$view->display('post.tpl'); break; case 'about': $view->display('about.tpl'); break; case 'manage': check_login(); /* Ing cache */ require_once 'models/Ing.class.php'; $Ing = new Ing(); if (!($ing_list = $cache->load('ing'))) { $ing_list = $Ing->output('LOCAL'); $view->assign(array('ing' => $ing_list, 'ingColor' => rand_color(true))); $view->assign('ing', $ing_list); $cache->save($ing_list, 'ing'); } else { $view->assign(array('ing' => $ing_list, 'ingColor' => rand_color(true))); } $view->assign('num_rows', $num_rows); $view->assign('row', $row); $show = new Show(); if (ROOT) { $topic_list = $show->getTopicList(true); } else { $topic_list = $show->getTopicList(); } $view->assign('topic_list', $topic_list); $view->assign('count', count($topic_list)); $view->display('manage.tpl'); break; }
function setlist($parametros) { echo (string) $parametros; $show = intval(substr($parametros, 1, 3)); $blocoantigo = substr($parametros, 4, 1); $bloconovo = substr($parametros, 5, 1); $musica = intval(substr($parametros, 6, 3)); $posicaoinicial = intval(substr($parametros, 9, 3)); $posicaofinal = intval(substr($parametros, 12, 3)); $nshow = new Show(); $nshow->gravaSetlist($show, $blocoantigo, $bloconovo, $musica, $posicaoinicial, $posicaofinal); }
public static function FetchByName($name) { $show = new Show(); $show->set_condition('name = :name'); $show->name = $name; try { $show->FetchInto(); return $show; } catch (\phalanx\data\ModelException $e) { return NULL; } }
/** * Dashboard for user's content management, only for auth user. */ public function dashboard() { $user = Sentry::getUser(); $added_events = ep\Event::where('author_id', '=', $user->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate(25); $added_shows = Show::where('author_id', '=', $user->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate(25); return View::make('user.dashboard', array('user' => $user, 'added_events' => $added_events, 'added_shows' => $added_shows, 'pageTitle' => 'Dashboard')); }
function createTestShow($showNumber, $showTime, $duration = "1:00") { $data = array(); $strTime = $showTime->format("Y-m-d H:i"); echo "Adding show: {$strTime}\n"; $data['add_show_name'] = 'automated show ' . $showNumber; $data['add_show_start_date'] = $showTime->format("Y-m-d"); $data['add_show_start_time'] = $showTime->format("H:i"); $data['add_show_duration'] = $duration; $data['add_show_no_end'] = 0; $data['add_show_repeats'] = 0; $data['add_show_description'] = 'automated show'; $data['add_show_url'] = 'http://www.OfirGal.com'; $data['add_show_color'] = ""; $data['add_show_genre'] = "Ofir"; $data['add_show_background_color'] = ""; $data['add_show_record'] = 0; $data['add_show_hosts'] = ""; $showId = Show::create($data); //echo "show created, ID: $showId\n"; // populating the show with a playlist $instances = Show::getShows($showTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $showTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $instance = array_pop($instances); $show = new ShowInstance($instance["instance_id"]); //echo "Adding playlist to show instance ".$show->getShowInstanceId()."\n"; $show->scheduleShow(array(1)); //echo "done\n"; //$show->scheduleShow(array($playlist->getId())); }
public function carrega() { $this->conectar(); $query = "SELECT * FROM shows;"; $resultado = $this->query($query); $this->desconectar(); if (!is_bool($resultado)) { foreach ($resultado as $result) { $show = new Show(); $show->setId($result["id"]); $show->setLocal($result["local"]); $show->setData($result["data"]); $this->addShow($show); } } }
