Exemple #1
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $privs = array();
     $privs['Safe Only'] = 's';
     $privs['Safe and Unknown'] = 'su';
     $privs['Safe and Questionable'] = 'sq';
     $privs['Safe, Questionable, Unknown'] = 'squ';
     $privs['All'] = 'sqeu';
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Ratings");
     $sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_anon_privs", $privs, "Anonymous: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_user_privs", $privs, "<br>Users: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_admin_privs", $privs, "<br>Admins: ");
Exemple #2
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Blotter");
     $sb->add_int_option("blotter_recent", "<br />Number of recent entries to display: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("blotter_color", "<br />Color of important updates: (ABCDEF format) ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("blotter_position", array("Top of page" => "subheading", "In navigation bar" => "left"), "<br>Position: ");
Exemple #3
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Custom HTML Headers");
     // custom headers
     $sb->add_longtext_option("custom_html_headers", "HTML Code to place within &lt;head&gt;&lt;/head&gt; on all pages<br>");
     // modified title
     $sb->add_choice_option("sitename_in_title", array("none" => 0, "as prefix" => 1, "as suffix" => 2), "<br>Add website name in title");
Exemple #4
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $sort_by = array();
     $sort_by['Alphabetical'] = 'a';
     $sort_by['Tag Count'] = 't';
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Browser Search");
     $sb->add_bool_option("disable_search_suggestions", "Disable search suggestions: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("search_suggestions_results_order", $sort_by, "Sort the suggestions by:");
Exemple #5
 public function onSetupBuilding($event)
     $counters = array();
     foreach (glob("ext/home/counters/*") as $counter_dirname) {
         $name = str_replace("ext/home/counters/", "", $counter_dirname);
         $counters[ucfirst($name)] = $name;
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Home Page");
     $sb->add_longtext_option("home_links", 'Page Links - Example: [/post/list|Posts]<br>');
     $sb->add_longtext_option("home_text", "<br>Page Text:<br>");
     $sb->add_choice_option("home_counter", $counters, "<br>Counter: ");
Exemple #6
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $counters = array();
     foreach (glob("ext/home/counters/*") as $counter_dirname) {
         $name = str_replace("ext/home/counters/", "", $counter_dirname);
         $counters[ucfirst($name)] = $name;
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Home Page");
     $sb->add_longtext_option("home_links", 'Page Links (Use BBCode, leave blank for defaults)');
     $sb->add_longtext_option("home_text", "<br>Page Text:<br>");
     $sb->add_choice_option("home_counter", $counters, "<br>Counter: ");
Exemple #7
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     //if(is_null($this->theme)) $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     if ($event instanceof ImageInfoBoxBuildingEvent) {
         if (!$config->get_bool("tageditcloud_disable")) {
             if ($this->can_tag($event->image)) {
                 if (!($cfg_minusage = $config->get_int("tageditcloud_minusage"))) {
                     $cfg_minusage = 2;
                 if (!($cfg_defcount = $config->get_int("tageditcloud_defcount"))) {
                     $cfg_defcount = 40;
                 if (!($cfg_maxcount = $config->get_int("tageditcloud_maxcount"))) {
                     $cfg_maxcount = 4096;
                 if ($config->get_string("tageditcloud_sort") != "p") {
                     $event->add_part($this->build_tag_map($event->image, $cfg_minusage, false), 40);
                 } else {
                     $event->add_part($this->build_tag_map($event->image, $cfg_defcount, $cfg_maxcount), 40);
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         $config->set_default_bool("tageditcloud_disable", false);
         $config->set_default_bool("tageditcloud_usedfirst", true);
         $config->set_default_string("tageditcloud_sort", 'a');
         $config->set_default_int("tageditcloud_minusage", 2);
         $config->set_default_int("tageditcloud_defcount", 40);
         $config->set_default_int("tageditcloud_maxcount", 4096);
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $sort_by = array('Alphabetical' => 'a', 'Popularity' => 'p');
