($collectors as $collector) { $definition->addMethodCall('add', [new Reference($collector[0])]); $templates[$collector[0]] = $collector[1]; } $container->setParameter('data_collector.templates', $templates); // set parameter to store the public folder path $path = 'file:' . DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . PublicStream::basePath() . '/profiler'; $container->setParameter('', $path); }
public function execute() { // Get the application $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_ddcbalanceit'); if ($params->get('required_account') == 1) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->get('guest')) { $app->redirect('index.php', JText::_('COM_DDCBALANCEIT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED_MSG')); } } // Get the document object. $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $viewName = $app->input->getWord('view', 'dashboard'); $viewFormat = $document->getType(); $layoutName = $app->input->getWord('layout', 'default'); $app->input->set('view', $viewName); // Register the layout paths for the view $paths = new SplPriorityQueue(); $paths->insert(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/views/' . $viewName . '/tmpl', 'normal'); $viewClass = 'DdcbalanceitViews' . ucfirst($viewName) . ucfirst($viewFormat); $modelClass = 'DdcbalanceitModels' . ucfirst($viewName); if (false === class_exists($modelClass)) { $modelClass = 'DdcbalanceitModelsDefault'; } $view = new $viewClass(new $modelClass(), $paths); $view->setLayout($layoutName); // Render our view. echo $view->render(); return true; }
public function insert($value, $priority) { if (!$value instanceof ProviderInterface) { throw new \LogicException("Only objects which implement ProviderInterface can be added to the provider container"); } parent::insert($value, $priority); }
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { $definitions = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $order = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) { if (!($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService())) { continue; } $definitions->insert(array($id, $definition), array($decorated[2], --$order)); } foreach ($definitions as list($id, $definition)) { list($inner, $renamedId) = $definition->getDecoratedService(); $definition->setDecoratedService(null); if (!$renamedId) { $renamedId = $id . '.inner'; } // we create a new alias/service for the service we are replacing // to be able to reference it in the new one if ($container->hasAlias($inner)) { $alias = $container->getAlias($inner); $public = $alias->isPublic(); $container->setAlias($renamedId, new Alias((string) $alias, false)); } else { $definition = $container->getDefinition($inner); $public = $definition->isPublic(); $definition->setPublic(false); $container->setDefinition($renamedId, $definition); } $container->setAlias($inner, new Alias($id, $public)); } }
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container) { if ($container->hasDefinition('templating')) { return; } if ($container->hasDefinition('templating.engine.php')) { $helpers = array(); foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('templating.helper') as $id => $attributes) { if (isset($attributes[0]['alias'])) { $helpers[$attributes[0]['alias']] = $id; } } $definition = $container->getDefinition('templating.engine.php'); $arguments = $definition->getArguments(); $definition->setArguments($arguments); if (count($helpers) > 0) { $definition->addMethodCall('setHelpers', array($helpers)); } } if ($container->hasDefinition('templating.engine.delegating')) { $queue = new \SplPriorityQueue(); foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('templating.engine') as $id => $attributes) { $queue->insert($id, isset($attributes[0]['priority']) ? $attributes[0]['priority'] : 0); } $engines = array(); foreach ($queue as $engine) { $engines[] = $engine; } $container->getDefinition('templating.engine.delegating')->addMethodCall('setEngineIds', array($engines)); } }