public static function GetDataGridData($viewType, $dateString) { if ($viewType == "now") { $date = new DateHelper(); $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); $startCutoff = 60; $endCutoff = 86400; //60*60*24 - seconds in a day } else { $date = new DateHelper(); $time = $date->getTime(); $date->setDate($dateString . " " . $time); $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); $startCutoff = $date->getNowDayStartDiff(); $endCutoff = $date->getNowDayEndDiff(); } $data = array(); $showIds = ShowInstance::GetShowsInstancesIdsInRange($timeNow, $startCutoff, $endCutoff); foreach ($showIds as $showId) { $instanceId = $showId['id']; $si = new ShowInstance($instanceId); $showId = $si->getShowId(); $show = new Show($showId); //append show header row $data[] = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateHeaderRow($show->getName(), $si->getShowStart(), $si->getShowEnd()); $scheduledItems = $si->getScheduleItemsInRange($timeNow, $startCutoff, $endCutoff); $dataTablesRows = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateDatatableRows($scheduledItems); //append show audio item rows $data = array_merge($data, $dataTablesRows); //append show gap time row $gapTime = Application_Model_Nowplaying::FormatDuration($si->getShowEndGapTime(), true); if ($si->isRecorded()) { $data[] = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateRecordingRow($si); } else { if ($gapTime > 0) { $data[] = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateGapRow($gapTime); } } } return array("currentShow" => Show_DAL::GetCurrentShow($timeNow), "rows" => $data); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $users = User::all(); $events_submitted = ep\Event::where('approved', '=', '0')->get(); $event_count = ep\Event::all()->count(); $shows_submitted = Show::where('approved', '=', '0')->get(); $show_count = Show::all()->count(); $extras_submitted = Extra::where('approved', '=', '0')->get(); $extra_count = Extra::all()->count(); $beta_count = DB::table('beta_newsletters')->count(); return View::make('admin.admin_panel', array('pageTitle' => 'Admin Panel', 'users' => $users, 'event_count' => $event_count, 'events_submitted' => $events_submitted, 'show_count' => $show_count, 'shows_submitted' => $shows_submitted, 'extra_count' => $extra_count, 'beta_count' => $beta_count, 'extras_submitted' => $extras_submitted)); }
public function as_input() { if ($this->type == self::PRIMARY_KEY) { return $this->as_pk(); } $html = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/html/table.html"); $selc = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/html/selectable.html"); $selc = str_replace('{{MORE}}', 'required', $selc); $cont = ""; $model = Kernel::instance($this->refer); $models = $model->filter(); if (isset($models[0])) { $show = new Show($models[0]); $head = $show->as_headrow(false, false, '#'); foreach ($models as $model) { $inps = ""; $pk = $model->get_pk(); $reflex = new ReflectionClass($model->get_called_class()); $properts = $reflex->getProperties(); $val = $this->val(); if ($val == $pk->get()) { $sel = str_replace('required', 'required checked ', $selc); } else { $sel = $selc; } foreach ($properts as $propert) { $name = $propert->getName(); $value = $model->{"get" . ucfirst($name)}(); if ($value instanceof Input && !$value instanceof Constrain || $value instanceof Constrain && $value->getType() != Constrain::PRIMARY_KEY) { $inps .= $value->as_list(); } } $cont .= str_replace(array('{{NAME}}', '{{VALUE}}', '{{CONTENT}}'), array($this->name(), $pk->get(), $inps), $sel); } $html = str_replace(array('{{HEAD}}', '{{BODY}}'), array($head, $cont), $html); } else { $html = '<<-empty->>'; } return $html; }
public static function SendMessageToShowRecorder($event_type) { global $CC_CONFIG; $conn = new AMQPConnection($CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["host"], $CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["port"], $CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["user"], $CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["password"]); $channel = $conn->channel(); $channel->access_request($CC_CONFIG["rabbitmq"]["vhost"], false, false, true, true); $EXCHANGE = 'airtime-show-recorder'; $channel->exchange_declare($EXCHANGE, 'direct', false, true); $today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $now = new DateTime($today_timestamp); $end_timestamp = $now->add(new DateInterval("PT2H")); $end_timestamp = $end_timestamp->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $temp['event_type'] = $event_type; if ($event_type = "update_schedule") { $temp['shows'] = Show::getShows($today_timestamp, $end_timestamp, $excludeInstance = NULL, $onlyRecord = TRUE); } $data = json_encode($temp); $msg = new AMQPMessage($data, array('content_type' => 'text/plain')); $channel->basic_publish($msg, $EXCHANGE); $channel->close(); $conn->close(); }
