SetMatchMode() public méthode

set matching mode
public SetMatchMode ( $mode )
  * Sphinx server connector initialization
  * @return SphinxClient
 function init_sphinx()
     $this->sphinx = new SphinxClient();
     $this->sphinx->SetServer($this->admin_options['sphinx_host'], intval($this->admin_options['sphinx_port']));
     return $this->sphinx;
  * Initialize the Sphinx search engine
  * @return void
 public function initialize()
     $this->_connectionOptions = array('host_name' => $this->modx->getOption('discuss.sphinx.host_name', null, 'localhost'), 'port' => $this->modx->getOption('discuss.sphinx.port', null, 9312), 'connection_timeout' => $this->modx->getOption('discuss.sphinx.connection_timeout', null, 30), 'searchd_retries' => $this->modx->getOption('discuss.sphinx.searchd_retries', null, 3), 'searchd_retry_delay' => $this->modx->getOption('discuss.sphinx.searchd_retry_delay', null, 10000));
     $this->_indices = $this->modx->getOption('discuss.sphinx.indexes', null, 'discuss_posts');
     $this->client = new SphinxClient();
     $this->client->SetServer($this->_connectionOptions['host_name'], $this->_connectionOptions['port']);
     return true;
  * 初始化搜索引擎
 private function _initSphinx()
     $this->_sphinx = new SphinxClient();
     $this->_sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
  * 初始化搜索引擎
 private function _initSphinx()
     $this->_sphinx = new SphinxClient();
     $this->_sphinx->SetServer(C('SPHINX_HOST'), C('SPHINX_PORT'));
 private function get_sugg_trigrams($word, SearchEngineOptions $options)
     $trigrams = $this->BuildTrigrams($word);
     $query = "\"{$trigrams}\"/1";
     $len = strlen($word);
     $this->suggestionClient->SetFilterRange("len", $len - 2, $len + 4);
     $this->suggestionClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "@weight DESC");
     $this->suggestionClient->SetLimits(0, 10);
     $indexes = [];
     foreach ($options->getDataboxes() as $databox) {
         $indexes[] = 'suggest' . $this->CRCdatabox($databox);
     $index = implode(',', $indexes);
     $res = $this->suggestionClient->Query($query, $index);
     if ($this->suggestionClient->Status() === false) {
         return [];
     if (!$res || !isset($res["matches"])) {
         return [];
     $words = [];
     foreach ($res["matches"] as $match) {
         $words[] = $match['attrs']['keyword'];
     return $words;
  * @param string $query
  * @return array of integers - taskIds
 public static function searchTasks($query)
     $fieldWeights = array('description' => 10, 'note' => 6);
     $indexName = 'plancake_tasks';
     $client = new SphinxClient();
     // $client->SetServer (sfConfig::get('app_sphinx_host'), sfConfig::get('app_sphinx_port'));
     $client->SetFilter("author_id", array(PcUserPeer::getLoggedInUser()->getId()));
     $client->setLimits(0, 100);
     $results = $client->query($client->EscapeString($query), $indexName);
     if ($results === false) {
         $error = "Sphinx Error - " . $client->GetLastError();
     $ids = array();
     if (isset($results['matches']) && count($results['matches'])) {
         foreach ($results['matches'] as $match) {
             $ids[] = $match['id'];
     return PcTaskPeer::retrieveByPKs($ids);
Exemple #7
 function hook_search($search)
     $offset = 0;
     $limit = 500;
     $sphinxClient = new SphinxClient();
     $sphinxpair = explode(":", SPHINX_SERVER, 2);
     $sphinxClient->SetServer($sphinxpair[0], (int) $sphinxpair[1]);
     $sphinxClient->SetFieldWeights(array('title' => 70, 'content' => 30, 'feed_title' => 20));
     $sphinxClient->SetLimits($offset, $limit, 1000);
     $sphinxClient->SetFilter('owner_uid', array($_SESSION['uid']));
     $result = $sphinxClient->Query($search, SPHINX_INDEX);
     $ids = array();
     if (is_array($result['matches'])) {
         foreach (array_keys($result['matches']) as $int_id) {
             $ref_id = $result['matches'][$int_id]['attrs']['ref_id'];
             array_push($ids, $ref_id);
     $ids = join(",", $ids);
     if ($ids) {
         return array("ref_id IN ({$ids})", array());
     } else {
         return array("ref_id = -1", array());
Exemple #8
  * Performs a search on an author's posts without caring about message contents. Depends on display specific params
  * @param	string		$type				contains either posts or topics depending on what should be searched for
  * @param	boolean		$firstpost_only		if true, only topic starting posts will be considered
  * @param	array		$sort_by_sql		contains SQL code for the ORDER BY part of a query
  * @param	string		$sort_key			is the key of $sort_by_sql for the selected sorting
  * @param	string		$sort_dir			is either a or d representing ASC and DESC
  * @param	string		$sort_days			specifies the maximum amount of days a post may be old
  * @param	array		$ex_fid_ary			specifies an array of forum ids which should not be searched
  * @param	string		$post_visibility	specifies which types of posts the user can view in which forums
