public function run() { if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { return; } $powerAdmin = array('sagittaros', 'yiseng', 'yugene'); $username = Yii::app()->user->id; if (in_array($username, $powerAdmin)) { $solr = new Solr('search-engine'); $res = $solr->query('id:"' . $this->dealUrl . '"'); $docs = $res->response->docs; if (array_key_exists(0, $docs)) { $options = array('Eateries' => 'Eateries', 'Fun & Activities' => 'Fun & Activities', 'Beauty & Wellness' => 'Beauty & Wellness', 'Goods' => 'Goods', 'Services & Others' => 'Services & Others', 'Travel' => 'Travel'); $ajaxScript = <<<EOD jQuery.get('/admin/dealCrud/updateCategory', {'id':'{$this->dealUrl}','category':jQuery(this).val()}, postUpdateCategoryAction ); function postUpdateCategoryAction(data) { if(data == 'SUCCESS'){ console.log("success"); alert('success'); } else { console.log(data); alert("update failed"); } } EOD; $htmlOptions = array('onchange' => $ajaxScript); echo CHtml::dropDownList('category', $res->response->docs[0]->category_raw, $options, $htmlOptions); } } }
function test_search_by_id_returns_single_record() { # Check that searching for an ID only gives you one result $test_items = array('TKI80868', 'TKI80039', 'TKI80875'); foreach ($test_items as $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $this->assertEqual(1, $solr->count($value), Helpers::search_link($value) . " should return only 1 result"); } }
function test_staging_urls_return_no_matches() { # Test paths for common staging urls $test_items = array('staging.internal', 'dev.internal', 'preprod'); foreach ($test_items as $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $this->assertEqual(0, $solr->count($value), "Search for " . Helpers::search_link($value) . " returns " . $solr->count() . " results, when none should be returned"); } }
function test_community_names_return_homepage_as_first_result() { # Check that first result for each query is appropriate # homepage id $test_items = array('english online' => 'TKI80868', 'assessment online' => 'TKI58274', 'assessment' => 'TKI58274', 'education for enterprise' => 'TKI45249', 'digistore' => 'TKI59990', 'alternative education' => 'TKI17383', 'digital technology guidelines' => 'TKI50586', 'dtg' => 'TKI50586', 'e-asttle' => 'TKI38879', 'education for sustainability' => 'TKI50157', 'literacy online' => 'TKI58077', 'education outside the classroom' => 'TKI58260', 'esol online' => 'TKI13739', 'gifted and talented' => 'TKI17424', 'gifted and talented online' => 'TKI17424', 'he kohinga rauemi a-ipurangi' => 'TKI50637', 'new zealand curriculum' => 'TKI46672', 'tax citizenship' => 'TKI80668', 'arts online' => 'TKI31449', 'arts' => 'TKI31449', 'educational leaders' => 'TKI57127', 'home-school partnerships' => 'TKI59527', 'home school partnerships' => 'TKI59527', 'te tere auraki' => 'TKI28409', 'success for boys' => 'TKI50135', 'software for learning' => 'TKI50191'); foreach ($test_items as $key => $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $this->assertEqual($value, $solr->first($key), "{$value} wasn't first result for query " . Helpers::search_link($key)); } }
function test_phrases_in_index_return_matches() { # Checks first that searching for the phrase inside quotes does match # If it does, checks for matches without quotes. $test_items = array('"animals in circuses"', '"This Chinese official"', '"This Taihape Area School"', '"refers to Waitangi as"', '"posted on any forum"', '"highest level of their interest and ability"'); foreach ($test_items as $value) { $solr = new Solr(); if ($solr->count($value) >= 1) { $value = trim($value, '"'); $solr = new Solr(); $this->assertNotEqual(0, $solr->count($value), Helpers::search_link($value) . " has " . $solr->count() . " results"); } } }
function test_legacy_paths_not_indexed_with_nonlegacy_domains() { # Searches for legacy urls on non-legacy domains, like: # $test_domains = array('', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $test_paths = array('/e/community/ncea/', '/e/community/maorieducation/', '/e/community/pasifika/', '/m/search/', '/e/search/', '/r/literacy_numeracy/professional/teachers_notes/ready_to_read/'); foreach ($test_domains as $domain) { foreach ($test_paths as $path) { $solr = new Solr(); $query = $domain . $path; $this->assertEqual(0, $solr->count($query), Helpers::search_link($query) . " should return no results"); } } }
public function actionIndex() { $solr = new Solr('deal-category'); $solr->getService()->deleteByQuery('*:*'); $cats = KeywordCategory::model()->findAll(); $allkeywords = ''; foreach ($cats as $c) { $sql = "select term from Keyword where category = {$c->id}"; $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql); $rows = $command->queryColumn(); $doc = $solr->getDoc(); $doc->id = trim($c->name); $doc->keywords = implode(" ", $rows); $allkeywords .= $doc->keywords . ' '; d($doc); $solr->getService()->addDocument($doc); } $doc = $solr->getDoc(); $doc->id = "Services & Others"; $doc->keywords = $allkeywords; $solr->getService()->addDocument($doc); $solr->getService()->commit(); $solr->getService()->optimize(); $this->render('index'); }
