function print_categories_checkboxes($user) { global $db, $current_user; // Get selected categories $selected_set = $db->get_col("SELECT pref_value FROM prefs WHERE pref_user_id = {$user->id} and pref_key = 'category_" . SitesMgr::my_id() . "'"); $selected = array(); if ($selected_set) { foreach ($selected_set as $cat) { $selected[$cat] = true; } } $metas = SitesMgr::get_metas(); $categories = array(); foreach ($metas as $meta) { $categories[$meta->id] = SitesMgr::get_categories($meta->id); if ($selected) { // Check if all categories are selected for the current meta $all = true; foreach ($categories[$meta->id] as $sel) { if (!isset($selected[$sel->id])) { $all = false; } } if ($all) { $selected[$meta->id] = true; } } } Haanga::Load('user/categories.html', compact('user', 'metas', 'categories', 'selected')); }
function print_categories_form($selected = 0) { global $db, $dblang, $globals; $metas = SitesMgr::get_metas(); foreach ($metas as &$meta) { $meta->categories = SitesMgr::get_categories($meta->id); } unset($meta); $vars = compact('selected', 'metas'); return Haanga::Load('form_categories.html', $vars); }
function print_shakeit_tabs($option = -1) { global $globals, $current_user, $db; $items = array(); if ($current_user->has_personal) { $items[] = array('id' => 7, 'url' => 'shakeit.php', 'title' => _('personal')); } $items[] = array('id' => 1, 'url' => 'shakeit.php' . $globals['meta_skip'], 'title' => _('todas')); if (!$globals['mobile']) { $metas = SitesMgr::get_metas(); if ($metas) { foreach ($metas as $meta) { $items[] = array('id' => 9999, 'url' => 'shakeit.php?meta=' . $meta->uri, 'selected' => $meta->id == $globals['meta_current'], 'title' => $meta->name); } } } $items[] = array('id' => 3, 'url' => 'shakeit.php?meta=_popular', 'title' => _('candidatas')); if ($current_user->user_id > 0) { $items[] = array('id' => 2, 'url' => 'shakeit.php?meta=_friends', 'title' => _('amigos')); } if (!$globals['bot']) { $items[] = array('id' => 5, 'url' => 'shakeit.php?meta=_discarded', 'title' => _('descartadas')); } // Print RSS teasers if (!$globals['mobile']) { switch ($option) { case 7: // Personalised, queued $feed = array("url" => "?status=queued&personal=" . $current_user->user_id, "title" => ""); break; default: $feed = array("url" => "?status=queued&meta=" . $globals['meta_current'], "title" => ""); break; } } $vars = compact('items', 'option', 'feed'); return Haanga::Load('print_tabs.html', $vars); }
function print_index_tabs($option = -1) { global $globals, $db, $current_user; if ($globals['mobile']) { return; } $items = array(); if (isset($current_user->has_personal)) { $items[] = array('id' => 7, 'url' => '', 'title' => _('personal')); } $items[] = array('id' => 0, 'url' => $globals['meta_skip'], 'title' => _('todas')); $metas = SitesMgr::get_metas(); if ($metas) { foreach ($metas as $meta) { $items[] = array('id' => 9999, 'url' => '?meta=' . $meta->uri, 'selected' => $meta->id == $globals['meta_current'], 'title' => $meta->name); } } // RSS teasers switch ($option) { case 7: // Personalised, published $feed = array("url" => "?personal=" . $current_user->user_id, "title" => _('categoría personalizadas')); break; default: $feed = array("url" => "?meta=" . $globals['meta_current'], "title" => ""); break; } if ($current_user->user_id > 0) { $items[] = array('id' => 1, 'url' => '?meta=_friends', 'title' => _('amigos')); } $vars = compact('items', 'option', 'feed'); return Haanga::Load('print_tabs.html', $vars); }