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Tag Edit Cloud");
         $sb->add_bool_option("tageditcloud_disable", "Disable Tag Selection Cloud: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("tageditcloud_sort", $sort_by, "<br>Sort the tags by:");
         $sb->add_bool_option("tageditcloud_usedfirst", "<br>Always show used tags first: ");
         $sb->add_label("<br><b>Alpha sort</b>:<br>Only show tags used at least ");
         $sb->add_label(" times.<br><b>Popularity sort</b>:<br>Show ");
         $sb->add_label(" tags by default.<br>Show a maximum of ");
         $sb->add_label(" tags.");
Exemple #8
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $sort_by = array('Alphabetical' => 'a', 'Popularity' => 'p', 'Relevance' => 'r');
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Tag Edit Cloud");
     $sb->add_bool_option("tageditcloud_disable", "Disable Tag Selection Cloud: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("tageditcloud_sort", $sort_by, "<br>Sort the tags by:");
     $sb->add_bool_option("tageditcloud_usedfirst", "<br>Always show used tags first: ");
     $sb->add_label("<br><b>Alpha sort</b>:<br>Only show tags used at least ");
     $sb->add_label(" times.<br><b>Popularity/Relevance sort</b>:<br>Show ");
     $sb->add_label(" tags by default.<br>Show a maximum of ");
     $sb->add_label(" tags.");
     $sb->add_label("<br><b>Relevance sort</b>:<br>Ignore tags (space separated): ");
Exemple #9
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     //global $config;
     $thumbers = array();
     $thumbers['None'] = "static";
     $thumbers['ffmpeg'] = "ffmpeg";
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Video Thumbnail Options");
     $sb->add_choice_option("video_thumb_engine", $thumbers, "Engine: ");
     //if($config->get_string("video_thumb_engine") == "ffmpeg") {
     $sb->add_label("<br>Path to ffmpeg: ");
     // Some older versions of ffmpeg have trouble with the automatic aspect ratio scaling.
     // This adds an option in the Board Config to disable the aspect ratio scaling.
     $sb->add_bool_option("video_thumb_ignore_aspect_ratio", "Ignore aspect ratio when creating thumbnails: ");
Exemple #10
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $page;
     global $config;
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         $config->set_default_string("search_suggestions_results_order", 'a');
     // Add in header code to let the browser know that the search plugin exists
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent) {
         // We need to build the data for the header
         global $config;
         $search_title = $config->get_string('title');
         $search_file_url = make_link('browser_search/please_dont_use_this_tag_as_it_would_break_stuff__search.xml');
         $page->add_html_header("<link rel='search' type='application/opensearchdescription+xml' title='{$search_title}' href='{$search_file_url}'>");
     // The search.xml file that is generated on the fly
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("browser_search/please_dont_use_this_tag_as_it_would_break_stuff__search.xml")) {
         // First, we need to build all the variables we'll need
         $search_title = $config->get_string('title');
         //$search_form_url =  $config->get_string('base_href'); //make_link('post/list');
         $search_form_url = make_link('post/list/{searchTerms}');
         $suggenton_url = make_link('browser_search/') . "{searchTerms}";
         $icon_b64 = base64_encode(file_get_contents("favicon.ico"));
         // Now for the XML
         $xml = "\n\t\t\t\t<SearchPlugin xmlns='http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/' xmlns:os='http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/'>\n\t\t\t\t<os:ShortName>{$search_title}</os:ShortName>\n\t\t\t\t<os:InputEncoding>UTF-8</os:InputEncoding>\n\t\t\t\t<os:Image width='16' height='16'>data:image/x-icon;base64,{$icon_b64}</os:Image>\n\t\t\t\t<SearchForm>{$search_form_url}</SearchForm>\n\t\t\t\t<os:Url type='text/html' method='GET' template='{$search_form_url}'>\n\t\t\t\t  <os:Param name='search' value='{searchTerms}'/>\n\t\t\t\t</os:Url>\n\t\t\t\t<Url type='application/x-suggestions+json' template='{$suggenton_url}'/>\n\t\t\t\t</SearchPlugin>\n\t\t\t";
         // And now to send it to the browser
     } else {
         if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && ($event->page_matches("browser_search") && !$config->get_bool("disable_search_suggestions"))) {
             global $database;
             // We have to build some json stuff
             $tag_search = $event->get_arg(0);