/** * Метод по умолчанию * */ function index() { $this->noCache(); $this->load->library('Log'); $this->load->model('global_variables'); // Создаем объект поиска $this->load->library('search_builder'); $this->search_builder->setSite($this->id_site); $this->search_builder->setChannel($this->id_channel); $channel = $this->search_builder->getChannelInfo(); $this->log->write_log('sppc', 'id_site = ' . $this->id_site . ' id_channel = ' . $this->id_channel); /* Если у ченела установлено показывать внешний javascript (google adsens или что-то подобное) * при отсутствие рекламы. Тогда запускаем старую схему. * В противном случае показываем сразу новый iframe */ if ('google_adsense' == $channel->ad_settings) { parent::wrapper(); } else { $data = array('id_site' => $this->id_site, 'id_channel' => $this->id_channel, 'width' => $channel->width, 'height' => $channel->height, 'id_dimension' => $channel->id_dimension, 'id_publisher' => $channel->id_publisher, 'id' => 'iframe', 'ident' => $this->ident, 'referer' => urlencode($this->input->server('HTTP_REFERER')), 'base_url' => base_url()); $view = 'show_ads/iframe_wrapper_ex.html'; $this->output->set_header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); $this->parser->parse($view, $data); } }
if (Sentry::check()) { $event_id = Request::segment(3); $event_author = ep\Event::find($event_id)->author_id; $current_user = Sentry::getUser(); if ($current_user->id == $event_author || $current_user->hasAccess('admin')) { } else { return Redirect::to('/')->with('global_error', 'This is restricted area. You shall not pass.'); } } else { return Redirect::guest('login'); } }); Route::filter('authorShow', function () { if (Sentry::check()) { $show_id = Request::segment(3); $show_author = Show::find($show_id)->author_id; $current_user = Sentry::getUser(); if ($current_user->id == $show_author || $current_user->hasAccess('admin')) { } else { return Redirect::to('/')->with('global_error', 'This is restricted area. You shall not pass.'); } } else { return Redirect::guest('login'); } }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Caches current route. Don't use with hello view, it has custom cache per user.
function populateShowsArray($m, $y) { $db = new db(); $mPadded = sprintf("%02d", $m); $q = "select DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d') as day, ID from Shows where is_active = 1 and DATE_FORMAT(date, '%m') = '{$mPadded}' and DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y') = '{$y}' order by date asc"; $r = mysql_query($q); if ($db->isError($r)) { return Error::MySQL(); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $this->showsArray[(int) $row['day']][] = Show::get($row['ID']); } }
$sortdir = "DESC"; } if (isset($_GET['iDisplayLength'])) { $per_page = $_GET['iDisplayLength']; } else { $per_page = 50; } if ($per_page > 500) { $per_page = 1; } if (isset($_GET['iDisplayStart'])) { $start = $_GET['iDisplayStart']; } else { $start = 0; } $show = new Show(); if (isset($_GET['sSearch']) && $_GET['sSearch']) { $shows = $show->getList(null, $start, $per_page, $sortby, $sortdir, $_GET['sSearch']); } else { $shows = $show->getList(null, $start, $per_page, $sortby, $sortdir); } $res = array(); $res['sEcho'] = $echo; if (isset($_GET['sSearch']) && $_GET['sSearch']) { $res['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $show->getShowCount($_GET['sSearch']); } else { $res['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $show->getShowCount(); } $res['iTotalRecords'] = count($shows); $res['aaData'] = array(); if (count($shows)) {
public static function as_table(array $models, $edit = null, $delete = null) { $html = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/html/table.html"); $show = new Show($models[0]); $head = $show->as_headrow($edit, $delete); $body = ""; foreach ($models as $model) { $show->model = $model; $body .= $show->as_row($edit, $delete); } $html = str_replace(array('{{HEAD}}', '{{BODY}}'), array($head, $body), $html); return $html; }
