Exemple #1
    $SearchFormats[$ID] = strtolower($Val);
/** End preparation of property arrays **/
/** Start query preparation **/
$SphQL = new SphinxqlQuery();
$SphQLTor = new SphinxqlQuery();
if ($OrderBy == 'random') {
    $SphQL->select('id, groupid, categoryid')->order_by('RAND()', '');
    $Random = true;
} elseif ($GroupResults) {
    $OrderProperties = $SortOrders[$OrderBy];
    $SphQL->select('groupid, categoryid' . (isset($AggregateExp[$OrderProperties[0]]) ? ', ' . $AggregateExp[$OrderProperties[0]] : ''))->group_by('groupid')->order_by($OrderProperties[0], $OrderWay)->order_group_by($OrderProperties[1], $OrderWay);
} else {
    $SphQL->select('id, groupid, categoryid')->order_by($SortOrders[$OrderBy], $OrderWay);
$SphQL->from('torrents, delta');
$SphQLTor->select('id, groupid')->from('torrents, delta');
/** End query preparation **/
/** Start building search query **/
$Filtered = false;
$EnableNegation = false;
// Sphinx needs at least one positive search condition to support the NOT operator
// File list searches make use of the proximity operator to ensure that all keywords match the same file
if (!empty($_GET['filelist'])) {
    $SearchString = trim($_GET['filelist']);
    if ($SearchString !== '') {
        $SearchString = '"' . Sphinxql::sph_escape_string($_GET['filelist']) . '"~20';
        $SphQL->where_match($SearchString, 'filelist', false);
        $SphQLTor->where_match($SearchString, 'filelist', false);
        $EnableNegation = true;