  * Determines if the class that this node represents has any parents that are managed by SilverSmith
  * @return bool
 public function getHasSilverSmithedParents()
     if ($node = SilverSmithProject::get_node($this->getParent())) {
         return $node->isSilverSmithed();
     return false;
  * Adds default content to a page or DataObject
  * @todo Migrate this to a decorator. DataObjects should know how to seed themeselves.
  * @param DataObject The object to modify
  * @param integer The level to which to seed content (see "silversmith help")
  * @param array Limit the seeding to certain fields
 public static function add_default_content(&$object, $level, $onlyFields = array())
     if ($level < 2) {
     $fields = array();
     if (!empty($onlyFields)) {
         foreach ($onlyFields as $f) {
             $fields[] = trim($f);
     $site_tree = singleton('SiteTree');
     $data_object = singleton('DataObject');
     $is_sitetree = $object->class == "SiteTree" || is_subclass_of($object, "SiteTree");
     foreach ($object->db() as $field => $type) {
         if ($data_object->db($field) || $is_sitetree && $site_tree->db($field) || !empty($fields) && !in_array($field, $fields)) {
         if (!$object->{$field}) {
             if (strstr($field, "Email")) {
                 $object->{$field} = preg_replace('/[^a-z@\\.]/', '', strtolower(self::get_lipsum_words(1) . "@" . self::get_lipsum_words(1) . ".com"));
             } elseif (strstr($field, "Phone")) {
                 $object->{$field} = rand(100, 999) . "-" . rand(100, 999) . "-" . rand(100, 999);
             } else {
                 $object->{$field} = self::get_default_content($object->obj($field));
     foreach ($object->has_one() as $relation => $class) {
         if ($data_object->has_one($relation) || $site_tree->has_one($relation) || !empty($fields) && !in_array($relation, $fields)) {
         $filter = $class == "File" ? "ClassName = 'File'" : null;
         $o = DataList::create($class)->where($filter)->sort("RAND()")->first();
         if ($o) {
             $key = $relation . "ID";
             $object->{$key} = $o->ID;
     if ($level > 2) {
         foreach ($object->has_many() as $relation => $class) {
             if ($data_object->has_many($relation) || $site_tree->has_many($relation) || !SilverSmithProject::get_node($class) || !empty($fields) && !in_array($relation, $fields)) {
             if ($name = array_search($object->class, singleton($class)->has_one())) {
                 $key = $name . "ID";
                 $count = rand(1, 5);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
                     if ($candidate = DataList::create($class)->where("{$key} = 0 OR {$key} IS NULL")->first()) {
                         $candidate->{$key} = $object->ID;
                     } elseif (!is_subclass_of($class, "SiteTree") && !is_subclass_of($class, "File")) {
                         $related = new $class();
                         $related->{$key} = $object->ID;
                         self::add_default_content($related, $level);
                     } else {
                         // We don't create a site tree object for the has many, because it will mess up the hierarchy.
         foreach ((array) $object->stat('many_many') as $relation => $class) {
             if ($class == $object->class || is_subclass_of($class, $object->class)) {
             if ($data_object->many_many($relation) || $site_tree->many_many($relation) || !SilverSmithProject::get_node($class) || !empty($fields) && !in_array($relation, $fields)) {
             $table = $object->class . "_" . $relation;
             $parentKey = $object->class . "ID";
             $childKey = $class . "ID";
             $set = DataList::create($class)->sort("RAND()")->limit(5);
             if (!$set) {
                 $set = new DataList();
             // never create sitetree or file objects.