  * @param	int			$topic_id			is set to 0 or a topic id, if it is not 0 then only posts in this topic should be searched
  * @param	array		$author_ary			an array of author ids
  * @param	string		$author_name		specifies the author match, when ANONYMOUS is also a search-match
  * @param	array		&$id_ary			passed by reference, to be filled with ids for the page specified by $start and $per_page, should be ordered
  * @param	int			$start				indicates the first index of the page
  * @param	int			$per_page			number of ids each page is supposed to contain
  * @return	boolean|int						total number of results
 public function author_search($type, $firstpost_only, $sort_by_sql, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_days, $ex_fid_ary, $post_visibility, $topic_id, $author_ary, $author_name, &$id_ary, $start, $per_page)
     $this->search_query = '';
     $fields = $firstpost_only ? 'firstpost' : 'all';
     $terms = 'all';
     return $this->keyword_search($type, $fields, $terms, $sort_by_sql, $sort_key, $sort_dir, $sort_days, $ex_fid_ary, $post_visibility, $topic_id, $author_ary, $author_name, $id_ary, $start, $per_page);
Exemple #9
function sphinx_add_result_forum($items) {
    $inCore = cmsCore::getInstance();

    global $_LANG;
    $config = $inCore->loadComponentConfig('forum');
    $search_model = cms_model_search::initModel();
    foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
        if (!cmsCore::checkContentAccess($item['attrs']['access_list'])) { continue; }
        $pages = ceil($item['attrs']['post_count'] / $config['pp_thread']);

        $result_array = array(
            'link' => '/forum/thread'. $id .'-'. $pages .'.html',
            'place' => $item['attrs']['forum'],
            'placelink' => '/forum/'. $item['attrs']['forum_id'],
            'description' => $search_model->getProposalWithSearchWord($item['attrs']['description']),
            'title' => $item['attrs']['title'],
            'pubdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['attrs']['pubdate'])

    // Ищем в тексте постов
    $cl = new SphinxClient();

    $cl->SetServer('', 9312);
    $cl->SetLimits(0, 100);
    $result = $cl->Query($search_model->against, $search_model->config['Sphinx_Search']['prefix'] .'_forum_posts');
    if ($result !== false) {
        foreach ($result['matches'] as $id => $item) {
            $pages = ceil($item['attrs']['post_count'] / $config['pp_thread']);
            $post_page = ($pages > 1) ? postPage::getPage($item['attrs']['thread_id'], $id, $config['pp_thread']) : 1;
            $result_array = array(
                'link' => '/forum/thread'. $item['attrs']['thread_id'] .'-'. $post_page .'.html#'. $id,
                'place' => $_LANG['FORUM_POST'],
                'placelink' => '/forum/thread'. $item['attrs']['thread_id'] .'-'. $post_page .'.html#'. $id,
                'description' => $search_model->getProposalWithSearchWord($item['attrs']['content_html']),
                'title' => $item['attrs']['thread'],
                'imageurl' => $item['attrs']['fileurl'],
                'pubdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['attrs']['pubdate'])

Exemple #10
 private function _getSphinxClient()
     require_once SCRIPT_BASE . 'lib/sphinx-2.1.9/sphinxapi.php';
     $sphinxClient = new SphinxClient();
     $sphinxClient->SetServer('', 9312);
     $sphinxClient->SetWeights(array(1000, 1));
     return $sphinxClient;
Exemple #11
 function query($query, $index, $offset = 0)
     require_once DIR . "lib/sphinx/sphinxapi.php";
     $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
     $sphinx->setServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
     $sphinx->SetLimits($offset, 100, 10000000);
     $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'date_posted');
     $res = $sphinx->Query($query, $index);
     return $res;
  * Непосредственно сам поиск
  * @param string $sTerms	Поисковый запрос
  * @param string $sObjType	Тип поиска
  * @param int $iOffset	Сдвиг элементов
  * @param int $iLimit	Количество элементов
  * @param array $aExtraFilters	Список фильтров
  * @return array
 public function FindContent($sTerms, $sObjType, $iOffset, $iLimit, $aExtraFilters)
      * используем кеширование при поиске
     $sExtraFilters = serialize($aExtraFilters);
     $cacheKey = Config::Get('') . "searchResult_{$sObjType}_{$sTerms}_{$iOffset}_{$iLimit}_{$sExtraFilters}";
     if (false === ($data = $this->Cache_Get($cacheKey))) {
          * Параметры поиска
         $this->oSphinx->SetLimits($iOffset, $iLimit);
          * Устанавливаем атрибуты поиска
         if (!is_null($aExtraFilters)) {
             foreach ($aExtraFilters as $sAttribName => $sAttribValue) {
                 $this->oSphinx->SetFilter($sAttribName, is_array($sAttribValue) ? $sAttribValue : array($sAttribValue));
          * Ищем
         if (!is_array($data = $this->oSphinx->Query($sTerms, Config::Get('') . $sObjType . 'Index'))) {
             return FALSE;
             // Скорее всего недоступен демон searchd
          * Если результатов нет, то и в кеш писать не стоит...
