$sModules = implode(', ', get_loaded_extensions());
 // Get the datamodel directory
 $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT ModuleInstallation WHERE name="datamodel"');
 $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter, array('installed' => false));
 // Most recent first
 $oLastInstall = $oSet->Fetch();
 $sLastInstallDate = $oLastInstall->Get('installed');
 $sDataModelVersion = $oLastInstall->Get('version');
 $aDataModelInfo = json_decode($oLastInstall->Get('comment'), true);
 $sDataModelSourceDir = $aDataModelInfo['source_dir'];
 require_once APPROOT . 'setup/runtimeenv.class.inc.php';
 $sCurrEnv = utils::GetCurrentEnvironment();
 $oRuntimeEnv = new RunTimeEnvironment($sCurrEnv);
 $aAvailableModules = $oRuntimeEnv->AnalyzeInstallation(MetaModel::GetConfig(), array(APPROOT . $sDataModelSourceDir, APPROOT . 'extensions'));
 require_once APPROOT . 'setup/setuputils.class.inc.php';
 $aLicenses = SetupUtils::GetLicenses();
 $aItopSettings = array('cron_max_execution_time', 'timezone');
 $aPHPSettings = array('memory_limit', 'max_execution_time', 'upload_max_filesize', 'post_max_size');
 $aMySQLSettings = array('max_allowed_packet', 'key_buffer_size', 'query_cache_size');
 $aMySQLStatuses = array('Key_read_requests', 'Key_reads');
 if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) {
     $aPHPSettings[] = 'suhosin.post.max_vars';
     $aPHPSettings[] = 'suhosin.get.max_value_length';
 $aMySQLVars = array();
 foreach (CMDBSource::QueryToArray('SHOW VARIABLES') as $aRow) {
     $aMySQLVars[$aRow['Variable_name']] = $aRow['Value'];
 $aMySQLStats = array();
 foreach (CMDBSource::QueryToArray('SHOW GLOBAL STATUS') as $aRow) {
     $aMySQLStats[$aRow['Variable_name']] = $aRow['Value'];
  * Helper to create a ZIP out of a data file and the configuration file
 protected function DoZip($aFiles, $sZipArchiveFile)
     foreach ($aFiles as $aFile) {
         $sFile = $aFile['source'];
         if (!is_file($sFile) && !is_dir($sFile)) {
             throw new BackupException("File '{$sFile}' does not exist or could not be read");
     // Make sure the target path exists
     $sZipDir = dirname($sZipArchiveFile);
     $oZip = new ZipArchiveEx();
     $res = $oZip->open($sZipArchiveFile, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
     if ($res === TRUE) {
         foreach ($aFiles as $aFile) {
             if (is_dir($aFile['source'])) {
                 $oZip->addDir($aFile['source'], $aFile['dest']);
             } else {
                 $oZip->addFile($aFile['source'], $aFile['dest']);
         if ($oZip->close()) {
             $this->LogInfo("Archive: {$sZipArchiveFile} created");
         } else {
             $this->LogError("Failed to save zip archive: {$sZipArchiveFile}");
             throw new BackupException("Failed to save zip archive: {$sZipArchiveFile}");
     } else {
         $this->LogError("Failed to create zip archive: {$sZipArchiveFile}.");
         throw new BackupException("Failed to create zip archive: {$sZipArchiveFile}.");
 protected function CompileModuleDesigns($sTempTargetDir, $sFinalTargetDir)
     SetupUtils::builddir($sTempTargetDir . '/core/module_designs');
     $oDesigns = $this->oFactory->GetNodes('/itop_design/module_designs/module_design');
     foreach ($oDesigns as $oDesign) {
         $oDoc = new ModuleDesign();
         $oClone = $oDoc->importNode($oDesign->cloneNode(true), true);
         $oDoc->save($sTempTargetDir . '/core/module_designs/' . $oDesign->getAttribute('id') . '.xml');
 public static function GetLanguageSelect($sSourceDir, $sInputName, $sDefaultLanguageCode)
     $sHtml = '<select  id="' . $sInputName . '" name="' . $sInputName . '">';
     $sSourceDir = APPROOT . 'dictionaries/';
     $aLanguages = SetupUtils::GetAvailableLanguages($sSourceDir);
     foreach ($aLanguages as $sCode => $aInfo) {
         $sSelected = $sCode == $sDefaultLanguageCode ? ' selected ' : '';
         $sHtml .= '<option value="' . $sCode . '"' . $sSelected . '>' . htmlentities($aInfo['description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' (' . htmlentities($aInfo['localized_description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ')</option>';
     $sHtml .= '</select></td></tr>';
     return $sHtml;
 public function RestoreFromZip($sZipFile, $sEnvironment = 'production')
     $this->LogInfo("Starting restore of " . basename($sZipFile));
     $oZip = new ZipArchiveEx();
     $res = $oZip->open($sZipFile);
     // Load the database
     $sDataDir = tempnam(SetupUtils::GetTmpDir(), 'itop-');
     // I need a directory, not a file...
