 * Generic comment adding routine. Called by album objects or image objects
 * to add comments.
 * Returns a code for the success of the comment add:
 *    0: Bad entry
 *    1: Marked for moderation
 *    2: Successfully posted
 * @param string $name Comment author name
 * @param string $email Comment author email
 * @param string $website Comment author website
 * @param string $comment body of the comment
 * @param string $code Captcha code entered
 * @param string $code_ok Captcha md5 expected
 * @param string $type 'albums' if it is an album or 'images' if it is an image comment
 * @param object $receiver the object (image or album) to which to post the comment
 * @param string $ip the IP address of the comment poster
 * @param bool $private set to true if the comment is for the admin only
 * @param bool $anon set to true if the poster wishes to remain anonymous
 * @return int
function postComment($name, $email, $website, $comment, $code, $code_ok, $receiver, $ip, $private, $anon)
    global $_zp_captcha;
    $result = commentObjectClass($receiver);
    list($type, $class) = $result;
    $name = trim($name);
    $email = trim($email);
    $website = trim($website);
    $admins = getAdministrators();
    $admin = array_shift($admins);
    $key = $admin['pass'];
    // Let the comment have trailing line breaks and space? Nah...
    // Also (in)validate HTML here, and in $name.
    $comment = trim($comment);
    if (getOption('comment_email_required') && (empty($email) || !is_valid_email_zp($email))) {
        return -2;
    if (getOption('comment_name_required') && empty($name)) {
        return -3;
    if (getOption('comment_web_required') && (empty($website) || !isValidURL($website))) {
        return -4;
    if (getOption('Use_Captcha')) {
        if (!$_zp_captcha->checkCaptcha($code, $code_ok)) {
            return -5;
    if (empty($comment)) {
        return -6;
    if (!empty($website) && substr($website, 0, 7) != "http://") {
        $website = "http://" . $website;
    $goodMessage = 2;
    $gallery = new gallery();
    if (!(false === ($requirePath = getPlugin('spamfilters/' . UTF8ToFileSystem(getOption('spam_filter')) . ".php", false)))) {
        require_once $requirePath;
        $spamfilter = new SpamFilter();
        $goodMessage = $spamfilter->filterMessage($name, $email, $website, $comment, isImageClass($receiver) ? $receiver->getFullImage() : NULL, $ip);
    if ($goodMessage) {
        if ($goodMessage == 1) {
            $moderate = 1;
        } else {
            $moderate = 0;
        if ($private) {
            $private = 1;
        } else {
            $private = 0;
        if ($anon) {
            $anon = 1;
        } else {
            $anon = 0;
        $receiverid = $receiver->id;
        // Update the database entry with the new comment
        query("INSERT INTO " . prefix("comments") . " (`ownerid`, `name`, `email`, `website`, `comment`, `inmoderation`, `date`, `type`, `ip`, `private`, `anon`) VALUES " . ' ("' . $receiverid . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($website) . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($comment) . '", "' . $moderate . '", NOW()' . ', "' . $type . '", "' . $ip . '", "' . $private . '", "' . $anon . '")');
        if ($moderate) {
            $action = "placed in moderation";
        } else {
            //  add to comments array and notify the admin user
            $newcomment = array();
            $newcomment['name'] = $name;
            $newcomment['email'] = $email;
            $newcomment['website'] = $website;
            $newcomment['comment'] = $comment;
            $newcomment['date'] = time();
            $receiver->comments[] = $newcomment;
            $action = "posted";
        // switch added for zenpage support
        $class = get_class($receiver);
        switch ($class) {
            case "Albums":
                $on = $receiver->name;
                $url = "album=" . urlencode($receiver->name);
                $ur_album = getUrAlbum($receiver);
            case "ZenpageNews":
                $on = $receiver->getTitlelink();
                $url = "p=" . ZENPAGE_NEWS . "&title=" . urlencode($receiver->getTitlelink());
            case "ZenpagePage":
                $on = $receiver->getTitlelink();
                $url = "p=" . ZENPAGE_PAGES . "&title=" . urlencode($receiver->getTitlelink());
                // all image types
                $on = $receiver->getAlbumName() . " about " . $receiver->getTitle();
                $url = "album=" . urlencode($receiver->album->name) . "&image=" . urlencode($receiver->filename);
                $album = $receiver->getAlbum();
                $ur_album = getUrAlbum($album);
        if (getOption('email_new_comments')) {
            $last_comment = fetchComments(1);
            $last_comment = $last_comment[0]['id'];
            $message = gettext("A comment has been {$action} in your album") . " {$on}\n" . "\n" . "Author: " . $name . "\n" . "Email: " . $email . "\n" . "Website: " . $website . "\n" . "Comment:\n" . $comment . "\n" . "\n" . "You can view all comments about this image here:\n" . "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . WEBPATH . "/index.php?{$url}\n" . "\n" . "You can edit the comment here:\n" . "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/admin-comments.php?page=editcomment&id={$last_comment}\n";
            $emails = array();
            $admin_users = getAdministrators();
            foreach ($admin_users as $admin) {
                // mail anyone else with full rights
                if ($admin['rights'] & ADMIN_RIGHTS && $admin['rights'] & COMMENT_RIGHTS && !empty($admin['email'])) {
                    $emails[] = $admin['email'];
            // take out for zenpage comments since there are no album admins
            if ($type === "images" or $type === "albums") {
                $id = $ur_album->getAlbumID();
                $sql = "SELECT `adminid` FROM " . prefix('admintoalbum') . " WHERE `albumid`={$id}";
                $result = query_full_array($sql);
                foreach ($result as $anadmin) {
                    $admin = $admin_users[$anadmin['adminid']];
                    if (!empty($admin['email'])) {
                        $emails[] = $admin['email'];
            zp_mail("[" . get_language_string(getOption('gallery_title'), getOption('locale')) . "] Comment posted on {$on}", $message, "", $emails);
    return $goodMessage;
 * Generic comment adding routine. Called by album objects or image objects
 * to add comments.
