$bz_target_string2 = $target_string2 = isset($tmx_target2[$entity]) ? Utils::secureText($tmx_target2[$entity]) : '';
        // Highlight non-breaking spaces only after strings have been escaped
        $target_string2 = str_replace(' ', '<span class="highlight-gray"> </span>', $target_string2);
        switch ($current_repo) {
            case 'mozilla_org':
                $path_locale3 = VersionControl::gitPath($locale2, $current_repo, $entity);
            case 'firefox_ios':
                $path_locale3 = VersionControl::svnPath($locale2, $current_repo, $entity);
                $path_locale3 = VersionControl::hgPath($locale2, $current_repo, $entity);
        // Link to entity
        $entity_link = "?sourcelocale={$source_locale}" . "&locale={$locale2}" . "&repo={$current_repo}" . "&search_type=entities&recherche={$entity}";
        $file_bug = '<a class="bug_link" target="_blank" href="' . Bugzilla::reportErrorLink($locale2, $entity, $source_string, $bz_target_string2, $current_repo, $entity_link) . '">&lt;report a bug&gt;</a>';
        $extra_column_rows = "\n    <td dir='{$direction3}'>\n      <span class='celltitle'>{$locale2}</span>\n      <div class='string'>{$target_string2}</div>\n      <div dir='ltr' class='result_meta_link'>\n        <a class='source_link' href='{$path_locale3}'><em>&lt;source&gt;</em></a>\n        {$file_bug}\n      </div>\n    </td>";
    } else {
        $extra_column_rows = '';
    // Link to entity
    $entity_link = "?sourcelocale={$source_locale}" . "&locale={$locale}" . "&repo={$current_repo}" . "&search_type=entities&recherche={$entity}";
    $file_bug = '<a class="bug_link" target="_blank" href="' . Bugzilla::reportErrorLink($locale, $entity, $source_string, $bz_target_string, $current_repo, $entity_link) . '">&lt;report a bug&gt;</a>';
    $anchor_name = str_replace(['/', ':'], '_', $entity);
    $table .= "\n  <tr>\n    <td>\n      <span class='celltitle'>Entity</span>\n      <a class='resultpermalink tag' id='{$anchor_name}' href='#{$anchor_name}' title='Permalink to this result'>link</a>\n      <a class='l10n tag' href='/string/?entity={$entity}&amp;repo={$current_repo}' title='List all translations for this entity'>l10n</a>\n      <a class='link_to_entity' href='/{$entity_link}'>" . ShowResults::formatEntity($entity, $initial_search) . "</a>\n    </td>\n    <td dir='{$direction1}'>\n      <span class='celltitle'>{$source_locale}</span>\n      <div class='string'>{$source_string}</div>\n      <div dir='ltr' class='result_meta_link'>\n        <a class='source_link' href='{$path_locale1}'><em>&lt;source&gt;</em></a>\n      </div>\n    </td>\n    <td dir='{$direction2}'>\n      <span class='celltitle'>{$locale}</span>\n      <div class='string'>{$target_string}</div>\n      <div dir='ltr' class='result_meta_link'>\n        <a class='source_link' href='{$path_locale2}'><em>&lt;source&gt;</em></a>\n        {$file_bug}\n      </div>\n    </td>\n    {$extra_column_rows}\n  </tr>\n";
$table .= "</table>\n\n";
if ($entities) {
    print $table;
$terms = Utils::uniqueWords($initial_search);
// Define our regex
$search = (new Search())->setSearchTerms(Utils::cleanString($initial_search))->setRegexWholeWords($get_option('whole_word'))->setRegexCaseInsensitive($get_option('case_sensitive'))->setRegexPerfectMatch($get_option('perfect_match'));
// We loop through all repositories and merge the results
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
    $source_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[3], $repository);
    foreach ($terms as $word) {
        $source_strings = preg_grep($search->getRegex(), $source_strings);
        If we don't have any match for a repo, no need to do heavy calculations,
        just skip to the next repo.
    if (empty($source_strings)) {
        We are only interested in target strings with keys in common with our
        source strings.