if (!isset($_POST['id']) && !isset($_GET['id'])) { $response['status'] = 99; print json_encode($response); exit; } elseif (isset($_POST['id'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; } require_once "../../vars.php"; require_once "../../includes/curl.php"; require_once "../../includes/show.class.php"; require_once "../../includes/settings.class.php"; require_once "../../includes/sidereel.class.php"; $settings = new Settings(); $shows = new Show(); $sidereel = new Sidereel(); $curl = new Curl(); $decaptcher = $settings->getSetting("decaptcher"); if (!isset($decaptcher->url) || !$decaptcher->url) { $decaptcher->url = "poster.decaptcher.com"; } if (!isset($decaptcher->username) || !$decaptcher->username || !isset($decaptcher->password) || !$decaptcher->password) { $response['status'] = 3; print json_encode($response); exit; } if (isset($decaptcher->port) && $decaptcher->port) { require_once "../../includes/ccproto_client.php"; $ccp = new ccproto(); $ccp->init();
<?php include 'functions.php'; $showid = intval(addslashes($_GET['showid'])); $season = intval(addslashes($_GET['season'])); $episode = intval(addslashes($_GET['id'])); $thumbPath = sprintf("cache/%02d-%02d%02d-thumb.jpg", $showid, $season, $episode); if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { $show = new Show($showid, NO_EPISODE_CHECK); $show->getEpisode($season . 'x' . $episode)->getThumbnail(); } else { header('Location: /' . $thumbPath); die; }
$page_title = 'Add Show'; include 'layout/header.php'; $bi = BandInformation::get(); $defaultStateProvince = $bi->getDefaultStateProvince(); $defaultCity = $bi->getDefaultcity(); $defaultCountry = $bi->getDefaultCountry(); ?> <div id="breadcrumb"> <a href="index.php">Audition ></a> <a href="live.php">Live ></a> <a href="shows.php">Shows ></a> Add Show </div> <?php if (!Show::canAdd()) { Error::outputDialog('Return to Shows', 'shows.php', 'You are not an administrator, and you are not a band member. Therefore, you cannot add shows.'); } else { if (db::isError($sh)) { $sh->outputList(); } ?> <h1>new entry:</h1> <div class="inset"> <form id="edit_entry" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> ?task=add" method="post"> <table border="0" class="edit-form" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <?php
<?php include 'base.php'; User::protect(); $section = 'shows'; include_class('shows'); include_class('m2'); $editors = array('description'); $sh = Show::get($_GET['id']); if (!db::isError($sh)) { $mi = MediaInstance::get($_GET['media_instance_id']); if (!db::isError($mi)) { $type = $mi->getAreaID() == $sh->getAVAreaID() ? "av" : "photos"; switch ($_GET['task']) { case 'update': $res = $mi->update($_POST, $sh); if (!db::isError($res)) { header('Location: show_media_edit.php?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&media_instance_id=' . $_GET['media_instance_id']); } break; case 'deactivate': $res = $mi->deactivate($sh); if (!db::isError($res)) { header('Location: show_media_edit.php?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&media_instance_id=' . $_GET['media_instance_id']); } break; case 'activate': $res = $mi->activate($sh); if (!db::isError($res)) { header('Location: show_media_edit.php?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&media_instance_id=' . $_GET['media_instance_id']); }
function getShows() { $q = "select Shows.ID from Shows, Tours where Shows.date >= Tours.start_date and Shows.date <= Tours.end_date and Tours.ID = {$this->ID} and Shows.is_active = 1 order by Shows.date asc"; $r = mysql_query($q); if (!$r) { return Error::MySQL(); } $showOArray = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $showOArray[] = Show::get($row['ID']); } return $showOArray; }
