get_instance() public static méthode

Get singleton intance
public static get_instance ( ) : SimpleHistory
Résultat SimpleHistory instance
 function test_default_settings_tabs()
     $sh = SimpleHistory::get_instance();
     $settings_tabs = $sh->getSettingsTabs();
     $arr_default_settings = array("settings", "export");
     $loaded_settings_slugs = wp_list_pluck($settings_tabs, "slug");
     $this->assertEquals($arr_default_settings, $loaded_settings_slugs);
    define( 'SIMPLE_HISTORY_FILE', __FILE__ );
    define( 'SIMPLE_HISTORY_PATH', plugin_dir_path( SIMPLE_HISTORY_FILE ) );
    define( 'SIMPLE_HISTORY_BASENAME', plugin_basename( SIMPLE_HISTORY_FILE ) );
    // Constants will be like:
    Var is string with length 57: /Users/username/GIT/Simple-History/index.php
    Var is string with length 48: /Users/username/GIT/Simple-History/
    Var is string with length 24: simple-history/index.php
    /** Boot up */
} else {
    // user is running to old version of php, add admin notice about that
    add_action('admin_notices', 'simple_history_old_version_admin_notice');
    function simple_history_old_version_admin_notice()
		<div class="updated error">
        printf(__('Simple History is a great plugin, but to use it your server must have at least PHP 5.3 installed (you have version %s).', 'simple-history'), phpversion());
 function __construct()
      * Fires before Simple History does it's init stuff
      * @since 2.0
      * @param SimpleHistory $SimpleHistory This class.
     do_action("simple_history/before_init", $this);
     // Actions and filters, ordered by order specified in codex:
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'load_plugin_textdomain'));
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'add_default_settings_tabs'));
     // Plugins and dropins are loaded using the "after_setup_theme" filter so
     // themes can use filters to modify the loading of them.
     // The drawback with this is that for example logouts done when plugins like
     // iThemes Security is installed is not logged, because those plugins fire wp_logout()
     // using filter "plugins_loaded", i.e. before simple history has loaded its filters.
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'load_loggers'));
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'load_dropins'));
     // Run before loading of loggers and before menu items are added
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'check_for_upgrade'), 5);
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'setup_cron'));
     add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_admin_pages'));
     add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_settings'));
     add_action('admin_footer', array($this, "add_js_templates"));
     add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', array($this, 'add_dashboard_widget'));
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts'));
     add_action('admin_head', array($this, "onAdminHead"));
     add_action('admin_footer', array($this, "onAdminFooter"));
     // Filters and actions not called during regular boot
     add_filter("gettext", array($this, 'filter_gettext'), 20, 3);
     add_filter("gettext_with_context", array($this, 'filter_gettext_with_context'), 20, 4);
     add_filter('gettext', array($this, "filter_gettext_storeLatestTranslations"), 10, 3);
     add_action('simple_history/history_page/before_gui', array($this, "output_quick_stats"));
     add_action('simple_history/dashboard/before_gui', array($this, "output_quick_stats"));
     add_action('wp_ajax_simple_history_api', array($this, 'api'));
     add_filter('plugin_action_links_simple-history/index.php', array($this, 'plugin_action_links'), 10, 4);
      * Fires after Simple History has done it's init stuff
      * @since 2.0
      * @param SimpleHistory $SimpleHistory This class.