             // Now to get DB results
             if ($config->get_string("search_suggestions_results_order") == "a") {
                 $tags = $database->execute("SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag LIKE ? AND count > 0 ORDER BY tag ASC LIMIT 30", array($tag_search . "%"));
             } else {
                 $tags = $database->execute("SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag LIKE ? AND count > 0 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 30", array($tag_search . "%"));
             // And to do stuff with it. We want our output to look like:
             // ["shimmie",["shimmies","shimmy","shimmie","21 shimmies","hip shimmies","skea shimmies"],[],[]]
             $json_tag_list = "";
             $tags_array = array();
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 array_push($tags_array, $tag['tag']);
             $json_tag_list .= implode("\",\"", $tags_array);
             //			$json_tag_list = implode($tags_array,", ");
             //			$json_tag_list = "\"".implode($tags_array,"\", \"")."\"";
             // And now for the final output
             $json_string = "[\"{$tag_search}\",[\"{$json_tag_list}\"],[],[]]";
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $sort_by = array();
         $sort_by['Alphabetical'] = 'a';
         $sort_by['Tag Count'] = 't';
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Browser Search");
         $sb->add_bool_option("disable_search_suggestions", "Disable search suggestions: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("search_suggestions_results_order", $sort_by, "Sort the suggestions by:");
Exemple #11
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Tag Map Options");
     $sb->add_int_option("tags_min", "Only show tags used at least ");
     $sb->add_label(" times");
     $sb->add_bool_option("tag_list_pages", "<br>Paged tag lists: ");
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Popular / Related Tag List");
     $sb->add_int_option("tag_list_length", "Show top ");
     $sb->add_label(" related tags");
     $sb->add_int_option("popular_tag_list_length", "<br>Show top ");
     $sb->add_label(" popular tags");
     $sb->add_text_option("info_link", "<br>Tag info link: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("tag_list_image_type", array("Image's tags only" => "tags", "Show related" => "related"), "<br>Image tag list: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("tag_list_related_sort", array("Tag Count" => "tagcount", "Alphabetical" => "alphabetical"), "<br>Sort related list by: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("tag_list_popular_sort", array("Tag Count" => "tagcount", "Alphabetical" => "alphabetical"), "<br>Sort popular list by: ");
     $sb->add_bool_option("tag_list_numbers", "<br>Show tag counts: ");
Exemple #12
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $themes = array();
     foreach (glob("themes/*") as $theme_dirname) {
         $name = str_replace("themes/", "", $theme_dirname);
         $human = str_replace("_", " ", $name);
         $human = ucwords($human);
         $themes[$human] = $name;
     if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {
         $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
     } else {
         $host = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
         if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
             $host .= ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"];
     $full = (@$_SERVER["HTTPS"] ? "https://" : "http://") . $host . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
     $test_url = str_replace("/index.php", "/nicetest", $full);
     $nicescript = "<script language='javascript'>\n\t\t\tfunction getHTTPObject() {\n\t\t\t\tif (window.XMLHttpRequest){\n\t\t\t\t\treturn new XMLHttpRequest();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse if(window.ActiveXObject){\n\t\t\t\t\treturn new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tcheckbox = document.getElementById('nice_urls');\n\t\t\tout_span = document.getElementById('nicetest');\n\n\t\t\tcheckbox.disabled = true;\n\t\t\tout_span.innerHTML = '(testing...)';\n\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\tvar http_request = getHTTPObject();\n\t\t\t\thttp_request.open('GET', '{$test_url}', false);\n\t\t\t\thttp_request.send(null);\n\n\t\t\t\tif(http_request.status == 200 && http_request.responseText == 'ok') {\n\t\t\t\t\tcheckbox.disabled = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tout_span.innerHTML = '(tested ok)';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\tcheckbox.disabled = true;\n\t\t\t\t\tout_span.innerHTML = '(test failed)';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t</script>";