if ($user_id && $target_id && $target_type) { $data = array(); $data['user_id'] = $user_id; $data['target_id'] = $target_id; $data['target_type'] = $target_type; $data['date_added'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $res = $stream->addWatch($data); if ($res) { $data = array(); $data['user_id'] = $user_id; $data['target_id'] = $target_id; $data['user_data'] = $_SESSION['loggeduser_details']; $data['target_type'] = $target_type; if ($target_type == 1) { // show $show = new Show(); $data['target_data'] = $show->getShow($target_id, 0); } elseif ($target_type == 2) { // movie $movie = new Movie(); $data['target_data'] = $movie->getMovie($target_id); } elseif ($target_type == 3) { // episode $show = new Show(); $data['target_data'] = $show->getEpisodeById($target_id); } $data['event_type'] = 5; $data['event_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $stream->addActivity($data); } }
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['admin_user_id']) || !$_SESSION['admin_user_id'] || !isset($_SESSION['admin_username'])) { exit; } require_once "../../vars.php"; require_once "../../includes/show.class.php"; if (isset($_POST['show_ids']) && $_POST['show_ids']) { $show = new Show(); $show_ids = explode(",", $_POST['show_ids']); if (count($show_ids)) { foreach ($show_ids as $key => $show_id) { if ($show_id) { $show->deleteShow($show_id); } } } }
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['admin_user_id']) || !$_SESSION['admin_user_id']) { exit; } set_time_limit(0); @extract($_POST); @extract($_GET); require_once "../../vars.php"; require_once "../../includes/show.class.php"; require_once "../../includes/sidereel.class.php"; $show = new Show(); $sidereel = new Sidereel(); $thisshow = $show->getShow($showid, true, "en"); $title = $sidereel->sidereelURL($thisshow[$showid]['title'], $thisshow[$showid]['sidereel_url']); $link = "http://www.sidereel.com/{$title}/season-{$season}/episode-{$episode}"; $details = $sidereel->getEpisodeDetails($link); if (@$details['title'] || @$details['description']) { $t = $details['title']; if (!$t) { $t = "Season {$season}, Episode {$episode}"; } $description = $details['description']; if (substr_count(strtolower($t), "season") == 0 && substr_count(strtolower($t), "episode") == 0) { $t = "Season {$season}, Episode {$episode} - {$t}"; } $ret = array(); $ret['title'] = str_replace('"', '', $t); $ret['description'] = $description; print json_encode($ret);
$smarty->config_dir = "{$basepath}/templates/smarty/configs"; $smarty->cache_dir = "{$basepath}/cachefiles"; $smarty->assign("templatepath", "{$baseurl}/templates/{$theme}"); if (!isset($_REQUEST['date'])) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); } else { $date = $_REQUEST['date']; } $check = date("Y", strtotime($date)); if ($check < 2010) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); } require_once "../vars.php"; require_once "../includes/curl.php"; $curl = new Curl(); $show = new Show(); $cache_file = "tv_guide_" . $date . ".txt"; $from_cache = false; if (file_exists($basepath . "/cachefiles/" . $cache_file)) { $data = file_get_contents($basepath . "/cachefiles/" . $cache_file); $from_cache = true; } else { $today = date("Ymd"); $b64 = 'aHR0cDovL2FwaS50cmFrdC50di9jYWxlbmRhci9zaG93cy5qc29uLzUyMWRmZjU0NTQyM2RiNGE1NmUxNzUwMTNkYmFkNGFiLw=='; $request = '' . base64_decode($b64) . urlencode($today) . '/1/'; $data = $curl->get($request); } if ($from_cache || $curl->getHttpCode() >= 200 && $curl->getHttpCode() < 400) { if (!$from_cache && is_writable($basepath . "/cachefiles/")) { @file_put_contents($basepath . "/cachefiles/" . $cache_file, $data); }
else if ( isset($_GET['downloadtvdb']) ) { if ( $show = Show::get($_GET['downloadtvdb']) ) { $filepath = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'series_'); if ( $show->downloadTVDVInfo($filepath) ) { header('Content-type: application/zip'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="show-' . $show->id . '.zip"'); readfile($filepath); } } exit; } // reset one show else if ( isset($_GET['resetshow']) ) { if ( $show = Show::get($_GET['resetshow']) ) { // delete seasons/episodes $db->delete('seasons', array('series_id' => $_GET['resetshow'])); // delete tvdb series id $db->update('series', array('tvdb_series_id' => 0, 'changed' => time()), array('id' => $_GET['resetshow'])); } return do_redirect('index'); } // keep db hot else if ( isset($_GET['keepalive']) ) { $db->delete('variables', array('name' => 'keepalive')); $db->insert('variables', array('name' => 'keepalive', 'value' => time())); exit('OK');