    $target_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[4], $repository);
    foreach ($source_strings as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($target_strings[$key]) && !empty($target_strings[$key])) {
            $output[] = [$value, $target_strings[$key]];
    unset($source_strings, $target_strings);
return $json = ShowResults::getTranslationMemoryResults($output, $initial_search, $get_option('max_results'), $get_option('min_quality'));
Exemple #3
$common_keys = array_intersect_key($strings[$englishchanges[0] . '-en-US'], $strings[$englishchanges[1] . '-en-US']);
$repo_one = $repos_nice_names[$englishchanges[0]];
$repo_two = $repos_nice_names[$englishchanges[1]];
$table = '<table id="englishchanges" class="collapsable">' . '<tr>' . '<th colspan="3">Strings that have changed significantly in English between ' . $repo_one . ' and ' . $repo_two . ' but for which the entity name didn\'t change</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<th>Key</th>' . '<th>' . $repo_one . '</th>' . '<th>' . $repo_two . '</th>' . '</tr>';
foreach ($common_keys as $key => $val) {
    if (trim(strtolower($strings[$englishchanges[0] . '-en-US'][$key])) != trim(strtolower($strings[$englishchanges[1] . '-en-US'][$key]))) {
        $table .= '<tr>' . '<td><span class="celltitle">Key</span><div class="string">' . ShowResults::formatEntity($key) . '</div></td>' . '<td><span class="celltitle">Gaia' . $repo_one . '</span><div class="string">' . ShowResults::highlight(Utils::secureText($strings[$englishchanges[0] . '-en-US'][$key]), 'en-US') . '<br><small>' . Utils::secureText($strings[$englishchanges[0]][$key]) . '</small></div></td>' . '<td><span class="celltitle">Gaia' . $repo_two . '</span><div class="string">' . ShowResults::highlight(Utils::secureText($strings[$englishchanges[1] . '-en-US'][$key]), 'en-US') . '<br><small>' . Utils::secureText($strings[$englishchanges[1]][$key]) . '</small></div></td>' . '</tr>';
$table .= '</table>';
print $anchor_title('changed_english');
print $table;
// String diff between two repositories
$strings_added = function ($reverted_comparison, $strings, $repo_one, $repo_two, $anchor, $cssclass) use($locale, $repos_nice_names) {
    $temp = array_diff_key($strings[$repo_one . '-en-US'], $strings[$repo_two . '-en-US']);
    $count = count($temp);
    if ($reverted_comparison) {
        $comparison_type = '<span class="added_string">' . $count . ' new strings</span>';
    } else {
        $comparison_type = '<span class="deleted_string">' . $count . ' deleted strings</span>';
    $table = '<table id="' . $anchor . '" class="' . $cssclass . '">' . '<tr>' . '<th colspan="3">' . $comparison_type . ' between ' . $repos_nice_names[$repo_one] . ' and ' . $repos_nice_names[$repo_two] . '</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<th>Key</th>' . '<th>New strings</th>' . '</tr>';
    foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
        $translation = array_key_exists($k, $strings[$repo_one]) ? $strings[$repo_one][$k] : '<b>String untranslated</b>';
        $table .= '<tr>' . '<td><span class="celltitle">Key</span><div class="string">' . ShowResults::formatEntity($k) . '</td>' . '<td><span class="celltitle">' . $locale . '</span><div class="string">' . ShowResults::highlight(Utils::secureText($strings[$repo_one . '-en-US'][$k]), 'en-US') . '<br><small>' . ShowResults::highlight(Utils::secureText($translation), $locale) . '</small></div></td>' . '</tr>';
    $table .= '</table>';
    return $table;
print $anchor_title('new_strings');
print $strings_added($reverted_comparison, $strings, $repo1, $repo2, 'newstrings', 'collapsable');
if ($get_option('perfect_match')) {
    $regex = '~' . $whole_word . trim('^' . preg_quote($initial_search, '~') . '$') . $whole_word . '~' . $case_sensitive . 'u';
    if ($request->parameters[2] == 'entities') {
        $entities = ShowResults::searchEntities($source_strings, $regex);
        $source_strings = array_intersect_key($source_strings, array_flip($entities));
    } else {
        $source_strings = preg_grep($regex, $source_strings);
        $entities = array_keys($source_strings);
} else {