     $sb = new SetupBlock("General");
     $sb->position = 0;
     $sb->add_text_option("title", "Site title: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("front_page", "<br>Front page: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("main_page", "<br>Main page: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("contact_link", "<br>Contact URL: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("theme", $themes, "<br>Theme: ");
     //$sb->add_multichoice_option("testarray", array("a" => "b", "c" => "d"), "<br>Test Array: ");
     $sb->add_bool_option("nice_urls", "<br>Nice URLs: ");
     $sb->add_label("<span id='nicetest'>(Javascript inactive, can't test!)</span>{$nicescript}");
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Remote API Integration");
     $sb->add_label("<a href='http://akismet.com/'>Akismet</a>");
     $sb->add_text_option("comment_wordpress_key", "<br>API key: ");
     $sb->add_label("<br>&nbsp;<br><a href='" . recaptcha_get_signup_url($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "Shimmie") . "'>ReCAPTCHA</a>");
     $sb->add_text_option("api_recaptcha_privkey", "<br>Private key: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("api_recaptcha_pubkey", "<br>Public key: ");
Exemple #13
 public function onSetupBuilding($event)
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Options");
     $sb->position = 30;
     // advanced only
     //$sb->add_text_option("image_ilink", "Image link: ");
     //$sb->add_text_option("image_tlink", "<br>Thumbnail link: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("image_tip", "Image tooltip: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("upload_collision_handler", array('Error' => 'error', 'Merge' => 'merge'), "<br>Upload collision handler: ");
     if (!in_array("OS", $_SERVER) || $_SERVER["OS"] != 'Windows_NT') {
         $sb->add_bool_option("image_show_meta", "<br>Show metadata: ");
     $thumbers = array();
     $thumbers['Built-in GD'] = "gd";
     $thumbers['ImageMagick'] = "convert";
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Thumbnailing");
     $sb->add_choice_option("thumb_engine", $thumbers, "Engine: ");
     $sb->add_label("<br>Size ");
     $sb->add_label(" x ");
     $sb->add_label(" px at ");
     $sb->add_label(" % quality ");
     $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("thumb_mem_limit", "<br>Max memory use: ");
Exemple #14
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     if (is_null($this->theme)) {
         $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     if ($event instanceof AdminBuildingEvent) {
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("admin/bulk_rate")) {
         global $database, $user, $page;
         if (!$user->is_admin()) {
             throw PermissionDeniedException();
         } else {
             $n = 0;
             while (true) {
                 $images = Image::find_images($n, 100, Tag::explode($_POST["query"]));
                 if (count($images) == 0) {
                 foreach ($images as $image) {
                     send_event(new RatingSetEvent($image, $user, $_POST['rating']));
                 $n += 100;
             #	update images set rating=? where images.id in (
             #		select image_id from image_tags join tags
             #		on image_tags.tag_id = tags.id where tags.tag = ?);
             #	", array($_POST["rating"], $_POST["tag"]));
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         if ($config->get_int("ext_ratings2_version") < 2) {
         $config->set_default_string("ext_rating_anon_privs", 'squ');
         $config->set_default_string("ext_rating_user_privs", 'sqeu');
         $config->set_default_string("ext_rating_admin_privs", 'sqeu');
     if ($event instanceof RatingSetEvent) {
         $this->set_rating($event->image->id, $event->rating);
     if ($event instanceof ImageInfoBoxBuildingEvent) {
         if ($this->can_rate()) {
             $event->add_part($this->theme->get_rater_html($event->image->id, $event->image->rating), 80);
     if ($event instanceof ImageInfoSetEvent) {
         if ($this->can_rate() && isset($_POST["rating"])) {
             send_event(new RatingSetEvent($event->image, $user, $_POST['rating']));
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $privs = array();
         $privs['Safe Only'] = 's';
         $privs['Safe and Unknown'] = 'su';
         $privs['Safe and Questionable'] = 'sq';
         $privs['Safe, Questionable, Unknown'] = 'squ';