          * хотя тут момент спорный
         if ($data['total'] > 0) {
             $this->Cache_Set($data, $cacheKey, array(), 60 * 15);
     return $data;
Exemple #13
  * __construct()
  * 构造函数
 public function __construct()
     parent::SetServer(SPH_HOST, 9312);
     parent::SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@weight desc');
     $this->SetLimits($this->offset, $this->limit);
 protected function resetClient()
     $this->sphinxClient->SetLimits(0, 20);
     $this->sphinxClient->SetIDRange(0, 0);
     $this->sphinxClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE, "");
 public function __construct($query)
     $this->query = $query;
     $max_results = intval(SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("results", "maxresults"));
     $this->limit = $max_results;
     $SphinxClient = new SphinxClient();
     $this->SphinxClient = $SphinxClient;
     $SphinxClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "@weight DESC");
     $SphinxClient->setServer("localhost", SphinxSearch_Config_Plugin::getValue("searchd", "port"));
     // Sphinx Client is to always return everything - it's just IDs
     // Paginator is then to cast the necessary Items, this can be done
     // with offset/limit
     $SphinxClient->setLimits(0, $max_results, $max_results);
Exemple #16
function sphinx_add_result_clubs($items) {
    global $_LANG;
    $search_model = cms_model_search::initModel();
    foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
        $result_array = array(
            'link' => cmsCore::m('clubs')->getPostURL($item['attrs']['user_id'], $item['attrs']['seolink']),
            'place' => ' «'. $item['attrs']['cat_title'] .'»',
            'placelink' => cmsCore::m('clubs')->getBlogURL($item['attrs']['user_id']),
            'description' => $search_model->getProposalWithSearchWord($item['attrs']['content_html']),
            'title' => $item['attrs']['title'],
            'imageurl' => $item['fileurl'],
            'pubdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['attrs']['pubdate'])

    /////// поиск по клубным фоткам //////////
    $cl = new SphinxClient();

    $cl->SetServer('', 9312);
    $cl->SetLimits(0, 100);
    $result = $cl->Query($search_model->against, $search_model->config['Sphinx_Search']['prefix'] .'_clubs_photos');
    if ($result !== false) {
        foreach ($result['matches'] as $id => $item) {
            $result_array = array(
                'link' => '/clubs/photo'. $id .'.html',
                'place' => $_LANG['CLUBS_PHOTOALBUM'] .' «'. $item['attrs']['cat_title'] .'»',
                'placelink' => '/clubs/photoalbum'. $item['attrs']['cat_id'],
                'description' => $search_model->getProposalWithSearchWord($item['attrs']['description']),
                'title' => $item['attrs']['title'],
                'imageurl' => (file_exists(PATH .'/images/photos/medium/'. $item['attrs']['file']) ? '/images/photos/medium/'. $item['attrs']['file'] : ''),
                'pubdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['attrs']['pubdate'])

Exemple #17
  * Непосредственно сам поиск
  * @param string $sQuery           Поисковый запрос
  * @param string $sObjType         Тип поиска
  * @param int    $iOffset          Сдвиг элементов
  * @param int    $iLimit           Количество элементов
  * @param array  $aExtraFilters    Список фильтров
  * @return array
 public function FindContent($sQuery, $sObjType, $iOffset, $iLimit, $aExtraFilters)
     // * используем кеширование при поиске
     $sExtraFilters = serialize($aExtraFilters);
     $cacheKey = Config::Get('plugin.sphinx.prefix') . "searchResult_{$sObjType}_{$sQuery}_{$iOffset}_{$iLimit}_{$sExtraFilters}";
     if (false === ($data = E::ModuleCache()->Get($cacheKey))) {
         // * Параметры поиска
         $this->oSphinx->SetLimits($iOffset, $iLimit, 1000);
         // * Устанавливаем атрибуты поиска
         if (!is_null($aExtraFilters)) {
             foreach ($aExtraFilters as $sAttribName => $sAttribValue) {
                 $this->oSphinx->SetFilter($sAttribName, is_array($sAttribValue) ? $sAttribValue : array($sAttribValue));
         // * Ищем
         $sIndex = Config::Get('plugin.sphinx.prefix') . $sObjType . 'Index';
         $data = $this->oSphinx->Query($sQuery, $sIndex);
         if (!is_array($data)) {
             // Если false, то, скорее всего, ошибка и ее пишем в лог
             $sError = $this->GetLastError();
             if ($sError) {
                 $sError .= "\nquery:{$sQuery}\nindex:{$sIndex}";
                 if ($aExtraFilters) {
                     $sError .= "\nfilters:";
                     foreach ($aExtraFilters as $sAttribName => $sAttribValue) {
                         $sError .= $sAttribName . '=(' . (is_array($sAttribValue) ? join(',', $sAttribValue) : $sAttribValue) . ')';
             return false;
          * Если результатов нет, то и в кеш писать не стоит...
