  * Add missing translations to the source table and 
  * If we are using a different translation then the original one
  * Then add the same message to the translation table.
 public static function load($event)
     // Load the messages
     $source = SourceMessage::model()->find('message=:message AND category=:category', array(':message' => $event->message, ':category' => $event->category));
     // If we didn't find one then add it
     if (!$source) {
         // Add it
         $model = new SourceMessage();
         $model->category = $event->category;
         $model->message = $event->message;
         $lastID = Yii::app()->db->lastInsertID;
     /*if( $event->language != Yii::app()->sourceLanguage )
     			// Do the same thing with the messages	
     			$translation = Message::model()->find('language=:language AND translation=:translation', array(':language'=>$event->language, ':translation'=>$event->message));	
     			// If we didn't find one then add it
     			if( !$translation )
     				$source = SourceMessage::model()->find('message=:message AND category=:category', array(':message'=>$event->message, ':category'=>$event->category));
     				// Add it
     				$model = new Message;
     				$model->id = $source->id;
     				$model->language = $event->language;
     				$model->translation = $event->message;
  * Import a language
 public static function importLanguage($filename, $showMessage = true, $fastImport = false)
     $localErrors = array();
     $allAccounts = array();
     $dom = new domDocument();
     if (!$dom->load($filename)) {
         if ($showMessage) {
             throw new CException(Yii::t('lazy8', 'input file could not be xml parsed'));
         } else {
             throw new CException('input file could not be xml parsed');
     $root = $dom->documentElement;
     if ($root->nodeName != "lazy8webportlang") {
         if ($showMessage) {
             $localErrors = array(array(Yii::t('lazy8', 'Upload failed.  This is not a valid file.'), Yii::t('lazy8', 'Select a file and try again')));
         return $localErrors;
     if ($root->getAttribute('version') > 1.0) {
         if ($showMessage) {
             $localErrors = array(array(Yii::t('lazy8', 'There maybe problems because this is a file version greater then this programs version'), Yii::t('lazy8', 'Select a file and try again')));
     $nodeLanguages = $root->getElementsByTagName('language');
     foreach ($nodeLanguages as $nodeLanguage) {
         //make sure the company code is unique
         //Message::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("DELETE FROM Message WHERE language='".$nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode')."'")->execute();
         //make sure that all the source messages exist for this language
         if (!$fastImport) {
             $sources = SourceMessage::model()->findAll();
             foreach ($sources as $source) {
                 $foundMessage = Message::model()->find(array('condition' => "language='" . $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode') . "' AND id=" . $source->id));
                 if ($foundMessage == null) {
                     $trans = new Message();
                     $trans->id = $source->id;
                     $trans->translation = $source->message;
                     $trans->language = $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode');
         } else {
             //quickly delete all occurances of this language
             SourceMessage::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("DELETE FROM Message WHERE language='{$nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode')}'")->execute();
         //update the version information
         if ($nodeLanguage->getAttribute('version') != null) {
             $foundOption = Options::model()->find('name=:name AND userId=:id AND companyId=:compid', array(':name' => "Language.Version." . $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode'), ':id' => 0, ':compid' => 0));
             if ($foundOption !== null) {
             $createOption = new Options();
             $createOption->name = "Language.Version." . $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode');
             $createOption->userId = 0;
             $createOption->companyId = 0;
             $createOption->datavalue = $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('version');
         //get all the messages
         $nodeMessages = $nodeLanguage->getElementsByTagName('message');
         foreach ($nodeMessages as $nodeMessage) {
             $sources = SourceMessage::model()->find(array('condition' => "category='" . $nodeMessage->getAttribute('category') . "' AND message='" . SourceMessageController::sqlCleanString(CHtml::encode($nodeMessage->getAttribute('key'))) . "'"));
             if ($sources == null) {
                 $newSource = new SourceMessage();
                 $newSource->message = CHtml::encode($nodeMessage->getAttribute('key'));
                 $newSource->category = $nodeMessage->getAttribute('category');
                 $maxId = 0;
                 $command = SourceMessage::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("SELECT MAX(id) as maxid FROM SourceMessage");
                 try {
                     $reader = $command->query();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo '<h2>Died on Sql Maxid</h2>';
                     throw $e;
                 if ($reader !== null && count($reader) > 0) {
                     foreach ($reader as $row) {
                         $maxId = $row['maxid'] + 1;
                         //there is only one row here anyway.