         $privs['All'] = 'sqeu';
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Ratings");
         $sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_anon_privs", $privs, "Anonymous: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_user_privs", $privs, "<br>Users: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_admin_privs", $privs, "<br>Admins: ");
     if ($event instanceof ParseLinkTemplateEvent) {
         $event->replace('$rating', $this->theme->rating_to_name($event->image->rating));
     if ($event instanceof SearchTermParseEvent) {
         $matches = array();
         if (is_null($event->term) && $this->no_rating_query($event->context)) {
             $set = Ratings::privs_to_sql(Ratings::get_user_privs($user));
             $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("rating IN ({$set})"));
         if (preg_match("/^rating=([sqeu]+)\$/", $event->term, $matches)) {
             $sqes = $matches[1];
             $arr = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($sqes); $i++) {
                 $arr[] = "'" . $sqes[$i] . "'";
             $set = join(', ', $arr);
             $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("rating IN ({$set})"));
         if (preg_match("/^rating=(safe|questionable|explicit|unknown)\$/", strtolower($event->term), $matches)) {
             $text = $matches[1];
             $char = $text[0];
             $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("rating = ?", array($char)));
Exemple #15
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     if (is_null($this->theme)) {
         $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     // f*****g PHP "security" measures -_-;;;
     $free_num = @disk_free_space(realpath("./images/"));
     if ($free_num === FALSE) {
         $is_full = false;
     } else {
         $is_full = $free_num < 100 * 1024 * 1024;
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         $config->set_default_int('upload_count', 3);
         $config->set_default_int('upload_size', '1MB');
         $config->set_default_bool('upload_anon', false);
         $config->set_default_bool('upload_replace', true);
     if ($event instanceof PostListBuildingEvent) {
         if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
             if ($is_full) {
             } else {
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent) {
         if ($event->page_matches("upload/replace")) {
             /* Upload & Replace Image Request */
             if (!$config->get_bool("upload_replace")) {
                 throw new UploadException("Upload Replacing Images is not enabled.");
             // check if the user is an administrator and can upload files.
             if (!$user->is_admin()) {
             } else {
                 if ($is_full) {
                     throw new UploadException("Can not replace Image: disk nearly full");
                 // Try to get the image ID
                 $image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
                 if (empty($image_id)) {
                     $image_id = isset($_POST['image_id']) ? $_POST['image_id'] : null;
                 if (empty($image_id)) {
                     throw new UploadException("Can not replace Image: No valid Image ID given.");
                 $image_old = Image::by_id($image_id);
                 if (is_null($image_old)) {
                     $this->theme->display_error($page, "Image not found", "No image in the database has the ID #{$image_id}");
                 if (count($_FILES) + count($_POST) > 0) {
                     if (count($_FILES) > 1) {
                         throw new UploadException("Can not upload more than one image for replacing.");
                     $source = isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : null;
                     $tags = '';
                     // Tags aren't changed when uploading. Set to null to stop PHP warnings.
                     if (count($_FILES)) {
                         foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                             $ok = $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source, $image_id);
                             // leave the foreach loop.
                     } else {
                         foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                             if (substr($name, 0, 3) == "url" && strlen($value) > 0) {
                                 $ok = $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source, $image_id);
                                 // leave the foreach loop.