 * Returns a comment object
 * @param string $name Comment author name
 * @param string $email Comment author email
 * @param string $website Comment author website
 * @param string $comment body of the comment
 * @param string $code CAPTCHA code entered
 * @param string $code_ok CAPTCHA hash expected
 * @param string $type 'albums' if it is an album or 'images' if it is an image comment
 * @param object $receiver the object (image or album) to which to post the comment
 * @param string $ip the IP address of the comment poster
 * @param bool $private set to true if the comment is for the admin only
 * @param bool $anon set to true if the poster wishes to remain anonymous
 * @param bit $check bitmask of which fields must be checked. If set overrides the options
 * @return object
function postComment($name, $email, $website, $comment, $code, $code_ok, $receiver, $ip, $private, $anon, $check = false)
    global $_zp_captcha, $_zp_gallery, $_zp_authority, $_zp_comment_on_hold;
    if ($check === false) {
        $whattocheck = 0;
        if (getOption('comment_email_required') == 'required') {
            $whattocheck = $whattocheck | COMMENT_EMAIL_REQUIRED;
        if (getOption('comment_name_required')) {
            $whattocheck = $whattocheck | COMMENT_NAME_REQUIRED;
        if (getOption('comment_web_required') == 'required') {
            $whattocheck = $whattocheck | COMMENT_WEB_REQUIRED;
        if (getOption('Use_Captcha')) {
            $whattocheck = $whattocheck | USE_CAPTCHA;
        if (getOption('comment_body_requiired')) {
            $whattocheck = $whattocheck | COMMENT_BODY_REQUIRED;
        if (getOption('email_new_comments')) {
            $whattocheck = $whattocheck | COMMENT_SEND_EMAIL;
    } else {
        $whattocheck = $check;
    $type = $receiver->table;
    $class = get_class($receiver);
    $name = trim($name);
    $email = trim($email);
    $website = trim($website);
    if (!empty($website) && substr($website, 0, 7) != "http://") {
        $website = "http://" . $website;
    // Let the comment have trailing line breaks and space? Nah...
    // Also (in)validate HTML here, and in $name.
    $comment = trim($comment);
    $receiverid = $receiver->id;
    $goodMessage = 2;
    if ($private) {
        $private = 1;
    } else {
        $private = 0;
    if ($anon) {
        $anon = 1;
    } else {
        $anon = 0;
    $commentobj = new Comment();
    $commentobj->transient = false;
    // otherwise we won't be able to save it....