                 $newSource->id = $maxId;
                 if ($newSource->save()) {
                     $modelMessage = new Message();
                     $modelMessage->language = $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode');
                     $modelMessage->id = $newSource->id;
                     $modelMessage->translation = SourceMessageController::getNodeText($nodeMessage, "translation");
                     if (!$fastImport) {
                         //now we must add to all of the other languages.
                         $langs = Message::model()->findAll(array('select' => 'distinct language'));
                         if (isset($langs) && count($langs) > 0) {
                             foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                                 if ($nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode') != $lang->language) {
                                     $newLangItem = new Message();
                                     $newLangItem->id = $newSource->id;
                                     $newLangItem->language = $lang->language;
                                     $newLangItem->translation = CHtml::encode($nodeMessage->getAttribute('key'));
             } else {
                 //make sure the key is unique
                 if (!$fastImport) {
                     Message::model()->dbConnection->createCommand("DELETE FROM Message WHERE language='" . $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode') . "' AND id=" . $sources->id)->execute();
                 $modelMessage = new Message();
                 $modelMessage->language = $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode');
                 $modelMessage->id = $sources->id;
                 $modelMessage->translation = SourceMessageController::getNodeText($nodeMessage, "translation");
                 if (!$modelMessage->save()) {
                     if ($showMessage) {
                         $localErrors[] = array(Yii::t('lazy8', 'Failed import of translation.') . ' = ' . $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode') . ' ; ' . $nodeMessage->getAttribute('key'), Yii::t('lazy8', 'Select a file and try again'));
                 //}catch(Exception $e){
                 //	echo "error on langcode=" . $nodeLanguage->getAttribute('langcode') . " key=" . $nodeMessage->getAttribute('key');
                 //	die();
     return $localErrors;
  * Import language
 public function actionImport()
     // Check access
     $file = CUploadedFile::getInstanceByName('file');
     $update = getPostParam('update', 0);
     // Did we upload anything?
     if (!$file || !$file->getTempName()) {
         ferror(at('File was not uploaded properly.'));
     // Make sure it's an xml file
     if ($file->getType() != 'text/xml') {
         ferror(at('You must upload an XML file.'));
     // Make file has contents
     if (!$file->getSize()) {
         ferror(at('File Uploaded is empty.'));
     // Grab data from file
     $xml = new ClassXML();
     // Check to see if it has language details
     foreach ($xml->fetchElements('language_row') as $lang) {
         // Grab first language
         $langData = $xml->fetchElementsFromRecord($lang);
     // Make sure we have data
     if (!count($langData)) {
         ferror(at('Could not locate language data.'));
     // See if language data missing the name and short form
     if (!isset($langData['name']) || !isset($langData['abbr'])) {
         ferror(at('Language data missing name or abbreviation.'));
     $langName = $langData['name'];
     $langAbbr = $langData['abbr'];
     $langId = null;
     // Check if that language exists
     $langModel = Language::model()->find('abbr=:abbr', array(':abbr' => $langAbbr));
     // If we have the model then set the id
     if ($langModel) {
         $langId = $langModel->id;
     // Grab the strings
     $stringsToImport = array();
     foreach ($xml->fetchElements('message_row') as $string) {
         // Grab first language
         $stringData = $xml->fetchElementsFromRecord($string);
         $stringsToImport[] = $stringData;
     // Make sure we have strings
     if (!count($stringsToImport)) {
         ferror(at('Could not locate any strings to import.'));
     // Do we need to create a new language?