    foreach (Utils::uniqueWords($initial_search) as $word) {
        $regex = '~' . $whole_word . preg_quote($word, '~') . $whole_word . '~' . $case_sensitive . 'u';
        if ($request->parameters[2] == 'entities') {
            $entities = ShowResults::searchEntities($source_strings, $regex);
            $source_strings = array_intersect_key($source_strings, array_flip($entities));
        } else {
            $source_strings = preg_grep($regex, $source_strings);
            $entities = array_keys($source_strings);
// We have our list of filtered source strings, get corresponding target locale strings
$target_strings = array_intersect_key(Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[5], $request->parameters[3]), array_flip($entities));
// We sort arrays by key before array_splice() to keep matching keys
// Limit results to 200
array_splice($source_strings, 200);
array_splice($target_strings, 200);
return $json = ShowResults::getRepositorySearchResults($entities, [$source_strings, $target_strings]);
echo $target_locales_list;
                <label>Channel 1:</label>
                <select name='chan1'>
echo $chan_selector1;
                <label>Channel 2:</label>
                <select name='chan2'>
echo $chan_selector2;
            <input type="submit" value="Go" alt="Go" />


echo "\n<table class='collapsable'>" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <th colspan='3'>Locale: {$locale}</th>\n" . "  </tr>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <th>Key</th>\n" . "    <th>{$chan1}</th>\n" . "    <th>{$chan2}</th>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
    echo "  <tr>" . "    <td><span class='celltitle'>Key</span><div class='string'>" . ShowResults::formatEntity($k) . "</div></td>\n" . "    <td><span class='celltitle'>{$chan1}</span><div class='string'>" . ShowResults::highlight($v, $locale) . "</div></td>\n" . "    <td><span class='celltitle'>{$chan2}</span><div class='string'>" . ShowResults::highlight($strings[$chan2][$k], $locale) . "</div></td>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
Exemple #6
function ShowTips($module_id)
    $wb = $GLOBALS['wb'];
    $sr = new ShowResults();
    $sr->DrawFriendlyColHead(array("", ""));
    /* COLS */
    $sr->Columns(array("description", "logo"));
    $sr->Query("SELECT description,logo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['database_prefix'] . "module_tips\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE module_id = '" . $module_id . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $sr->CountRows(); $i++) {
        $logo = $sr->GetRowVal($i, 1);
        $sr->ModifyData($i, 1, "<img src='" . $wb . "images/" . $logo . "'>");
    $sr->TableTitle("", "Tips");
    return $sr->Draw();
    $searches[$locale2] = $locale3_strings;
    $data[] = $tmx_target2;
$search_yields_results = false;
// This will hold the components names for the search filters
$components = [];
foreach ($searches as $key => $value) {
    $search_results = ShowResults::getTMXResults(array_keys($value), $data);
    $components += Project::getComponents($search_results);
    if (count($value) > 0) {
        // We have results, we won't display search suggestions but search results
        $search_yields_results = true;
        $search_id = strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $key));
        $message_count = $real_search_results > $limit_results ? "<span class=\"results_count_{$search_id}\">{$limit_results} results</span> out of {$real_search_results}" : "<span class=\"results_count_{$search_id}\">" . Utils::pluralize(count($search_results), 'result') . '</span>';
        $output[$key] = "<h2>Displaying {$message_count} for the string " . "<span class=\"searchedTerm\">{$initial_search_decoded}</span> in {$key}:</h2>";
        $output[$key] .= ShowResults::resultsTable($search_id, $search_results, $initial_search, $source_locale, $locale, $check);
    } else {
        $output[$key] = "<h2>No matching results for the string " . "<span class=\"searchedTerm\">{$initial_search_decoded}</span>" . " for the locale {$key}</h2>";
// Remove duplicated components
$components = array_unique($components);