     // Here is the directory
     $oZip->extractTo($sDataDir, 'itop-dump.sql');
     $sDataFile = $sDataDir . '/itop-dump.sql';
     // Update the code
     $sDeltaFile = APPROOT . 'data/' . $sEnvironment . '.delta.xml';
     if ($oZip->locateName('delta.xml') !== false) {
         // Extract and rename delta.xml => <env>.delta.xml;
         file_put_contents($sDeltaFile, $oZip->getFromName('delta.xml'));
     } else {
     if (is_dir(APPROOT . 'data/production-modules/')) {
         SetupUtils::rrmdir(APPROOT . 'data/production-modules/');
     if ($oZip->locateName('production-modules/') !== false) {
         $oZip->extractDirTo(APPROOT . 'data/', 'production-modules/');
     $sConfigFile = APPROOT . 'conf/' . $sEnvironment . '/config-itop.php';
     @chmod($sConfigFile, 0770);
     // Allow overwriting the file
     $oZip->extractTo(APPROOT . 'conf/' . $sEnvironment, 'config-itop.php');
     @chmod($sConfigFile, 0444);
     // Read-only
     $oEnvironment = new RunTimeEnvironment($sEnvironment);
 public function Process($iUnixTimeLimit)
     $oMutex = new iTopMutex('backup.' . utils::GetCurrentEnvironment());
     try {
         // Make sure the target directory exists
         $oBackup = new DBBackupScheduled();
         // Eliminate files exceeding the retention setting
         if ($this->iRetentionCount > 0) {
             $aFiles = $oBackup->ListFiles($this->sBackupDir);
             while (count($aFiles) >= $this->iRetentionCount) {
                 $sFileToDelete = array_shift($aFiles);
                 if (file_exists($sFileToDelete)) {
                     // Ok, do not loop indefinitely on this
         // Do execute the backup
         $oBackup->SetMySQLBinDir(MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetModuleSetting('itop-backup', 'mysql_bindir', ''));
         $sBackupFile = MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetModuleSetting('itop-backup', 'file_name_format', '__DB__-%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M');
         $sName = $oBackup->MakeName($sBackupFile);
         if ($sName == '') {
             $sName = $oBackup->MakeName(BACKUP_DEFAULT_FORMAT);
         $sZipFile = $this->sBackupDir . $sName . '.zip';
         $sSourceConfigFile = APPCONF . utils::GetCurrentEnvironment() . '/' . ITOP_CONFIG_FILE;
         $oBackup->CreateZip($sZipFile, $sSourceConfigFile);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return "Created the backup: {$sZipFile}";
 protected function CompileBranding($oBrandingNode, $sTempTargetDir, $sFinalTargetDir)
     if ($oBrandingNode) {
         // Transform file refs into files in the images folder
         SetupUtils::builddir($sTempTargetDir . '/branding');
         $this->CompileFiles($oBrandingNode, $sTempTargetDir . '/branding', $sFinalTargetDir . '/branding', 'branding');
         $this->CompileLogo($oBrandingNode, $sTempTargetDir, $sFinalTargetDir, 'main_logo', 'main-logo');
         $this->CompileLogo($oBrandingNode, $sTempTargetDir, $sFinalTargetDir, 'login_logo', 'login-logo');
         $this->CompileLogo($oBrandingNode, $sTempTargetDir, $sFinalTargetDir, 'portal_logo', 'portal-logo');
         // Cleanup the images directory (eventually made by CompileFiles)
         if (file_exists($sTempTargetDir . '/branding/images')) {
             SetupUtils::rrmdir($sTempTargetDir . '/branding/images');
 public function Display(WebPage $oPage)
     // Check if there are some manual steps required:
     $aManualSteps = array();
     $aAvailableModules = SetupUtils::AnalyzeInstallation($this->oWizard);
     $sRootUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot();