          * хотя тут момент спорный
         if ($data['total'] > 0) {
             E::ModuleCache()->Set($data, $cacheKey, array(), 60 * 15);
     return $data;
Exemple #18
function MakeSuggestion($keyword)
    $trigrams = BuildTrigrams($keyword);
    $query = "\"{$trigrams}\"/1";
    $len = strlen($keyword);
    $delta = LENGTH_THRESHOLD;
    $cl = new SphinxClient();
    $cl->SetFilterRange("len", $len - $delta, $len + $delta);
    $cl->SetSelect("*, @weight+{$delta}-abs(len-{$len}) AS myrank");
    $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "myrank DESC, freq DESC");
    // pull top-N best trigram matches and run them through Levenshtein
    $cl->SetLimits(0, TOP_COUNT);
    $res = $cl->Query($query, "suggest");
    if (!$res || !$res["matches"]) {
        return false;
    if (SUGGEST_DEBUG) {
        print "--- DEBUG START ---\n";
        foreach ($res["matches"] as $match) {
            $w = $match["attrs"]["keyword"];
            $myrank = @$match["attrs"]["myrank"];
            if ($myrank) {
                $myrank = ", myrank={$myrank}";
            // FIXME? add costs?
            // FIXME! does not work with UTF-8.. THIS! IS!! PHP!!!
            $levdist = levenshtein($keyword, $w);
            print "id={$match['id']}, weight={$match['weight']}, freq={$match[attrs][freq]}{$myrank}, word={$w}, levdist={$levdist}\n";
        print "--- DEBUG END ---\n";
    // further restrict trigram matches with a sane Levenshtein distance limit
    foreach ($res["matches"] as $match) {
        $suggested = $match["attrs"]["keyword"];
        if (levenshtein($keyword, $suggested) <= LEVENSHTEIN_THRESHOLD) {
            return $suggested;
    return $keyword;
Exemple #19
 public function getSphinxAdapter()
     require_once Mage::getBaseDir('lib') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sphinxapi.php';
     // Connect to our Sphinx Search Engine and run our queries
     $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
     $host = Mage::getStoreConfig('sphinxsearch/server/host');
     $port = Mage::getStoreConfig('sphinxsearch/server/port');
     if (empty($host)) {
         return $sphinx;
     if (empty($port)) {
         $port = 9312;
     $sphinx->SetServer($host, $port);
     $sphinx->setFieldWeights(array('name' => 7, 'category' => 1, 'name_attributes' => 1, 'data_index' => 3));
     $sphinx->setLimits(0, 200, 1000, 5000);
     // SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 ist default
     $sphinx->SetRankingMode(SPH_RANK_SPH04, "");
     // 2nd parameter is rank expr?
     return $sphinx;
Exemple #20
 public function getResultByTag($keyword = "", $offset = 0, $limit = 0, $searchParams = array())
     $sphinx = $this->config->item('sphinx');
     $query = array();
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $cl->SetServer($sphinx['ip'], $sphinx['port']);
     // 注意这里的主机
     //         $cl->SetIDRange(89,90);//过滤ID
     if (isset($searchParams['provice_sid']) && $searchParams['provice_sid']) {
         $cl->setFilter('provice_sid', array($searchParams['provice_sid']));
     if (isset($searchParams['city_sid']) && $searchParams['city_sid']) {
         $cl->setFilter('city_sid', array($searchParams['city_sid']));
     if (isset($searchParams['piccode']) && $searchParams['piccode']) {
         $cl->setFilter('piccode', array($searchParams['piccode']));
     if (isset($searchParams['recent']) && $searchParams['recent']) {
         $cl->SetFilterRange('createtime', time() - 86400 * 30, time());
     if (isset($searchParams['searchtype']) && $searchParams['searchtype']) {
         $searchtype = SPH_MATCH_ALL;
     } else {
         $searchtype = SPH_MATCH_ANY;
     $cl->SetLimits($offset, $limit);
     // 使用多字段模式
     $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "@weight desc,@id desc");
     $index = "*";
     $query = $cl->Query($keyword, $index);
     return $query;
Exemple #21
  * sphinx search
 public function sphinxSearch(Request $request, \SphinxClient $sphinx)
     $search = $request->get('search');
     //sphinx的主机名和端口  //mysql -h -P 9306
     $sphinx->SetServer('', 9312);
     //设定搜索模式 SPH_MATCH_ALL(匹配所有的查询词)
     $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 1000);
     //索引源是配置文件中的 index 类,如果有多个索引源可使用,号隔开:'email,diary' 或者使用'*'号代表全部索引源
     $result = $sphinx->query($search, '*');
     //返回值说明  total 本次查询返回条数  total_found 一共检索到多少条   docs 在多少文档中出现  hits——共出现了多少次
     /*echo "<pre>";
       echo "</pre>";exit();*/
     $ids = [0];
     if (!empty($result)) {
         foreach ($result['matches'] as $key => $val) {
             $ids[] = $val['id'];
     $ids = implode(',', array_unique($ids));
     $list = DB::select("SELECT * from documents WHERE id IN ({$ids})");
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