public function createRoutes() { $entityManager = $this->entityManager; $app = $this->app; // Get all Shows $app->get('/shows/', function () use($entityManager, $app) { try { $shows = $entityManager->getRepository('Show')->createQueryBuilder('e')->select('e')->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); if ($shows) { $app->response->setStatus(200); $app->response()->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode($shows); } else { throw new PDOException('No records found.'); } } catch (PDOException $e) { $app->response()->setStatus(404); echo json_encode(['error' => ['text' => $e->getMessage()]]); } }); // Get Show by id $app->get('/shows/:id', function ($id) use($entityManager, $app) { try { $show = $entityManager->getRepository('Show')->createQueryBuilder('a')->select('a')->where('a =:id')->setParameter('id', $id)->getQuery()->getSingleResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); if ($show) { $app->response->setStatus(200); $app->response()->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode($show); } else { throw new PDOException('No Show found.'); } } catch (PDOException $e) { $app->response()->setStatus(404); echo json_encode(['error' => ['text' => $e->getMessage()]]); } }); // Create Show $app->post('/shows/', function () use($entityManager, $app) { $allPostVars = json_decode($app->request->getBody()); try { $show = new Show(); $show->setName($allPostVars->name); $show->setSorder($allPostVars->sorder); $show->setCreationDate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $show->setLastUpdate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $entityManager->persist($show); $entityManager->flush(); $app->response->setStatus(200); $app->response()->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "code" => true, $show->getId())); } catch (PDOException $e) { $app->response()->setStatus(404); echo json_encode(['error' => ['text' => $e->getMessage()]]); } }); // Update Show $app->put('/shows/:id', function ($id) use($entityManager, $app) { $allPostVars = json_decode($app->request->getBody()); try { $show = $entityManager->find('Show', $id); $show->setName($allPostVars->name); $show->setSorder($allPostVars->sorder); $show->setLastUpdate(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $entityManager->flush(); $app->response->setStatus(200); $app->response()->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "code" => true)); } catch (PDOException $e) { $app->response()->setStatus(404); echo json_encode(['error' => ['text' => $e->getMessage()]]); } }); // Delete Show $app->delete('/shows/:id', function ($id) use($entityManager, $app) { try { $show = $entityManager->find('Show', $id); $entityManager->remove($show); $entityManager->flush(); $app->response->setStatus(200); $app->response()->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "code" => true)); } catch (PDOException $e) { $app->response()->setStatus(404); echo json_encode(['error' => ['text' => $e->getMessage()]]); } }); }
<?php if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { include 'functions.php'; $showid = addslashes($_GET['showid']); $show = new Show($showid, NO_EPISODE_CHECK); } else { include 'header.php'; $showid = addslashes($_GET['showid']); $show = new Show($showid); } if ($_GET['update'] == '1') # Force update $show->updateShow(1); ?> <div class="seriesdetails"> <div class="imagecontainer"> <a href="show.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>"><img class="thumbnail" alt="<?=$show->getTitle()?>" src="cache/<?=$show->getID()?>-poster.jpg" /></a> </div> <?=addSubscribeText($show->isSubscribed(), $show->getID(), 1)?> <a href="show.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>&update=1" class="updatethis">Force Update</a> <h2><a id="showtitle" href="show.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>"><?=$show->getTitle()?></a></h2> <div class="plot"><?=$show->getPlot()?></div> </div> <?php if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { ?> <div class="fullcontent"> <div class="contentleft"> <?php $seasonSplit = $show->splitSeasons(); foreach ($seasonSplit[0] as $season) { if (!isset($season[0])) break; // PHP BUG?!?! ?> <div class="contentbox normalbox seasons"> <h3>Season <?php printf("%02d", $season[0]->getSeason())?> <a href="show.php?showid=<?=$season[0]->getShowID()?>" class="subscribe dldmissingeps"><span>Download missing episodes</span></a></h3>