     $aSelectedModules = json_decode($this->oWizard->GetParameter('selected_modules'), true);
     foreach ($aSelectedModules as $sModuleId) {
         if (!empty($aAvailableModules[$sModuleId]['doc.manual_setup'])) {
             $aManualSteps[$aAvailableModules[$sModuleId]['label']] = $sRootUrl . $aAvailableModules[$sModuleId]['doc.manual_setup'];
     if (count($aManualSteps) > 0) {
         $oPage->add("<h2>Manual operations required</h2>");
         $oPage->p("In order to complete the installation, the following manual operations are required:");
         foreach ($aManualSteps as $sModuleLabel => $sUrl) {
             $oPage->p("<a href=\"{$sUrl}\" target=\"_blank\">Manual instructions for {$sModuleLabel}</a>");
         $oPage->add("<h2>Congratulations for installing " . ITOP_APPLICATION . "</h2>");
     } else {
         $oPage->add("<h2>Congratulations for installing " . ITOP_APPLICATION . "</h2>");
         $oPage->ok("The installation completed successfully.");
     if ($this->oWizard->GetParameter('mode', '') == 'upgrade' && $this->oWizard->GetParameter('db_backup', false)) {
         $sBackupDestination = $this->oWizard->GetParameter('db_backup_path', '');
         if (file_exists($sBackupDestination)) {
             // To mitigate security risks: pass only the filename without the extension, the download will add the extension itself
             $sTruncatedFilePath = preg_replace('/\\.zip$/', '', $sBackupDestination);
             $oPage->p('Your backup is ready');
             $oPage->p('<a style="background:transparent;" href="' . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'setup/ajax.dataloader.php?operation=async_action&step_class=WizStepDone&params[backup]=' . urlencode($sTruncatedFilePath) . '" target="_blank"><img src="../images/tar.png" style="border:0;vertical-align:middle;">&nbsp;Download ' . basename($sBackupDestination) . '</a>');
         } else {
             $oPage->p('<img src="../images/error.png"/>&nbsp;Warning: Backup creation failed !');
     // Form goes here.. No back button since the job is done !
     $oPage->add('<table style="width:600px;border:0;padding:0;"><tr>');
     $oPage->add("<td><a style=\"background:transparent;padding:0;\" title=\"Free: Register your iTop version.\" href=\"http://www.combodo.com/register?product=iTop&version=" . urlencode(ITOP_VERSION . " revision " . ITOP_REVISION) . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img style=\"border:0\" src=\"../images/setup-register.gif\"/></td></a>");
     $oPage->add("<td><a style=\"background:transparent;padding:0;\" title=\"Get Professional Support from Combodo\" href=\"http://www.combodo.com/itopsupport\" target=\"_blank\"><img style=\"border:0\" src=\"../images/setup-support.gif\"/></td></a>");
     $oPage->add("<td><a style=\"background:transparent;padding:0;\" title=\"Get Professional Training from Combodo\" href=\"http://www.combodo.com/itoptraining\" target=\"_blank\"><img style=\"border:0\" src=\"../images/setup-training.gif\"/></td></a>");
     $sForm = '<form method="post" action="' . $this->oWizard->GetParameter('application_url') . 'pages/UI.php">';
     $sForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="auth_user" value="' . htmlentities($this->oWizard->GetParameter('admin_user'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">';
     $sForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="auth_pwd" value="' . htmlentities($this->oWizard->GetParameter('admin_pwd'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">';
     $sForm .= "<p style=\"text-align:center;width:100%\"><button id=\"enter_itop\" type=\"submit\">Enter " . ITOP_APPLICATION . "</button></p>";
     $sForm .= '</form>';