                     $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($_GET['url'])) {
                         $url = $_GET['url'];
                         $ok = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $url, $image_id);
                         $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                     } else {
                         $this->theme->display_replace_page($page, $image_id);
             // END of if admin / can_upload
         } else {
             if ($event->page_matches("upload")) {
                 if (!$this->can_upload($user)) {
                 } else {
                     /* Regular Upload Image */
                     if (count($_FILES) + count($_POST) > 0) {
                         $tags = Tag::explode($_POST['tags']);
                         $source = isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : null;
                         $ok = true;
                         foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                             $ok = $ok & $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source);
                         foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                             if (substr($name, 0, 3) == "url" && strlen($value) > 0) {
                                 $ok = $ok & $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source);
                         $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($_GET['url'])) {
                             $url = $_GET['url'];
                             $tags = array('tagme');
                             if (!empty($_GET['tags']) && $_GET['tags'] != "null") {
                                 $tags = Tag::explode($_GET['tags']);
                             $ok = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $url);
                             $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                         } else {
                             if (!$is_full) {
                 // END of if  can_upload
     // END of if PageRequestEvent
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $tes = array();
         $tes["Disabled"] = "none";
         if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
             $tes["cURL"] = "curl";
         $tes["fopen"] = "fopen";
         $tes["WGet"] = "wget";
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Upload");
         $sb->position = 10;
         // Output the limits from PHP so the user has an idea of what they can set.
         $sb->add_label("<i>PHP's Upload Limit = " . ini_get('max_file_uploads') . "</i><br/>");
         $sb->add_int_option("upload_count", "Max uploads: ");
         $sb->add_label("<br/><i>PHP's Max Size Upload = " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "</i><br/>");
         $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("upload_size", "<br/>Max size per file: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("upload_anon", "<br/>Allow anonymous uploads: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("upload_replace", "<br/>Allow replacing images: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("transload_engine", $tes, "<br/>Transload: ");
     if ($event instanceof DataUploadEvent) {
         if ($is_full) {
             throw new UploadException("Upload failed; disk nearly full");
         if (filesize($event->tmpname) > $config->get_int('upload_size')) {
             $size = to_shorthand_int(filesize($event->tmpname));
             $limit = to_shorthand_int($config->get_int('upload_size'));
             throw new UploadException("File too large ({$size} &gt; {$limit})");
Exemple #16
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     if (is_null($this->theme)) {
         $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     $is_full = disk_free_space(realpath("./images/")) < 100 * 1024 * 1024;
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         global $config;
         $config->set_default_int('upload_count', 3);
         $config->set_default_int('upload_size', '1MB');
         $config->set_default_bool('upload_anon', false);
     if ($event instanceof PostListBuildingEvent) {
         global $user;
         if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
             if ($is_full) {
             } else {
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("upload")) {
         if (count($_FILES) + count($_POST) > 0) {
             $tags = Tag::explode($_POST['tags']);
             $source = isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : null;
             if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
                 $ok = true;
                 foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                     $ok = $ok & $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source);
                 foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                     if (substr($name, 0, 3) == "url" && strlen($value) > 0) {