function assessSimilarity($array, $strict = 1, $drift = 2) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $results = $solr->search($key, count($value) * $drift); $matches = 0; foreach ($results as $pid) { if (in_array($pid, $value)) { $matches++; } } $this->assertTrue($matches * $strict >= count($value), "Search for " . Helpers::search_link($key) . " returned " . $matches . " of it's expected results in the top " . count($value) * $drift); } }
/** * Process a single group. * * Without queuedjobs, it's necessary to shell this out to a background task as this is * very memory intensive. * * The sub-process will then invoke $processor->runGroup() in {@see Solr_Reindex::doReindex} * * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @param SolrIndex $indexInstance Index instance * @param array $state Variant state * @param string $class Class to index * @param int $groups Total groups * @param int $group Index of group to process * @param string $taskName Name of task script to run */ protected function processGroup(LoggerInterface $logger, SolrIndex $indexInstance, $state, $class, $groups, $group, $taskName) { // Build state $statevar = json_encode($state); if (strpos(PHP_OS, "WIN") !== false) { $statevar = '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $statevar) . '"'; } else { $statevar = "'" . $statevar . "'"; } // Build script $indexName = $indexInstance->getIndexName(); $scriptPath = sprintf("%s%sframework%scli-script.php", BASE_PATH, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $scriptTask = "php {$scriptPath} dev/tasks/{$taskName}"; $cmd = "{$scriptTask} index={$indexName} class={$class} group={$group} groups={$groups} variantstate={$statevar}"; $cmd .= " verbose=1 2>&1"; $logger->info("Running '{$cmd}'"); // Execute script via shell $res = $logger ? passthru($cmd) : `{$cmd}`; if ($logger) { $logger->info(preg_replace('/\\r\\n|\\n/', '$0 ', $res)); } // If we're in dev mode, commit more often for fun and profit if (Director::isDev()) { Solr::service($indexName)->commit(); } // This will slow down things a tiny bit, but it is done so that we don't timeout to the database during a reindex DB::query('SELECT 1'); }
function test_nzmaths_where_appropriate() { # Checks that first 10 results for nzmaths related keywords # return good proportion of MZMaths items. Ensures fix for # previous function doesn't work too well. $test_items = array('ALiM school stories nzmaths', 'Algebra information', 'Attribute Blocks: Exploring Shape', 'scuba'); foreach ($test_items as $value) { $solr = new Solr(); $pids = $solr->search($value, 50); $i = 0; foreach ($pids as $id) { if (preg_match('/nzmaths/', $id)) { $i++; } } $this->assertTrue($i > 0, "Search for " . Helpers::search_link($value) . " has insufficient nzmaths items"); } }
/** * Overwrite template paths to only use the path defined on the yaml file * @see SolrIndex::getTemplatesPath */ public function getTemplatesPath() { $options = Config::inst()->get('FAQSearchIndex', 'options'); $globalOptions = Solr::solr_options(); if (isset($options['templatespath']) && file_exists($options['templatespath'])) { $globalOptions['templatespath'] = $options['templatespath']; } return $this->templatesPath ? $this->templatesPath : $globalOptions['templatespath']; }
/** * this will load the file containing the class * * @param string $className */ public static function autoload($className) { if (!is_string($className)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(); } if (array_key_exists($className, self::$classMap)) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::$classMap[$className]; } else { parent::autoload($className); } }
public function actionUpdateCategory($id, $category) { $solr = new Solr('search-engine'); $solr_arc = new Solr('archive'); $res = $solr->query('id:"' . $id . '"'); $oldDoc = (array) $res->response->docs[0]; $doc = $solr->getDoc(); $doc->id = $id; $doc->category = $category; foreach ($oldDoc as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'title': case 'dealsource': case 'price': case 'discount': case 'worth': case 'description': case 'imgsrc': case 'expiry': case 'merchant': case 'location': case 'bought': case 'created': $doc->{$k} = $v; break; } } try { $solr->getService()->addDocument($doc); $solr->getService()->commit(); $solr->getService()->optimize(); $solr_arc->getService()->addDocument($doc); $solr_arc->getService()->commit(); $solr_arc->getService()->optimize(); echo 'SUCCESS'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTrace(); } Yii::app()->end(); }
private function loadSolrRecord($id) { global $configArray; //Load basic information $this->id = $_GET['id']; $itemData['id'] = $this->id; // Setup Search Engine Connection $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; $this->db = new $class($url); // Retrieve Full Marc Record if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($this->id))) { PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist')); } return $record; }
/** * @inheritdoc * * @return array */ function check() { $brokenCores = array(); if (!class_exists('Solr')) { return array(EnvironmentCheck::ERROR, 'Class `Solr` not found. Is the fulltextsearch module installed?'); } $service = Solr::service(); foreach (Solr::get_indexes($this->indexClass) as $index) { $core = $index->getIndexName(); if (!$service->coreIsActive($core)) { $brokenCores[] = $core; } } if (!empty($brokenCores)) { return array(EnvironmentCheck::ERROR, 'The following indexes are unavailable: ' . implode($brokenCores, ', ')); } return array(EnvironmentCheck::OK, 'Expected indexes are available.'); }
