protected function view() { $msg = null; $store = array(); Sobi::SetUserData('requirements', $store); $home = SPRequest::int('init') ? Sobi::Url(null, true) : Sobi::Url('config', true); /** @var $view SPAdmView */ // header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate' ); // header( 'Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' ); SPFactory::View('view', true)->assign(SPRequest::int('init'), 'init')->addHidden($home, 'redirect')->determineTemplate('config', 'requirements')->display(); }
/** * @return void */ public function storeMessages() { Sobi::SetUserData('messages-queue', $this->messages); }
/** * @param string $eOrder * @param int $eLimit * @param int $eLimStart * @param bool $count * @param array $conditions * @param bool $entriesRecursive * @param int $pid * @return array */ public function getEntries($eOrder, $eLimit = null, $eLimStart = null, $count = false, $conditions = array(), $entriesRecursive = false, $pid = 0) { /* var SPDb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); $entries = array(); $eDir = 'asc'; $oPrefix = null; $conditions = is_array($conditions) ? $conditions : array(); /* get the ordering and the direction */ if (strstr($eOrder, '.')) { $eOr = explode('.', $eOrder); $eOrder = array_shift($eOr); $eDir = implode('.', $eOr); } $pid = $pid ? $pid : SPRequest::sid(); /* if sort by name, then sort by the name field */ if ($eOrder == 'name') { $eOrder = SPFactory::config()->nameField()->get('fid'); } if ($entriesRecursive) { $pids = $this->_model->getChilds('category', true); if (is_array($pids)) { $pids = array_keys($pids); } $pids[] = SPRequest::sid(); $conditions[''] = $pids; } else { $conditions[''] = $pid; } if ($pid == -1) { unset($conditions['']); } /* sort by field */ if (strstr($eOrder, 'field_')) { static $field = null; $specificMethod = false; if (!$field) { try { $fType = $db->select('fieldType', 'spdb_field', array('nid' => $eOrder, 'section' => Sobi::Section()))->loadResult(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DETERMINE_FIELD_TYPE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($fType) { $field = SPLoader::loadClass('opt.fields.' . $fType); } } if ($field && method_exists($field, 'customOrdering')) { $table = null; $oPrefix = null; $specificMethod = call_user_func_array(array($field, 'customOrdering'), array(&$table, &$conditions, &$oPrefix, &$eOrder, &$eDir)); } elseif ($field && method_exists($field, 'sortBy')) { $table = null; $oPrefix = null; $specificMethod = call_user_func_array(array($field, 'sortBy'), array(&$table, &$conditions, &$oPrefix, &$eOrder, &$eDir)); } if (!$specificMethod) { $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'fdef', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', '')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', '')))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry'; $conditions['fdef.nid'] = $eOrder; $eOrder = 'baseData.' . $eDir; } } elseif (strstr($eOrder, 'counter')) { $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('', '')), array('table' => 'spdb_counter', 'as' => 'spcounter', 'key' => array('', 'spcounter.sid')))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry'; if (strstr($eOrder, '.')) { $cOrder = explode('.', $eOrder); $eOrder = 'spcounter.counter.' . $cOrder[1]; } else { $eOrder = 'spcounter.counter.desc'; } } else { $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id'))); $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry'; $eOrder = $eOrder . '.' . $eDir; $oPrefix = 'spo.'; if (strstr($eOrder, 'valid')) { $eOrder = $oPrefix . $eOrder; } } /* check user permissions for the visibility */ if (Sobi::My('id')) { $this->userPermissionsQuery($conditions, $oPrefix); if (isset($conditions[$oPrefix . 'state']) && $conditions[$oPrefix . 'state']) { $conditions['sprl.copy'] = 0; } } else { $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array($oPrefix . 'state' => '1', '@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince'))); $conditions['sprl.copy'] = '0'; } try { $results = $db->select($oPrefix . 'id', $table, $conditions, $eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true)->loadResultArray(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterGetEntries', array(&$results, $count)); if (count($results) && !$count) { foreach ($results as $i => $sid) { // it needs too much memory moving the object creation to the view //$entries[ $i ] = SPFactory::Entry( $sid ); $entries[$i] = $sid; } } if ($count) { Sobi::SetUserData('currently-displayed-entries', $results); return $results; } return $entries; }
