  * This constructor initializes the PDO metadata storage handler with the specified
  * configuration. The configuration is an associative array with the following
  * possible elements (set in config.php):
  * - 'usePersistentConnection': TRUE/FALSE if database connection should be persistent.
  * - 'dsn':                     The database connection string.
  * - 'username':                Database user name
  * - 'password':                Password for the database user.
  * @param array $config An associative array with the configuration for this handler.
 public function __construct($config)
     $this->db = SimpleSAML\Database::getInstance();
  * @covers SimpleSAML\Database::getInstance
  * @covers SimpleSAML\Database::generateInstanceId
  * @covers SimpleSAML\Database::__construct
  * @covers SimpleSAML\Database::connect
  * @covers SimpleSAML\Database::getSlave
  * @test
 public function slaves()
     $getSlave = self::getMethod('getSlave');
     $master = spl_object_hash(PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::readAttribute($this->db, 'dbMaster'));
     $slave = spl_object_hash($getSlave->invokeArgs($this->db, array()));
     $this->assertTrue($master == $slave, "getSlave should have returned the master database object");
     $config = array('database.dsn' => 'sqlite::memory:', 'database.username' => null, 'database.password' => null, 'database.prefix' => 'phpunit_', 'database.persistent' => true, 'database.slaves' => array(array('dsn' => 'sqlite::memory:', 'username' => null, 'password' => null)));
     $sspConfiguration = new SimpleSAML_Configuration($config, "test/SimpleSAML/DatabaseTest.php");
     $msdb = SimpleSAML\Database::getInstance($sspConfiguration);
     $slaves = PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::readAttribute($msdb, 'dbSlaves');
     $gotSlave = spl_object_hash($getSlave->invokeArgs($msdb, array()));
     $this->assertEquals(spl_object_hash($slaves[0]), $gotSlave, "getSlave should have returned a slave database object");