/** * Constructor * * @param string $host The URL for the local Solr Server * * @access public */ public function __construct($host) { parent::__construct($host, 'stats'); }
/** * Getter for magic properties. * * @param string $property The parameter. * @return mixed */ public function __get($property) { if (!is_string($property)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(); } switch ($property) { case 'facets': if (is_null($this->facets)) { Solr::autoload('SolrSimpleFacets'); $this->facets = new SolrSimpleFacets(); } return $this->facets; default: throw new OutOfRangeException('Undefined property.'); } }
* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage indexer * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2008, Alexander M. Turek * @license BSD License * @version $Id$ */ Solr::autoload('SolrField'); /** * A Solr Field. * * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @package php_solr * @subpackage indexer */ class SolrSimpleField implements SolrField { /** * The name of the field. * * @var string */ private $name = null;
* INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage testcases * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2008, Alexander M. Turek * @license BSD License * @version $Id$ */ require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/Solr.php'; Solr::autoload('SolrSimpleDocument'); Solr::autoload('SolrSimpleField'); /** * Test case for {@link SolrSimpleDocument}. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage testcases * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> */ class SolrSimpleDocumentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * Tests the normal usage of the class. */ function testNormalUsage() { $doc = new SolrSimpleDocument();
/** * @covers Phansible\Roles\Solr::getInitialValues */ public function testShouldGetInitialValues() { $role = new Solr($app); $expected = ['install' => 0, 'port' => '8983', 'version' => '5.2.0']; $this->assertEquals($expected, $role->getInitialValues()); }
* ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage testcases * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2008, Alexander M. Turek * @license BSD License * @version $Id$ */ require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/Solr.php'; Solr::autoload('SolrConnection'); Solr::autoload('SolrDocument'); Solr::autoload('SolrField'); Solr::autoload('SolrHttpClient'); /** * Test case for the <add /> command. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage testcases * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> */ class SolrAddCommandTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * A {@link SolrConnection} instance with a mocked HTTP_Client. * * @var SolrConnection */ private $solr = null;
* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage search * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2009, Alexander M. Turek * @license BSD License * @version $Id$ */ Solr::autoload('SolrFacetFieldParameters'); /** * A facet field. * * @see * * @package php_solr * @subpackage search * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @since 0.4.1 */ class SolrFacetField extends SolrFacetFieldParameters { /** * Constructor for {@link SolrFacetField}. *
/** * @param string $sourceSolrId * @param string $issn * @param integer $numResourcesToLoad * @param Solr $db * @return null */ private static function getXISSN($sourceSolrId, $issn, $numResourcesToLoad, $db) { global $configArray; // Build URL $url = '' . urlencode(is_array($issn) ? $issn[0] : $issn) . '?method=getEditions&format=xml'; if (isset($configArray['WorldCat']['id'])) { $url .= '&ai=' . $configArray['WorldCat']['id']; } // Print Debug code if ($configArray['System']['debug']) { global $logger; $logger->log("<pre>XISSN: {$url}</pre>", PEAR_LOG_INFO); } // Fetch results $query = ''; $data = @file_get_contents($url); if (empty($data)) { return null; } $unxml = new XML_Unserializer(); $unxml->unserialize($data); $data = $unxml->getUnserializedData($data); if (!empty($data) && isset($data['group']['issn'])) { if (is_array($data['group']['issn'])) { foreach ($data['group']['issn'] as $issn) { if ($query != '') { $query .= ' OR issn:' . $issn; } else { $query = 'issn:' . $issn; } } } else { $query = 'issn:' . $data['group']['issn']; } } if ($query) { // Filter out current record $query .= ' NOT id:' . $sourceSolrId; $result = $db->search($query, null, null, 0, $numResourcesToLoad); if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) { if (isset($result['response']['docs']) && !empty($result['response']['docs'])) { return $result['response']['docs']; } else { return null; } } else { return $result; } } else { return null; } }
/** * Constructor * * @param \VuFind\Search\Results\PluginManager $results Results plugin manager */ public function __construct(\VuFind\Search\Results\PluginManager $results) { parent::__construct($results); $this->defaultDisplayField = 'heading'; $this->searchClassId = 'SolrAuth'; }
* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ ini_set('memory_limit', '50M'); ini_set('max_execution_time', '3600'); require_once ''; // set up util environment require_once 'sys/Solr.php'; // Read Config file $configArray = parse_ini_file('../web/conf/config.ini', true); // Setup Solr Connection -- Allow core to be specified as first command line param. $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; $solr = new Solr($url, isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : ''); if ($configArray['System']['debugSolr']) { $solr->debug = true; } // Commit and Optimize the Solr Index $solr->commit(); $solr->optimize();
function __construct($subAction = false, $record_id = null) { global $interface; global $configArray; global $library; global $timer; global $logger; $interface->assign('page_body_style', 'sidebar_left'); $interface->assign('libraryThingUrl', $configArray['LibraryThing']['url']); //Determine whether or not materials request functionality should be enabled $interface->assign('enableMaterialsRequest', MaterialsRequest::enableMaterialsRequest()); //Load basic information needed in subclasses if ($record_id == null || !isset($record_id)) { $this->id = $_GET['id']; } else { $this->id = $record_id; } //Check to see if the record exists within the resources table $resource = new Resource(); $resource->record_id = $this->id; $resource->source = 'VuFind'; $resource->deleted = 0; if (!$resource->find()) { //Check to see if the record has been converted to an eContent record require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php'; $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord(); $econtentRecord->ilsId = $this->id; $econtentRecord->status = 'active'; if ($econtentRecord->find(true)) { header("Location: /EcontentRecord/{$econtentRecord->id}/Home"); die; } $logger->log("Did not find a record for id {$this->id} in resources table.", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $interface->setTemplate('invalidRecord.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); die; } if ($configArray['Catalog']['ils'] == 'Millennium') { $interface->assign('classicId', substr($this->id, 1, strlen($this->id) - 2)); $interface->assign('classicUrl', $configArray['Catalog']['linking_url']); } // Setup Search Engine Connection $class = $configArray['Index']['engine']; $url = $configArray['Index']['url']; $this->db = new $class($url); $this->db->disableScoping(); // Retrieve Full Marc Record if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($this->id))) { $logger->log("Did not find a record for id {$this->id} in solr.", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $interface->setTemplate('invalidRecord.tpl'); $interface->display('layout.tpl'); die; } $this->db->enableScoping(); $this->record = $record; $interface->assign('record', $record); $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record); $timer->logTime('Initialized the Record Driver'); $interface->assign('coreMetadata', $this->recordDriver->getCoreMetadata()); // Process MARC Data require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/MarcLoader.php'; $marcRecord = MarcLoader::loadMarcRecordFromRecord($record); if ($marcRecord) { $this->marcRecord = $marcRecord; $interface->assign('marc', $marcRecord); } else { $interface->assign('error', 'Cannot Process MARC Record'); } $timer->logTime('Processed the marc record'); //Load information for display in the template rather than processing specific fields in the template $marcField = $marcRecord->getField('245'); $recordTitle = $this->getSubfieldData($marcField, 'a'); $interface->assign('recordTitle', $recordTitle); $recordTitleSubtitle = trim($this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'h', 'n', 'p'))); $recordTitleSubtitle = preg_replace('~\\s+[\\/:]$~', '', $recordTitleSubtitle); $interface->assign('recordTitleSubtitle', $recordTitleSubtitle); $recordTitleWithAuth = trim($this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'h', 'n', 'p', 'c'))); $interface->assign('recordTitleWithAuth', $recordTitleWithAuth); $marcField = $marcRecord->getField('100'); if ($marcField) { $mainAuthor = $this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')); $interface->assign('mainAuthor', $mainAuthor); } $marcField = $marcRecord->getField('110'); if ($marcField) { $corporateAuthor = $this->getSubfieldData($marcField, 'a'); $interface->assign('corporateAuthor', $corporateAuthor); } $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields('700'); if ($marcFields) { $contributors = array(); foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) { $contributors[] = $this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')); } $interface->assign('contributors', $contributors); } $published = $this->recordDriver->getPublicationDetails(); $interface->assign('published', $published); $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields('250'); if ($marcFields) { $editionsThis = array(); foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) { $editionsThis[] = $this->getSubfieldData($marcField, 'a'); } $interface->assign('editionsThis', $editionsThis); } $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields('300'); if ($marcFields) { $physicalDescriptions = array(); foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) { $description = $this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f', 