             $val->content = str_replace($search, '<span style="color: red;">' . $search . '</span>', $val->content);
             $val->title = str_replace($search, '<span style="color: red;">' . $search . '</span>', $val->title);
     return view('/')->with('data', array('total' => $result['total'] ? $result['total'] : 0, 'time' => $result['time'] ? $result['time'] : 0, 'list' => $list));
Exemple #22
 private function newSphinxClient()
     $s = new SphinxClient();
     $s->setServer(Yii::app()->params['sphinx_servername'], Yii::app()->params['sphinx_port']);
     $s->SetLimits(0, 100);
     return $s;
Exemple #23
$SphinxAPI = realpath($CATSHome . '/' . SPHINX_API);
if (!file_exists($SphinxAPI)) {
    fwrite($stderr, "Config Error: SPHINX_API could not be found.\n");
include $SphinxAPI;
/* Sphinx API likes to throw PHP errors *AND* use it's own error
 * handling.
assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
/* Execute the Sphinx query. */
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
$sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, 10);
$sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
$sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', TEST_SITE_ID);
/* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
 * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
$tries = 0;
do {
    /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
    if (++$tries > 1) {
    $results = $sphinx->Query(TEST_QUERY, SPHINX_INDEX);
    $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
} while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
 public function index()
     C('TOKEN_ON', false);
     $seo = seo();
     $this->assign("seo", $seo);
     if (isset($_GET['q'])) {
         $q = Input::forSearch(safe_replace($this->_get("q")));
         $q = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($q));
         $time = $this->_get("time");
         $mid = (int) $this->_get("modelid");
         $catid = (int) $this->_get("catid");
         $order = array("adddate" => "DESC", "searchid" => "DESC");
         $shistory = cookie("shistory");
         if (!$shistory) {
             $shistory = array();
         $model = F("Model");
         $category = F("Category");
         if (trim($_GET['q']) == '') {
             header('Location: ' . U("Search/Index/index"));
         array_unshift($shistory, $q);
         $shistory = array_slice(array_unique($shistory), 0, 10);
         cookie("shistory", $shistory);
         $where = array();
         $pagesize = $this->config['pagesize'] ? $this->config['pagesize'] : 10;
         $cachetime = (int) $this->config['cachetime'];
         if ($time == 'day') {
             $search_time = time() - 86400;
             $where['adddate'] = array("GT", $search_time);
         } elseif ($time == 'week') {
             $search_time = time() - 604800;
             $where['adddate'] = array("GT", $search_time);
         } elseif ($time == 'month') {
             $search_time = time() - 2592000;
             $where['adddate'] = array("GT", $search_time);
         } elseif ($time == 'year') {
             $search_time = time() - 31536000;
             $where['adddate'] = array("GT", $search_time);
         } else {
             $search_time = 0;
         $this->config['modelid'] = $this->config['modelid'] ? $this->config['modelid'] : array();
         if ($mid && in_array($mid, $this->config['modelid'])) {
             $where['modelid'] = array("EQ", (int) $mid);
         if ($catid) {
             $where['catid'] = array("EQ", (int) $catid);
         $TP = '共有{recordcount}条信息&nbsp;{pageindex}/{pagecount}&nbsp;{first}{prev}{liststart}{list}{listend}{next}{last}';
         if ($this->config['sphinxenable']) {
             import("Sphinxapi", APP_PATH . C("APP_GROUP_PATH") . '/Search/Class/');
             $sphinxhost = $this->config['sphinxhost'];
             $sphinxport = $this->config['sphinxport'];
             $cl = new SphinxClient();
             $cl->SetServer($sphinxhost, $sphinxport);
             //设置全文查询的匹配模式 api
             //设置排名模式 api
             $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, "@weight desc");
             $page = (int) $this->_get(C("VAR_PAGE"));
             $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
             $offset = $pagesize * ($page - 1);
             $cl->SetLimits($offset, $pagesize, $pagesize > 1000 ? $pagesize : 1000);
             if (in_array($time, array("day", "week", "month", "year"))) {
                 $cl->SetFilterRange('adddate', $search_time, time(), false);
             if ($mid && in_array($mid, $this->config['modelid'])) {
                 $cl->SetFilter('modelid', (int) $mid);
             if ($catid) {
                 $cl->SetFilter('catid', (int) $catid);
             //执行搜索 api
             $res = $cl->Query($q, "*");