<?php $showid = intval(addslashes($_GET['showid'])); $season = intval(addslashes($_GET['season'])); $episode = intval(addslashes($_GET['id'])); if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { include 'functions.php'; $show = new Show($showid, NO_EPISODE_CHECK); } else { include 'header.php'; $show = new Show($showid); } ?> <div class="episodedetails"> <div class="imagecontainer"> <a href="show.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>"><img class="thumbnail" alt="<?=$show->getTitle()?> - <?php printf("%02d", $show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getSeason())?>x<?=printf("%02d", $show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getEpisodeID())?> - <?=$show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getTitle()?>" src="thumbnail.php?showid=<?=$showid?>&season=<?=$season?>&id=<?=$episode?>" /></a> </div> <?=addSubscribeText($show->isSubscribed(), $show->getID(), 1)?> <a href="show.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>&update=1" class="updatethis">Force Update</a> <h2><a id="showtitle" href="show.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>"><?=$show->getTitle()?></a> » <a href="episode.php?showid=<?=$show->getID()?>&season=<?=$show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getSeason()?>&id=<?=$show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getEpisodeID()?>"><?php printf("%02d", $show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getSeason())?>x<?php printf("%02d", $show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getEpisodeID()); ?> - <?=$show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getTitle()?></a></h2> <div class="plot"><?=$show->getEpisode($season.'x'.$episode)->getPlot()?></div> </div> <?php if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { ?> <div class="fullcontent"> <div class="contentleft"> <?php $seasonSplit = $show->splitSeasons(); foreach ($seasonSplit[0] as $season) { if (!isset($season[0])) break; // PHP BUG?!?! ?> <div class="contentbox normalbox seasons"> <h3>Season <?php printf("%02d", $season[0]->getSeason())?> <a href="show.php?showid=<?=$season[0]->getShowID()?>" class="subscribe dldmissingeps"><span>Download missing episodes</span></a></h3> <ul>
$header = new SectionTemplate(); $header->file = "header.php"; $footer = new SectionTemplate(); $footer->file = "footer.php"; $search = new SectionTemplate(); $search->file = "shows_search.php"; include_class('shows'); include_class('venues'); include_class('locations'); include_class('m2'); include_class('tours'); include_class('band_members'); $view = ''; if ($_GET['id']) { $bs = Show::get($_GET['id']); if ($_GET['media_instance_id'] > 0) { $mi = MediaInstance::get($_GET['media_instance_id']); if (!db::isError($mi) && !db::isError($bs)) { if (($mi->getAreaID() == $bs->getAVAreaID() || $mi->getAreaID() == $bs->getPhotoAreaID()) && $bs->isActive()) { $view = 'media'; $media = new SectionTemplate(); $media->file = "media_detail.php"; $media->args['media'] = $mi; $media->args['exitURL'] = USE_MOD_REWRITE ? '/show/' . $bs->getID() . '/' : '/shows.php?id=' . $bs->getID(); } } } if ($view != 'media' && !db::isError($bs)) { $view = 'detail'; $detail = new SectionTemplate();
public function cancelShowAction() { $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $user = new User($userInfo->id); if ($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))) { $showInstanceId = $this->_getParam('id'); $showInstance = new ShowInstance($showInstanceId); $show = new Show($showInstance->getShowId()); $show->cancelShow($showInstance->getShowStart()); } }