     do_action("simple_history/after_init", $this);
     // Add some extra info to each logged context when SIMPLE_HISTORY_LOG_DEBUG is set and true
         add_filter("simple_history/log_argument/context", function ($context, $level, $message, $logger) {
             $sh = SimpleHistory::get_instance();
             $context["_debug_get"] = $sh->json_encode($_GET);
             $context["_debug_post"] = $sh->json_encode($_POST);
             $context["_debug_server"] = $sh->json_encode($_SERVER);
             $context["_debug_files"] = $sh->json_encode($_FILES);
             $context["_debug_php_sapi_name"] = php_sapi_name();
             global $argv;
             $context["_debug_argv"] = $sh->json_encode($argv);
             $consts = get_defined_constants(true);
             $consts = $consts["user"];
             $context["_debug_user_constants"] = $sh->json_encode($consts);
             $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
             $context["_debug_http_raw_post_data"] = $sh->json_encode($postdata);
             return $context;
         }, 10, 4);
    public function query($args)
        $defaults = array("type" => "overview", "posts_per_page" => 0, "paged" => 1, "post__in" => null, "format" => "array", "max_id_first_page" => null, "since_id" => null, "date_from" => null, "date_to" => null, "months" => null, "dates" => null, "search" => null, "loglevels" => null, "loggers" => null, "messages" => null, "user" => null, "users" => null, "returnQuery" => false);
        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        // sf_d($args, "Run log query with args");
        $cache_key = "SimpleHistoryLogQuery_" . md5(serialize($args)) . "_get_" . md5(serialize($_GET)) . "_userid_" . get_current_user_id();
        $cache_group = "simple-history-" . SimpleHistory::get_cache_incrementor();
        $arr_return = wp_cache_get($cache_key, $cache_group);
        if (false !== $arr_return) {
            return $arr_return;
        Subequent occasions query thanks to this Stack Overflow thread:
        Similar questions that I didn't manage to understand, work, or did try:
        global $wpdb;
        $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . SimpleHistory::DBTABLE;
        $table_name_contexts = $wpdb->prefix . SimpleHistory::DBTABLE_CONTEXTS;
        $where = "1 = 1";
        $limit = "";
        $inner_where = "1 = 1";
        if ("overview" === $args["type"] || "single" === $args["type"]) {
            // Set variables used by query
            $sql_set_var = "SET @a:='', @counter:=1, @groupby:=0";
            // New and slightly faster query
            // 1 = where
            // 2 = limit
            // 3 = db name
            // 4 = where for inner calc sql query thingie
            // 5 = db name contexts
            $sql_tmpl = '
					count(t.repeated) AS subsequentOccasions,
					c1.value AS context_message_key

				FROM %3$s AS h

				LEFT OUTER JOIN %5$s AS c1 ON (c1.history_id = AND c1.key = "_message_key")		

						IF(@a=occasionsID,@counter:=@counter+1,@counter:=1) AS rep,
						IF(@counter=1,@groupby:=@groupby+1,@groupby) AS repeated,
						@a:=occasionsID occasionsIDType
					FROM %3$s AS h2

					# First/inner where
					ORDER BY id DESC, date DESC
				) AS t ON =

					# Outer/Second where

				GROUP BY repeated
				ORDER BY id DESC, date DESC
            $sh = SimpleHistory::get_instance();
            // Only include loggers that the current user can view
            // @TODO: this causes error if user has no access to any logger at all
            $sql_loggers_user_can_view = $sh->getLoggersThatUserCanRead(get_current_user_id(), "sql");
            $inner_where .= " AND logger IN {$sql_loggers_user_can_view}";
        } else {
            if ("occasions" === $args["type"]) {
                // Query template
                // 1 = where
                // 2 = limit
                // 3 = db name
                $sql_tmpl = '
				SELECT h.*,
					# fake columns that exist in overview query
					1 as subsequentOccasions
				FROM %3$s AS h
				WHERE %1$s
                $where .= " AND < " . (int) $args["logRowID"];
                $where .= " AND h.occasionsID = '" . esc_sql($args["occasionsID"]) . "'";
                if (isset($args["occasionsCountMaxReturn"]) && (int) $args["occasionsCountMaxReturn"] < (int) $args["occasionsCount"]) {
                    // Limit to max nn events if occasionsCountMaxReturn is set.
                    // Used in gui to prevent top many events returned, that can stall the browser.
