Exemple #1
// Utilities::loadWSDLfiles($wsdluri);
// specifiy ontology
$ontology = 'file:' . realpath("../../examples/family/father.owl");
// create DL-Learner client
$client = new SoapClient("main.wsdl");
// $client = new SoapClient($wsdluri);
// load owl file in DIG reasoner (you need a running DIG reasoner)
$id = $client->generateID();
$ksID = $client->addKnowledgeSource($id, "owlfile", $ontology);
$rID = $client->setReasoner($id, "fastInstanceChecker");
// create a learning problem
$posExamples = array('http://example.com/father#stefan', 'http://example.com/father#markus', 'http://example.com/father#martin');
$negExamples = array('http://example.com/father#heinz', 'http://example.com/father#anna', 'http://example.com/father#michelle');
$client->setLearningProblem($id, "posNegLPStandard");
$client->setPositiveExamples($id, $posExamples);
$client->setNegativeExamples($id, $negExamples);
// choose refinement operator approach
$la_id = $client->setLearningAlgorithm($id, "refexamples");
// you can add the following to apply a config option to a component, e.g. ignore a concept
$client->applyConfigEntryStringArray($id, $la_id, "ignoredConcepts", array('http://example.com/father#female'));
// learn concept
echo 'start learning ... ';
// get only concept
// $concept = $client->learn($id, "manchester");
// get concept and additional information in JSON syntax
$concept = $client->learnDescriptionsEvaluatedLimit($id, 5);
echo 'OK <br />';
echo 'solution: <pre>';
var_dump(json_decode($concept, true));
echo '</pre>';