                         $ok = $ok & $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source);
                 $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
             } else {
         } else {
             if (!empty($_GET['url'])) {
                 global $user;
                 if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
                     $url = $_GET['url'];
                     $tags = array('tagme');
                     if (!empty($_GET['tags']) && $_GET['tags'] != "null") {
                         $tags = Tag::explode($_GET['tags']);
                     $ok = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $url);
                     $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if (!$is_full) {
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Upload");
         $sb->position = 10;
         $sb->add_int_option("upload_count", "Max uploads: ");
         $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("upload_size", "<br>Max size per file: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("upload_anon", "<br>Allow anonymous uploads: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("transload_engine", array("Disabled" => "none", "cURL" => "curl", "fopen" => "fopen", "WGet" => "wget"), "<br>Transload: ");
     if ($event instanceof DataUploadEvent) {
         global $config;
         if ($is_full) {
             throw new UploadException("Upload failed; disk nearly full");
         if (filesize($event->tmpname) > $config->get_int('upload_size')) {
             $size = to_shorthand_int(filesize($event->tmpname));
             $limit = to_shorthand_int($config->get_int('upload_size'));
             throw new UploadException("File too large ({$size} &gt; {$limit})");
Exemple #17
 public function onSetupBuilding(Event $event)
     global $config;
     $hosts = array("None" => "none", "Gravatar" => "gravatar");
     $sb = new SetupBlock("User Options");
     $sb->add_bool_option("login_signup_enabled", "Allow new signups: ");
     $sb->add_longtext_option("login_tac", "<br>Terms &amp; Conditions:<br>");
     $sb->add_choice_option("avatar_host", $hosts, "<br>Avatars: ");
     if ($config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar") {
         $sb->add_label("<br>&nbsp;<br><b>Gravatar Options</b>");
         $sb->add_choice_option("avatar_gravatar_type", array('Default' => 'default', 'Wavatar' => 'wavatar', 'Monster ID' => 'monsterid', 'Identicon' => 'identicon'), "<br>Type: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("avatar_gravatar_rating", array('G' => 'g', 'PG' => 'pg', 'R' => 'r', 'X' => 'x'), "<br>Rating: ");
Exemple #18
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     global $config;
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Options");
     $sb->position = 30;
     // advanced only
     //$sb->add_text_option("image_ilink", "Image link: ");
     //$sb->add_text_option("image_tlink", "<br>Thumbnail link: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("image_tip", "Image tooltip: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("upload_collision_handler", array('Error' => 'error', 'Merge' => 'merge'), "<br>Upload collision handler: ");
     if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) {
         $sb->add_bool_option("image_show_meta", "<br>Show metadata: ");
     $thumbers = array();
     $thumbers['Built-in GD'] = "gd";
     $thumbers['ImageMagick'] = "convert";
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Thumbnailing");
     $sb->add_choice_option("thumb_engine", $thumbers, "Engine: ");
     $sb->add_label("<br>Size ");
     $sb->add_label(" x ");
     $sb->add_label(" px at ");
     $sb->add_label(" % quality ");
     if ($config->get_string("thumb_engine") == "convert") {
         $sb->add_label("<br>ImageMagick Binary: ");
     if ($config->get_string("thumb_engine") == "gd") {
         $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("thumb_mem_limit", "<br>Max memory use: ");
Exemple #19
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     if ($this->theme == null) {
         $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         $config->set_default_int("tag_list_length", 15);
         $config->set_default_int("popular_tag_list_length", 15);
         $config->set_default_int("tags_min", 3);
         $config->set_default_string("info_link", 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$tag');
         $config->set_default_string("tag_list_image_type", 'related');
         $config->set_default_bool("tag_list_pages", false);
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("tags")) {
         switch ($event->get_arg(0)) {
             case 'map':
                 $this->theme->set_heading("Tag Map");
             case 'alphabetic':
                 $this->theme->set_heading("Alphabetic Tag List");
