/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**>, Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 05.09.2012 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), array('TagsPerCloud' => _t('SilvercartSearchCloudWidget.TAGSPERCLOUD'), 'FontSizeCount' => _t('SilvercartSearchCloudWidget.FONTSIZECOUNT'), 'isContentView' => _t('SilvercartProductSliderWidget.IS_CONTENT_VIEW'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**> * @since 23.10.2012 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), SilvercartWidgetTools::fieldLabelsForProductSliderWidget($this), array('SilvercartProductGroupManufacturersWidgetLanguages' => _t('Silvercart.TRANSLATIONS'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * Adds the slider toggle input fields for this widget. * * @param SilvercartWidget $widget Widget to initialize * @param TabList $fields Fields to add toggle to * * @return void * * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 07.03.2014 */ public static function getCMSFieldsSliderToggleForSliderWidget(SilvercartWidget $widget, $fields) { $useSlider = new CheckboxField('useSlider', $widget->fieldLabel('useSlider')); $autoplay = new CheckboxField('Autoplay', $widget->fieldLabel('Autoplay')); $slideDelay = new TextField('slideDelay', $widget->fieldLabel('slideDelay')); $buildArrows = new CheckboxField('buildArrows', $widget->fieldLabel('buildArrows')); $buildNavigation = new CheckboxField('buildNavigation', $widget->fieldLabel('buildNavigation')); $buildStartStop = new CheckboxField('buildStartStop', $widget->fieldLabel('buildStartStop')); $autoPlayDelayed = new CheckboxField('autoPlayDelayed', $widget->fieldLabel('autoPlayDelayed')); $autoPlayLocked = new CheckboxField('autoPlayLocked', $widget->fieldLabel('autoPlayLocked')); $stopAtEnd = new CheckboxField('stopAtEnd', $widget->fieldLabel('stopAtEnd')); $transitionEffect = new DropdownField('transitionEffect', $widget->fieldLabel('transitionEffect'), array('fade' => $widget->fieldLabel('transitionEffectFade'), 'horizontalSlide' => $widget->fieldLabel('transitionEffectHSlide'), 'verticalSlide' => $widget->fieldLabel('transitionEffectVSlide'))); $sliderToggle = ToggleCompositeField::create('Slider', $widget->fieldLabel('SlideshowTab'), array($useSlider, $autoplay, $slideDelay, $buildArrows, $buildNavigation, $buildStartStop, $autoPlayDelayed, $autoPlayLocked, $stopAtEnd, $transitionEffect))->setHeadingLevel(4); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", $sliderToggle); }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**> * @since 13.07.2012 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), array()); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**> * @since 13.07.2012 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), array('numberOfProductsToShow' => _t('SilvercartTopsellerProductsWidget.STOREADMIN_FIELDLABEL'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * Returns an array of field/relation names (db, has_one, has_many, * many_many, belongs_many_many) to exclude from form scaffolding in * backend. * This is a performance friendly way to exclude fields. * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**> * @since 14.03.2013 */ public function excludeFromScaffolding() { $excludeFromScaffolding = array_merge(parent::excludeFromScaffolding(), array('Pages')); $this->extend('updateExcludeFromScaffolding', $excludeFromScaffolding); return $excludeFromScaffolding; }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**>, * Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 01.07.2013 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), SilvercartWidgetTools::fieldLabelsForProductSliderWidget($this), array('SilvercartImageSliderWidgetLanguages' => _t('Silvercart.TRANSLATIONS'), 'FrontTitle' => _t('SilvercartWidget.FRONTTITLE'), 'FrontContent' => _t('SilvercartWidget.FRONTCONTENT'), 'Images' => _t('SilvercartImage.PLURALNAME'), 'SilvercartImageSliderImage' => _t('SilvercartImageSliderImage.PLURALNAME'), 'slideImages' => _t('SilvercartProductSliderWidget.CMS_SLIDERIMAGES'), 'Translations' => _t('SilvercartConfig.TRANSLATIONS'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * evade scaffolding performance friendly * * @return array name of fields that should be excluded * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**> * @since 15.03.2013 */ public function excludeFromScaffolding() { $fields = array_merge(parent::excludeFromScaffolding(), array('startAtLevel')); return $fields; }
/** * Returns a list of fields to exclude from scaffolding * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**>, Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 02.04.2013 */ public function excludeFromScaffolding() { $fields = array_merge(parent::excludeFromScaffolding(), array('levelsToShow', 'SilvercartProductGroupPageID')); return $fields; }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 03.03.2014 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), array('SilvercartTextWidgetLanguages' => _t('SilvercartTextWidgetLanguage.PLURALNAME'), 'Headline' => _t('SilvercartTextWidget.HEADLINEFIELD_LABEL'), 'FreeText' => _t('SilvercartTextWidget.FREETEXTFIELD_LABEL'), 'isContentView' => _t('SilvercartTextWidget.IS_CONTENT_VIEW'), 'Content' => _t('Silvercart.CONTENT'), 'Translations' => _t('SilvercartConfig.TRANSLATIONS'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**> * @since 13.07.2012 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), array('ShowOnlyWhenFilled' => _t('SilvercartShoppingcartWidget.SHOWONLYWHENFILLED'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }
/** * We set checkbox field values here to false if they are not in the post * data array. * * @param array $data The post data array * * @return void * * @author Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**>, Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 28.03.2012 */ public function populateFromPostData($data) { SilvercartWidgetTools::populateFromPostDataForProductSliderWidget($this, $data); parent::populateFromPostData($data); }
/** * Sets numberOfProductsToFetch to numberOfProductsToShow if it's set to 0. * * @return void * * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**> * @since 23.03.2016 */ public function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); if ($this->numberOfProductsToShow == 0) { $this->numberOfProductsToShow = $this->numberOfProductsToFetch; } }
/** * Field labels for display in tables. * * @param boolean $includerelations A boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * * @return array * * @author Roland Lehmann <*****@*****.**> * @since 13.07.2012 */ public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $fieldLabels = array_merge(parent::fieldLabels($includerelations), array('SilvercartImages' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.SILVERCARTIMAGES'), 'SilvercartImagesDescription' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.SilvercartImagesDescription'), 'BasicTab' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.CMS_BASICTABNAME'), 'AdvancedTab' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.CMS_ADVANCEDTABNAME'), 'TranslationsTab' => _t('SilvercartConfig.TRANSLATIONS'), 'FrontTitle' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.FRONT_TITLE'), 'FrontContent' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.FRONT_CONTENT'), 'widgetHeight' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.WIDGET_HEIGHT'), 'speed' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.SPEED'), 'interval' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.INTERVAL'), 'hoverPause' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.HOVERPAUSE'), 'autoPlay' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.AUTOPLAY'), 'effect' => _t('SilvercartSlidorionProductGroupWidget.EFFECT'), 'translations' => _t('SilvercartConfig.TRANSLATIONS'), 'Images' => _t('SilvercartImage.PLURALNAME'), 'AddImage' => _t('SilvercartProductSliderWidget.AddImage'))); $this->extend('updateFieldLabels', $fieldLabels); return $fieldLabels; }