Exemple #1
  * Initializes the Shopp dashboard widgets
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.0
  * @return void
 public static function init()
     $dashboard = shopp_setting('dashboard');
     if (!(current_user_can('shopp_financials') && Shopp::str_true($dashboard))) {
         return false;
     wp_add_dashboard_widget('dashboard_shopp_stats', __('Sales Stats', 'Shopp'), array(__CLASS__, 'stats_widget'), array('all_link' => '', 'feed_link' => '', 'width' => 'half', 'height' => 'single'));
     wp_add_dashboard_widget('dashboard_shopp_orders', __('Recent Orders', 'Shopp'), array(__CLASS__, 'orders_widget'), array('all_link' => 'admin.php?page=' . ShoppAdmin::pagename('orders'), 'feed_link' => '', 'width' => 'half', 'height' => 'single'));
     if (shopp_setting_enabled('inventory')) {
         wp_add_dashboard_widget('dashboard_shopp_inventory', __('Inventory Monitor', 'Shopp'), array(__CLASS__, 'inventory_widget'), array('all_link' => 'admin.php?page=' . ShoppAdmin::pagename('products'), 'feed_link' => '', 'width' => 'half', 'height' => 'single'));
     add_action('admin_print_styles-index.php', array(__CLASS__, 'styles'));
Exemple #2
 public function updates()
     $builtin_path = SHOPP_PATH . '/templates';
     $theme_path = sanitize_path(STYLESHEETPATH . '/shopp');
     if (Shopp::str_true($this->form('theme_templates')) && !is_dir($theme_path)) {
         $this->form['theme_templates'] = 'off';
         $this->notice(Shopp::__("Shopp theme templates can't be used because they don't exist."), 'error');
     if (empty($this->form('catalog_pagination'))) {
         $this->form['catalog_pagination'] = 0;
     // Recount terms when this setting changes
     if ($this->form('outofstock_catalog') != shopp_setting('outofstock_catalog')) {
         $taxonomy = ProductCategory::$taxon;
         $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('hide_empty' => 0, 'fields' => 'ids'));
         if (!empty($terms)) {
             wp_update_term_count_now($terms, $taxonomy);
     $this->notice(Shopp::__('Presentation settings saved.'), 'notice', 20);
Exemple #3
 if (!$even) {
     $classes[] = 'alternate';
 $even = !$even;
 if ($edit !== false && $edit === $index) {
     $conditions = array();
     foreach ($rules as $ruleid => $rule) {
         $condition_template_data = array('${id}' => $edit, '${ruleid}' => $ruleid, '${property_menu}' => menuoptions($propertymenu, $rule['p'], true), '${rulevalue}' => esc_attr($rule['v']));
         $conditions[] = str_replace(array_keys($condition_template_data), $condition_template_data, $conditional);
     $localrates = array();
     foreach ($locals as $localename => $localerate) {
         $localrateui_data = array('${id}' => $edit, '${localename}' => $localename, '${localerate}' => (double) $localerate);
         $localrates[] = str_replace(array_keys($localrateui_data), $localrateui_data, $localrateui);
     $data = array('${id}' => $edit, '${rate}' => $rate, '${countries}' => menuoptions($countries, $country, true), '${zones}' => !empty($zones[$country]) ? menuoptions(array_merge(array('' => ''), $zones[$country]), $zone, true) : '', '${conditions}' => join('', $conditions), '${haslocals}' => $haslocals, '${localrates}' => join('', $localrates), '${errors}' => $localerror ? '<p class="error">' . $localerror . '</p>' : '', '${compounded}' => Shopp::str_true($compound) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', '${cancel_href}' => $this->url);
     if ($conditions) {
         $data['no-conditions'] = '';
     if (!empty($zones[$country])) {
         $data['no-zones'] = '';
     if ($haslocals) {
         $data['no-local-rates'] = '';
     } else {
         $data['has-local-rates'] = '';
     if (count($locals) > 0) {
         $data['instructions'] = 'hidden';
     echo ShoppUI::template($editor, $data);
Exemple #4
 public function __construct(ShoppReportFramework $Report)
     $this->ReportClass = get_class($Report);
     $this->options = $Report->options;
     $this->columns = $Report->columns();
     $this->data = $Report->data;
     $this->records = $Report->total;
     $report = $this->options['report'];
     $settings = shopp_setting("{$report}_report_export");
     $this->headings = Shopp::str_true($settings['headers']);
     $this->selected = $settings['columns'];
Exemple #5
 public function editor($Item)
     $conditions = array();
     foreach ($rules as $ruleid => $rule) {
         $conditionals = array('${id}' => $edit, '${ruleid}' => $ruleid, '${property_menu}' => $this->property_menu($rule['p']), '${rulevalue}' => esc_attr($rule['v']));
         $conditions[] = str_replace(array_keys($conditionals), $conditionals, $this->template_conditional());
     $localrates = array();
     foreach ($locals as $localename => $localerate) {
         $localrate_data = array('${id}' => $edit, '${localename}' => $localename, '${localerate}' => (double) $localerate);
         $localrates[] = str_replace(array_keys($localrate_data), $localrate_data, $this->template_localrate());
     $data = array('${id}' => $id, '${rate}' => percentage($rate, array('precision' => 4)), '${countries}' => menuoptions($this->countries, $country, true), '${zones}' => !empty($zones[$country]) ? menuoptions($zones[$country], $zone, true) : '', '${conditions}' => join('', $conditions), '${haslocals}' => $haslocals, '${localrates}' => join('', $localrates), '${instructions}' => $localerror ? '<p class="error">' . $localerror . '</p>' : $instructions, '${compounded}' => Shopp::str_true($compound) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', '${cancel_href}' => add_query_arg(array('id' => null, '_wpnonce' => null)));
     if ($conditions) {
         $data['no-conditions'] = '';
     if (!empty($zones[$country])) {
         $data['no-zones'] = '';
     if ($haslocals) {
         $data['no-local-rates'] = '';
     } else {
         $data['has-local-rates'] = '';
     if (count($locals) > 0) {
         $data['instructions'] = 'hidden';
     echo ShoppUI::template($this->editor, $data);
 * Returns true or false if the setting is toggled on or off
 * @api
 * @since 1.2
 * @param string $name The name of the setting
