public function getPaginationLinks($pageNumber, $num, $totalCount, $topBottom) { $mainTag = new Div(); $catalogLink = new CatalogLink(); $dots = false; $topBottomStyle = $topBottom == 'bottom' ? 'link_next_prev_bottom' : ''; if ($totalCount != 0) { $amountPages = ceil($totalCount / $num); if ($pageNumber > 0 && $pageNumber <= $amountPages) { $mainTag->addStyleClasses(["pagination_bar", "right_top_bar", $topBottomStyle]); $brokerTag = new Div(); $mainTag->addChild($brokerTag); $tagCenterContainer = new Span(); if ($pageNumber != 1) { $tagPrevious = new A(); $tagPrevious->addStyleClasses(["f-16", "text_non_select", "link_style", "link_next_prev", "input_hover", "prev_link"]); $tagPrevious->addAttribute("href", URLBuilder::getCatalogLinkPrev($pageNumber, $num)); $text = new Div(); $text->addStyleClass("text"); $text->addChild("назад"); $arrow = new Div(); $arrow->addStyleClass("arrow"); $tagCenterContainer->addChild($tagPrevious->addChildList([$arrow, $text])); } $brokerTag->addChild($tagCenterContainer); $tagCenterContainer->addStyleClasses(["numeric_links", "f-15"]); for ($currentRenderPage = 1; $currentRenderPage <= $amountPages; $currentRenderPage++) { if ($currentRenderPage < 2 || $currentRenderPage > $pageNumber - $this->linksGroupCount && $currentRenderPage < $pageNumber + $this->linksGroupCount || $currentRenderPage > $amountPages - 1) { $dots = false; if ($currentRenderPage != $pageNumber) { $tagCenterContainer->addChild($catalogLink->getLink($currentRenderPage, $num)); } else { $emptyLinkView = $catalogLink->getEmptyLink($pageNumber); $emptyLinkView->addStyleClass("f-16"); $tagCenterContainer->addChild($emptyLinkView); } } else { if (!$dots) { $dots = true; $tagCenterContainer->addChild($catalogLink->get3dots()); } } } if ($pageNumber != $amountPages) { $tagNext = new A(); $tagNext->addStyleClasses(["f-16", "text_non_select", "link_style", "input_hover", "link_next_prev", "next_link"]); $tagNext->addAttribute("href", URLBuilder::getCatalogLinkNext($pageNumber, $num)); $text = new Div(); $text->addStyleClass("text"); $text->addChild("вперед"); $arrow = new Div(); $arrow->addStyleClass("arrow"); $tagCenterContainer->addChild($tagNext->addChildList([$text, $arrow])); } } } return $mainTag; }
function twitterBadge($userEmail, $userPassword, $count = 4) { $json = new Services_JSON(); // Create the twitter Cacher object to pull feed // Password is needed in case feed is protected // HTTP Basic Auth hasn't been wins for now $tc = new TwitterCacher($userEmail, $userPassword); $tc->setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; TwitterCacher/1.0; +"); //echo '<!-- ' . $tc->getUserTimeline(4) . ' -->'; //Create a timeline object of the feed (pull from live if old) $timeline = $json->decode($tc->getUserTimeline($count)); if (!$timeline) { return '<p>Error locating tweets.</p>'; } // Create unorderer list of tweets (see gagawa module) $ul = new Ol(); foreach ($timeline as $tweet) { $text = $tweet->text; //Format date as 5 min ago, 2 hours ago, etc. $date = distance_of_time_in_words(strtotime($tweet->created_at)) . ' ago'; // Tweet source, i.e. twhril, tweetie, tweetdeck, etc. // $source = $tweet->source; // Generate direct link to tweet $tweetid = $tweet->id; $screenname = $tweet->user->screen_name; $tweetlink = '' . $screenname . '/status/' . $tweetid; // Turn links into links $text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $text); // Turn twitter @username into links to the users Twitter page $text = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)@(\\w+)/', '\\1<a href="\\2">@\\2</a>', $text); // Turn #hashtags into searches $text = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)#(\\w+)/', '\\1<a