// Display a search hint for the closest string we have if we have no search results
if (!$search_yields_results) {
    $merged_strings = [];
    foreach ($data as $key => $values) {
        $merged_strings = array_merge($merged_strings, array_values($values));
    $best_matches = Strings::getSimilar($initial_search, $merged_strings, 3);
    include VIEWS . 'results_similar.php';

namespace Transvision;

// RTL support
$direction1 = RTLSupport::getDirection($source_locale);
$direction2 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale);
if ($url['path'] == '3locales') {
    $direction3 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale2);
    $extra_column_header = "<th>{$locale2}</th>";
} else {
    $extra_column_header = '';
$entities = ShowResults::searchEntities($tmx_source, $search->getRegex());
// Display a search hint for the closest string we have if we have no search results
if (count($entities) == 0) {
    $merged_strings = [];
    $best_matches = Strings::getSimilar($initial_search, array_keys($tmx_source), 3);
    include VIEWS . 'results_similar.php';

namespace Transvision;

// get all strings
$source_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[3], $request->parameters[2]);
$target_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[4], $request->parameters[2]);
// The search
$initial_search = Utils::cleanString($request->parameters[5]);
$terms = Utils::uniqueWords($initial_search);
// Regex options (not currenty used)
$delimiter = '~';
$whole_word = isset($check['whole_word']) ? '\\b' : '';
$case_sensitive = isset($check['case_sensitive']) ? '' : 'i';
$regex = $delimiter . $whole_word . $initial_search . $whole_word . $delimiter . $case_sensitive . 'u';
// Closure to get extra parameters set
$get_option = function ($option) use($request) {
    $value = 0;
    if (isset($request->extra_parameters[$option]) && (int) $request->extra_parameters[$option] != 0) {
        $value = (int) $request->extra_parameters[$option];
    return $value;
foreach ($terms as $word) {
    $regex = $delimiter . $whole_word . preg_quote($word, $delimiter) . $whole_word . $delimiter . $case_sensitive . 'u';
    $source_strings = preg_grep($regex, $source_strings);
return $json = ShowResults::getTranslationMemoryResults(array_keys($source_strings), [$source_strings, $target_strings], $initial_search, $get_option('max_results'), $get_option('min_quality'));
  * Html table of search results used by the main view (needs a lot of refactoring)
  * @param array  $search_results list of rows
  * @param string $recherche      The words searched for
  * @param string $locale1        Reference locale to search in, usually en-US
  * @param string $locale2        Target locale to search in
  * @param array  $search_options All the search options from the query
  * @return string html table to insert in the view
 public static function resultsTable($search_results, $recherche, $locale1, $locale2, $search_options)
     $direction1 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale1);
     $direction2 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale2);
     if (isset($search_options['extra_locale'])) {
         $locale3 = $search_options['extra_locale'];
         $direction3 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale3);
         $extra_column_header = "<th>{$locale3}</th>";
     } else {
         $extra_column_header = '';
     $table = "<table class='collapsable'>\n                      <tr class='column_headers'>\n                        <th>Entity</th>\n                        <th>{$locale1}</th>\n                        <th>{$locale2}</th>\n                        {$extra_column_header}\n                      </tr>";
     if (!$search_options['whole_word'] && !$search_options['perfect_match']) {
         $recherche = Utils::uniqueWords($recherche);
     } else {
         $recherche = [$recherche];
     foreach ($search_results as $key => $strings) {
         // Don't highlight search matches in entities when searching strings
         if ($search_options['search_type'] == 'strings') {
             $result_entity = ShowResults::formatEntity($key);
         } else {