public function getEntries($eLimit, $site, $ids = false) { $conditions = array(); $entries = array(); /* get the site to display */ $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLimit; if (isset($this->_letter[1]) && $this->_letter[1] == '-') { $this->_letter = "[{$this->_letter[0]}-{$this->_letter[2]}]"; } $db = SPFactory::db(); /* * Don't know exactly why but on Windows servers there seems to be some problem with unicode chars * - strtolower/strtoupper is destroying these chars completely * - MySQL seems to be suddenly case sensitive with non-latin chars so we need to ask both * * Wed, Apr 4, 2012: Apparently it's not only Windows related */ if (!preg_match('/^[\\x20-\\x7f]*$/D', $this->_letter) && function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { // if we have multibyte string support - ask both cases ... $baseCondition = "REGEXP:^{$this->_letter}|^" . mb_strtoupper($this->_letter); } else { // if no unicode - great, it'll work. // if we don't have MB - shit happens $baseCondition = "REGEXP:^{$this->_letter}"; } switch ($this->_fieldType) { case 'chbxgroup': case 'select': case 'multiselect': $eOrder = 'sValue'; $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field_option_selected', 'as' => 'opts'), array('table' => 'spdb_language', 'as' => 'lang', 'key' => array('opts.optValue', 'lang.sKey')), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('opts.sid', '')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('opts.sid', '')))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry'; $conditions['opts.fid'] = $this->_field; $conditions['lang.sValue'] = $baseCondition; break; default: $eOrder = 'baseData'; $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'fdef', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', '')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('fdata.sid', '')))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry'; $conditions['fdef.fid'] = $this->_field; $conditions['fdata.baseData'] = $baseCondition; break; } $this->_field = $this->_field ? $this->_field : Sobi::Cfg('alphamenu.primary_field', SPFactory::config()->nameField()->get('id')); /* check user permissions for the visibility */ if (Sobi::My('id')) { $this->userPermissionsQuery($conditions, $oPrefix); } else { $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array($oPrefix . 'state' => '1', '@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince'))); } $conditions['sprl.copy'] = '0'; try { $db->select($oPrefix . 'id', $table, $conditions, $eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true); $results = $db->loadResultArray(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('AlphaListing', SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($ids) { Sobi::SetUserData('currently-displayed-entries', $results); return $results; } if (count($results)) { foreach ($results as $i => $sid) { // it needs too much memory moving the object creation to the view //$entries[ $i ] = SPFactory::Entry( $sid ); $entries[$i] = $sid; } } Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterGetEntries', array(&$entries, false)); return $entries; }
protected function getResults($ssid, $template) { $results = array(); /* case some plugin overwrites this method */ Sobi::Trigger('GetResults', 'Search', array(&$results, &$ssid, &$template)); if (count($results)) { return $results; } /* get limits - if defined in template config - otherwise from the section config */ $eLimit = $this->tKey($template, 'entries_limit', Sobi::Cfg('search.entries_limit', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_limit', 2))); $eInLine = $this->tKey($template, 'entries_in_line', Sobi::Cfg('search.entries_in_line', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_in_line', 2))); /* get the site to display */ $site = SPRequest::int('site', 1); $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLimit; try { $this->_db->select(array('entriesResults', 'requestData'), 'spdb_search', array('ssid' => $ssid)); $r = $this->_db->loadAssocList(); if (strlen($r[0]['entriesResults'])) { $store = SPConfig::unserialize($r[0]['entriesResults']); if ($store['results']) { $this->_results = array_unique(explode(',', $store['results'])); $this->_resultsByPriority = $store['resultsByPriority']; } $this->_resultsCount = count($this->_results); } $this->_request = SPConfig::unserialize($r[0]['requestData']); SPFactory::registry()->set('requestcache', $this->_request); if (count($this->_results)) { $r = array_slice($this->_results, $eLimStart, $eLimit); /* so we have a results */ foreach ($r as $i => $sid) { $results[$i] = (int) $sid; //$results[ $i ] = new $eClass(); //$results[ $i ]->init( $sid ); } } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_SESSION_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } Sobi::SetUserData('currently-displayed-entries', $results); return $results; }