href="\\2">#\\2</a>', $text); // Personal Formatting, see Gagawa for documentaiton. // <li>Tweet Text <span>(<a href="linktotweet">some time ago</a>)<span></li> $li = new Li(); $ul->appendChild($li); $li->appendChild(new Text($text . ' (')); $span = new Span(); $link = new A(); $link->setHref($tweetlink); $link->appendChild(new Text($date)); $span->appendChild($link); $li->appendChild($span); $li->appendChild(new Text(')')); } //end foreach( $timeline as $tweet ) // Returns the stack of li's enclosed by ul return $ul->write(); }
public function testRenderWithSingleContainerUnordered() { $list = ListElement::createUnordered()->addItem(ListItem::create()->appendText(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Item 1')))->addItem(ListItem::create()->appendText(Div::create()->appendText('Item 2')))->addItem(ListItem::create()->appendText(Span::create()->appendText('Item 3'))); $expected = '<ul>' . '<li><p>Item 1</p></li>' . '<li><div>Item 2</div></li>' . '<li><span>Item 3</span></li>' . '</ul>'; $rendered = $list->render(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $rendered); }
private function createRightEarBar() { $svg = new Svg(); $earRect = new Polygon(); $earTriangl = new Polygon(); $svg->addChild($earRect); $svg->addChild($earTriangl); $mainSpan = new Span(); $mainSpan->addChild($svg); $mainSpan->addStyleClass("right_ear"); $earTriangl->addAttribute("points", "0,0 0,10 10,10"); $earTriangl->addAttribute("style", "stroke:#ade681; fill:#ade681; stroke-width: 1;"); $earRect->addAttribute("points", "0,10 10,10 10,40 0,40"); $earRect->addAttribute("style", "stroke:#88cc55; fill:#88cc55; stroke-width: 1;"); return $mainSpan; }
public static function createNote($text, $link) { $note = new A(); $note->addStyleClass("note"); $textWrapper01 = new Div(); $textWrapper = new Span(); $textWrapper->addChild($text); $textWrapper01->addChild($textWrapper); $note->addChild($textWrapper01); if (strlen($link) > 0) { $note->addAttribute("href", $link); $note->addStyleClasses(["hover_text_underline"]); } else { $note->addStyleClasses(["cursor_default"]); } return $note; }
/** * @param RenderAPI $renderApi * @param Unit $unit * @param ModuleInfo $moduleInfo */ public function renderContent($renderApi, $unit, $moduleInfo) { $formSend = false; $this->http = new \Request(); $form = new \Form(); $honeyPotComponent = new \HoneyPotComponent(); $this->formSubmit = new \FormSubmit(); $postRequest = $this->formSubmit->getPostValues(); $elementProperties = $form->getElementProperties(); $elementProperties->setId("form" . str_replace("-", "", $unit->getId())); $elementProperties->addAttribute('action', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '#' . $unit->getId()); $elementProperties->addAttribute('method', 'post'); $elementProperties->addAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); $form->add($honeyPotComponent->getHoneyPot()); $form->add($honeyPotComponent->getFormUnitIdentifier($unit->getId())); if ($this->formSubmit->isValid($renderApi, $unit) && count($postRequest) > 0 && $honeyPotComponent->isValidHoneyPot($postRequest) && $this->hasValidFormData($renderApi, $unit)) { $this->formSubmit->setFieldLabelsToFormValueSet($renderApi); try { $this->sentEmail($renderApi, $unit, $postRequest); $formSend = true; } catch (\Exception $e) { $errorText = new \Span(); $errorText->setContent("Unable to send email:<br />" . $e->getMessage()); $errorContainer = new \Container(); $errorContainer->add($errorText); $errorContainer->getElementProperties()->addClass('vf__main_error'); $form->add($errorContainer); } } if ($formSend) { $confirmationText = new \Span(); $confirmationText->setContent(preg_replace('/\\n/', '<br>', $renderApi->getFormValue($unit, 'confirmationText'))); $confirmationContainer = new \Container(); $confirmationContainer->add($confirmationText); $confirmationContainer->getElementProperties()->addClass('confirmationText'); $form->add($confirmationContainer); echo $form->renderElement(); } else { echo $form->renderElementProgressive($renderApi, $unit); } }