             if (!is_subclass_of($class, "SiteTree") && !is_subclass_of($class, "File") && $class != $object->class) {
                 $count = $set->Count();
                 while ($count < 5) {
                     $related = new $class();
                     self::add_default_content($related, $level);
             $set = DataList::create($class)->sort("RAND()")->limit(rand(1, 5));
             if ($set) {
  * Builds out the SiteTree hierarchy as specified in _fixtures.txt
  * @see "silversmith help"	 
  * @param The parameters, e.g. from the command line
 public static function build_fixtures($params = array())
     $fixtures_file = isset($params['file']) ? $params['file'] : self::$project_dir . "/_fixtures.txt";
     if (!file_exists($fixtures_file)) {
         fail("The file {$fixtures_file} doesn't exist.");
     $code = file_get_contents($fixtures_file);
     $architectureData = array();
     $lines = explode("\n", $code);
     if (empty($lines)) {
         fail("The files {$fixtures_file} is empty.");
     $sample = Folder::find_or_make("silversmith-samples");
     if (!$sample->hasChildren()) {
         $answer = ask("This project does not have sample assets installed, which can be useful for content seeding. Do you want to install them now? (y/n)");
         if (strtolower(trim($answer)) == "y") {
     $answer = ask("This process will completely empty and repopulate your site tree. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)");
     if (strtolower($answer) != "y") {
     say("Parsing architecture file...");
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         if (empty($line)) {
         $level = 0;
         $count = 1;
         $class = "Page";
         $title = $line;
         preg_match('/^[ ]+[^ ]/', $line, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $level = strlen(substr(reset($matches), 0, -1));
         if (stristr($line, ">")) {
             list($title, $class) = explode(" > ", $line);
             $class = SilverSmithUtil::proper_form($class);
         preg_match('/\\*[0-9]+/', $title, $m);
         if ($m) {
             $match = reset($m);
             $count = (int) trim(str_replace("*", "", $match));
             $title = str_replace($match, "", $title);
         $architectureData[] = array('title' => trim($title), 'level' => $level, 'class' => trim($class), 'count' => $count, 'new' => !class_exists($class) || !in_array($class, ClassInfo::getValidSubclasses("SiteTree")));
     // Clean the slate
     say("Deleting current site tree");
     DB::query("DELETE FROM SiteTree");
     DB::query("DELETE FROM SiteTree_Live");
     DB::query("DELETE FROM SiteTree_versions");
     // Update the DB with any new page types
     $new = array();
     say("Checking architecture file for new page types...");
     foreach ($architectureData as $arr) {
         if ($arr['new']) {
             $new[] = $arr['class'];
             SilverSmithProject::get_configuration()->addNode($arr['class'], "PageTypes");
             say(success("Created " . $arr['class']));
     if (!empty($new)) {
         state("Rebuilding database to support " . sizeof($new) . " new page types...");
         $result = self::rebuild_database();
     $previousParentIDs = array('0' => '0');
     $previousLevel = 0;
     $seeding = isset($params['seeding-level']) ? $params['seeding-level'] : 1;
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($architectureData as $arr) {
         $parentID = 0;
         $currentLevel = $arr['level'];
         $title = $arr['title'];
         $class = $arr['class'];
         $count = $arr['count'];
         $indent = "";
         while (strlen($indent) < $currentLevel * 2) {
             $indent .= " ";
         if ($currentLevel > 0) {
             $parentID = $previousParentIDs[$currentLevel - 2];
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $p = new $class();
             if (strtolower($title) == "_auto_") {
                 $p->Title = SilverSmithUtil::get_lipsum_words(rand(2, 5));
             } else {
                 $p->Title = $title;
             state($indent . $p->Title, "green", "bold");
             state(" [{$class}] created...");
             if ($seeding > 0) {
                 $p->Content = SilverSmithUtil::get_default_content($p->obj('Content'), $seeding);
             $p->Status = "Published";
             $p->ParentID = $parentID;
             if ($seeding > 1) {
                 SilverSmithUtil::add_default_content($p, $seeding);
             $p->publish("Stage", "Live");
             $previousParentIDs[$currentLevel] = $p->ID;
     $errorPages = DataList::create("ErrorPage");
     if ($errorPages->count()) {
         state("Fixing error pages...");
         $max = DB::query("SELECT MAX(Sort) FROM SiteTree")->value();
         foreach ($errorPages as $e) {
             $e->Sort = $max;
             $e->publish("Stage", "Live");
     state("Important", "red");
     state(": You must ");
     state("restart your browser", null, null, "bold");
     state(" to clear your session in order to view the architecture changes.\n");
  * Gets the entire node out of the SilverSmith project definition file
  * @return BedrockNode
 public function getDefinition()
     return SilverSmithProject::get_node($this->key);