Exemple #1
 public function start()
     // Load the ini configuration file
     // Load the core files
     foreach (glob(self::$basedir . "core/*.core.php") as $file) {
         self::setStatus(self::STATUS_FILE_LOADING, array("core/" . basename($file)));
         if (!(require_once $file)) {
         $name = basename($file, ".core.php");
         $className = ucfirst($name);
         ${$name} = new $className();
     // Load included classes
     foreach (glob(self::$basedir . "core/*.class.php") as $file) {
         self::setStatus(self::STATUS_FILE_LOADING, array("class/" . basename($file)));
         if (!(require_once $file)) {
     try {
         $dnsString = self::$conf['database']['type'] . ":host=" . self::$conf['database']['host'] . ";dbname=" . self::$conf['database']['schema'] . ";charset=utf8";
         self::$db = new PDO($dnsString, self::$conf['database']['user'], self::$conf['database']['password']);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         self::setStatus(self::STATUS_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILED, array("\n" . $e->getMessage()));
     self::setStatus(self::STATUS_RUNNING, array(self::$conf['server']['ip'], self::$conf['server']['port']));
     while (self::STATUS_FATAL != self::$status && self::STATUS_STOP != self::$status) {
  * Process request for module functionality that is not part of the core
  * @param $strCommand
  * @param $resUserSocket
  * @param $arrData
 public static function process($strCommand, $resUserSocket, $arrData)
     if (array_key_exists(self::$arrApps, $strCommand)) {
         $intUserID = Sockets::getData($resUserSocket, 'user_id');
         //Set the current class to be accessible from the object
         self::$arrApps[$strCommand]->processRequest($arrData, $intUserID);
     } else {
         //System not found
         System::sendErrorResponse($resUserSocket, $arrData, "Invalid requested 'system' parameter");
  * Disconnect account from server
  * Reasons:
  * 0 - Incorrect namae/password.
  * 1 - Someone is already using this account.
  * 2 - Your account has been blocked.
  * 3 - Your account credentials are invalid.
  * 4 - Communication problem. [DEFAULT]
  * 5 - The IGR concurrency limit has been met.
  * 6 - The IGR time limit has been met.
  * 7 - General IGR authentication failure.
 public function disconnect($reason = 4)
     $packet = chr(130) . chr(hexdec($reason));
     UltimaPHP::log("Client " . UltimaPHP::$socketClients[$this->client]['ip'] . " disconnected from the server");
     Sockets::out($this->client, $packet, false, true, true);
 public function updateCurrentStamina($runInLot = false)
     $packet = "A3" . str_pad($this->serial, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($this->maxstam), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad(dechex($this->stam), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     Sockets::out($this->client, $packet, $runInLot);
  * Send to the client the features from server
 public static function packet_0x91($data, $client, $redirected = false)
     $command = $data[0];
     $keyUsed = hexdec($data[1]) . hexdec($data[2]) . hexdec($data[3]) . hexdec($data[4]);
     $account = Functions::hexToChr($data, 5, 34, true);
     $password = Functions::hexToChr($data, 35, 64, true);
     $login = false;
     UltimaPHP::$socketClients[$client]['account'] = new Account($account, md5($password), $client);
     if (true === UltimaPHP::$socketClients[$client]['account']->isValid) {
         UltimaPHP::log("Account {$account} logged from " . UltimaPHP::$socketClients[$client]['ip']);
         // Set the flag on the connection to send next packets compressed
         UltimaPHP::$socketClients[$client]['compressed'] = true;
         Sockets::addEvent($client, array("option" => "account", "method" => "enableLockedFeatures"), 0.0, true);
         Sockets::addEvent($client, array("option" => "account", "method" => "sendCharacterList"), 0.0, true, true);
     } else {
  * Use the Sockets transport implmentation to send logged data to KISSmetrics.
  * Loads the contents of the log file and then sends it to KISSmetrics for
  * processing. If successful deletes the log file afterwards so that we do
  * not send duplicate events.
  * @throws TransportException
 public function sendLoggedData()
     // Load all stored queries.
     $data = file_get_contents($this->getLogFile());
     $data = explode('\\n', $data);
     // Unserialize all the queries into a single array.
     $all_queries = array();
     foreach ($data as $serialized_queries) {
         $queries = unserialize($serialized_queries);
         $all_queries += $queries;
     try {
         // Send all the stored queries using the KISSmetrics/Transport/Sockets
         // implementation.
         // Cleanup the log file so we don't resend the same data again.
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new TransportException("Cannot send logged events to KISSmetrics: " . $e->getMessage());
  * Disconnect procedure for the payloads that have failed to be encoded/decoded successfully
  * @param resource $resSocket Socket resource the is to be disconnected
  * @param string $strMessage Message to be send to the socket upon disconnection
 protected static function dataError($resSocket, $strMessage)
     //Remove the socket from the list of connected sockets
     if (Sockets::isTemporary($resSocket)) {
     } else {
     //Close connection on unknown opcode
     System::log('Disconnected from server: ' . $strMessage);
 public function finalPacket($runInLot = false)
     $packet = "254006D58B0EED00E6780029007A01400765090000";
     Sockets::out($this->client, $packet, $runInLot);
 public function testDefaults()
     $km_api = Sockets::initDefault();
     $this->assertEquals('trk.kissmetrics.com', $km_api->getHost());
     $this->assertEquals(80, $km_api->getPort());
Exemple #10
  * Send out the error responses message to the current resource
  * @param $resUserSocket
  * @param $arrData
  * @param $strMessage
 public static function sendErrorResponse($resUserSocket, $arrData, $strMessage)
     $arrResponse = array('instance' => array_key_exists('instance', $arrData) ? $arrData['instance'] : null, 'system' => 'twist', 'action' => 'error', 'message' => $strMessage, 'data' => array());
     Sockets::writeJSON($resUserSocket, $arrResponse);
Exemple #11
  * Update players with objects from desired chunk
 public static function updateChunk($chunk)
     $chunk = self::$chunks[$chunk['x']][$chunk['y']];
     /* Update items on map */
     foreach ($chunk['objects'] as $object) {
         $packet = "F3";
         $packet .= "0001";
         $packet .= "00";
         $packet .= $object->serial;
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->graphic), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= "00";
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->amount), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->amount), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->pos_x), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->pos_y), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= str_pad("00", 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->layer), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= str_pad(dechex($object->color), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $packet .= "20";
         $packet .= "0000";
         $updateRange = array('from' => array('x' => $object->pos_x - 10, 'y' => $object->pos_y - 10), 'to' => array('x' => $object->pos_x + 10, 'y' => $object->pos_y + 10));
         foreach ($chunk['players'] as $client => $alive) {
             $player = UltimaPHP::$socketClients[$client]['account']->player;
             if ($player->position['x'] >= $updateRange['from']['x'] && $player->position['x'] <= $updateRange['to']['x'] && $player->position['y'] >= $updateRange['from']['y'] && $player->position['y'] <= $updateRange['to']['y']) {
                 Sockets::out($player->client, $packet, false);