             $count = $res['total'];
             if (!empty($res['matches'])) {
                 $result_sphinx = $res['matches'];
             $result = array();
             foreach ($result_sphinx as $k => $v) {
                 $result[$k] = array("searchid" => $v['id'], "adddate" => $v['attrs']['adddate'], "catid" => $v['attrs']['catid'], "id" => $v['attrs']['id'], "modelid" => $v['attrs']['modelid']);
             $words = array();
             foreach ($res['words'] as $k => $v) {
                 $words[] = $k;
             $page = page($count, $pagesize);
             $page->SetPager('default', $TP, array("listlong" => "6", "first" => "首页", "last" => "尾页", "prev" => "上一页", "next" => "下一页", "list" => "*", "disabledclass" => ""));
             $this->assign("Page", $page->show('default'));
         } else {
             import("Segment", APP_PATH . C("APP_GROUP_PATH") . '/Search/Class/');
             $Segment = new Segment();
             $segment_q = $Segment->get_keyword($Segment->split_result($q));
             $words = explode(" ", $segment_q);
             if (!empty($segment_q)) {
                 $where['_string'] = " MATCH (`data`) AGAINST ('{$segment_q}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
             } else {
                 $where['data'] = array('like', "%{$q}%");
             if ($cachetime) {
                 $count = M("Search")->cache(true, $cachetime)->where($where)->count();
                 $page = page($count, $pagesize);
                 $result = M("Search")->cache(true, $cachetime)->where($where)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->order($order)->select();
             } else {
                 $count = M("Search")->where($where)->count();
                 $page = $this->page($count, $pagesize);
                 $result = M("Search")->where($where)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->order($order)->select();
             $page->SetPager('default', $TP, array("listlong" => "6", "first" => "首页", "last" => "尾页", "prev" => "上一页", "next" => "下一页", "list" => "*", "disabledclass" => ""));
             $this->assign("Page", $page->show('default'));
         if ($result && is_array($result)) {
             foreach ($result as $k => $r) {
                 $modelid = $r['modelid'];
                 $id = $r['id'];
                 $tablename = ucwords($model[$modelid]['tablename']);
                 if ($tablename) {
                     $result[$k] = M($tablename)->where(array("id" => $id))->find();
         if (strlen($q) < 17 && strlen($q) > 1 && $result) {
             $res = M("SearchKeyword")->where(array('keyword' => $q))->find();
             if ($res) {
                 M("SearchKeyword")->where(array('keyword' => $q))->setInc("searchnums");
             } else {
                 $pinyin = gbk_to_pinyin(iconv('utf-8', 'gbk//IGNORE', $q));
                 if (is_array($pinyin)) {
                     $pinyin = implode('', $pinyin);
                 M("SearchKeyword")->add(array('keyword' => $q, 'searchnums' => 1, 'data' => $segment_q, 'pinyin' => $pinyin));
         if ($this->config['relationenble']) {
             $map = array();
             if (!empty($segment_q)) {
                 $relation_q = str_replace(' ', '%', $segment_q);
             } else {
                 $relation_q = $q;
             $map['_string'] = " MATCH (`data`) AGAINST ('%{$relation_q}%' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
             $relation = M("SearchKeyword")->where($map)->select();
             $this->assign("relation", $relation);
         foreach ($this->config['modelid'] as $modelid) {
             $source[$modelid] = array("name" => $model[$modelid]['name'], "modelid" => $modelid);
         $this->assign("result", $result);
         $search_time = G('search', 'end', 6);
         $this->assign("count", $count ? $count : 0);
         $this->assign("search_time", $search_time);
         $this->assign("keyword", $q);
         $this->assign("category", $category);
         $this->assign("source", $source);
         $this->assign("time", $time);
         $this->assign("modelid", $mid);
         $this->assign("shistory", $shistory);
         $this->assign("words", $words);
     } else {
Exemple #25
  * {@inheritdoc }.
  * SPH_MATCH_ALL, matches all query words (<b>default mode</b>);
  * SPH_MATCH_ANY, matches any of the query words;
  * SPH_MATCH_PHRASE, matches query as a phrase, requiring perfect match;
  * SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN, matches query as a boolean expression;
  * SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED, matches query as an expression in Sphinx internal query language;
  * SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN, matches query, forcibly using the "full scan" mode as below.
