public static function restore_from_file($backup_dir, $backup_file)
     if (mkdir($backup_dir) === false) {
         throw new Sns_Exception_Unavailable_Operation('Cannot create the directory ' . $backup_dir);
     self::restore_item($backup_file, $backup_dir);
     $options = Sns_Option::get_locations();
     foreach ($options as $option => $to) {
         $item = $option == Sns_Option::DB ? $backup_dir . SNS_DS . 'wp_dump.sql' : $backup_dir . SNS_DS . $option . '.zip';
         if (file_exists($item)) {
             if ($option == Sns_Option::DB) {
                 Sns_Log::log_action('Restoring database');
                 try {
                     Sns_Backup::import_db($item, true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Sns_Log::log_action('Restoring database', SNS_LOG_END);
             } else {
                 Sns_Log::log_action('Restoring item ' . $item);
                 try {
                     self::restore_item($item, $to);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 Sns_Log::log_action('Restoring item ' . $item, SNS_LOG_END);
 public static function export_db($sql_file)
     global $wpdb;
     $export_str = "-- Wordpress database dump --\n";
     Sns_Log::log_action('Fetching tables list');
     $query = "SHOW TABLES";
     $tables = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
     if ($tables === false) {
         throw new Sns_Exception_DB_Error($query);
     Sns_Log::log_action('Fetching tables list', SNS_LOG_END);
     foreach ($tables as $db_item) {
         $table = current($db_item);
         Sns_Log::log_action('Fetching table - ' . $table);
         $query = "SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $table;
         $create = $wpdb->get_var($query, 1);
         if ($create === false) {
             throw new Sns_Exception_DB_Error($query);
         $myisam = strpos($create, 'MyISAM');
         if ($table == SNS_DB_PREFIX . 'backups' || $table == SNS_DB_PREFIX . 'settings' || $table == SNS_DB_PREFIX . 'options' || $table == SNS_DB_PREFIX . 'settings_destinations' || $table == SNS_DB_PREFIX . 'settings_ftp' || $table == SNS_DB_PREFIX . 'state') {
         $export_str .= "-- ----------------------------------------------------------\n";
         $export_str .= "-- Dump of table `" . $table . "` --\n";
         $export_str .= "-- ----------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
         $export_str .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . $table . "`;\n\n" . $create . ";\n\n";
         $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $table . "` LIMIT 1000";
         $data = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
         if ($query === false) {
             throw new Sns_Exception_DB_Error($query);
         if (!empty($data)) {
             if (false !== $myisam) {
                 $export_str .= "-- !40000 ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` DISABLE KEYS ;\n\n";
             $offset = 0;
             while (!empty($data)) {
                 foreach ($data as $entry) {
                     $cols = '';
                     foreach ($entry as $key => $value) {
                         if (NULL === $value) {
                             $entry[$key] = "NULL";
                         } elseif ("" === $value || false === $value) {
                             $entry[$key] = "''";
                         } elseif (!is_numeric($value)) {
                             $entry[$key] = "'" . esc_sql($value) . "'";
                         $cols .= ", `" . $key . "` ";
                     $cols = substr($cols, 1);
                     $export_str .= "INSERT INTO `" . $table . "` ( " . $cols . " ) VALUES ( " . implode(", ", $entry) . " );\n";
                     if (file_put_contents($sql_file, $export_str, FILE_APPEND) === false) {
                         throw new Sns_Exception_Unavailable_Operation('Cannot write in ' . $sql_file);
                     $export_str = '';
                 $offset += 1000;
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $table . "` LIMIT " . $offset . ",1000";
                 //force to free memory
                 //                        $data = null;
                 //                        if( gc_enabled() ){
                 //                            gc_collect_cycles();
                 //                        }else{
                 //                            gc_enable();
                 //                            gc_collect_cycles();
                 //                            gc_disable();
                 //                        }
                 $data = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
                 if ($data === false) {
                     throw new Sns_Exception_DB_Error($query);
             if (false !== $myisam) {
                 $export_str .= "\n --!40000 ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` ENABLE KEYS ;";
         if (file_put_contents($sql_file, $export_str, FILE_APPEND) === false) {
             throw new Sns_Exception_Unavailable_Operation('Cannot write in ' . $sql_file);
         $export_str = '';
         Sns_Log::log_action('Fetching table - ' . $table, SNS_LOG_END);
function sns_backup_external_restore($uname)
    try {
        Sns_Log::log_msg('########PROCESS STARTED########' . PHP_EOL);
        $state = Sns_State::get_status();
        if ($state['status'] == Sns_State::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
            throw new Sns_Exception_Unavailable_Operation('There is an existing active process.Please wait.');
        $stateData = array('status' => Sns_State::STATUS_ACTIVE, 'type' => Sns_State::TYPE_RESTORE, 'start_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
        try {
            $file_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . SNS_DS . 'sns_backup-external-' . $uname . '.zip';
            if (!file_exists($file_dir)) {
                throw new Sns_Exception_Not_Found('File not found');
            $backup_dir = substr($file_dir, 0, strlen($file_dir) - 4);
            Sns_Log::log_action('Restoring from external file');
            Sns_History::restore_from_file($backup_dir, $file_dir);
            Sns_Log::log_action('Restoring from external file', SNS_LOG_END);
            Sns_Log::log_msg('[SUCCEED Restore]' . PHP_EOL);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            Sns_Log::log_msg('[FAILED Restore]' . PHP_EOL);
            throw $e;
        $stateData = array('status' => Sns_State::STATUS_FINISHED, 'type' => Sns_State::TYPE_RESTORE);
        Sns_Log::log_msg('########PROCESS ENDED########' . PHP_EOL);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $ex_data = Sns_Exception_Handler::get_exception_data($e);
        $stateData = array('status' => Sns_State::STATUS_FAILED, 'type' => Sns_State::TYPE_RESTORE, 'msg' => $ex_data['status'] . ' : ' . $ex_data['msg']);
        Sns_Log::log_msg('########PROCESS ENDED########' . PHP_EOL);
        wp_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=" . $_GET['page']));