 * @return boolean True is enabled, false is disabled
function shopp_setting_enabled($name)
    $setting = shopp_setting($name);
    return Shopp::str_true($setting);
Exemple #7
  * Provides the subtotal amount of the cart
  * @api `shopp('cart.subtotal')`
  * @since 1.0
  * @param string    $result  The output
  * @param array     $options The options
  * - **wrap**: `on` (on, off) Wrap the amount in DOM-accessible markup
  * - **money**: `on` (on, off) Format the amount in the current currency format
  * - **number**: `off` (on, off) Provide the unformatted number (floating point)
  * - **taxes**: `on` (on, off) Include taxes in the subtotal amount when inclusive taxes are used (or off to exclude them)
  * @param ShoppCart $O       The working object
  * @return string The subtotal amount
 public static function subtotal($result, $options, $O)
     $defaults = array('taxes' => 'on');
     $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
     extract($options, EXTR_SKIP);
     $subtotal = $O->total('order');
     // Handle no-tax option for tax inclusive storefronts
     if (!Shopp::str_true($taxes) && shopp_setting_enabled('tax_inclusive')) {
         $tax = $O->Totals->entry('tax', 'Tax');
         if (is_a($tax, 'OrderAmountItemTax')) {
             $subtotal -= $tax->amount();
     return (double) $subtotal;
Exemple #8
  * Provides a checkbox toggle to mark the shipping address as a residential address
  * @api `shopp('checkout.residential-shipping-address')`
  * @since 1.2
  * @param string     $result  The output
  * @param array      $options The options
  * - **label**: `Residential shipping address` The label for the checkbox input
  * - **checked**: `on` (on, off) Specifies that an `<input>` element should be pre-selected when the page loads
  * - **class**: The class attribute specifies one or more class-names for an element
  * - **title**: Specifies extra information about an element
  * @param ShoppOrder $O       The working object
  * @return string Markup for the residential address checkbox toggle
 public static function residential_shipping_address($result, $options, $O)
     $allowed = array('class', 'checked', 'title');
     $defaults = array('label' => Shopp::__('Residential shipping address'), 'checked' => 'on');
     $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
     if (isset($O->Shipping->residential) && !Shopp::str_true($O->Shipping->residential) || !Shopp::str_true($checked)) {
         $options['checked'] = 'off';
     $_ = array();
     $_[] = '<label for="residential-shipping">';
     $_[] = '<input type="hidden" name="shipping[residential]" value="no" />';
     $_[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="shipping[residential]" value="yes" id="residential-shipping"' . inputattrs($options, $allowed) . ' />';
     $_[] = "&nbsp;{$label}</label>";
     return join('', $_);
Exemple #9
function settings_meta_box($Product)
    $Shopp = Shopp::object();
    $Admin =& $Shopp->Flow->Admin;
	<p><input type="hidden" name="featured" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="featured" value="on" id="featured" tabindex="12" <?php 
    if ($Product->featured == "on") {
        echo ' checked="checked"';
 /><label for="featured"> <?php 
    _e('Featured Product', 'Shopp');
	<p><input type="hidden" name="variants" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="variants" value="on" id="variations-setting" tabindex="13"<?php 
    if ($Product->variants == "on") {
        echo ' checked="checked"';
 /><label for="variations-setting"> <?php 
    _e('Variants', 'Shopp');
    echo $Admin->boxhelp('product-editor-variations');
	<p><input type="hidden" name="addons" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="addons" value="on" id="addons-setting" tabindex="13"<?php 
    if ($Product->addons == "on") {
        echo ' checked="checked"';
 /><label for="addons-setting"> <?php 
    _e('Add-ons', 'Shopp');
    echo $Admin->boxhelp('product-editor-addons');

    if (shopp_setting_enabled('tax_inclusive')) {
		<p><input type="hidden" name="meta[excludetax]" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="meta[excludetax]" value="on" id="excludetax-setting" tabindex="18"  <?php 
        if (isset($Product->meta['excludetax']) && Shopp::str_true($Product->meta['excludetax']->value)) {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="excludetax-setting"><?php 
        _e('Exclude Taxes', 'Shopp');

    if ($Shopp->Shipping->realtime) {
	<p><input type="hidden" name="meta[packaging]" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="meta[packaging]" value="on" id="packaging-setting" tabindex="18"  <?php 
        if (isset($Product->meta['packaging']) && $Product->meta['packaging']->value == "on") {
            echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="packaging-setting"><?php 
        _e('Separate Packaging', 'Shopp');

	<p><input type="hidden" name="comment_status" value="closed" /><input type="checkbox" name="comment_status" value="open" id="allow-comments" tabindex="18"  <?php 
    if (Shopp::str_true($Product->comment_status)) {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="allow-comments"><?php 
    _e('Comments', 'Shopp');

	<p><input type="hidden" name="ping_status" value="closed" /><input type="checkbox" name="ping_status" value="open" id="allow-trackpings" tabindex="18"  <?php 
    if (Shopp::str_true($Product->ping_status)) {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="allow-trackpings"><?php 
    _e('Trackbacks & Pingbacks', 'Shopp');

	<p><input type="hidden" name="meta[processing]" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="meta[processing]" value="on" id="process-time" tabindex="18"  <?php 
    if (isset($Product->meta['processing']) && Shopp::str_true($Product->meta['processing']->value)) {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="process-time"><?php 
    _e('Processing Time', 'Shopp');

	<div id="processing" class="hide-if-js">
		<select name="meta[minprocess]"><?php 
    echo menuoptions(Lookup::timeframes_menu(), isset($Product->meta['minprocess']) ? $Product->meta['minprocess']->value : false, true);
</select> &mdash;
		<select name="meta[maxprocess]"><?php 