     $sPHPVersion = phpversion();
     $sMySQLVersion = SetupUtils::GetMySQLVersion($this->oWizard->GetParameter('db_server'), $this->oWizard->GetParameter('db_user'), $this->oWizard->GetParameter('db_pwd'));
     $oPage->add('<img style="border:0" src="http://www.combodo.com/stats/?p=' . urlencode(ITOP_APPLICATION) . '&v=' . urlencode(ITOP_VERSION) . '&php=' . urlencode($sPHPVersion) . '&mysql=' . urlencode($sMySQLVersion) . '&os=' . urlencode(PHP_OS) . '"/>');
     $sForm = addslashes($sForm);
Exemple #9
 // 2nd table: list the backups made manually
 $aDetails = array();
 foreach ($oBackup->ListFiles($sBackupDirManual) as $sBackupFile) {
     $sFileName = basename($sBackupFile);
     $sFilePath = 'manual/' . $sFileName;
     if (MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) {
         $sName = $sFileName;
     } else {
         $sAjax = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulePage('itop-backup', 'ajax.backup.php', array('operation' => 'download', 'file' => $sFilePath));
         $sName = "<a href=\"{$sAjax}\">" . $sFileName . '</a>';
     $sSize = SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize(filesize($sBackupFile));
     $sConfirmRestore = addslashes(Dict::Format('bkp-confirm-restore', $sFileName));
     $sFileEscaped = addslashes($sFilePath);
     $sRestoreBtn = '<button class="restore" onclick="LaunchRestoreNow(\'' . $sFileEscaped . '\', \'' . $sConfirmRestore . '\');" ' . $sDisableRestore . '>' . Dict::S('bkp-button-restore-now') . '</button>';
     $aDetails[] = array('file' => $sName, 'size' => $sSize, 'actions' => $sRestoreBtn);
 $aConfig = array('file' => array('label' => Dict::S('bkp-table-file'), 'description' => Dict::S('bkp-table-file+')), 'size' => array('label' => Dict::S('bkp-table-size'), 'description' => Dict::S('bkp-table-size+')), 'actions' => array('label' => Dict::S('bkp-table-actions'), 'description' => Dict::S('bkp-table-actions+')));
 $oP->add("<legend>" . Dict::S('bkp-status-backups-manual') . "</legend>");
 if (count($aDetails) > 0) {
     $oP->add('<div style="max-height:400px; overflow: auto;">');
     $oP->table($aConfig, array_reverse($aDetails));
 } else {
Exemple #10
} else {
    require_once APPROOT . 'application/loginwebpage.class.inc.php';
    // Check user rights and prompt if needed
    $bDownloadBackup = utils::ReadParam('download', false);
if (!UserRights::IsAdministrator()) {
    ExitError($oP, "Access restricted to administors");
if (CheckParam('?') || CheckParam('h') || CheckParam('help')) {
$sDefaultBackupFileName = SetupUtils::GetTmpDir() . '/' . "__DB__-%Y-%m-%d";
$sBackupFile = utils::ReadParam('backup_file', $sDefaultBackupFileName, true, 'raw_data');
// Interpret strftime specifications (like %Y) and database placeholders
$oBackup = new MyDBBackup($oP);
$oBackup->SetMySQLBinDir(MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetModuleSetting('itop-backup', 'mysql_bindir', ''));
$sBackupFile = $oBackup->MakeName($sBackupFile);
$sZipArchiveFile = $sBackupFile . '.zip';
$bSimulate = utils::ReadParam('simulate', false, true);
$res = false;
if ($bSimulate) {
    $oP->p("Simulate: would create file '{$sZipArchiveFile}'");
} elseif (MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) {
    $oP->p("Sorry, iTop is in demonstration mode: the feature is disabled");
} else {
 protected static function DoCompile($aSelectedModules, $sSourceDir, $sExtensionDir, $sTargetDir, $sEnvironment, $bUseSymbolicLinks = false)
     SetupPage::log_info("Compiling data model.");
     require_once APPROOT . 'setup/modulediscovery.class.inc.php';
     require_once APPROOT . 'setup/modelfactory.class.inc.php';
     require_once APPROOT . 'setup/compiler.class.inc.php';
