public function preProcess()
     if ($id_category = (int) Tools::getValue('id_category')) {
         if ($this->category->id != 1) {
             $brand_id = Tools::getValue('brand');
             $this->category = new Category($id_category, self::$cookie->id_lang);
             $nbProducts = 0;
             $this->n = (int) Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE');
             $this->p = abs((int) Tools::getValue('p', 1));
             try {
                 global $cart, $cookie;
                 $id_country = (int) Country::getDefaultCountryId();
                 if ($cart->id_address_delivery) {
                     $address = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery);
                     if ($address->id_country) {
                         $id_country = $address->id_country;
                     } elseif (isset($cookie->id_country)) {
                         $id_country = (int) $cookie->id_country;
                 self::$smarty->assign('price_tax_country', $id_country);
                 $products = SolrSearch::getCategoryProducts($id_category, $brand_id, $nbProducts);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 self::$smarty->assign('fetch_error', 1);
             $this->pagination((int) $nbProducts);
             self::$smarty->assign('nb_products', (int) $nbProducts);
             $this->cat_page_products = $products;
     if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($this->category)) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
         header('Status: 404 Not Found');
     } else {
         // Automatically redirect to the canonical URL if the current in is the right one
         // $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] must be replaced by the real canonical domain
         $currentURL = self::$link->getCategoryLink($this->category);
         $currentURL = preg_replace('/[?&].*$/', '', $currentURL);
         if (!preg_match('/^' . Tools::pRegexp($currentURL, '/') . '([&?].*)?$/', Tools::getProtocol() . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
             header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved');
             if (defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_') and _PS_MODE_DEV_) {
                 die('[Debug] This page has moved<br />Please use the following URL instead: <a href="' . $currentURL . '">' . $currentURL . '</a>');
     if ((int) Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS')) {
         if ($id_category = (int) Tools::getValue('id_category')) {
             $rewrite_infos = Category::getUrlRewriteInformations((int) $id_category);
             $default_rewrite = array();
             foreach ($rewrite_infos as $infos) {
                 $default_rewrite[$infos['id_lang']] = self::$link->getCategoryLink((int) $id_category, $infos['link_rewrite'], $infos['id_lang']);
             self::$smarty->assign('lang_rewrite_urls', $default_rewrite);
 public function preProcess()
     try {
         $total_found = 0;
         $curated_products = SolrSearch::getCategoryProducts(CAT_CURATED, $brand_id = false, $total_found, $p = 1, $n = 500);
         $right_products = array_slice($curated_products, $total_found * 0.48);
         $left_products = array_slice($curated_products, 0, $total_found * 0.48);
         self::$smarty->assign('curated_products_right', $right_products);
         self::$smarty->assign('curated_products_left', $left_products);
     } catch (Exception $e) {