    echo menuoptions(Lookup::timeframes_menu(), isset($Product->meta['maxprocess']) ? $Product->meta['maxprocess']->value : false, true);


Exemple #10
  * Helper to apply or exclude taxes from a single amount based on inclusive tax settings and the tax option
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.3
  * @param float $amount The amount to add taxes to, or exclude taxes from
  * @param ShoppProduct $O The product to get properties from
  * @param boolean $istaxed Whether the amount can be taxed
  * @param boolean $taxoption The Theme API tax option given the the tag
  * @param array $taxrates A list of taxrates that apply to the product and amount
  * @return float The amount with tax added or tax excluded
 private static function _taxed($amount, ShoppProduct $O, $istaxed, $taxoption = null, array $taxrates = array())
     if (!$istaxed) {
         return $amount;
     if (empty($taxrates)) {
         $taxrates = Shopp::taxrates($O);
     if (isset($taxoption)) {
         $taxoption = Shopp::str_true($taxoption);
     $inclusivetax = self::_inclusive_taxes($O);
     if ($inclusivetax) {
         $adjustment = ShoppTax::adjustment($taxrates);
         if (1 != $adjustment && false !== $taxoption) {
             // Only adjust when taxes are not excluded @see #3041
             return (double) ($amount / $adjustment);
     // Handle inclusive/exclusive tax presentation options (product editor setting or api option)
     // If the 'taxes' option is specified and the item either has inclusive taxes that apply,
     // or the 'taxes' option is forced on (but not both) then handle taxes by either adding or excluding taxes
     // This is an exclusive or known as XOR, the lesser known brother of Thor that gets left out of the family get togethers
     if (isset($taxoption) && $inclusivetax ^ $taxoption) {
         if ($taxoption) {
             return ShoppTax::calculate($taxrates, (double) $amount);
         } else {
             return ShoppTax::exclusive($taxrates, (double) $amount);
     return $amount;
Exemple #11
  * Checks if the current category has a faceted menu setup
  * @api `shopp('collection.has-faceted-menu')`
  * @since 1.1
  * @param string      $result  The output
  * @param array       $options The options
  * @param ShoppCollection $O       The working object
  * @return bool True if there are faceted menus, false otherwise
 public static function has_faceted_menu($result, $options, $O)
     if (!is_a($O, 'ProductCategory')) {
         return false;
     if (empty($O->meta)) {
     if (property_exists($O, 'facetedmenus') && Shopp::str_true($O->facetedmenus)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #12
_e('Comments', 'Shopp');

<p><input type="hidden" name="ping_status" value="closed" /><input type="checkbox" name="ping_status" value="open" id="allow-trackpings" tabindex="18"  <?php 
if (Shopp::str_true($Product->ping_status)) {
    echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="allow-trackpings"><?php 
_e('Trackbacks & Pingbacks', 'Shopp');

<p><input type="hidden" name="meta[processing]" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="meta[processing]" value="on" id="process-time" tabindex="18"  <?php 
if (isset($Product->meta['processing']) && Shopp::str_true($Product->meta['processing']->value)) {
    echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <label for="process-time"><?php 
_e('Processing Time', 'Shopp');

<div id="processing" class="hide-if-js">
	<select name="meta[minprocess]"><?php 
echo menuoptions(Lookup::timeframes_menu(), isset($Product->meta['minprocess']) ? $Product->meta['minprocess']->value : false, true);
</select> &mdash;
	<select name="meta[maxprocess]"><?php 
echo menuoptions(Lookup::timeframes_menu(), isset($Product->meta['maxprocess']) ? $Product->meta['maxprocess']->value : false, true);
Exemple #13
  * Generates attribute markup for HTML inputs based on specified options
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.0
  * @param array $options An associative array of options
  * @param array $allowed (optional) Allowable attribute options for the element
  * @return string Attribute markup fragment
 public static function inputattrs($options, array $allowed = array())
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         return '';
     if (empty($allowed)) {
         $allowed = array('autocomplete', 'accesskey', 'alt', 'checked', 'class', 'disabled', 'format', 'minlength', 'maxlength', 'placeholder', 'readonly', 'required', 'size', 'src', 'tabindex', 'cols', 'rows', 'title', 'value');
     $allowed = apply_filters('shopp_allowed_inputattrs', $allowed, $options);
     $string = "";
     $classes = "";
     if (isset($options['label']) && !isset($options['value'])) {
         $options['value'] = $options['label'];
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, $allowed)) {
         switch ($key) {
             case "class":
                 $classes .= " {$value}";
             case "checked":
                 if (Shopp::str_true($value)) {
                     $string .= ' checked="checked"';
             case "disabled":
                 if (Shopp::str_true($value)) {
                     $classes .= " disabled";
                     $string .= ' disabled="disabled"';
             case "readonly":
                 if (Shopp::str_true($value)) {
                     $classes .= " readonly";
                     $string .= ' readonly="readonly"';
             case "required":
                 if (Shopp::str_true($value)) {
                     $classes .= " required";
             case "minlength":
                 $classes .= " min{$value}";
             case "format":
                 $classes .= " {$value}";
                 $string .= ' ' . $key . '="' . esc_attr($value) . '"';
     if (!empty($classes)) {
         $string .= ' class="' . esc_attr(trim($classes)) . '"';
     return $string;
Exemple #14
  * Build the category menu
  * @since 1.3.1
  * @param string $output   Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
  * @param object $category Category data object.
  * @param int    $depth    Depth of category. Used for padding.