                    $limit = "LIMIT " . (int) $args["occasionsCountMaxReturn"];
                } else {
                    // Regular limit that gets all occasions
                    $limit = "LIMIT " . (int) $args["occasionsCount"];
                // [logRowID] =&gt; 353
                // [occasionsID] =&gt; 73b06d5740d15e35079b6aa024255cb3
                // [occasionsCount] =&gt; 18
        // Determine limit
        // Both posts_per_page and paged must be set
        $is_limit_query = is_numeric($args["posts_per_page"]) && $args["posts_per_page"] > 0;
        $is_limit_query = $is_limit_query && (is_numeric($args["paged"]) && $args["paged"] > 0);
        if ($is_limit_query) {
            $limit_offset = ($args["paged"] - 1) * $args["posts_per_page"];
            $limit .= sprintf('LIMIT %1$d, %2$d', $limit_offset, $args["posts_per_page"]);
        // Determine where
        if ($args["post__in"] && is_array($args["post__in"])) {
            // make sure all vals are integers
            $args["post__in"] = array_map("intval", $args["post__in"]);
            $inner_where .= sprintf(' AND id IN (%1$s)', implode(",", $args["post__in"]));
        // If max_id_first_page is then then only include rows
        // with id equal to or earlier
        if (isset($args["max_id_first_page"]) && is_numeric($args["max_id_first_page"])) {
            $max_id_first_page = (int) $args["max_id_first_page"];
            $inner_where .= sprintf(' AND id <= %1$d', $max_id_first_page);
        if (isset($args["since_id"]) && is_numeric($args["since_id"])) {
            $since_id = (int) $args["since_id"];
            $where .= sprintf(
            	' AND > %1$d',
            // Add where to inner because that's faster
            $inner_where .= sprintf(' AND id > %1$d', $since_id);
        // Append date where
        if (!empty($args["date_from"])) {
            // date_to=2014-08-01
            // if date is not numeric assume Y-m-d H:i-format
            $date_from = $args["date_from"];
            if (!is_numeric($date_from)) {
                $date_from = strtotime($date_from);
            $inner_where .= "\n" . sprintf(' AND date >= "%1$s"', esc_sql(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_from)));
        if (!empty($args["date_to"])) {
            // date_to=2014-08-01
            // if date is not numeric assume Y-m-d H:i-format
            $date_to = $args["date_to"];
            if (!is_numeric($date_to)) {
                $date_to = strtotime($date_to);
            $inner_where .= "\n" . sprintf(' AND date <= "%1$s"', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_from));
        // dats
        // if months they translate to $args["months"] because we already have support for that
        // can't use months and dates and the same time
        if (!empty($args["dates"])) {
            if (is_array($args["dates"])) {
                $arr_dates = $args["dates"];
            } else {
                $arr_dates = explode(",", $args["dates"]);
            $args["months"] = array();
            $args["lastdays"] = 0;
            foreach ($arr_dates as $one_date) {
                // If begins with "month:" then strip string and keep only month numbers
                if (strpos($one_date, "month:") === 0) {
                    $args["months"][] = substr($one_date, strlen("month:"));
                } else {
                    if (strpos($one_date, "lastdays:") === 0) {
                        // Only keep largest lastdays value
                        $args["lastdays"] = max($args["lastdays"], substr($one_date, strlen("lastdays:")));
                        #$args["lastdays"][] = substr($one_date, strlen("lastdays:"));
        // lastdays, as int
        if (!empty($args["lastdays"])) {
            $inner_where .= sprintf('
				# lastdays
				AND date >= DATE(NOW()) - INTERVAL %d DAY
			', $args["lastdays"]);
        // months, in format "Y-m"
        if (!empty($args["months"])) {
            if (is_array($args["months"])) {
                $arr_months = $args["months"];
            } else {
                $arr_months = explode(",", $args["months"]);
            $sql_months = '
				# sql_months
				AND (
            foreach ($arr_months as $one_month) {
                // beginning of month
                // $ php -r ' echo date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime("2014-08") ) . "\n";
                // >> 2014-08-01 00:00
                $date_month_beginning = strtotime($one_month);
                // end of month
                // $ php -r ' echo date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime("2014-08 + 1 month") ) . "\n";'
                // >> 2014-09-01 00:00
                $date_month_end = strtotime("{$one_month} + 1 month");
                $sql_months .= sprintf('
						date >= "%1$s"
						AND date <= "%2$s"

					', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_month_beginning), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_month_end));
            $sql_months = trim($sql_months);
            $sql_months = rtrim($sql_months, " OR ");
            $sql_months .= '
				# end sql_months and wrap