  * @see Matching modes
 public function SetMatchMode($mode)
     return parent::SetMatchMode($mode);
Exemple #26
require_once '../tools/db.php';
require_once '../tools/main.php';
include_once "../tools/sphinxapi.php";
if (isset($_REQUEST["number"]) && intval($_REQUEST["number"]) > 9) {
    $number = $_REQUEST["number"];
} else {
    $number = 9;
$pageNum = isset($_REQUEST["page"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["page"]) : 0;
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
$sphinx->SetLimits($pageNum * $number, $number, 5000);
$sphinx->SetFilter('enabled', array(1));
if (isset($_REQUEST["type"])) {
    $r1 = $mdb->queryFirstRow("SELECT id, name FROM media_type WHERE name=%s", $_REQUEST["type"]);
    $type = $r1["id"];
    //set type
    if ($type == "") {
        echo json_encode(array("result" => null, "status" => false, "error" => "请求的类型不存在"));
    $sphinx->SetFilter('type', array($type));
if (isset($_REQUEST['language'])) {
    $r2 = $mdb->queryFirstRow("SELECT id, name FROM media_language WHERE name=%s", $_REQUEST["language"]);
    $language = $r2["id"];
    //set language
function do_query($search_str)
    //$tmp_var = array(array('itemName' => "test1"), array('itemName' => "test2"), array('itemName' => "test3"));
    //echo implode(",",tmp_var);
    //echo json_encode($tmp_var);
    //return tmp_var;
    $q = "";
    $sql = "";
    $mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL;
    $host = "localhost";
    $port = 9312;
    $index = "*";
    $groupby = "";
    $groupsort = "@group desc";
    $filter = "group_id";
    $filtervals = array();
    $distinct = "";
    $sortby = "";
    $sortexpr = "";
    $limit = 20;
    $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
    $select = "*";
    $cl = new SphinxClient();
    $cl->SetServer($host, $port);
    $cl->SetWeights(array(100, 1));
    if (count($filtervals)) {
        $cl->SetFilter($filter, $filtervals);
    if ($groupby) {
        $cl->SetGroupBy($groupby, SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, $groupsort);
    if ($sortby) {
        $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $sortby);
    if ($sortexpr) {
        $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXPR, $sortexpr);
    if ($distinct) {
    if ($select) {
    if ($limit) {
        $cl->SetLimits(0, $limit, $limit > 1000 ? $limit : 1000);
    $res = $cl->Query($search_str, $index);
    //return $res;
    if (is_array($res["matches"])) {
        $results = array();
        $n = 1;
        //print "Matches:\n";
        foreach ($res["matches"] as $docinfo) {
            //print "$n. doc_id=$docinfo[id], weight=$docinfo[weight]";
            $attr_array = array();
            foreach ($res["attrs"] as $attrname => $attrtype) {
                $value = $docinfo["attrs"][$attrname];
                if ($attrtype == SPH_ATTR_MULTI || $attrtype == SPH_ATTR_MULTI64) {
                    $value = "(" . join(",", $value) . ")";
                } else {
                    if ($attrtype == SPH_ATTR_TIMESTAMP) {
                        $value = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $value);
                $attr_array[$attrname] = $value;
                //print $value;
            $results[$docinfo[id]] = $attr_array;
            //print implode("",$results)."\n";
        return $results;
Exemple #28
 function getCategory($keywords)
     $q = $keywords;
     $mode = SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED;
     $item = array();
     $comma_separated = "";
     //Init config
     $host = SPHINX_SERVER;
     $port = SPHINX_PORT;
     $index = '*';
     $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $cl->SetServer($host, $port);
     $cl->SetWeights(array(100, 1));
     $cl->SetFilter('status', array('1'));
     $cl->SetGroupBy("level_1_category_id", SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count DESC");
     $res = $cl->Query($q, $index);
     $arr = array();
     if ($res && isset($res["matches"])) {
         if (is_array($res["matches"])) {
             foreach ($res["matches"] as $results) {
                 $arr[] = $results["attrs"];
     return $arr;
Exemple #29
 public function __construct($rowsPerPage, $currentPage, $siteID, $wildCardString, $sortBy, $sortDirection)
     $this->_db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
     $this->_siteID = $siteID;
     $this->_sortByFields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'state', 'dateModifiedSort', 'dateCreatedSort', 'ownerSort');
     if (ENABLE_SPHINX) {
         /* Sphinx API likes to throw PHP errors *AND* use it's own error
          * handling.
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
         $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
         $sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
         $sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
         $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1000);
         $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
         // FIXME: This can be sped up a bit by actually grouping ranges of
         //        site IDs into their own index's. Maybe every 500 or so at
         //        least on the Hosted system.
         $sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', array($this->_siteID));
         /* Create the Sphinx query string. */
         $wildCardString = DatabaseSearch::humanToSphinxBoolean($wildCardString);
         /* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
          * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
         $tries = 0;
         do {
             /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
             if (++$tries > 1) {
             $results = $sphinx->Query($wildCardString, SPHINX_INDEX);
             $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
         } while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
         /* Throw a fatal error if Sphinx errors occurred. */
         if ($results === false) {
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Error: ' . ucfirst($errorMessage) . '.');
         /* Throw a fatal error (for now) if Sphinx warnings occurred. */
         $lastWarning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
         if (!empty($lastWarning)) {
             // FIXME: Just display a warning, and notify dev team.