  * @param array  $args     Uses 'selected' and 'products' keys, if they exist. @see wp_dropdown_categories()
 public function start_el(&$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0)
     $pad = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $depth * 3);
     $link = get_term_link($category);
     $cat_name = apply_filters('shopp_storefront_categorylist_option', $category->name, $category);
     $output .= "\t<option class=\"level-{$depth}\" value=\"" . $link . "\"";
     if ($category->term_id == $args['selected']) {
         $output .= ' selected="selected"';
     $output .= '>';
     $output .= $pad . $cat_name;
     if (Shopp::str_true($args['products']) && isset($category->count)) {
         $output .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;(' . $category->count . ')';
     $output .= "</option>\n";
  * packager add item
  * @author John Dillick
  * @since 1.2
  * @param Item $item the item to add to packages
 public function add_item($CartItem)
     $Item = new ShippingPackageItem($CartItem, $CartItem->quantity);
     if (Shopp::str_true($Item->packaging)) {
         do_action_ref_array('shopp_packager_add_piece', array($Item, $this));
     } else {
         do_action_ref_array('shopp_packager_add_' . $this->pack, array($Item, $this));
Exemple #16
     * Handles rendering the [product-buynow] shortcode
     * @author Jonathan Davis
     * @since 1.1
     * @param array $attrs The parsed shortcode attributes
     * @return string The processed content
    static function buynow(array $atts = array())
        $properties = array('name', 'slug', 'id');
        foreach ($properties as $prop) {
            if (!isset($atts[$prop])) {
            $Product = new ShoppProduct($atts[$prop], $prop);
        if (!empty($Product->id)) {
        } elseif (!isset(ShoppProduct()->id)) {
            return "";
		<form action="<?php 
" method="post" class="shopp product">
			<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="checkout" />
        if (isset($atts['variations'])) {
            if (shopp('product.has-variations')) {
				<ul class="variations">
                shopp('product.variations', 'mode=multiple&label=true&defaults=' . __('Select an option', 'Shopp') . '&before_menu=<li>&after_menu=</li>');
        if (isset($atts['addons'])) {
            if (shopp('product.has-addons')) {
					<ul class="addons">
                shopp('product.addons', 'mode=menu&label=true&defaults=' . __('Select an add-on', 'Shopp') . '&before_menu=<li>&after_menu=</li>');
        if (isset($atts['quantity'])) {
            $quantity = empty($atts['quantity']) ? 'class=selectall&input=menu' : html_entity_decode($atts['quantity']);
            shopp('product.quantity', $quantity);
        $button = 'label=' . (isset($atts['label']) ? $atts['label'] : __('Buy Now', 'Shopp'));
        $button .= isset($atts['ajax']) && Shopp::str_true($atts['ajax']) ? '&ajax=on' : '';
        if (isset($atts['button'])) {
            $button = html_entity_decode($atts['button']);
        shopp('product.addtocart', $button);
        $markup = ob_get_contents();
        ShoppStorefront()->shortcoded[] = get_the_ID();
        return apply_filters('shopp_buynow_shortcode', $markup);
Exemple #17
  * Detects if the cart item is on sale
  * An on sale item either has the sale price enabled or a discount is applied
  * to it.
  * @api `shopp('cartitem.onsale')`
  * @since 1.2
  * @param string        $result  The output
  * @param array         $options The options
  * @param ShoppCartItem $O       The working object
  * @return bool True if the cart item is on sale, false otherwise
 public static function onsale($result, $options, $O)
     return Shopp::str_true($O->sale);
                            $stockclass[] = "lowstock {$Product->lowstock}";
                        echo '<span class="' . join(' ', $stockclass) . '">' . $Product->stock . '</span>';
                case 'featured':
					<td class="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(join(' ', $classes));
						<span class="feature<?php 
                    echo Shopp::str_true($Product->featured) ? ' featured ' : ' ';
shoppui-star"><span class="hidden"><?php 
            // end switch ($column)
        // end foreach ($columns)

			<!-- <th scope="row" class='move-column'><button type="button" name="top" alt="<?php 
Exemple #19
						<div class="checkbox<?php 
                    echo $enabled ? ' checked' : '';
" title="<?php 
                    echo $title;
"><span class="hidden"><?php 
                    echo $title;
                case 'menus':
                    $classes[] = 'num';
                    $enabled = isset($Category->facetedmenus) && Shopp::str_true($Category->facetedmenus);
                    $title = $enabled ? Shopp::__('Faceted search menus enabled') : '';
					<td width="5%" class="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr(join(' ', $classes));
						<div class="checkbox<?php 
                    echo $enabled ? ' checked' : '';
" title="<?php 
                    echo $title;
"><span class="hidden"><?php 
                    echo $title;
Exemple #20
  * Verify the authenticity of a PDT message sent by PayPal
  * @author Jonathan Davis, John Dillick
  * @since 1.0
  * @return boolean True if valid, false otherwise
 protected function pdtvalid()
     $ids = array($this->id(), 'PPS');
     // 'PPS' is a backwards compatible ID for PDT requests
     if (!in_array($_REQUEST['rmtpay'], $ids)) {
         return false;
     // not PDT message
     shopp_debug('Processing PDT request: ' . json_encode($_REQUEST));
     if (!Shopp::str_true($this->settings['pdtverify']) || !isset($_REQUEST['tx'])) {
         return true;
         // if PDT verify is off, skip this process
     $_ = array();
     $_['cmd'] = '_notify-synch';
     $_['at'] = $this->settings['pdttoken'];
     $_['tx'] = $_REQUEST['tx'];
     $message = $this->encode($_);
     // Build the request
     $response = $this->send($message);
     // Send it
     $response = $this->pdtreply($response);
     // Parse the response into a ShoppPayPalStandardMessage-compatible structure
     shopp_debug('PayPal PDT _notify-synch reply: ' . json_encode($response));
     // Shift the first element off to get the verification status and have a clean data array for ShoppPayPalStandardMessage
     if ('SUCCESS' != array_shift($response)) {
         shopp_debug('The transaction was not verified by PayPal.');
         // We run the success() method here to reset the shopping session and
         // redirect the shopper to the "thanks" page with an "order in progress" message
         // so the cart will be ready for a new order. Otherwise, the customer could resubmit the
         // prior order and PayPal will give them "that transaction has already been completed" message.