            $inner_where .= $sql_months;
            // echo $inner_where;exit;
        // search
        if (!empty($args["search"])) {
            $search_words = $args["search"];
            $str_search_conditions = "";
            $arr_search_words = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $search_words);
            // create array of all searched words
            // split both spaces and commas and such
            $arr_sql_like_cols = array("message", "logger", "level");
            foreach ($arr_sql_like_cols as $one_col) {
                $str_sql_search_words = "";
                foreach ($arr_search_words as $one_search_word) {
                    if (method_exists($wpdb, "esc_like")) {
                        $str_like = esc_sql($wpdb->esc_like($one_search_word));
                    } else {
                        $str_like = esc_sql(like_escape($one_search_word));
                    $str_sql_search_words .= sprintf(' AND %1$s LIKE "%2$s" ', $one_col, "%{$str_like}%");
                $str_sql_search_words = ltrim($str_sql_search_words, ' AND ');
                $str_search_conditions .= "\n" . sprintf('   OR ( %1$s ) ', $str_sql_search_words);
            $str_search_conditions = preg_replace('/^OR /', " ", trim($str_search_conditions));
            // also search contexts
            $str_search_conditions .= "\n   OR ( ";
            foreach ($arr_search_words as $one_search_word) {
                if (method_exists($wpdb, "esc_like")) {
                    $str_like = esc_sql($wpdb->esc_like($one_search_word));
                } else {
                    $str_like = esc_sql(like_escape($one_search_word));
                $str_search_conditions .= "\n" . sprintf('	id IN ( SELECT history_id FROM %1$s AS c WHERE c.value LIKE "%2$s" ) AND ', $table_name_contexts, "%" . $str_like . "%");
            $str_search_conditions = preg_replace('/ AND $/', "", $str_search_conditions);
            $str_search_conditions .= "\n   ) ";
            // end or for contexts
            $inner_where .= "\n AND \n(\n {$str_search_conditions} \n ) ";
            #echo $inner_where;exit;
        // log levels
        // comma separated
        // http://playground-root.ep/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=simple_history_api&type=overview&format=&posts_per_page=10&paged=1&max_id_first_page=27273&SimpleHistoryLogQuery-showDebug=0&loglevel=error,warn
        if (!empty($args["loglevels"])) {
            $sql_loglevels = "";
            if (is_array($args["loglevels"])) {
                $arr_loglevels = $args["loglevels"];
            } else {
                $arr_loglevels = explode(",", $args["loglevels"]);
            foreach ($arr_loglevels as $one_loglevel) {
                $sql_loglevels .= sprintf(' "%s", ', esc_sql($one_loglevel));
            if ($sql_loglevels) {
                $sql_loglevels = rtrim($sql_loglevels, " ,");
                $sql_loglevels = "\n AND level IN ({$sql_loglevels}) ";
            $inner_where .= $sql_loglevels;
        // messages
        if (!empty($args["messages"])) {
                [0] => SimpleCommentsLogger:anon_comment_added,SimpleCommentsLogger:user_comment_added,SimpleCommentsLogger:anon_trackback_added,SimpleCommentsLogger:user_trackback_added,SimpleCommentsLogger:anon_pingback_added,SimpleCommentsLogger:user_pingback_added,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_edited,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_edited,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_edited,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_status_approve,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_status_approve,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_status_approve,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_status_hold,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_status_hold,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_status_hold,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_status_spam,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_status_spam,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_status_spam,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_status_trash,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_status_trash,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_status_trash,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_untrashed,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_untrashed,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_untrashed,SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_deleted,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_deleted,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_deleted
                [1] => SimpleCommentsLogger:SimpleCommentsLogger:comment_status_spam,SimpleCommentsLogger:trackback_status_spam,SimpleCommentsLogger:pingback_status_spam
            // Array with loggers and messages
            $arr_loggers_and_messages = array();
            // Tranform from get'et format to our own internal format
            foreach ((array) $args["messages"] as $one_arr_messages_row) {
                $arr_row_messages = explode(",", $one_arr_messages_row);