     if (empty($sSourceDir) || empty($sTargetDir)) {
         throw new Exception("missing parameter source_dir and/or target_dir");
     $sSourcePath = APPROOT . $sSourceDir;
     $aDirsToScan = array($sSourcePath);
     $sExtensionsPath = APPROOT . $sExtensionDir;
     if (is_dir($sExtensionsPath)) {
         // if the extensions dir exists, scan it for additional modules as well
         $aDirsToScan[] = $sExtensionsPath;
     $sExtraPath = APPROOT . '/data/' . $sEnvironment . '-modules/';
     if (is_dir($sExtraPath)) {
         // if the extra dir exists, scan it for additional modules as well
         $aDirsToScan[] = $sExtraPath;
     $sTargetPath = APPROOT . $sTargetDir;
     if (!is_dir($sSourcePath)) {
         throw new Exception("Failed to find the source directory '{$sSourcePath}', please check the rights of the web server");
     if (!is_dir($sTargetPath)) {
         if (!mkdir($sTargetPath)) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to create directory '{$sTargetPath}', please check the rights of the web server");
         } else {
             // adjust the rights if and only if the directory was just created
             // owner:rwx user/group:rx
             chmod($sTargetPath, 0755);
     } else {
         if (substr($sTargetPath, 0, strlen(APPROOT)) == APPROOT) {
             // If the directory is under the root folder - as expected - let's clean-it before compiling
     $oFactory = new ModelFactory($aDirsToScan);
     $sDeltaFile = APPROOT . 'core/datamodel.core.xml';
     if (file_exists($sDeltaFile)) {
         $oCoreModule = new MFCoreModule('core', 'Core Module', $sDeltaFile);
     $sDeltaFile = APPROOT . 'application/datamodel.application.xml';
     if (file_exists($sDeltaFile)) {
         $oApplicationModule = new MFCoreModule('application', 'Application Module', $sDeltaFile);
     $aModules = $oFactory->FindModules();
     foreach ($aModules as $foo => $oModule) {
         $sModule = $oModule->GetName();
         if (in_array($sModule, $aSelectedModules)) {
     $sDeltaFile = APPROOT . 'data/' . $sEnvironment . '.delta.xml';
     if (file_exists($sDeltaFile)) {
         $oDelta = new MFDeltaModule($sDeltaFile);
     if ($oFactory->HasLoadErrors()) {
         foreach ($oFactory->GetLoadErrors() as $sModuleId => $aErrors) {
             SetupPage::log_error("Data model source file (xml) could not be loaded - found errors in module: {$sModuleId}");
             foreach ($aErrors as $oXmlError) {
                 SetupPage::log_error("Load error: File: " . $oXmlError->file . " Line:" . $oXmlError->line . " Message:" . $oXmlError->message);
         throw new Exception("The data model could not be compiled. Please check the setup error log");
     } else {
         $oMFCompiler = new MFCompiler($oFactory);
         $oMFCompiler->Compile($sTargetPath, null, $bUseSymbolicLinks);
         //$aCompilerLog = $oMFCompiler->GetLog();
         //SetupPage::log_info(implode("\n", $aCompilerLog));
         SetupPage::log_info("Data model successfully compiled to '{$sTargetPath}'.");
     // Special case to patch a ugly patch in itop-config-mgmt
     $sFileToPatch = $sTargetPath . '/itop-config-mgmt-1.0.0/model.itop-config-mgmt.php';
     if (file_exists($sFileToPatch)) {
         $sContent = file_get_contents($sFileToPatch);
         $sContent = str_replace("require_once(APPROOT.'modules/itop-welcome-itil/model.itop-welcome-itil.php');", "//\n// The line below is no longer needed in iTop 2.0 -- patched by the setup program\n// require_once(APPROOT.'modules/itop-welcome-itil/model.itop-welcome-itil.php');", $sContent);
         file_put_contents($sFileToPatch, $sContent);