         return false;
     $this->Message = new ShoppPayPalStandardMessage($response);
     shopp_debug('PayPal PDT response protocol: ' . _object_r($this->Message));
     // Everything looks good, return true and let the order PDT order processing handle it from here
     return true;
Exemple #21
 public static function unstock(UnstockOrderEvent $Event)
     if (empty($Event->order)) {
         return shopp_debug('Can not unstock. No event order.');
     $Purchase = $Event->order();
     if (!$Purchase->stocked) {
         return true;
     // no inventory in purchase
     $prices = array();
     $allocated = array();
     foreach ($Purchase->purchased as $Purchased) {
         if (is_a($Purchased->addons, 'ObjectMeta') && !empty($Purchased->addons->meta)) {
             foreach ($Purchased->addons->meta as $index => $Addon) {
                 if (!Shopp::str_true($Addon->value->inventory)) {
                 $allocated[$Addon->value->id] = new PurchaseStockAllocation(array('purchased' => $Purchased->id, 'addon' => $index, 'sku' => $Addon->value->sku, 'price' => $Addon->value->id, 'quantity' => $Purchased->quantity));
                 $prices[$Addon->value->id] = array($Purchased->name, isset($prices[$Addon->value->id]) ? $prices[$Addon->value->id][1] + $Purchased->quantity : $Purchased->quantity);
         if (!Shopp::str_true($Purchased->inventory)) {
         $allocated[$Purchased->id] = new PurchaseStockAllocation(array('purchased' => $Purchased->id, 'sku' => $Purchased->sku, 'price' => $Purchased->price, 'quantity' => $Purchased->quantity));
         $prices[$Purchased->price] = array($Purchased->name, isset($prices[$Purchased->price]) ? $prices[$Purchased->price][1] + $Purchased->quantity : $Purchased->quantity);
     if (empty($allocated)) {
     $pricetable = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(ShoppPrice::$table);
     $lowlevel = shopp_setting('lowstock_level');
     foreach ($prices as $price => $data) {
         list($productname, $qty) = $data;
         sDB::query("UPDATE {$pricetable} SET stock=(stock-" . (int) $qty . ") WHERE id='{$price}' LIMIT 1");
         $inventory = sDB::query("SELECT label, stock, stocked FROM {$pricetable} WHERE id='{$price}' LIMIT 1", 'auto');
         $product = "{$productname}, {$inventory->label}";
         if (0 == $inventory->stock) {
             shopp_add_error(Shopp::__('%s is now out-of-stock!', $product), SHOPP_STOCK_ERR);
         } elseif ($inventory->stock / $inventory->stocked * 100 <= $lowlevel) {
             shopp_add_error(Shopp::__('%s has low stock levels and should be re-ordered soon.', $product), SHOPP_STOCK_ERR);
     // If out of stock products should be hidden from catalog,
     // go ahead and invalidate the cache after unstock
     if (!Shopp::str_true(shopp_setting('outofstock_catalog'))) {
Exemple #22
 public function smart(array $options = array())
     $this->name = __('Customers also bought&hellip;', 'Shopp');
     $this->controls = false;
     $where = array("true=false");
     $scope = array();
     $Product = ShoppProduct();
     $Order = ShoppOrder();
     $Cart = $Order->Cart;
     // Use the current product is available
     if (!empty($Product->id)) {
         $this->product = $Product;
     // Or load a product specified
     if (!empty($options['product'])) {
         if ('recent-cartitem' == $options['product']) {
             // Use most recently added item in the cart
             $this->product = new ShoppProduct($Cart->added()->product);
         } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d+]$/', $options['product'])) {
             // Load by specified id
             $this->product = new ShoppProduct($options['product']);
         } else {
             $this->product = new ShoppProduct($options['product'], 'slug');
             // Load by specified slug
     if (empty($this->product->id)) {
         $loading = compact('where');
         $this->loading = array_merge($options, $loading);
     $this->name = Shopp::__('Customers that bought &quot;%s&quot; also bought&hellip;', $this->product->name);
     $purchased = ShoppDatabaseObject::tablename(Purchased::$table);
     $query = "SELECT  p2,((psum - (sum1 * sum2 / n)) / sqrt((sum1sq - pow(sum1, 2.0) / n) * (sum2sq - pow(sum2, 2.0) / n))) AS r, n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT n1.product AS p1,n2.product AS p2,SUM(n1.quantity) AS sum1,SUM(n2.quantity) AS sum2,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSUM(n1.quantity * n1.quantity) AS sum1sq,SUM(n2.quantity * n2.quantity) AS sum2sq,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSUM(n1.quantity * n2.quantity) AS psum,COUNT(*) AS n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$purchased} AS n1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$purchased} AS n2 ON n1.purchase = n2.purchase\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE n1.product != n2.product\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY n1.product,n2.product\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS step1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY r DESC, n DESC";
     $cachehash = 'alsobought_' . md5($query);
     $cached = Shopp::cache_get($cachehash, 'shopp_collection_alsobought');
     if ($cached) {
         $matches = $cached;
     } else {
         $matches = sDB::query($query, 'array', 'col', 'p2');
         Shopp::cache_set($cachehash, $matches, 'shopp_collection_alsobought', 14400);
         //Expires in 4 hours
     if (empty($matches)) {
         $loading = compact('where');
         $this->loading = array_merge($options, $loading);
     $where = array("p.id IN (" . join(',', $matches) . ")");
     $loading = compact('columns', 'joins', 'where', 'groupby', 'order');
     $this->loading = array_merge($options, $loading);
     if (isset($options['controls']) && Shopp::str_true($options['controls'])) {
Exemple #23
    if ($even) {
        echo ' class="odd"';
    $even = !$even;
><input type="hidden" name="settings[<?php 
    echo $report;
_report_export][headers]" value="off" /><input type="checkbox" name="settings[<?php 
    echo $report;
_report_export][headers]" id="export_headers" value="on" <?php 
    echo Shopp::str_true($settings['headers']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /><label for="export_headers"><strong><?php 
    _e('Include column headings', 'Shopp');
    $even = true;
    foreach ($columns as $name => $label) {
        if ($even) {
            echo ' class="odd"';
        $even = !$even;
Exemple #24
  * Saves generated stats to the product record
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.2
  * @param array $stats The stat properties to update
  * @return void
 public function sumup()
     if (empty($this->id)) {
     $Summary = new ProductSummary();