                    [0] => SimpleCommentsLogger:anon_comment_added
                    [1] => SimpleCommentsLogger:user_comment_added
                    [2] => SimpleCommentsLogger:anon_trackback_added
                foreach ($arr_row_messages as $one_row_logger_and_message) {
                    $arr_one_logger_and_message = explode(":", $one_row_logger_and_message);
                    if (!isset($arr_loggers_and_messages[$arr_one_logger_and_message[0]])) {
                        $arr_loggers_and_messages[$arr_one_logger_and_message[0]] = array();
                    $arr_loggers_and_messages[$arr_one_logger_and_message[0]][] = $arr_one_logger_and_message[1];
            // Now create sql where based on loggers and messages
            $sql_messages_where = " AND (";
            foreach ($arr_loggers_and_messages as $logger_slug => $logger_messages) {
                $sql_messages_where .= sprintf('
						h.logger = "%1$s"
						AND c1.value IN (%2$s)
					OR ', esc_sql($logger_slug), "'" . implode("','", $logger_messages) . "'");
            // remove last or
            $sql_messages_where = preg_replace('/OR $/', "", $sql_messages_where);
            $sql_messages_where .= "\n )";
            #echo $sql_messages_where;exit;
            $where .= $sql_messages_where;
            			    [SimpleCommentsLogger] => Array
            			            [0] => anon_comment_added
            			            [1] => user_comment_added
            			            [2] => anon_trackback_added
            			            [3] => user_trackback_added
            			            [4] => anon_pingback_added
            			            [5] => user_pingback_added
            			            [6] => comment_edited
            			            [7] => trackback_edited
            			            [8] => pingback_edited
            			            [9] => comment_status_approve
            			            [10] => trackback_status_approve
            			            [11] => pingback_status_approve
            			            [12] => comment_status_hold
            			            [13] => trackback_status_hold
            			            [14] => pingback_status_hold
            			            [15] => comment_status_spam
            			            [16] => trackback_status_spam
            			            [17] => pingback_status_spam
            			            [18] => comment_status_trash
            			            [19] => trackback_status_trash
            			            [20] => pingback_status_trash
            			            [21] => comment_untrashed
            			            [22] => trackback_untrashed
            			            [23] => pingback_untrashed
            			            [24] => comment_deleted
            			            [25] => trackback_deleted
            			            [26] => pingback_deleted
                [SimpleUserLogger] => Array
            			            [0] => SimpleUserLogger
            			            [1] => SimpleUserLogger
        // loggers
        // comma separated
        // http://playground-root.ep/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=simple_history_api&type=overview&format=&posts_per_page=10&paged=1&max_id_first_page=27273&SimpleHistoryLogQuery-showDebug=0&loggers=SimpleCommentsLogger,SimpleCoreUpdatesLogger
        if (!empty($args["loggers"])) {
            $sql_loggers = "";
            if (is_array($args["loggers"])) {
                $arr_loggers = $args["loggers"];
            } else {
                $arr_loggers = explode(",", $args["loggers"]);
            Example of version with logger + message keys
                [0] => SimpleUserLogger:user_created
                [1] => SimpleUserLogger:user_deleted
            foreach ($arr_loggers as $one_logger) {
                $sql_loggers .= sprintf(' "%s", ', esc_sql($one_logger));
            if ($sql_loggers) {
                $sql_loggers = rtrim($sql_loggers, " ,");
                $sql_loggers = "\n AND logger IN ({$sql_loggers}) ";
            $inner_where .= $sql_loggers;
        // user, a single userID
        if (!empty($args["user"]) && is_numeric($args["user"])) {
            $userID = (int) $args["user"];
            $sql_user = sprintf('
				AND id IN ( SELECT history_id FROM %1$s AS c WHERE c.key = "_user_id" AND c.value = %2$s )
				', $table_name_contexts, $userID);
            $inner_where .= $sql_user;
        // users, comma separated
        if (!empty($args["users"]) && is_string($args["users"])) {
            $users = explode(",", $args["users"]);
            $users = array_map("intval", $users);
            if ($users) {
                $users_in = implode(",", $users);
                $sql_user = sprintf('
					AND id IN ( SELECT history_id FROM %1$s AS c WHERE c.key = "_user_id" AND c.value IN (%2$s) )
					', $table_name_contexts, $users_in);
                $inner_where .= $sql_user;
                #echo $inner_where;exit;
         * Filter the sql template
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $sql_tmpl
        $sql_tmpl = apply_filters("simple_history/log_query_sql_template", $sql_tmpl);
         * Filter the sql template where clause