function wrapTweets($timeline) { if (!$timeline) { return '<p>Unable to connect to twitter.</p>'; } // Create unorderer list of tweets (see gagawa module) $ul = new Ol(); foreach ($timeline as $tweet) { $text = $tweet->text; //Format date as 5 min ago, 2 hours ago, etc. $date = distance_of_time_in_words(strtotime($tweet->created_at)) . ' ago'; // Tweet source, i.e. twhril, tweetie, tweetdeck, etc. // $source = $tweet->source; // Generate direct link to tweet $tweetid = $tweet->id; $screenname = $tweet->user->screen_name; $tweetlink = '' . $screenname . '/status/' . $tweetid; // Turn links into links $text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $text); // Turn twitter @username into links to the users Twitter page $text = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)@(\\w+)/', '\\1<a href="\\2" target="_blank">@\\2</a>', $text); // Turn #hashtags into searches $text = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)#(\\w+)/', '\\1<a href="\\2" target="_blank">#\\2</a>', $text); // Personal Formatting, see Gagawa for documentaiton. // <li>Tweet Text <span>(<a href="linktotweet">some time ago</a>)<span></li> $li = new Li(); $ul->appendChild($li); $span = new Span(); $link = new A(); $link->setHref($tweetlink); $link->appendChild(new Text($date)); $span->appendChild($link); //$li->appendChild($span); $li->appendChild(new Text($text)); } //end foreach( $timeline as $tweet ) // Returns the stack of li's enclosed by ul return $ul->write(); }
$a = new A("Link", "", array("style" => "color:blue")); echo $a; $h1 = new H("1", "This is a h1"); $h2 = new H("2", "This is a h2"); echo $h1 . $h2; $hr = new HR(); $h1->setContents("This is the new contents"); echo $hr . $h1 . $h2; $p = new P(); $br = new BR(); $p->setContents("This is some {$br} contents"); echo $p; $comment = new Comment("This is commented out"); echo $comment; $img = new Img("", "This is a dog", array("width" => "100", "height" => "100")); echo $img; $table = new Table(); $table->columns(array("col1", "col2", "col3")); $table->addRow(array("data col1", "data col2", "data col3")); echo $table; $list = new BootstrapList(); $list->addLi("item 1")->addLi("item 2"); echo $list; $div = new Div(); $div->setContents($p . $img); echo $div; $span = new Span(); $span->setContents("This is a span"); $div->setContents($span->setContents("This is some new content")); echo $div;
/** * Set the time span from an array. * * Set the time span from an array. Any value can be a float (but it * has no sense in seconds), for example array(23.5, 20, 0) is * interpreted as 23 hours, .5*60 + 20 = 50 minutes and 0 seconds. * * @param array $time * Items are counted from right to left. First * item is for seconds, second for minutes, third * for hours and fourth for days. If there are * less items than 4, zero (0) is assumed for the * absent values. * * @return bool True on success. * * @access public */ function setFromArray($time) { if (!is_array($time)) { return false; } $tmp1 = new Span(); if (!$tmp1->setFromSeconds(@array_pop($time))) { return false; } $tmp2 = new Span(); if (!$tmp2->setFromMinutes(@array_pop($time))) { return false; } $tmp1->add($tmp2); if (!$tmp2->setFromHours(@array_pop($time))) { return false; } $tmp1->add($tmp2); if (!$tmp2->setFromDays(@array_pop($time))) { return false; } $tmp1->add($tmp2); return $this->copy($tmp1); }
