Exemple #1

* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
SomeLoader::import('library.some.database.irow', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
* SomeRow is factory class to create specialized SomeRow___ objects.
* <p>SomeRow povides getRow factory method. It gets arguments that is the suffix of the class extending SomeRow.
* Extending class must be on subfolder rows/ in a file named exactly as class prefix. Example:
* <code>
* get class SomeRowDemo from file rows/demo.php
* This is NOT singleton
* SomeRow::getRow('demo');
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>Extendng class MUST implement getTable(), getPrimary() and getColumns methods. See methods for explanation.</p>
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
class SomeRow implements ISomeRow
    public $sql;
    public $columnsdebug;
    protected function __construct()
* Usage example, get database settings.
* <code>
* $conf = SomeFactory::getConfiguration();
* $database_host = $conf->get('databasehost','database');
* $database_name = $conf->get('database','database');
* $database_dbuser = $conf->get('dbuser','database');
* $database_dbpass = $conf->get('dbpass','database');
* </code>
* </p>
* @author Hannu Lohtander
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
SomeLoader::import('library.some.configuration.iconfiguration', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
* SomeConfiguration serves as wrapper class aroung configuration.php.
* <p>It would be difficult to every time use xml apis to get values from Configuration.
* That is why this class provides easy api to configuration data.
* Class is used through SomeFactory.
* </p>
* <p>
* Usage example, get database settings.
* <code>
* $conf = SomeFactory::getConfiguration();
* $database_host = $conf->get('databasehost','database');
* $database_name = $conf->get('database','database');
* $database_dbuser = $conf->get('dbuser','database');
* $database_dbpass = $conf->get('dbpass','database');
Exemple #3

 * @author Hannu Lohtander
 * @package wo2009
 * @subpackage mvc
SomeLoader::import('library.some.application.iview', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
 * @package wo2009
 * @subpackage mvc
class SomeView implements ISomeView
    /**  */
    private $_name;
    /**  */
    private $model;
     * defautl constructor.
     * @param array $options
     * @return ISomeView
    public function __construct(array $options = array())
        if (isset($options['name'])) {
            $this->_name = $options['name'];
Exemple #4
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
if (!class_exists('SomeLoader')) {
    require_once SOME_LIBRARY . DS . 'loader.php';
SomeLoader::register('JFilterInput', SOME_LIBRARY . DS . 'some' . DS . 'filter' . DS . 'filterinput.php');
//Environment classes
//register exception classes
SomeLoader::register('SomeFrameworkException', SOME_LIBRARY . DS . 'some' . DS . 'exception' . DS . 'frameworkexception.php');
SomeLoader::register('SomeDatabaseException', SOME_LIBRARY . DS . 'some' . DS . 'exception' . DS . 'databaseexception.php');
SomeLoader::register('SomeFileNotFoundException', SOME_LIBRARY . DS . 'some' . DS . 'exception' . DS . 'filenotfoundexception.php');
SomeLoader::register('SomeClassNotFoundException', SOME_LIBRARY . DS . 'some' . DS . 'exception' . DS . 'classnotfoundexception.php');
//class SomeText
* class to help translations of strings.
* @package wo2009
class SomeText
     * Translates a string into the current language

* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
/** */
require 'storage.php';
SomeLoader::import('library.some.session.isession', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
class SomeSession implements ISomeSession
    public function __construct($store = 'none', $options = array())
        //get the correct storage, and register it.
        $this->_store = SomeSessionStorage::getInstance($store, $options);
        session_name('wo' . md5('wocookie'));
        ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 40);
        // Send modified header for IE 6.0 Security Policy
        header('P3P: CP="NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM"');
    public static function getInstance($driver, $options = array())
        static $instance;
        if (!$instance) {
            $instance = new self($driver, $options);
Exemple #6

* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
SomeLoader::import('library.some.user.iuser', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
* Example usage.
* <code>
* You can get SomeUser object instance using SomeFactory:
* $user = SomeFactory::getUser();
* Creating new user
* When you get id, username, password, email and homepage from SomeRequest, and have validated those, you can set them to $user:
* $user->setId(null);
* $user->setPassword($password);
* $user->setUsername($username);
* $user->setEmail($email);
* $user->setHomepage($homepage);
* //if you need to set userrole, and when user registers you must, then you set userrole
* $user->setUserrole('registered');
* //before user has been logged in, userrole is 'guest'.
* $userrole = $user->getUserrole(); //is 'guest' unless registered and logged in.
* //and finally create
* $user->create();
* if ($user->getId() > 0) { echo "user created succesfully"; } 
* Reading user from database

* SomeLanguage class is storage for language tokens.
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
SomeLoader::import('library.some.language.ilanguage', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
* SomeLanguage
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
class SomeLanguage implements ISomeLanguage
    private $language;
    private $strings = array();
    public function __construct($language = 'en_GB')
        $this->language = $language;
     * default language translation function.
     * @param string $str token
     * @param boolean $jssafe javascript safe
Exemple #8
* Java import equivalent.
* <p>Example usage: someloader('some.session.session');</p>
* @param string comma separeted path
function someloader($filepath)
    return SomeLoader::import($filepath);

* SomeDocumentHTML.
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
* @author Hannu Lohtander
SomeLoader::import('library.some.document.idocumenthtml', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface', null);
* SomeDocumentHTML.
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
class SomeDocumentHTML
    private $buffer;
    private $template = 'default';
    private $file = 'index';
    public function __construct()
    public static function getInstance()
        static $instance;
        if (!$instance) {
            $instance = new self();
        return $instance;
Exemple #10

* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
//if this interface is not imported, them must remove implements from class declaration
SomeLoader::import('library.some.ifactory', SOME_PATH . DS . 'interface' . DS, null);
* @package wo2009
* @subpackage library
class SomeFactory implements ISomeFactory
     * @return SomeSession instance
    public static function getSession()
        $conf = SomeFactory::getConfiguration();
        $session_handler = $conf->get('session_handler', 'session');
        //only on postgres
        if ($session_handler !== 'file' && $conf->get('databasedriver', 'database') === 'pdopostgres') {
            try {
                $database = SomeFactory::getDBO();
                if (!$database) {
                    $session_handler = 'file';
                } else {
                    $session_table = $conf->get('session_table', 'session');
                    $sql = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='public' " . "and table_type='BASE TABLE' AND table_name='{$session_table}'";