Exemple #1
  * Returns the start of a module form\n
  * Parameters:
  * - 'action' - The action that this form should do when the form is submitted.  Defaults to 'default'.
  * - 'method' - Method to put in the form tag.  Defaults to 'post'.
  * - 'enctype' - Optional enctype for the form.  Only real option is 'multipart/form-data'.  Defaults to null.
  * - 'inline' - Boolean to tell whether or not we want the form's result to be "inline".  Defaults to false.
  * - 'id_suffix' - Text to append to the end of the id and name of the form.  Defaults to ''.
  * - 'extra' - Text to append to the <form>-statement, ex. for javascript-validation code.  Defaults to ''.
  * - 'html_id' - Id to use for the html id="".  Defaults to an autogenerated value.
  * - 'use_current_page_as_action' - A flag to determine if the action should just
  *      redirect back to this exact page.  Defaults to false.
  * - 'remote' - Boolean to add an onsubmit that will serialize the form contents and submit it via an
  *      XMLHttpRequest instead of the traditional POST.  Defaults to false.
  * - 'params' - An array of key/value pairs to add as extra hidden parameters.  These will merge into any
  *      additional parameters you pass along in to the $params hash that aren't parsed by the function.
  * @param array An array of parameters to pass to the method.  Unrecognized parameters will be added as hidden
  *        variables to the form and merged correctly with anything in the 'params' key if passed.
  * @param boolean Test whether keys are all valid or not.  Not helpful if you're
  *        passing extra key/values along, but good for debugging.
  * @return string
  * @author Ted Kulp
 public function create_form_start($params = array(), $check_keys = false)
     $default_params = array('action' => coalesce_key($params, 'action', '', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL), 'controller' => coalesce_key($params, 'controller', '', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL), 'method' => coalesce_key($params, 'method', 'post', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'enctype' => coalesce_key($params, 'enctype', '', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'inline' => coalesce_key($params, 'inline', false, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN), 'id_suffix' => coalesce_key($params, 'id_suffix', '', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'url' => coalesce_key($params, 'url', SilkRequest::get_requested_uri()), 'extra' => coalesce_key($params, 'extra', ''), 'remote' => coalesce_key($params, 'remote', false, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN), 'params' => coalesce_key($params, 'params', array()));
     $default_params['html_id'] = coalesce_key($params, 'html_id', SilkResponse::make_dom_id('form_' . $default_params['action'] . $default_params['id_suffix']), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $default_params['html_name'] = coalesce_key($params, 'html_name', $default_params['html_id'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     if ($check_keys && !are_all_keys_valid($params, $default_params)) {
         throw new SilkInvalidKeyException(invalid_key($params, $default_params));
     //Strip out any straggling parameters to their own array
     //Merge in anything if it was passed in the params key to the method
     $extra_params = forms()->strip_extra_params($params, $default_params, 'params');
     $form_params = array('id' => $params['html_id'], 'name' => $params['html_name'], 'method' => $params['method'], 'action' => $params['url']);
     if ($enctype != '') {
         $form_params['enctype'] = $params['enctype'];
     $extra = '';
     if ($params['extra']) {
         $extra = $params['extra'];
     if ($params['remote'] == true) {
         $form_params['onsubmit'] = "silk_ajax_call('" . $form_params['action'] . "', \$(this).serializeArray()); return false;";
     $text .= forms()->create_start_tag('form', $form_params, false, $extra);
     foreach ($extra_params as $key => $value) {
         $text .= forms()->create_start_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $key, 'value' => $value), true);
     return $text;
 function login()
     if ($_REQUEST['openid_mode']) {
         $consumer = $this->get_consumer();
         $response = $consumer->complete(SilkRequest::get_requested_uri(true));
         $msg = '';
         if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_CANCEL) {
             // This means the authentication was cancelled.
             $this->validation_errors[] = 'Verification cancelled.';
         } else {
             if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_FAILURE) {
                 // Authentication failed; display the error message.
                 $this->validation_errors[] = "OpenID authentication failed: " . $response->message;
             } else {
                 if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
                     $esc_identity = htmlentities($response->getDisplayIdentifier());
                     $user = orm('user')->find_by_openid($esc_identity);
                     if ($user != null) {
                         self::$current_user = $user;
                         $_SESSION['silk_user'] = $user;
                         return true;
                     } else {
                         $this->validation_errors[] = "No user associated to this login";
     } else {
         if ($this->params != null && is_array($this->params)) {
             if ($this->params['username'] != '' && $this->params['password'] != '') {
                 $user = orm('silk_user')->find_by_username($this->params['username']);
                 if ($user != null) {
                     //Add salt
                     if ($user->password == $this->encode_password($this->params['password'])) {
                         self::$current_user = $user;
                         $_SESSION['silk_user'] = $user;
                         return true;
                 $this->validation_errors[] = 'Username or password incorrect.';
             } else {
                 if ($this->params['openid'] != '') {
                     $consumer = $this->get_consumer();
                     $auth_request = $consumer->begin($this->params['openid']);
                     if ($auth_request) {
                         if ($auth_request->shouldSendRedirect()) {
                             $redirect_url = $auth_request->redirectURL(SilkRequest::get_calculated_url_base(true), SilkRequest::get_requested_uri(true));
     return false;