     $properties = array_keys($Summary->_datatypes);
     $minmax = array('min', 'max');
     $ignore = array('product', 'modified');
     $checksum = false;
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         if ($property[0] == '_') {
         if (in_array($property, $ignore)) {
         switch ($property) {
             case 'minprice':
                 $this->minprice = (double) $this->min[Shopp::str_true($this->sale) ? 'saleprice' : 'price'];
             case 'maxprice':
                 $this->maxprice = (double) $this->max[Shopp::str_true($this->sale) ? 'saleprice' : 'price'];
             case 'ranges':
                 $ranges = array();
                 foreach ($minmax as $m) {
                     $attr = $this->{$m};
                     foreach (ProductSummary::$_ranges as $name) {
                         if (isset($attr[$name])) {
                             $ranges[] = (double) $attr[$name];
             case 'taxed':
                 $taxable = array('price', 'saleprice');
                 $taxed = array();
                 foreach ($minmax as $m) {
                     $attr = $this->{$m};
                     foreach ($taxable as $name) {
                         if (isset($attr[$name . '_tax']) && $attr[$name . '_tax']) {
                             $taxed[] = "{$m} {$name}";
         if (isset($this->{$property})) {
             if ('float' == $Summary->_datatypes[$property]) {
                 $checksum .= (double) $this->{$property};
             } else {
                 $checksum .= $this->{$property};
     if (md5($checksum) == $this->checksum) {
     if (isset($this->summed)) {
         $Summary->modified = $this->summed;
     $Summary->product = $this->id;
     $Summary->ranges = join(',', $ranges);
     $Summary->taxed = join(',', $taxed);
Exemple #25
  * Interface processor for the order manager
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @return void
 public function manager()
     global $Shopp, $Notes;
     global $is_IIS;
     if (!current_user_can('shopp_orders')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'Shopp'));
     $Purchase = ShoppPurchase();
     $Purchase->Customer = new ShoppCustomer($Purchase->customer);
     $Gateway = $Purchase->gateway();
     if (!empty($_POST["send-note"])) {
         $user = wp_get_current_user();
         shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'note', array('note' => stripslashes($_POST['note']), 'user' => $user->ID));
     // Handle Order note processing
     if (!empty($_POST['note'])) {
         $this->addnote($Purchase->id, stripslashes($_POST['note']), !empty($_POST['send-note']));
     if (!empty($_POST['delete-note'])) {
         $noteid = key($_POST['delete-note']);
         $Note = new ShoppMetaObject(array('id' => $noteid, 'type' => 'order_note'));
     if (!empty($_POST['edit-note'])) {
         $noteid = key($_POST['note-editor']);
         $Note = new ShoppMetaObject(array('id' => $noteid, 'type' => 'order_note'));
         $Note->value->message = stripslashes($_POST['note-editor'][$noteid]);
     $Notes = new ObjectMeta($Purchase->id, 'purchase', 'order_note');
     if (isset($_POST['submit-shipments']) && isset($_POST['shipment']) && !empty($_POST['shipment'])) {
         $shipments = $_POST['shipment'];
         foreach ((array) $shipments as $shipment) {
             shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'shipped', array('tracking' => $shipment['tracking'], 'carrier' => $shipment['carrier']));
         $updated = __('Shipping notice sent.', 'Shopp');
         // Save shipping carrier default preference for the user
         $userid = get_current_user_id();
         $setting = 'shopp_shipping_carrier';
         if (!get_user_meta($userid, $setting, true)) {
             add_user_meta($userid, $setting, $shipment['carrier']);
         } else {
             update_user_meta($userid, $setting, $shipment['carrier']);
     if (isset($_POST['order-action']) && 'refund' == $_POST['order-action']) {
         if (!current_user_can('shopp_refund')) {
             wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to carry out this action.', 'Shopp'));
         $user = wp_get_current_user();
         $reason = (int) $_POST['reason'];
         $amount = Shopp::floatval($_POST['amount']);
         if (!empty($_POST['message'])) {
             $message = $_POST['message'];
             $Purchase->message['note'] = $message;
         if ($amount <= $Purchase->captured - $Purchase->refunded) {
             if (!Shopp::str_true($_POST['send'])) {
                 // Force the order status
                 shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'notice', array('user' => $user->ID, 'kind' => 'refunded', 'notice' => __('Marked Refunded', 'Shopp')));
                 shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'refunded', array('txnid' => $Purchase->txnid, 'gateway' => $Gateway->module, 'amount' => $amount));
                 shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'voided', array('txnorigin' => $Purchase->txnid, 'txnid' => time(), 'gateway' => $Gateway->module));
             } else {
                 shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'refund', array('txnid' => $Purchase->txnid, 'gateway' => $Gateway->module, 'amount' => $amount, 'reason' => $reason, 'user' => $user->ID));
             if (!empty($_POST['message'])) {
                 $this->addnote($Purchase->id, $_POST['message']);
         } else {
             $this->notice(Shopp::__('Refund failed. Cannot refund more than the current balance.'), 'error');
     if (isset($_POST['order-action']) && 'cancel' == $_POST['order-action']) {
         if (!current_user_can('shopp_void')) {
             wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to carry out this action.', 'Shopp'));
         // unset($_POST['refund-order']);
         $user = wp_get_current_user();
         $reason = (int) $_POST['reason'];
         $message = '';
         if (!empty($_POST['message'])) {
             $message = $_POST['message'];
             $Purchase->message['note'] = $message;
         } else {
             $message = 0;
         if (!Shopp::str_true($_POST['send'])) {
             // Force the order status
             shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'notice', array('user' => $user->ID, 'kind' => 'cancelled', 'notice' => __('Marked Cancelled', 'Shopp')));
             shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'voided', array('txnorigin' => $Purchase->txnid, 'txnid' => time(), 'gateway' => $Gateway->module));
         } else {
             shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'void', array('txnid' => $Purchase->txnid, 'gateway' => $Gateway->module, 'reason' => $reason, 'user' => $user->ID, 'note' => $message));