'g')); if ($description != 'p. cm.') { $description = preg_replace("/[\\/|;:]\$/", '', $description); $description = preg_replace("/p\\./", 'pages', $description); $physicalDescriptions[] = $description; } } $interface->assign('physicalDescriptions', $physicalDescriptions); } // Get ISBN for cover and review use $mainIsbnSet = false; /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $isbnFields */ if ($isbnFields = $this->marcRecord->getFields('020')) { $isbns = array(); //Use the first good ISBN we find. foreach ($isbnFields as $isbnField) { /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $isbnSubfieldA */ if ($isbnSubfieldA = $isbnField->getSubfield('a')) { $tmpIsbn = trim($isbnSubfieldA->getData()); if (strlen($tmpIsbn) > 0) { $isbns[] = $isbnSubfieldA->getData(); $pos = strpos($tmpIsbn, ' '); if ($pos > 0) { $tmpIsbn = substr($tmpIsbn, 0, $pos); } $tmpIsbn = trim($tmpIsbn); if (strlen($tmpIsbn) > 0) { if (strlen($tmpIsbn) < 10) { $tmpIsbn = str_pad($tmpIsbn, 10, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } if (!$mainIsbnSet) { $this->isbn = $tmpIsbn; $interface->assign('isbn', $tmpIsbn); $mainIsbnSet = true; } } } } } if (isset($this->isbn)) { if (strlen($this->isbn) == 13) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/ISBNConverter.php'; $this->isbn10 = ISBNConverter::convertISBN13to10($this->isbn); } else { $this->isbn10 = $this->isbn; } $interface->assign('isbn10', $this->isbn10); } $interface->assign('isbns', $isbns); } if ($upcField = $this->marcRecord->getField('024')) { /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field $upcField */ if ($upcSubField = $upcField->getSubfield('a')) { $this->upc = trim($upcSubField->getData()); $interface->assign('upc', $this->upc); } } if ($issnField = $this->marcRecord->getField('022')) { /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field $issnField */ if ($issnSubField = $issnField->getSubfield('a')) { $this->issn = trim($issnSubField->getData()); if ($pos = strpos($this->issn, ' ')) { $this->issn = substr($this->issn, 0, $pos); } $interface->assign('issn', $this->issn); //Also setup GoldRush link if (isset($library) && strlen($library->goldRushCode) > 0) { $interface->assign('goldRushLink', "{$library->goldRushCode}&search_type=ISSN&search_term={$this->issn}"); } } } $timer->logTime("Got basic data from Marc Record subaction = {$subAction}, record_id = {$record_id}"); //stop if this is not the main action. if ($subAction == true) { return; } //Get street date if ($streetDateField = $this->marcRecord->getField('263')) { $streetDate = $this->getSubfieldData($streetDateField, 'a'); if ($streetDate != '') { $interface->assign('streetDate', $streetDate); } } /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcField440 */ $marcField440 = $marcRecord->getFields('440'); /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcField490 */ $marcField490 = $marcRecord->getFields('490'); /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcField830 */ $marcField830 = $marcRecord->getFields('830'); if ($marcField440 || $marcField490 || $marcField830) { $series = array(); foreach ($marcField440 as $field) { $series[] = $this->getSubfieldData($field, 'a'); } foreach ($marcField490 as $field) { if ($field->getIndicator(1) == 0) { $series[] = $this->getSubfieldData($field, 'a'); } } foreach ($marcField830 as $field) { $series[] = $this->getSubfieldData($field, 'a'); } $interface->assign('series', $series); } //Load description from Syndetics $useMarcSummary = true; if ($this->isbn || $this->upc) { if ($library && $library->preferSyndeticsSummary == 1) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/GoDeeperData.php'; $summaryInfo = GoDeeperData::getSummary($this->isbn, $this->upc); if (isset($summaryInfo['summary'])) { $interface->assign('summaryTeaser', $summaryInfo['summary']); $interface->assign('summary', $summaryInfo['summary']); $useMarcSummary = false; } } } if ($useMarcSummary) { if ($summaryField = $this->marcRecord->getField('520')) { $interface->assign('summary', $this->getSubfieldData($summaryField, 'a')); $interface->assign('summaryTeaser', $this->getSubfieldData($summaryField, 'a')); } elseif ($library && $library->preferSyndeticsSummary == 0) { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/GoDeeperData.php'; $summaryInfo = GoDeeperData::getSummary($this->isbn, $this->upc); if (isset($summaryInfo['summary'])) { $interface->assign('summaryTeaser', $summaryInfo['summary']); $interface->assign('summary', $summaryInfo['summary']); $useMarcSummary = false; } } } if ($mpaaField = $this->marcRecord->getField('521')) { $interface->assign('mpaaRating', $this->getSubfieldData($mpaaField, 'a')); } if (isset($configArray['Content']['subjectFieldsToShow'])) { $subjectFieldsToShow = $configArray['Content']['subjectFieldsToShow']; $subjectFields = explode(',', $subjectFieldsToShow); $subjects = array(); foreach ($subjectFields as $subjectField) { /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcFields */ $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields($subjectField); if ($marcFields) { foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) { $searchSubject = ""; $subject = array(); foreach ($marcField->getSubFields() as $subField) { /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $subField */ if ($subField->getCode() != 2) { $searchSubject .