    if ($whattocheck & COMMENT_EMAIL_REQUIRED && (empty($email) || !is_valid_email_zp($email))) {
        $commentobj->comment_error_text .= ' ' . gettext("You must supply an e-mail address.");
        $goodMessage = false;
    if ($whattocheck & COMMENT_NAME_REQUIRED && empty($name)) {
        $commentobj->comment_error_text .= ' ' . gettext("You must enter your name.");
        $goodMessage = false;
    if ($whattocheck & COMMENT_WEB_REQUIRED && (empty($website) || !isValidURL($website))) {
        $commentobj->comment_error_text .= ' ' . gettext("You must supply a WEB page URL.");
        $goodMessage = false;
    if ($whattocheck & USE_CAPTCHA) {
        if (!$_zp_captcha->checkCaptcha($code, $code_ok)) {
            $commentobj->comment_error_text .= ' ' . gettext("CAPTCHA verification failed.");
            $goodMessage = false;
    if ($whattocheck & COMMENT_BODY_REQUIRED && empty($comment)) {
        $commentobj->comment_error_text .= ' ' . gettext("You must enter something in the comment text.");
        $goodMessage = false;
    $moderate = 0;
    if ($goodMessage && !(false === ($requirePath = getPlugin('spamfilters/' . internalToFilesystem(getOption('spam_filter')) . ".php")))) {
        require_once $requirePath;
        $spamfilter = new SpamFilter();
        $goodMessage = $spamfilter->filterMessage($name, $email, $website, $comment, $receiver, $ip);
        switch ($goodMessage) {
            case 0:
                $commentobj->comment_error_text .= sprintf(gettext('Your comment was rejected by the <em>%s</em> SPAM filter.'), getOption('spam_filter'));
                $goodMessage = false;
            case 1:
                $_zp_comment_on_hold = sprintf(gettext('Your comment has been marked for moderation by the <em>%s</em> SPAM filter.'), getOption('spam_filter'));
                $commentobj->comment_error_text .= $_zp_comment_on_hold;
                $moderate = 1;
            case 2:
    $localerrors = $commentobj->getInModeration();
    zp_apply_filter('comment_post', $commentobj, $receiver);
    if ($check === false) {
        // ignore filter provided errors if caller is supplying the fields to check
        $localerrors = $commentobj->getInModeration();
    if ($goodMessage && $localerrors >= 0) {
        // Update the database entry with the new comment
        //  add to comments array and notify the admin user
        if (!$moderate) {
            $receiver->comments[] = array('name' => $commentobj->getname(), 'email' => $commentobj->getEmail(), 'website' => $commentobj->getWebsite(), 'comment' => $commentobj->getComment(), 'date' => $commentobj->getDateTime(), 'custom_data' => $commentobj->getCustomData());
        $class = strtolower(get_class($receiver));
        switch ($class) {
            case "album":
                $url = "album=" . pathurlencode($receiver->name);
                $ur_album = getUrAlbum($receiver);
                if ($moderate) {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been placed in moderation on your album "%1$s".'), $receiver->name);
                } else {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been posted on your album "%1$s".'), $receiver->name);
            case "zenpagenews":
                $url = "p=news&title=" . urlencode($receiver->getTitlelink());
                if ($moderate) {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been placed in moderation on your article "%1$s".'), $receiver->getTitlelink());
                } else {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been posted on your article "%1$s".'), $receiver->getTitlelink());
            case "zenpagepage":
                $url = "p=pages&title=" . urlencode($receiver->getTitlelink());
                if ($moderate) {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been placed in moderation on your page "%1$s".'), $receiver->getTitlelink());
                } else {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been posted on your page "%1$s".'), $receiver->getTitlelink());
                // all image types
                $url = "album=" . pathurlencode($receiver->album->name) . "&image=" . urlencode($receiver->filename);
                $album = $receiver->getAlbum();
                $ur_album = getUrAlbum($album);
                if ($moderate) {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been placed in moderation on your image "%1$s" in the album "%2$s".'), $receiver->getTitle(), $receiver->getAlbumName());
                } else {
                    $action = sprintf(gettext('A comment has been posted on your image "%1$s" in the album "%2$s".'), $receiver->getTitle(), $receiver->getAlbumName());
        if ($whattocheck & COMMENT_SEND_EMAIL) {
            $message = $action . "\n\n" . sprintf(gettext('Author: %1$s' . "\n" . 'Email: %2$s' . "\n" . 'Website: %3$s' . "\n" . 'Comment:' . "\n\n" . '%4$s'), $commentobj->getname(), $commentobj->getEmail(), $commentobj->getWebsite(), $commentobj->getComment()) . "\n\n" . sprintf(gettext('You can view all comments about this item here:' . "\n" . '%1$s'), 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . WEBPATH . '/index.php?' . $url) . "\n\n" . sprintf(gettext('You can edit the comment here:' . "\n" . '%1$s'), 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-comments.php?page=editcomment&id=' . $commentobj->id);
            $emails = array();
            $admin_users = $_zp_authority->getAdministrators();
            foreach ($admin_users as $admin) {
                // mail anyone with full rights
                if (!empty($admin['email']) && ($admin['rights'] & ADMIN_RIGHTS || ($admin['rights'] & (MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS | COMMENT_RIGHTS)) == (MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS | COMMENT_RIGHTS))) {
                    $emails[] = $admin['email'];
            if ($type === "images" or $type === "albums") {
                // mail to album admins
                $id = $ur_album->getAlbumID();
                $sql = 'SELECT `adminid` FROM ' . prefix('admin_to_object') . ' WHERE `objectid`=' . $id . ' AND `type`="album"';
                $result = query_full_array($sql);
                foreach ($result as $anadmin) {
                    $id = $anadmin['adminid'];
                    if (array_key_exists($id, $admin_users)) {
                        $admin = $admin_users[$id];
                        if ($admin['rights'] & COMMENT_RIGHTS && !empty($admin['email'])) {
                            $emails[] = $admin['email'];
            $on = gettext('Comment posted');
            $gallery = new Gallery();
            $result = zp_mail("[" . $gallery->getTitle() . "] {$on}", $message, $emails);
            if ($result) {
                $commentobj->comment_error_text = $result;
    return $commentobj;