// TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// error_reporting(0); if (!defined("IN_BTIT")) { die("non direct access!"); } global $btit_settings, $BASEURL; $listennowtpl = new bTemplate(); require load_language("lang_userdetails.php"); include "./radiostats/shoutcast.class.php"; $listen = new ShoutCast(); $listen->host = $btit_settings["radio_ip"]; $listen->port = $btit_settings["radio_port"]; $listen->passwd = $btit_settings["radio_pass"]; if ($listen->openstats()) { // We got the XML, gogogo!.. if ($listen->GetStreamStatus()) { require load_language("lang_shoutcast.php"); $hostname = $listen->GetListeners(); $j = 0; $list = array(); if (is_array($hostname)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hostname); $i++) { $ip = $hostname[$i]["hostname"]; $client = $hostname[$i]["useragent"]; $damn = do_sqlquery("select id,username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE cip='" . $ip . "' ORDER BY lastconnect ASC LIMIT 1", true);
function ConvertSeconds($seconds) { $tmpseconds = substr("00" . $seconds % 60, -2); if ($seconds > 59) { if ($seconds > 3599) { $tmphours = substr("0" . intval($seconds / 3600), -2); $tmpminutes = substr("0" . intval($seconds / 60 - 60 * $tmphours), -2); return $tmphours . ":" . $tmpminutes . ":" . $tmpseconds; } else { return "00:" . substr("0" . intval($seconds / 60), -2) . ":" . $tmpseconds; } } else { return "00:00:" . $tmpseconds; } } $shoutcast = new ShoutCast(); $shoutcast->host; $shoutcast->port; $shoutcast->tunein; $shoutcast->passwd; // var_dump($shoutcast->openstats()); if ($shoutcast->openstats()) { if ($shoutcast->GetStreamStatus()) { echo "Status: " . $shoutcast->GetStreamStatus() . " Open: " . $shoutcast->openstats(); echo "<br>"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UMWANDLUNG VON FEHLERHAFT ANGEZEIGTEN UMLAUTEN // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// $aktuellertitel = $shoutcast->GetCurrentSongTitle(); echo "was ankommt: " . $shoutcast->GetCurrentSongTitle(); echo "<br>";
function ConvertSeconds($seconds) { $tmpseconds = substr("00" . $seconds % 60, -2); if ($seconds > 59) { if ($seconds > 3599) { $tmphours = substr("0" . intval($seconds / 3600), -2); $tmpminutes = substr("0" . intval($seconds / 60 - 60 * $tmphours), -2); return $tmphours . ":" . $tmpminutes . ":" . $tmpseconds; } else { return "00:" . substr("0" . intval($seconds / 60), -2) . ":" . $tmpseconds; } } else { return "00:00:" . $tmpseconds; } } $shoutcast = new ShoutCast(); $shoutcast->host = $btit_settings["radio_ip"]; $shoutcast->port = $btit_settings["radio_port"]; $shoutcast->passwd = $btit_settings["radio_pass"]; if ($shoutcast->openstats()) { // We got the XML, gogogo!.. if ($shoutcast->GetStreamStatus()) { require "../" . load_language("lang_shoutcast.php"); echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=" . $STYLEURL . "/main.css\" />"; echo "<table width=100% cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=blocklist>"; echo "<br><center><img src=radiostats/images/radio-online.png></center><br><br>"; echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center class=main>"; $todayis = date('D'); $timenow = date('G:i'); $Query = do_sqlquery('SELECT u.id as realid, sc.uid, sc.activedays, sc.activetime, sc.genre, u.username, g.prefixcolor, g.suffixcolor FROM ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'shoutcastdj sc LEFT JOIN ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users u ON sc.uid=u.id LEFT JOIN ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users_level g ON u.id_level=g.id WHERE sc.active = \'1\' ORDER by activetime') or die; if (mysqli_num_rows($Query) > 0) {