             $result_entity = ShowResults::formatEntity($key, $recherche[0]);
         $component = explode('/', $key)[0];
         $source_string = trim($strings[0]);
         $target_string = trim($strings[1]);
         $entity_link = "?sourcelocale={$locale1}" . "&locale={$locale2}" . "&repo={$search_options['repo']}" . "&search_type=entities&recherche={$key}";
         $bz_link = [Bugzilla::reportErrorLink($locale2, $key, $source_string, $target_string, $search_options['repo'], $entity_link)];
         if (isset($search_options['extra_locale'])) {
             $target_string2 = trim($strings[2]);
             $entity_link = "?sourcelocale={$locale1}" . "&locale={$search_options['extra_locale']}" . "&repo={$search_options['repo']}" . "&search_type=entities&recherche={$key}";
             $bz_link[] = Bugzilla::reportErrorLink($search_options['extra_locale'], $key, $source_string, $target_string2, $search_options['repo'], $entity_link);
         } else {
             $target_string2 = '';
         foreach ($recherche as $val) {
             $source_string = Utils::markString($val, $source_string);
             $target_string = Utils::markString($val, $target_string);
             if (isset($search_options["extra_locale"])) {
                 $target_string2 = Utils::markString($val, $target_string2);
         // Escape HTML before highlighing search terms
         $source_string = htmlspecialchars($source_string);
         $target_string = htmlspecialchars($target_string);
         $source_string = Utils::highlightString($source_string);
         $target_string = Utils::highlightString($target_string);
         if (isset($search_options["extra_locale"])) {
             $target_string2 = htmlspecialchars($target_string2);
             $target_string2 = Utils::highlightString($target_string2);
         $replacements = [' ' => '<span class="highlight-gray" title="Non breakable space"> </span>', ' ' => '<span class="highlight-red" title="Thin space"> </span>', '…' => '<span class="highlight-gray">…</span>', '&hellip;' => '<span class="highlight-gray">…</span>'];
         $target_string = Strings::multipleStringReplace($replacements, $target_string);
         $temp = explode('-', $locale1);
         $locale1_short_code = $temp[0];
         $temp = explode('-', $locale2);
         $locale2_short_code = $temp[0];
         if ($search_options['repo'] == 'mozilla_org') {
             $locale1_path = VersionControl::svnPath($locale1, $search_options['repo'], $key);
             $locale2_path = VersionControl::svnPath($locale2, $search_options['repo'], $key);
         } else {
             $locale1_path = VersionControl::hgPath($locale1, $search_options['repo'], $key);
             $locale2_path = VersionControl::hgPath($locale2, $search_options['repo'], $key);
         // errors
         $error_message = '';
         // check for final dot
         if (substr(strip_tags($source_string), -1) == '.' && substr(strip_tags($target_string), -1) != '.') {
             $error_message = '<em class="error"> No final dot?</em>';
         // check abnormal string length
         $length_diff = Utils::checkAbnormalStringLength($source_string, $target_string);
         if ($length_diff) {
             switch ($length_diff) {
                 case 'small':
                     $error_message = $error_message . '<em class="error"> Small string?</em>';
                 case 'large':
                     $error_message = $error_message . '<em class="error"> Large String?</em>';
         // Missing string error
         if (!$source_string) {
             $source_string = '<em class="error">warning: missing string</em>';
             $error_message = '';
         if (!$target_string) {
             $target_string = '<em class="error">warning: missing string</em>';
             $error_message = '';
         if (!$target_string2) {
             $target_string2 = '<em class="error">warning: missing string</em>';
             $error_message = '';
         // Replace / and : in the key name and use it as an anchor name
         $anchor_name = str_replace(['/', ':'], '_', $key);
         // 3locales view
         if (isset($search_options["extra_locale"])) {