function showMobile() { $dvSc = new Div(); $dvSc->setWidth("100%"); $title = new Title("Shortcuts", 0, "10em"); $spc = new Line(); $dvSc->add(new Spacer(20)); $dvSc->add($title); $dvSc->add($spc); foreach ($this->SHORTCUTS_DB->ROWS as $shortcutRow) { $this->SHORTCUTS_URL_COMMAND = "/?switchShortcut="; $this->SHORTCUTS_TOOLTIP = "<table width='120' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"; $this->prepareShortcutSwitchLink($shortcutRow->getNamedAttribute("id")); if ($this->SHORTCUTS_URL_COMMAND != "/?switchShortcut=") { // aktiver Link mit konfigurierten Items $this->SHORTCUTS_URL_COMMAND = str_replace("_", "", $this->SHORTCUTS_URL_COMMAND); $this->SHORTCUTS_TOOLTIP .= "</table> "; //$txtShortcut = new Text($shortcutRow->getNamedAttribute("name"), 3, true); //$txtShortcut->setTooltip($this->SHORTCUTS_TOOLTIP); $spn = new Span($shortcutRow->getNamedAttribute("name"), $shortcutRow->getNamedAttribute("name")); $spn->setFontsize("12em"); $spn->add(new Text($this->SHORTCUTS_TOOLTIP, null, false, false, false, false)); $dvSc->add($spn); $dvSc->add(new Text("<a href='" . $this->SHORTCUTS_URL_COMMAND . "'>" . "<center><div align='center' style='display:table-cell; padding:2px 25px; width:100%;vertical-align:middle;background-color:green'>" . "<font size='12em' color='#deffde'><b>aktivieren</b></font>" . "</div></center>" . "</a>", 2, false, false, false, false)); $dvSc->add($spc); } else { // inaktiv (Keine konfigurierten Items) $txt = new Text($shortcutRow->getNamedAttribute("name"), 3, false); $txt->setTooltip("Noch keine Konfiguration hinterlegt"); $dvSc->add($txt); $dvSc->add($spc); } } $dvSc->show(); }
<title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Sourcerer-1.2.css" /> <script src="jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="Sourcerer-1.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.mycode').sourcerer('html'); }); </script> </head> <body> <pre class="mycode"> <?php $root = new Div(); $root->setInnerHtml('The Root Div'); $root->addNode(new Div()); $root->addNode(new Div()); $span1 = new Span(); $br1 = new Br(); $span1->addNode(new Div()); $span1->addNode(new Br()); $root->addNode($span1); $root->display(); ?> </pre> </body> </html>
private function getCatalogItemsTitle() { $headContainer = new Div(); $head = new Div(); $head->addStyleClasses(["slogan_container_horizontal", "z-10"]); $leftEar = new Div(); $leftEar->addStyleClass("slogan_left_ear"); $rightEar = new Div(); $rightEar->addStyleClass("slogan_right_ear"); $sloganContainer = new Div(); $slogan = new Div(); $slogan->addStyleClass("slogan catalog_slogan"); $slogan->addChild("Наша спецодежда позаботится о Вас."); $sloganContainer->addChildren($slogan); $head->addChildren($leftEar, $sloganContainer, $rightEar, $rightEar); $head2 = new Div(); $head2->addStyleClasses(["slogan_container_horizontal", "z-9"]); $catalogLinkContainer = new A(); $catalogLinkContainer->addAttribute("href", Labels::$TOP_NAVIGATION_LINKS[catalog]); $catalogLinkContainer->addStyleClass("main_page_catalog_link_container"); $catalogLink = new Span(); $catalogLink->addChild("Каталог"); $catalogLink->addStyleClasses(["main_page_catalog_link button input_hover", "f-25"]); $catalogLinkContainer->addChildren($catalogLink); /*$rightEarForLink = new Div(); $rightEarForLink->addStyleClasses(["slogan_right_ear", "background_dark"]);*/ $head2->addChildren($catalogLinkContainer); $headContainer->addChildren($head, $head2); $slogan = new Div(); $slogan->addStyleClass('catalog_slogan'); $headContainer->addStyleClass("main_page_slogan_container"); return $slogan->addChild($headContainer); }