public function get_display($details = true, $jsbuttons = false) { $object = Shoutbox::get_object($this->object_type, $this->object_id); $object->format(); $img = $this->get_image(); $html = "<div class='shoutbox-item'>"; $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-data'>"; if ($details && $img) { $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-img'>" . $img . "</div>"; } $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-info'>"; if ($details) { $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-object'>" . $object->f_link . "</div>"; $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-date'>" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $this->date) . "</div>"; } $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-text'>" . $this->f_text . "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-footer'>"; if ($details) { $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-actions'>"; if ($jsbuttons) { $html .= Ajax::button('?page=stream&action=directplay&playtype=' . $this->object_type . '&' . $this->object_type . '_id=' . $this->object_id, 'play', T_('Play'), 'play_' . $this->object_type . '_' . $this->object_id); $html .= Ajax::button('?action=basket&type=' . $this->object_type . '&id=' . $this->object_id, 'add', T_('Add'), 'add_' . $this->object_type . '_' . $this->object_id); } if (Access::check('interface', '25')) { $html .= "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/shout.php?action=show_add_shout&type=" . $this->object_type . "&id=" . $this->object_id . "\">" . UI::get_icon('comment', T_('Post Shout')) . "</a>"; } $html .= "</div>"; } $html .= "<div class='shoutbox-user'>" . T_('by') . " "; if ($this->user > 0) { $user = new User($this->user); $user->format(); if ($details) { $html .= $user->f_link; } else { $html .= $user->username; } } else { $html .= T_('Guest'); } $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; return $html; }
/** * load_latest_shout * This loads in the latest added shouts * @return array */ public static function load_latest_shout() { $ids = Shoutbox::get_top(10); $results = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $shout = new Shoutbox($id); $shout->format(); $object = Shoutbox::get_object($shout->object_type, $shout->object_id); $object->format(); $user = new User($shout->user); $user->format(); $xml_array = array('title' => $user->username . ' ' . T_('on') . ' ' . $object->get_fullname(), 'link' => $object->link, 'description' => $shout->text, 'image' => Art::url($shout->object_id, $shout->object_type, null, 2), 'comments' => '', 'pubDate' => date("c", $shout->date)); $results[] = $xml_array; } // end foreach return $results; }
?> </th> <th class="cel_date"><?php echo T_('Date Added'); ?> </th> <th class="cel_action"><?php echo T_('Action'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php foreach ($object_ids as $shout_id) { $shout = new Shoutbox($shout_id); $shout->format(); $object = Shoutbox::get_object($shout->object_type, $shout->object_id); $object->format(); $client = new User($shout->user); $client->format(); require AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; ?> <?php } if (!count($object_ids)) { ?> <tr class="<?php echo UI::flip_class(); ?> "> <td colspan="6" class="error"><?php echo T_('No Records Found');
case 'add_shout': // Must be at least a user to do this if (!Access::check('interface', '25')) { UI::access_denied(); exit; } if (!Core::form_verify('add_shout', 'post')) { UI::access_denied(); exit; } $shout_id = Shoutbox::create($_POST); header("Location:" . AmpConfig::get('web_path')); break; case 'show_add_shout': // Get our object first $object = Shoutbox::get_object($_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['id']); if (!$object || !$object->id) { Error::add('general', T_('Invalid Object Selected')); Error::display('general'); break; } $object->format(); if (strtolower(get_class($object)) == 'song') { $data = $_REQUEST['offset']; } // Now go ahead and display the page where we let them add a comment etc require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; break; default: header("Location:" . AmpConfig::get('web_path')); break;
<th class="cel_date"><?php echo T_('Date Added'); ?> </th> <th class="cel_action"><?php echo T_('Action'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($object_ids as $shout_id) { $libitem = new Shoutbox($shout_id); $libitem->format(); $object = Shoutbox::get_object($libitem->object_type, $libitem->object_id); $object->format(); $client = new User($libitem->user); $client->format(); require AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/templates/'; ?> <?php } if (!count($object_ids)) { ?> <tr class="<?php echo UI::flip_class(); ?> "> <td colspan="6" class="error"><?php echo T_('No Records Found');