         if (!empty($_POST['message'])) {
             $this->addnote($Purchase->id, $_POST['message']);
     if (isset($_POST['billing']) && is_array($_POST['billing'])) {
     if (isset($_POST['shipping']) && is_array($_POST['shipping'])) {
         $shipping = array();
         foreach ($_POST['shipping'] as $name => $value) {
             $shipping["ship{$name}"] = $value;
         $Purchase->shipname = $shipping['shipfirstname'] . ' ' . $shipping['shiplastname'];
     if (isset($_POST['order-action']) && 'update-customer' == $_POST['order-action'] && !empty($_POST['customer'])) {
     if (isset($_POST['cancel-edit-customer'])) {
         unset($_POST['order-action'], $_POST['edit-customer'], $_POST['select-customer']);
     if (isset($_POST['order-action']) && 'new-customer' == $_POST['order-action'] && !empty($_POST['customer']) && !isset($_POST['cancel-edit-customer'])) {
         $Customer = new ShoppCustomer();
         $Customer->password = wp_generate_password(12, true);
         if ('wordpress' == shopp_setting('account_system')) {
         } else {
         if ((int) $Customer->id > 0) {
         } else {
             $this->notice(__('An unknown error occured. The customer could not be created.', 'Shopp'), 'error');
     if (isset($_GET['order-action']) && 'change-customer' == $_GET['order-action'] && !empty($_GET['customerid'])) {
         $Customer = new ShoppCustomer((int) $_GET['customerid']);
         if ((int) $Customer->id > 0) {
             $Purchase->customer = $Customer->id;
         } else {
             $this->notice(__('The selected customer was not found.', 'Shopp'), 'error');
     if (isset($_POST['save-item']) && !empty($_POST['lineid'])) {
         // Create a cart representation of the order to recalculate order totals
         $Cart = new ShoppCart();
         foreach ($Purchase->purchased as $OrderItem) {
             $CartItem = new Item($OrderItem);
             $Cart->contents[$OrderItem->id] = $CartItem;
         $purchasedid = (int) $_POST['lineid'];
         $Purchased = $Purchase->purchased[$purchasedid];
         if ($Purchased->id) {
             $override_total = Shopp::floatval($_POST['total']) != $Purchased->total;
             // Override total
             $Item = $Cart->contents[$purchasedid];
             $Item->unitprice = Shopp::floatval($_POST['unitprice']);
             $Purchased->quantity = $Item->quantity;
             $Purchased->unitprice = $Item->unitprice;
             $Purchased->unittax = $Item->unittax;
             $Purchased->total = $Item->total;
             if ($override_total) {
                 $Purchased->total = Shopp::floatval($_POST['total']);
         $Cart->retotal = true;
     if (isset($_POST['charge']) && $Gateway && $Gateway->captures) {
         if (!current_user_can('shopp_capture')) {
             wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to carry out this action.', 'Shopp'));
         $user = wp_get_current_user();
         shopp_add_order_event($Purchase->id, 'capture', array('txnid' => $Purchase->txnid, 'gateway' => $Purchase->gateway, 'amount' => $Purchase->capturable(), 'user' => $user->ID));
     $base = shopp_setting('base_operations');
     $targets = shopp_setting('target_markets');
     $countries = array('' => '&nbsp;');
     $countrydata = Lookup::countries();
     foreach ($countrydata as $iso => $c) {
         if ($base['country'] == $iso) {
             $base_region = $c['region'];
         $countries[$iso] = $c['name'];
     $Purchase->_countries = $countries;
     $regions = Lookup::country_zones();
     $Purchase->_billing_states = array_merge(array('' => '&nbsp;'), (array) $regions[$Purchase->country]);
     $Purchase->_shipping_states = array_merge(array('' => '&nbsp;'), (array) $regions[$Purchase->shipcountry]);
     // Setup shipping carriers menu and JS data
     $carriers_menu = $carriers_json = array();
     $shipping_carriers = (array) shopp_setting('shipping_carriers');
     // The store-preferred shipping carriers
     $shipcarriers = Lookup::shipcarriers();
     // The full list of available shipping carriers
     $notrack = Shopp::__('No Tracking');
     // No tracking label
     $default = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'shopp_shipping_carrier', true);
     if (isset($shipcarriers[$default])) {
         $carriers_menu[$default] = $shipcarriers[$default]->name;
         $carriers_json[$default] = array($shipcarriers[$default]->name, $shipcarriers[$default]->trackpattern);
     } else {
         $carriers_menu['NOTRACKING'] = $notrack;
         $carriers_json['NOTRACKING'] = array($notrack, false);
     $serviceareas = array('*', $base['country']);
     foreach ($shipcarriers as $code => $carrier) {
         if ($code == $default) {
         if (!empty($shipping_carriers) && !in_array($code, $shipping_carriers)) {
         if (!in_array($carrier->areas, $serviceareas)) {
         $carriers_menu[$code] = $carrier->name;
         $carriers_json[$code] = array($carrier->name, $carrier->trackpattern);
     if (isset($shipcarriers[$default])) {
         $carriers_menu['NOTRACKING'] = $notrack;
         $carriers_json['NOTRACKING'] = array($notrack, false);
     if (empty($statusLabels)) {
         $statusLabels = array('');
     include $this->ui('order.php');
Exemple #26
  * Renders a checkbox input
  * @author Jonathan Davis
  * @since 1.1
  * @param int $column The table column to add the element to
  * @param array $attributes Element attributes; use 'checked' to set whether the element is toggled on or not
  * @return void
 public function checkbox($column = 0, array $attributes = array())
     $defaults = array('label' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'normal' => 'off', 'value' => 'on', 'checked' => false, 'class' => '');
     $attributes = array_merge($defaults, $attributes);
     $attributes['checked'] = Shopp::str_true($attributes['checked']) ? true : false;
     $id = "{$this->id}-" . sanitize_title_with_dashes($name);
     if (!empty($class)) {
         $class = ' class="' . esc_attr($class) . '"';
     $this->ui('<div><label for="' . $id . '">', $column);
     $this->ui('<input type="hidden" name="settings[' . $this->module . '][' . $name . ']" value="' . $normal . '" id="' . $id . '-default" />', $column);
     $this->ui('<input type="' . $type . '" name="settings[' . $this->module . '][' . $name . ']" value="' . $value . '"' . $class . ' id="' . $id . '"' . ($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />', $column);
     if (!empty($label)) {
         $this->ui('&nbsp;' . $label, $column);
     $this->ui('</label></div>', $column);
Exemple #27
  * Loads the theme templates `shopp/functions.php` if present
  * If theme content templates are enabled, checks for and includes a functions.php file (if present).