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Warning: ' . ucfirst($lastWarning) . '.');
         /* Show warnings for assert()s again. */
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 1);
         if (empty($results['matches'])) {
             $this->_WHERE = '0';
         } else {
             $attachmentIDs = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
             $this->_WHERE = 'attachment.attachment_id IN(' . $attachmentIDs . ')';
     } else {
         $this->_WHERE = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(DatabaseSearch::fulltextEncode($wildCardString), $this->_db, 'attachment.text');
     /* How many companies do we have? */
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT\n                COUNT(*) AS count\n            FROM\n                attachment\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\n                AND attachment.data_item_type = %s\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\n            WHERE\n                resume = 1\n            AND\n                %s\n            AND\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\n            AND\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\n            AND\n                attachment.site_id = %s", DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $this->_WHERE, $this->_siteID);
     $rs = $this->_db->getAssoc($sql);
     /* Pass "Search By Resume"-specific parameters to Pager constructor. */
     parent::__construct($rs['count'], $rowsPerPage, $currentPage);
  * ¬озвращает список публичных типовых услуг по заданным услови¤м и пагинацией
  * @return array
 public function getList($excluded_ids = array())
     $criteria = array($this->category_id, $this->city_id, $this->country_id, $this->keywords, $this->limit, $this->offset, $this->price_ranges, $this->price_max, $this->order, $excluded_ids, $this->user_id);
     $membuf = new memBuff();
     $memkey = __METHOD__ . '#' . md5(serialize($criteria));
     if (false !== ($result = $membuf->get($memkey)) && is_release()) {
         return $result;
     $sort = $this->getSort();
     # @see about city = x or country = y
     $sphinxClient = new SphinxClient();
     $sphinxClient->SetServer(SEARCHHOST, SEARCHPORT);
     $sphinxClient->SetLimits($this->offset, $this->limit, 20000);
     $sphinxClient->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $sort);
     $sphinxClient->SetFieldWeights(array('title' => 2, 'extra_title' => 1));
     $selectExpression = '*';
     // все колонки
     if ($this->user_id) {
         $selectExpression .= ", IF(user_id = {$this->user_id}, 1, 0) as match_user";
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('match_user', array(1));
     if ($this->category_id) {
         $selectExpression .= ", IF(category_id = {$this->category_id} or category_parent_id = {$this->category_id}, 1, 0) as match_category";
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('match_category', array(1));
     if ($this->country_id) {
         $selectExpression .= ", IF(user_country_id = {$this->country_id} or country_id = {$this->country_id}, 1, 0) as match_country";
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('match_country', array(1));
     if ($this->city_id) {
         $selectExpression .= ", IF(user_city_id = {$this->city_id} or city_id = {$this->city_id}, 1, 0) as match_city";
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('match_city', array(1));
     if (count($this->price_ranges)) {
         $match_price_exprs = array();
         foreach ($this->getPriceRanges() as $i => $price_range) {
             if (!isset($this->price_ranges[$i])) {
             $match_price_exprs[] = "price_{$i} = 1";
         $match_price_exprs = implode(' or ', $match_price_exprs);
         $selectExpression .= ", IF({$match_price_exprs}, 1, 0) as match_price";
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('match_price', array(1));
     if ($this->price_max > 0) {
         $selectExpression .= ", IF(price <= {$this->price_max}, 1, 0) as match_price_max";
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('match_price_max', array(1));
     $searchString = '';
     if (!empty($this->keywords)) {
         $keywords = implode(' ', array_filter(preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $this->keywords)));
         $searchString = trim($keywords);
         //$searchString = $this->GetSphinxKeyword($searchString);
     if (count($excluded_ids)) {
         $sphinxClient->setFilter('tservice_id', $excluded_ids, true);
     $queryResult = $sphinxClient->query($searchString, "tservices;delta_tservices");
     //echo '<pre>error: ', $sphinxClient->GetLastError(), '</pre>';
     //echo '<pre>warn : ', $sphinxClient->GetLastWarning(), '</pre>';
     $list = array();
     $total = 0;
     if (isset($queryResult['matches'])) {
         foreach ($queryResult['matches'] as $id => $row) {
             $row['attrs']['id'] = $id;
             $list[] = $row['attrs'];
         $total = $queryResult['total_found'] < $queryResult['total'] ? $queryResult['total_found'] : $queryResult['total'];
     $result = array('list' => $list, 'total' => $total);
     if ($this->_ttl) {
         $membuf->set($memkey, $result, $this->_ttl);
     return $result;