= " " . $subField->getData(); $subject[] = array('search' => trim($searchSubject), 'title' => $subField->getData()); } } $subjects[] = $subject; } } $interface->assign('subjects', $subjects); } } $format = $record['format']; $interface->assign('recordFormat', $record['format']); $format_category = isset($record['format_category'][0]) ? $record['format_category'][0] : ''; $interface->assign('format_category', $format_category); $interface->assign('recordLanguage', isset($record['language']) ? $record['language'] : null); $timer->logTime('Got detailed data from Marc Record'); $tableOfContents = array(); $marcFields505 = $marcRecord->getFields('505'); if ($marcFields505) { $tableOfContents = $this->processTableOfContentsFields($marcFields505); } $notes = array(); $marcFields500 = $marcRecord->getFields('500'); $marcFields504 = $marcRecord->getFields('504'); $marcFields511 = $marcRecord->getFields('511'); $marcFields518 = $marcRecord->getFields('518'); $marcFields520 = $marcRecord->getFields('520'); if ($marcFields500 || $marcFields504 || $marcFields505 || $marcFields511 || $marcFields518 || $marcFields520) { $allFields = array_merge($marcFields500, $marcFields504, $marcFields511, $marcFields518, $marcFields520); $notes = $this->processNoteFields($allFields); } if (isset($library) && $library->showTableOfContentsTab == 0 || count($tableOfContents) == 0) { $notes = array_merge($notes, $tableOfContents); } else { $interface->assign('tableOfContents', $tableOfContents); } if (isset($library) && strlen($library->notesTabName) > 0) { $interface->assign('notesTabName', $library->notesTabName); } else { $interface->assign('notesTabName', 'Notes'); } $additionalNotesFields = array('310' => 'Current Publication Frequency', '321' => 'Former Publication Frequency', '351' => 'Organization & arrangement of materials', '362' => 'Dates of publication and/or sequential designation', '501' => '"With"', '502' => 'Dissertation', '506' => 'Restrictions on Access', '507' => 'Scale for Graphic Material', '508' => 'Creation/Production Credits', '510' => 'Citation/References', '511' => 'Participant or Performer', '513' => 'Type of Report an Period Covered', '515' => 'Numbering Peculiarities', '518' => 'Date/Time and Place of Event', '521' => 'Target Audience', '522' => 'Geographic Coverage', '525' => 'Supplement', '526' => 'Study Program Information', '530' => 'Additional Physical Form', '533' => 'Reproduction', '534' => 'Original Version', '536' => 'Funding Information', '538' => 'System Details', '545' => 'Biographical or Historical Data', '546' => 'Language', '547' => 'Former Title Complexity', '550' => 'Issuing Body', '555' => 'Cumulative Index/Finding Aids', '556' => 'Information About Documentation', '561' => 'Ownership and Custodial History', '563' => 'Binding Information', '580' => 'Linking Entry Complexity', '581' => 'Publications About Described Materials', '586' => 'Awards', '590' => 'Local note', '599' => 'Differentiable Local note'); foreach ($additionalNotesFields as $tag => $label) { $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields($tag); foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) { $noteText = array(); foreach ($marcField->getSubFields() as $subfield) { /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $subfield */ $noteText[] = $subfield->getData(); } $note = implode(',', $noteText); if (strlen($note) > 0) { $notes[] = "<b>{$label}</b>: " . $note; } } } if (count($notes) > 0) { $interface->assign('notes', $notes); } /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $linkFields */ $linkFields = $marcRecord->getFields('856'); if ($linkFields) { $internetLinks = array(); $purchaseLinks = array(); $field856Index = 0; foreach ($linkFields as $marcField) { $field856Index++; //Get the link if ($marcField->getSubfield('u')) { $link = $marcField->getSubfield('u')->getData(); if ($marcField->getSubfield('3')) { $linkText = $marcField->getSubfield('3')->getData(); } elseif ($marcField->getSubfield('y')) { $linkText = $marcField->getSubfield('y')->getData(); } elseif ($marcField->getSubfield('z')) { $linkText = $marcField->getSubfield('z')->getData(); } else { $linkText = $link; } $showLink = true; //Process some links differently so we can either hide them //or show them in different areas of the catalog. if (preg_match('/purchase|buy/i', $linkText) || preg_match('/barnesandnoble|tatteredcover|amazon|smashwords\\.com/i', $link)) { $showLink = false; } $isBookLink = preg_match('/acs\\.dcl\\.lan|vufind\\.douglascountylibraries\\.org|catalog\\.douglascountylibraries\\.org/i', $link); if ($isBookLink == 1) { //e-book link, don't show $showLink = false; } if ($showLink) { //Rewrite the link so we can track usage $link = $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/Record/' . $this->id . '/Link?index=' . $field856Index; $internetLinks[] = array('link' => $link, 'linkText' => $linkText); } } } if (count($internetLinks) > 0) { $interface->assign('internetLinks', $internetLinks); } } if (isset($purchaseLinks) && count($purchaseLinks) > 0) { $interface->assign('purchaseLinks', $purchaseLinks); } //Determine the cover to use $bookCoverUrl = $configArray['Site']['coverUrl'] . "/bookcover.php?id={$this->id}&isn={$this->isbn}&issn={$this->issn}&size=large&upc={$this->upc}&category=" . urlencode($format_category) . "&format=" . urlencode(isset($format[0]) ? $format[0] : ''); $interface->assign('bookCoverUrl', $bookCoverUrl); //Load accelerated reader data if (isset($record['accelerated_reader_interest_level'])) { $arData = array('interestLevel' => $record['accelerated_reader_interest_level'], 'pointValue' => $record['accelerated_reader_point_value'], 'readingLevel' => $record['accelerated_reader_reading_level']); $interface->assign('arData', $arData); } if (isset($record['lexile_score']) && $record['lexile_score'] > -1) { $lexileScore = $record['lexile_score']; if (isset($record['lexile_code'])) { $lexileScore = $record['lexile_code'] . $lexileScore; } $interface->assign('lexileScore', $lexileScore . 'L'); } //Do actions needed if this is the main action. //$interface->caching = 1; $interface->assign('id', $this->id); if (substr($this->id, 0, 1) == '.') { $interface->assign('shortId', substr($this->id, 1)); } else { $interface->assign('shortId', $this->id); } $interface->assign('addHeader', '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF Representation" href="' . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/Record/' . urlencode($this->id) . '/RDF" />'); // Define Default Tab $tab = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'Description'; $interface->assign('tab', $tab); if (isset($_REQUEST['detail'])) { $detail = strip_tags($_REQUEST['detail']); $interface->assign('defaultDetailsTab', $detail); } // Define External Content Provider if ($this->marcRecord->getField('020')) { if (isset($configArray['Content']['reviews'])) { $interface->assign('hasReviews', true); } if (isset($configArray['Content']['excerpts'])) { $interface->assign('hasExcerpt', true); } } // Retrieve User Search History $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false); // Retrieve tags associated with the record $limit = 5; $resource = new Resource(); $resource->record_id = $_GET['id']; $resource->source = 'VuFind'; $resource->find(true); $tags = $resource->getTags($limit); $interface->assign('tagList', $tags); $timer->logTime('Got tag list'); $this->cacheId = 'Record|' . $_GET['id'] . '|' . get_class($this); // Find Similar Records /** @var Memcache $memCache */ global $memCache; $similar = $memCache->get('similar_titles_' . $this->id); if ($similar == false) { $similar = $this->db->getMoreLikeThis($this->id); // Send the similar items to the template; if there is only one, we need // to force it to be an array or things will not display correctly. if (isset($similar) && count($similar['response']['docs']) > 0) { $similar = $similar['response']['docs']; } else { $similar = array(); $timer->logTime("Did not find any similar records"); } $memCache->set('similar_titles_' . $this->id, $similar, 0, $configArray['Caching']['similar_titles']); } $this->similarTitles = $similar; $interface->assign('similarRecords', $similar); $timer->logTime('Loaded similar titles'); // Find Other Editions if ($configArray['Content']['showOtherEditionsPopup'] == false) { $editions = OtherEditionHandler::getEditions($this->id, $this->isbn, isset($this->record['issn']) ? $this->record['issn'] : null); if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($editions)) { $interface->assign('editions', $editions); } else { $timer->logTime("Did not find any other editions"); } $timer->logTime('Got Other editions'); } $interface->assign('showStrands', isset($configArray['Strands']['APID']) && strlen($configArray['Strands']['APID']) > 0); // Send down text for inclusion in breadcrumbs $interface->assign('breadcrumbText', $this->recordDriver->getBreadcrumb()); // Send down OpenURL for COinS use: $interface->assign('openURL', $this->recordDriver->getOpenURL()); // Send down legal export formats (if any): $interface->assign('exportFormats', $this->recordDriver->getExportFormats()); // Set AddThis User $interface->assign('addThis', isset($configArray['AddThis']['key']) ? $configArray['AddThis']['key'] : false); // Set Proxy URL if (isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host'])) { $interface->assign('proxy', $configArray['EZproxy']['host']); } //setup 5 star ratings global $user; $ratingData = $resource->getRatingData($user); $interface->assign('ratingData', $ratingData); $timer->logTime('Got 5 star data'); //Get Next/Previous Links $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local'; $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject(); $searchObject->init($searchSource); $searchObject->getNextPrevLinks(); //Load Staff Details $interface->assign('staffDetails', $this->recordDriver->getStaffView()); }
/** * Sends a query to the Solr server. * * Although it is recommended to provide the query as a {@link SolrQuery} * object, it is also possible to pass it as a string. So, the following * two lines of code produce exactly the same result: * * <code> * $result = $solr->query('hello world'); * $result = $solr->query(new SolrQuery('hello world')); * </code> * * Please refer to the {@link SolrQuery} class for more details on query * parameters and the query syntax. * * @see SolrQuery * @uses json_decode() * * @param SolrQuery|string $query The query. * * @return SolrSearchResult */ public function query($query) { Solr::autoload('SolrSearchResult'); if (is_string($query)) { Solr::autoload('SolrQuery'); $query = new SolrQuery($query); } elseif (!$query instanceof SolrQuery) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid query.'); } $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest('/select' . $query->getQueryString()); return SolrSearchResult::parseResponse($response->getBody()); }
* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package php_solr * @subpackage search * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2009, Alexander M. Turek * @license BSD License * @version $Id$ */ Solr::autoload('SolrQuery'); /** * Common parameters for facet fields. * * @see * * @package php_solr * @subpackage search * @author Alexander M. Turek <*****@*****.**> * @since 0.4.1 */ abstract class SolrFacetFieldParameters { /** * The prefix. *
/** * Get list product by condition tolerances and weight of extra field * * @author MinhNV * Date 2010/08/18 */ private function getListProductByCondOfExtraField() { $cat_product_id = Url::get('cat_product_id', 0); $product_id = Url::get('product_id', 0); $cur_page = Url::get('page_no', 0); $table = CGlobal::TABLE_PRODUCTS_PRODUCT; $aryExtraField = array(); $aryExtraProduct = array(); $aryProduct = array(); $aryData = array(); $query = ''; $fq = array(); if ($cat_product_id > 0 && $product_id > 0) { $aryExtra = array(); $table = SoLib::getTableProduct($cat_product_id, $product_id); $aryExtra = DB::get_row('SELECT name,extra_fields FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE id= ' . $product_id . ' '); if ($aryExtra['extra_fields'] != '') { $objJSON = new Services_JSON(); $aryExtraProduct = objectToArray($objJSON->decode($aryExtra['extra_fields'])); } $aryExtraField = $this->getListExtraField($cat_product_id); //if($cat_product_id > 0) { // $query .= '( published:1 AND category_id:'.$cat_product_id.' AND min_price:[1 TO *] AND max_price:[1 TO *]) AND '; //} //else { // $query .= '( published:1 AND min_price:[1 TO *] AND max_price:[1 TO *]) AND '; //} $fq[] = "published:1 AND status:1"; if ($cat_product_id > 0) { $query .= '( category_id:' . $cat_product_id . ' AND min_price:[1 TO *] AND max_price:[1 TO *]) AND '; } else { $query .= '( min_price:[1 TO *] AND max_price:[1 TO *]) AND '; } $querySolr = ''; $querySolr = $this->buildQueryFromTolerancesAndWeightOfExtraField($aryExtraField, $aryExtraProduct); if ($querySolr == '') { if (strlen($query) > 0) { $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 4); } } else { $query .= '(' . $querySolr . ')'; } //add them dieu kien search name de cho chinh xac if ($aryExtra['name'] != '') { $objLib = new SoLib(); $query .= ' AND name:' . $objLib->escapeSolrKeyword(trim($aryExtra['name'])); } //if($query != '') { // //} //if (strlen($query) > 0) { // $query = substr($query, 0, (strlen($query) - 4)); //} //var_dump($query); $params = array(); $params['fl'] = 'id, name, min_price, max_price, num_classified, images, date, description'; //$params['fq'] = "-id : $product_id"; $fq[] = "-id : {$product_id}"; $params['fq'] = $fq; if ($query != "") { $solr = Solr::getInstanceProduct(); $start = 0; $offset = self::NUMBER_PER_PAGE; $responseCheck = $solr->search($query, 0, 0); $total_row = 0; $paging = ''; if ($responseCheck) { if ($responseCheck->getHttpStatus() == 200) { $total_row = $responseCheck->response->numFound; if ($total_row > 0) { $url_path = 'ajax.php?act=so_advanced&code=get_list_product_extra_field&cat_product_id=' . $cat_product_id . '&product_id=' . $product_id; BMPaging::AjaxPagingSolr($paging, $start, $total_row, $offset, self::NUMBER_PAGE_SHOW, 'page_no', true, $url_path, 'paging_ajax_extra_field_template'); $response = $solr->search($query, $start, $offset, $params); if ($response->getHttpStatus() == 200) { if ($response->response->numFound > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($response->response->docs as $doc) { $aryProduct[$i]['id'] = $doc->id; $aryProduct[$i]['name'] = $doc->name; $aryProduct[$i]['min_price'] = number_format($doc->min_price, 0, '.', '.'); $aryProduct[$i]['max_price'] = number_format($doc->max_price, 0, '.', '.'); $aryProduct[$i]['num_classified'] = $doc->num_classified; $aryProduct[$i]['description'] = $doc->description; $aryProduct[$i]['images'] = SoImg::getImage($doc->images, $doc->id, SoImg::FOLDER_PRODUCT, $doc->date, '70x0'); $i++; } } } else { $aryData['msg'] = 'Query solr thất bại.'; $aryData['intIsOK'] = -1; } if (is_array($aryProduct) && count($aryProduct) > 0) { global $display; $display->add('aryProduct', $aryProduct); $display->add('paging', $paging); $display->add('total_row', $total_row); $aryHtml = $display->output('list_product_extra_field', true, 'SoBoxAdvanced'); $aryData['htmlProduct'] = $aryHtml; $aryData['intIsOK'] = 1; } } } else { $aryData['msg'] = 'Query solr thất bại.'; $aryData['intIsOK'] = -1; } } } } echo json_encode($aryData); exit; }
/** * Constructor * * @param \VuFind\Search\Results\PluginManager $results Results plugin manager */ public function __construct(\VuFind\Search\Results\PluginManager $results) { parent::__construct($results); $this->defaultDisplayField = 'course'; $this->searchClassId = 'SolrReserves'; }