             if ($search_options['repo'] == 'mozilla_org') {
                 $locale3_path = VersionControl::svnPath($locale3, $search_options['repo'], $key);
             } else {
                 $locale3_path = VersionControl::hgPath($locale3, $search_options['repo'], $key);
             $extra_column_rows = "\n                <td dir='{$direction3}' lang='{$locale3}'>\n                    <span class='celltitle'>{$locale3}</span>\n                    <div class='string'>{$target_string2}</div>\n                    <div dir='ltr' class='result_meta_link'>\n                      <a class='source_link' href='{$locale3_path}'>\n                        &lt;source&gt;\n                      </a>\n                      &nbsp;\n                      <a class='bug_link' target='_blank' href='{$bz_link[1]}'>\n                        &lt;report a bug&gt;\n                      </a>\n                    </div>\n                  </td>";
         } else {
             $extra_column_rows = '';
         $table .= "\n                <tr class='{$component}'>\n                  <td>\n                    <span class='celltitle'>Entity</span>\n                    <a class='resultpermalink tag' id='{$anchor_name}' href='#{$anchor_name}' title='Permalink to this result'>link</a>\n                    <a class='l10n tag' href='/string/?entity={$key}&amp;repo={$search_options['repo']}' title='List all translations for this entity'>l10n</a>\n                    <a class='link_to_entity' href=\"/{$entity_link}\">{$result_entity}</a>\n                  </td>\n                  <td dir='{$direction1}' lang='{$locale1}'>\n                    <span class='celltitle'>{$locale1}</span>\n                    <div class='string'>\n                      {$source_string}\n                    </div>\n                    <div dir='ltr' class='result_meta_link'>\n                      <a class='source_link' href='{$locale1_path}'>\n                        &lt;source&gt;\n                      </a>\n                      <span>Translate with:</span>\n                      <a href='http://translate.google.com/#{$locale1_short_code}/{$locale2_short_code}/" . urlencode(strip_tags(html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($source_string)))) . "' target='_blank'>Google</a>\n                      <a href='http://www.bing.com/translator/?from={$locale1_short_code}&to={$locale2_short_code}&text=" . urlencode(strip_tags(html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($source_string)))) . "' target='_blank'>BING</a>\n                    </div>\n                  </td>\n\n                  <td dir='{$direction2}' lang='{$locale2}'>\n                    <span class='celltitle'>{$locale2}</span>\n                    <div class='string'>{$target_string}</div>\n                    <div dir='ltr' class='result_meta_link'>\n                      <a class='source_link' href='{$locale2_path}'>\n                        &lt;source&gt;\n                      </a>\n                      &nbsp;\n                      <a class='bug_link' target='_blank' href='{$bz_link[0]}'>\n                        &lt;report a bug&gt;\n                      </a>\n                      {$error_message}\n                    </div>\n                  </td>\n                {$extra_column_rows}\n                </tr>";
     $table .= "  </table>";
     return $table;

namespace Transvision;

// Include the common simple search form
include __DIR__ . '/simplesearchform.php';
if ($error_count > 0) {
    $search_id = 'check_variable';
    $content = "<h2><span class=\"results_count_{$search_id}\">" . Utils::pluralize($error_count, 'result') . "</span> found</h2>\n";
    if (isset($filter_block)) {
        $content .= "<div id='filters'>" . "  <h4>Filter by folder:</h4>\n" . "  <a href='#showall' id='showall' class='filter'>Show all results</a>\n" . $filter_block . "</div>\n";
    $content .= "<table class='collapsable results_table {$search_id}'>\n" . "  <tr>\n" . "    <th>Entity</th>\n" . "    <th>{$source_locale}</th>\n" . "    <th>{$locale}</th>\n" . "  </tr>\n";
    foreach ($var_errors as $string_id) {
        // Link to entity