  * This allows developers to add Shopp-specific presentation logic with the added convenience of knowing
  * that shopp_init has run.
  * @author Barry Hughes
  * @since 1.3
  * @return void
 public static function functions()
     if (!Shopp::str_true(shopp_setting('theme_templates'))) {
     Shopp::locate_template(array('functions.php'), true);
Exemple #28
  * has_trial()
  * Tests if item is recurring and has a trial period
  * @author John Dillick
  * @since 1.2
  * @return bool true if recurring and has trial, false otherwise
 public function has_trial()
     $trial = false;
     if ($this->is_recurring() && Shopp::str_true($this->option->recurring['trial'])) {
         $trial = true;
     return apply_filters('shopp_cartitem_hastrial', $trial, $this);
Exemple #29
  * Provides a checkbox toggle to mark the shipping address as a residential address
  * @api `shopp('customer.residential-shipping-address')`
  * @since 1.2
  * @param string       $result  The output
  * @param array        $options The options
  * - **label**: `Residential shipping address` The label for the checkbox input
  * - **checked**: `on` (on, off) Specifies that an `<input>` element should be pre-selected when the page loads
  * - **class**: The class attribute specifies one or more class-names for an element
  * - **title**: Specifies extra information about an element
  * @param ShoppCustomer $O       The working object
  * @return string Markup for the residential address checkbox toggle
 public static function residential_shipping_address($result, $options, $O)
     $label = Shopp::__('Residential shipping address');
     if (isset($options['label'])) {
         $label = $options['label'];
     if (isset($options['checked']) && Shopp::str_true($options['checked'])) {
         $checked = ' checked="checked"';
     $output = '<label for="residential-shipping"><input type="hidden" name="shipping[residential]" value="no" /><input type="checkbox" name="shipping[residential]" value="yes" id="residential-shipping" ' . $checked . ' /> ' . $label . '</label>';
     return $output;
Exemple #30
 * Defines the shopp() 'tag' handler for complete template customization
 * Appropriately routes tag calls to the tag handler for the requested object.
 * @api
 * @since 1.0
 * @param mixed        $context  The object label or Object to get the tag property from
 * @param string       $property The property of the object to get/output
 * @param string|array $options  Custom options for the property result in query form
 *                               (option1=value&option2=value&...) or alternatively as an associative array
 * @return void|bool|string Boolean values or string result or nothing if the string is output
function shopp($context, $property = false, $options = false)
    $Object = false;
    $result = false;
    $parameters = array('first', 'second', 'third');
    // Parameter prototype
    $num = func_num_args();
    // Determine number of arguments provided
    $fargs = func_get_args();
    $context = $tag = false;
    // object API to use and tag name
    $options = array();
    // options to pass to API call
    if ($num < 1) {
        // Not enough arguments to do anything, bail
        shopp_add_error(Shopp::__('shopp() theme tag syntax error: no object property specified.'), SHOPP_PHP_ERR);
    // Grab the arguments (up to 3)
    $args = array_combine(array_slice($parameters, 0, $num), $fargs);
    if (is_object($first)) {
        // Handle Object instances as first argument
        $Object = $first;
        $context = isset($Object->api) ? $Object->api : strtolower(get_class($Object));
        $tag = strtolower($second);
    } elseif (false !== strpos($first, '.')) {
        // Handle object.tag first argument
        list($context, $tag) = explode('.', strtolower($first));
        if ($num > 1) {
            $options = shopp_parse_options($second);
    } elseif ('' == $context . $tag) {
        // Normal tag handler
        list($context, $tag) = array_map('strtolower', array($first, $second));
    if ($num > 2) {
        $options = shopp_parse_options($third);
    // strip hypens from tag names
    $tag = str_replace('-', '', $tag);
    // strip get prefix from requested tag
    $get = false;
    if ('get' == substr($tag, 0, 3)) {
        $tag = substr($tag, 3);
        $get = true;
    $Object = apply_filters('shopp_themeapi_object', $Object, $context, $tag);
    $Object = apply_filters('shopp_tag_domain', $Object, $context);
    // @deprecated
    if ('hascontext' == $tag) {
        return $Object;
    if (!$Object) {
        shopp_add_error(Shopp::__("The shopp('%s') tag cannot be used in this context because the object responsible for handling it doesn't exist.", $context), SHOPP_PHP_ERR);
    $themeapi = apply_filters('shopp_themeapi_context_name', $context);
    $result = apply_filters('shopp_themeapi_' . strtolower($themeapi . '_' . $tag), $result, $options, $Object);
    // tag specific tag filter
    $result = apply_filters('shopp_tag_' . strtolower($context . '_' . $tag), $result, $options, $Object);
    // @deprecated use shopp_themeapi_{api}_{tag}
    $result = apply_filters('shopp_themeapi_' . strtolower($themeapi), $result, $options, $tag, $Object);
    // global object tag filter
    $result = apply_filters('shopp_themeapi', $result, $options, $tag, $Object);
    $result = apply_filters('shopp_ml_t', $result, $options, $tag, $Object);
    // @deprecated use shopp_themeapi
    // Force boolean result
    if (isset($options['is'])) {
        if (Shopp::str_true($options['is'])) {
            if ($result) {
                return true;
        } else {
            if (false == $result) {
                return true;
        return false;
    // Always return a boolean if the result is boolean
    if (is_bool($result)) {
        return $result;
    if ($get || isset($options['return']) && Shopp::str_true($options['return']) || isset($options['echo']) && !Shopp::str_true($options['echo'])) {
        return $result;
    // Output the result
    if (is_scalar($result)) {
        echo $result;
    } else {
        return $result;