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $where
        $where = apply_filters("simple_history/log_query_sql_where", $where);
         * Filter the sql template limit
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $limit
        $limit = apply_filters("simple_history/log_query_limit", $limit);
         * Filter the sql template limit
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $limit
        $inner_where = apply_filters("simple_history/log_query_inner_where", $inner_where);
        $sql = sprintf($sql_tmpl, $where, $limit, $table_name, $inner_where, $table_name_contexts);
         * Filter the final sql query
         * @since 2.0
         * @param string $sql
        $sql = apply_filters("simple_history/log_query_sql", $sql);
        // Remove comments below to debug query (includes query in json result)
        // $include_query_in_result = true;
        if (isset($_GET["SimpleHistoryLogQuery-showDebug"]) && $_GET["SimpleHistoryLogQuery-showDebug"]) {
            echo "<pre>";
            echo $sql_set_var;
            echo $sql;
        // Only return sql query
        if ($args["returnQuery"]) {
            return $sql;
        $log_rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql, OBJECT_K);
        $num_rows = sizeof($log_rows);
        // Find total number of rows that we would have gotten without pagination
        // This is the number of rows with occasions taken into consideration
        $sql_found_rows = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()';
        $total_found_rows = (int) $wpdb->get_var($sql_found_rows);
        // Add context
        $post_ids = wp_list_pluck($log_rows, "id");
        if (empty($post_ids)) {
            $context_results = array();
        } else {
            $sql_context = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %2$s WHERE history_id IN (%1$s)', join(",", $post_ids), $table_name_contexts);
            $context_results = $wpdb->get_results($sql_context);
        foreach ($context_results as $context_row) {
            if (!isset($log_rows[$context_row->history_id]->context)) {
                $log_rows[$context_row->history_id]->context = array();
            $log_rows[$context_row->history_id]->context[$context_row->key] = $context_row->value;
        // Remove id from keys, because they are cumbersome when working with JSON
        $log_rows = array_values($log_rows);
        $min_id = null;
        $max_id = null;
        if (sizeof($log_rows)) {
            // Max id is simply the id of the first row
            $max_id = reset($log_rows)->id;
            // Min id = to find the lowest id we must take occasions into consideration
            $last_row = end($log_rows);
            $last_row_occasions_count = (int) $last_row->subsequentOccasions - 1;
            if ($last_row_occasions_count === 0) {
                // Last row did not have any more occasions, so get min_id directly from the row
                $min_id = $last_row->id;
            } else {
                // Last row did have occaions, so fetch all occasions, and find id of last one
                $db_table = $wpdb->prefix . SimpleHistory::DBTABLE;
                $sql = sprintf('
						SELECT id, date, occasionsID
						FROM %1$s
						WHERE id <= %2$s
						ORDER BY id DESC
						LIMIT %3$s
					', $db_table, $last_row->id, $last_row_occasions_count + 1);
                $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
                // the last occasion has the id we consider last in this paged result
                $min_id = end($results)->id;
        // Calc pages
        if ($args["posts_per_page"]) {
            $pages_count = Ceil($total_found_rows / (int) $args["posts_per_page"]);
        } else {
            $pages_count = 1;
        // Create array to return
        // Make all rows a sub key because we want to add some meta info too
        $log_rows_count = sizeof($log_rows);
        $page_rows_from = (int) $args["paged"] * (int) $args["posts_per_page"] - (int) $args["posts_per_page"] + 1;
        $page_rows_to = $page_rows_from + $log_rows_count - 1;
        $arr_return = array("total_row_count" => $total_found_rows, "pages_count" => $pages_count, "page_current" => (int) $args["paged"], "page_rows_from" => $page_rows_from, "page_rows_to" => $page_rows_to, "max_id" => (int) $max_id, "min_id" => (int) $min_id, "log_rows_count" => $log_rows_count, "log_rows" => $log_rows);
        #sf_d($arr_return, '$arr_return');exit;
        wp_cache_set($cache_key, $arr_return, $cache_group);
        return $arr_return;
  * @since 2.5.2
 public function init()
      * Fires before Simple History does it's init stuff
      * @since 2.0
      * @param SimpleHistory $SimpleHistory This class.
     do_action("simple_history/before_init", $this);
     // Actions and filters, ordered by order specified in codex:
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'load_plugin_textdomain'));
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'add_default_settings_tabs'));
     // Plugins and dropins are loaded using the "after_setup_theme" filter so
     // themes can use filters to modify the loading of them.