        $string_id_link = "?sourcelocale={$source_locale}" . "&locale={$locale}" . "&repo={$repo}" . "&search_type=entities&recherche={$string_id}";
        $bugzilla_link = Bugzilla::reportErrorLink($locale, $string_id, $source[$string_id], $target[$string_id], $repo, $string_id_link);
        $path_locale1 = VersionControl::hgPath($source_locale, $repo, $string_id);
        $path_locale2 = VersionControl::hgPath($locale, $repo, $string_id);
        $component = explode('/', $string_id)[0];
        $content .= "<tr class='{$component} {$search_id}'>\n                       <td>\n                          <span class='celltitle'>Entity</span>\n                          <a class='link_to_entity' href=\"/{$string_id_link}\">" . ShowResults::formatEntity($string_id) . "</a>\n                       </td>\n                       <td dir='{$direction1}'>\n                          <span class='celltitle'>{$source_locale}</span>\n                          <div class='string'>" . Utils::secureText($source[$string_id]) . "</div>\n                          <div class='result_meta_link'>\n                            <a class='source_link' href='{$path_locale1}'><em>&lt;source&gt;</em></a>\n                          </div>\n                       </td>\n                        <td dir='{$direction2}'>\n                          <span class='celltitle'>{$locale}</span>\n                          <div class='string'>" . Utils::secureText($target[$string_id]) . "</div>\n                          <div class='result_meta_link'>\n                            <a class='source_link' href='{$path_locale2}'><em>&lt;source&gt;</em></a>\n                            <a class='bug_link' target='_blank' href='{$bugzilla_link}'>&lt;report a bug&gt;</a>\n                          </div>\n                       </td>\n                     </tr>\n";
    $content .= "</table>\n";
} else {
    $content = "<h2>Congratulations, no errors found.</h2>";
print $content;
$target_strings_merged = [];
// The search
$initial_search = Utils::cleanString($request->parameters[5]);
$terms = Utils::uniqueWords($initial_search);
// Define our regex
$search = (new Search())->setSearchTerms(Utils::cleanString($initial_search))->setRegexWholeWords($get_option('whole_word'))->setRegexCaseInsensitive($get_option('case_sensitive'))->setRegexPerfectMatch($get_option('perfect_match'));
// Loop through all repositories searching in both source and target languages
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
    $source_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[3], $repository);
    foreach ($terms as $word) {
        $source_strings = preg_grep($search->getRegex(), $source_strings);
    $source_strings_merged = array_merge($source_strings, $source_strings_merged);
    $target_strings = Utils::getRepoStrings($request->parameters[4], $repository);
    foreach ($terms as $word) {
        $target_strings = preg_grep($search->getRegex(), $target_strings);
    $target_strings_merged = array_merge($target_strings, $target_strings_merged);
// Closure to get extra parameters set
$get_option = function ($option) use($request) {
    $value = 0;
    if (isset($request->extra_parameters[$option]) && (int) $request->extra_parameters[$option] != 0) {
        $value = (int) $request->extra_parameters[$option];
    return $value;
return $json = ShowResults::getSuggestionsResults($source_strings_merged, $target_strings_merged, $initial_search, $get_option('max_results'));

namespace Transvision;

// rtl support
$direction1 = RTLSupport::getDirection($source_locale);
$direction2 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale);
if ($url['path'] == '3locales') {
    $direction3 = RTLSupport::getDirection($locale2);
    $extra_column_header = "<th>{$locale2}</th>";
} else {
    $extra_column_header = '';
$entities = ShowResults::searchEntities($tmx_source, $main_regex);
// Display a search hint for the closest string we have if we have no search results
if (count($entities) == 0) {
    $merged_strings = [];
    $best_matches = Strings::getSimilar($initial_search, array_keys($tmx_source), 3);
    include VIEWS . 'results_similar.php';