             case 'popularity':
                 $this->theme->set_heading("Tag List by Popularity");
             case 'categories':
                 $this->theme->set_heading("Popular Categories");
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("api/internal/tag_list/complete")) {
         $all = $database->get_all("SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag LIKE :search AND count > 0 LIMIT 10", array("search" => $_GET["s"] . "%"));
         $res = array();
         foreach ($all as $row) {
             $res[] = $row["tag"];
         $page->set_data(implode("\n", $res));
     if ($event instanceof PostListBuildingEvent) {
         if ($config->get_int('tag_list_length') > 0) {
             if (!empty($event->search_terms)) {
                 $this->add_refine_block($page, $event->search_terms);
             } else {
     if ($event instanceof DisplayingImageEvent) {
         if ($config->get_int('tag_list_length') > 0) {
             if ($config->get_string('tag_list_image_type') == 'related') {
                 $this->add_related_block($page, $event->image);
             } else {
                 $this->add_tags_block($page, $event->image);
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Tag Map Options");
         $sb->add_int_option("tags_min", "Only show tags used at least ");
         $sb->add_label(" times");
         $sb->add_bool_option("tag_list_pages", "<br>Paged tag lists: ");
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Popular / Related Tag List");
         $sb->add_int_option("tag_list_length", "Show top ");
         $sb->add_label(" related tags");
         $sb->add_int_option("popular_tag_list_length", "<br>Show top ");
         $sb->add_label(" popular tags");
         $sb->add_text_option("info_link", "<br>Tag info link: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("tag_list_image_type", array("Image's tags only" => "tags", "Show related" => "related"), "<br>Image tag list: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("tag_list_numbers", "<br>Show tag counts: ");
Exemple #20
 public function onSetupBuilding($event)
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Logging (Database)");
     $sb->add_choice_option("log_db_priority", array("Debug" => SCORE_LOG_DEBUG, "Info" => SCORE_LOG_INFO, "Warning" => SCORE_LOG_WARNING, "Error" => SCORE_LOG_ERROR, "Critical" => SCORE_LOG_CRITICAL), "Debug Level: ");
Exemple #21
 public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
     $tes = array();
     $tes["Disabled"] = "none";
     if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
         $tes["cURL"] = "curl";
     $tes["fopen"] = "fopen";
     $tes["WGet"] = "wget";
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Upload");
     $sb->position = 10;
     // Output the limits from PHP so the user has an idea of what they can set.
     $sb->add_int_option("upload_count", "Max uploads: ");
     $sb->add_label("<i>PHP Limit = " . ini_get('max_file_uploads') . "</i>");
     $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("upload_size", "<br/>Max size per file: ");
     $sb->add_label("<i>PHP Limit = " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "</i>");
     $sb->add_choice_option("transload_engine", $tes, "<br/>Transload: ");
     $sb->add_bool_option("upload_tlsource", "<br/>Use transloaded URL as source if none is provided: ");
Exemple #22
 public function onSetupBuilding($event)
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Options");
     $sb->position = 30;
     // advanced only
     //$sb->add_text_option("image_ilink", "Image link: ");
     //$sb->add_text_option("image_tlink", "<br>Thumbnail link: ");
     $sb->add_text_option("image_tip", "Image tooltip: ");
     $sb->add_choice_option("upload_collision_handler", array('Error' => 'error', 'Merge' => 'merge'), "<br>Upload collision handler: ");
     if (!in_array("OS", $_SERVER) || $_SERVER["OS"] != 'Windows_NT') {
         $sb->add_bool_option("image_show_meta", "<br>Show metadata: ");
     $sb->add_bool_option("image_jquery_confirm", "<br>Confirm Delete with jQuery: ");
     $expires = array();
     $expires['1 Minute'] = 60;
     $expires['1 Hour'] = 3600;
     $expires['1 Day'] = 86400;
     $expires['1 Month (31 days)'] = 2678400;
     $expires['1 Year'] = 31536000;
     // 365 days (60*60*24*365)
     $expires['Never'] = 3153600000.0;
     // 100 years..
     $sb->add_choice_option("image_expires", $expires, "<br>Image Expiration: ");
     $thumbers = array();
     $thumbers['Built-in GD'] = "gd";
     $thumbers['ImageMagick'] = "convert";
     $sb = new SetupBlock("Thumbnailing");
     $sb->add_choice_option("thumb_engine", $thumbers, "Engine: ");
     $sb->add_label("<br>Size ");
     $sb->add_label(" x ");
     $sb->add_label(" px at ");
     $sb->add_label(" % quality ");
     $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("thumb_mem_limit", "<br>Max memory use: ");