     // The drawback with this is that for example logouts done when plugins like
     // iThemes Security is installed is not logged, because those plugins fire wp_logout()
     // using filter "plugins_loaded", i.e. before simple history has loaded its filters.
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'load_loggers'));
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'load_dropins'));
     // Run before loading of loggers and before menu items are added
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'check_for_upgrade'), 5);
     add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'setup_cron'));
     // Filters and actions not called during regular boot
     add_filter("gettext", array($this, 'filter_gettext'), 20, 3);
     add_filter("gettext_with_context", array($this, 'filter_gettext_with_context'), 20, 4);
     add_filter('gettext', array($this, "filter_gettext_storeLatestTranslations"), 10, 3);
     add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'add_admin_bar_network_menu_item'), 40);
     add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'add_admin_bar_menu_item'), 40);
      * Filter that is used to log things, without the need to check that simple history is available
      * i.e. you can have simple history acivated and log things and then you can disable the plugin
      * and no errors will occur
      * Usage:
      * apply_filters("simple_history_log", "This is the log message");
      * apply_filters("simple_history_log", "This is the log message with some extra data/info", ["extraThing1" => $variableWIihThing]);
      * apply_filters("simple_history_log", "This is the log message with severity debug", null, "debug");
      * apply_filters("simple_history_log", "This is the log message with severity debug and with some extra info/data logged", ["userData" => $userData, "shoppingCartDebugData" => $shopDebugData], "debug",);
      * @since 2.13
     add_filter('simple_history_log', array($this, "on_filter_simple_history_log"), 10, 3);
     if (is_admin()) {
      * Fires after Simple History has done it's init stuff
      * @since 2.0
      * @param SimpleHistory $SimpleHistory This class.
     do_action("simple_history/after_init", $this);
     // Add some extra info to each logged context when SIMPLE_HISTORY_LOG_DEBUG is set and true
         add_filter("simple_history/log_argument/context", function ($context, $level, $message, $logger) {
             $sh = SimpleHistory::get_instance();
             $context["_debug_get"] = $sh->json_encode($_GET);
             $context["_debug_post"] = $sh->json_encode($_POST);
             $context["_debug_server"] = $sh->json_encode($_SERVER);
             $context["_debug_files"] = $sh->json_encode($_FILES);
             $context["_debug_php_sapi_name"] = php_sapi_name();
             global $argv;
             $context["_debug_argv"] = $sh->json_encode($argv);
             $consts = get_defined_constants(true);
             $consts = $consts["user"];
             $context["_debug_user_constants"] = $sh->json_encode($consts);
             $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
             $context["_debug_http_raw_post_data"] = $sh->json_encode($postdata);
             $context["_debug_wp_debug_backtrace_summary"] = wp_debug_backtrace_summary();
             $context["_debug_is_admin"] = json_encode(is_admin());
             $context["_debug_is_doing_cron"] = json_encode(defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON);
             return $context;
         }, 10, 4);
 function test_get_info()
     $sh = SimpleHistory::get_instance();
     $postlogger = $sh->getInstantiatedLoggerBySlug("SimplePostLogger");
     $info = $postlogger->getInfo();
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("name", $info);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("description", $info);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("capability", $info);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("messages", $info);
 private function trigger($slug, $message, $level = 'error', $prefix = '')
     if (empty($prefix)) {
         $prefix = $this->prefix;
     // Trigger fail2ban
     $error_msg = sprintf('%s%s %s', $prefix, $slug, $this->esc_log($message));
     $this->enhanced_error_log($error_msg, $level);
     // Report to Sucuri Scan
     if (class_exists('SucuriScanEvent')) {
         if (true !== SucuriScanEvent::report_critical_event($error_msg)) {
             error_log('Sucuri Scan report event failure.');
     // Report to Simple History
     if (function_exists('SimpleLogger')) {
         $simple_level = $this->translate_apache_level($level);
         $context = array('_security' => 'WordPress fail2ban', '_server_request_method' => $this->esc_log($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']));
         if (array_key_exists('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER)) {
             $context['_server_http_user_agent'] = $this->esc_log($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         if (!class_exists('SimpleLogger')) {
         SimpleLogger()->log($simple_level, $error_msg, $context);