     if (!$langModel) {
         // Create new language
         $newLang = new Language();
         $newLang->name = $langName;
         $newLang->abbr = $langAbbr;
         if (!$newLang->save()) {
             ferror(at('Could not save the new language.'));
         $langId = $newLang->id;
     $imported = 0;
     $updated = 0;
     $skipped = 0;
     // Run each string and check if the one exists in the current language if it does and we have the update then update
     // otherwise skip
     foreach ($stringsToImport as $r) {
         // Get orig id if exists if not create orig
         $orig = SourceMessage::model()->find('category=:category AND message=:message', array(':category' => $r['category'], ':message' => $r['orig']));
         if ($orig) {
             // It exists so we have the original message id
             $origId = $orig->id;
         } else {
             // It does not exists create and get newly created id
             $newSource = new SourceMessage();
             $newSource->category = $r['category'];
             $newSource->message = $r['orig'];
             $origId = $newSource->id;
         // Now that we have the original id check if we need to update or create
         $exists = Message::model()->find('id=:id AND language_id=:lang', array(':id' => $origId, ':lang' => $langId));
         if ($exists) {
             if ($update) {
                 // Exists and update
                 $exists->translation = $r['translation'];
             } else {
                 // Exists do not update
         } else {
             // Does not exist create
             $newMessage = new Message();
             $newMessage->id = $origId;
             $newMessage->language = $langAbbr;
             $newMessage->language_id = $langId;
             $newMessage->translation = $r['translation'];
     // Log and save flash message
     if ($langModel) {
         alog(at("Update Language '{name}'", array('{name}' => $langName)));
         fok(at('Language Updated. {i} Strings Imported, {u} Strings Updated, {s} Strings Skipped.', array('{i}' => $imported, '{u}' => $updated, '{s}' => $skipped)));
     } else {
         alog(at("Imported New Language '{name}'", array('{name}' => $langName)));
         fok(at("New Language Created '{name}'. <b>{i}</b> Strings Imported, <b>{u}</b> Strings Updated, <b>{s}</b> Strings Skipped.", array('{name}' => $langName, '{i}' => $imported, '{u}' => $updated, '{s}' => $skipped)));
 public function afterSave($event)
     // do nothing if we have nothing to save
     if (empty($this->dirtyAttributes)) {
         return true;
     // format into a structured array of translations to save
     $sourceMessages = array();
     foreach ($this->dirtyAttributes as $keyWithSuffix => $value) {
         $originalAttribute = $this->getOriginalAttribute($keyWithSuffix);
         $language = $this->getLanguageSuffix($keyWithSuffix);
         // Do not save translations in sourceLanguage
         if ($language == Yii::app()->sourceLanguage) {
         $sourceMessage = $this->getSourceMessage($originalAttribute);
         if (!isset($sourceMessages[md5($sourceMessage)])) {
             $sourceMessages[md5($sourceMessage)] = array('message' => $sourceMessage, 'category' => $this->getCategory($originalAttribute), 'translations' => array());
         $sourceMessages[md5($sourceMessage)]['translations'][] = array('language' => $language, 'translation' => $value);
     // do nothing if we have nothing to save
     if (empty($sourceMessages)) {
         return true;
     // find a suitable method of saving
     $component = Yii::app()->{$this->messageSourceComponent};
     if (method_exists($component, 'saveTranslations')) {
         return $this->afterSavingTranslations();
     if ($component instanceof CPhpMessageSource) {
         throw new CException("Cannot save translations with CPhpMessageSource");
     if ($component instanceof CDbMessageSource) {
         // save the translations
         foreach ($sourceMessages as $sourceMessage) {
             $attributes = array('category' => $sourceMessage['category'], 'message' => $sourceMessage['message']);
             if (($model = SourceMessage::model()->find('message=:message AND category=:category', $attributes)) === null) {
                 $model = new SourceMessage();
                 $model->attributes = $attributes;
                 if (!$model->save()) {
                     throw new CException('Attribute source message ' . $attributes['category'] . ' - ' . $attributes['message'] . ' could not be added to the SourceMessage table. Errors: ' . print_r($model->errors, true));
             if ($model->id) {
                 foreach ($sourceMessage['translations'] as $translation) {
                     $attributes = array('id' => $model->id, 'language' => $translation['language']);
                     if (($messageModel = Message::model()->find('id=:id AND language=:language', $attributes)) === null) {
                         $messageModel = new Message();
                     $messageModel->id = $attributes['id'];
                     $messageModel->language = $attributes['language'];
                     $messageModel->translation = $translation['translation'];
                     if (!$messageModel->save()) {
                         throw new CException('Attribute message ' . $attributes['category'] . ' - ' . $attributes['message'] . ' - ' . $language . ' - ' . $value . ' could not be saved to the Message table. Errors: ' . print_r($messageModel->errors, true));
         return $this->afterSavingTranslations();
     throw new CException("Cannot save translations with " . get_class(Yii::app()->messages));