Exemple #1
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $settings = Setting::all();
     $suspects = Suspect::all();
     $users = User::orderBy('username')->paginate(self::$per_page);
     return View::make('settings.index', ['settings' => $settings, 'users' => $users, 'suspects' => $suspects]);
  * Display a listing of settings
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $settings = Setting::all();
     $shopsettings = Shopsetting::all();
     $receiptsettings = Receiptsetting::all();
     return View::make('settings.index', compact('settings', 'shopsettings', 'receiptsettings'));
  * Show a list of all the comment posts.
  * @return View
 public function getIndex()
     View::share('settings', Setting::all());
     // Title
     $title = Lang::get('admin/settings/title.title');
     // Show the page
     return View::make('admin/settings/index', compact('comments', 'title'));
Exemple #4
 public static function obtain()
     $configs = Setting::all();
     $result = array();
     foreach ($configs as $item) {
         $result[$item->setting] = $item->value;
     return $result;
Exemple #5
 public function __construct()
     $users = User::orderBy('username')->paginate(self::$per_page);
     $this->features = ['entries', 'logbooks', 'tasks', 'attachments', 'evidences', 'exports', 'cipher'];
     View::share('users', $users);
     View::share('settings', Setting::all());
     View::share('suspects', Suspect::all());
     View::share('features', $this->features);
 public function __construct()
     $this->data['setting'] = Setting::all()->first();
     if (!isset($this->data['setting']) && count($this->data['setting']) == 0) {
         die('Database not uploaded.Please Upload the database');
     if (count($this->data['setting'])) {
     $this->data['loggedAdmin'] = Auth::admin()->get();
     $this->data['pending_applications'] = Attendance::where('application_status', '=', 'pending')->get();
 public function __construct()
     $users = User::orderBy('username')->paginate(self::$per_page);
     $legals = Legal::orderBy('id')->paginate(self::$per_page);
     $this->features = ['entries', 'logbooks', 'tasks', 'attachments', 'evidences', 'exports', 'tools'];
     $this->export_features = ['ex_title', 'ex_customer', 'ex_date', 'ex_version', 'ex_disclaimer', 'ex_pdf_sh_evidences', 'ex_pdf_sh_coc', 'ex_pdf_sh_attachments', 'ex_pdf_sh_suspects', 'ex_pdf_sh_legals', 'ex_html_sh_evidences', 'ex_html_sh_coc', 'ex_html_sh_attachments', 'ex_html_sh_suspects', 'ex_html_sh_legals'];
     View::share('users', $users);
     View::share('settings', Setting::all());
     View::share('suspects', Suspect::all());
     View::share('features', $this->features);
     View::share('legals', $legals);
  * Get settings from DB.
  * @return array
 public function getSettings()
     global $data;
     global $settings;
     $rawSettings = Setting::all();
     $settings = array();
     foreach ($rawSettings as $key => $data) {
         if ($data['type'] == 'array') {
             $data['value'] = json_decode($data['value']);
         $settings[$data['code']] = $data['value'];
 public function loadConstants()
     if (!($settings = Cache::read('settings', 'settings'))) {
         App::import('Model', 'Settings.Setting');
         $setting = new Setting();
         $settings = $setting->all();
         Cache::write('settings', $settings, 'settings');
     for ($i = sizeof($settings) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $constant = $this->constantName(array($settings[$i]['Setting']['plugin'], $settings[$i]['Setting']['controller'], $settings[$i]['Setting']['action'], $settings[$i]['Setting']['setting']));
         if (defined($constant)) {
         define($constant, $settings[$i]['Setting']['value']);
Exemple #10
 public function post_view()
     if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('settings')) {
     //Add rules here
     $rules = array('articlelimit' => 'required', 'articlesize' => 'required', 'commentsize' => 'required', 'convertemotions' => 'required', 'maintenance' => 'required', 'textboxrows' => 'required', 'unregistercomments' => 'required');
     //Get all inputs fields
     $input = Input::all();
     //Apply validaiton rules
     $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules);
     if ($validation->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to("/admin/settings/view")->with_errors($validation);
     $settings = Setting::all();
     foreach ($settings as $setting) {
         $setting->value = Input::get($setting->keyname);
     return Redirect::to("/admin/settings/view")->with("successmessage", "Settings updated");
Exemple #11

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: rahman
 * Date: 13/10/14
 * Time: 14:10
$list = array('log_file' => 'log_file', 'domain_limit' => '3');
$format = function (&$list, $keys, $val) use(&$format) {
    $keys ? $format($list[array_shift($keys)], $keys, $val) : ($list = $val);
if (Schema::hasTable('settings')) {
    foreach (Setting::all() as $setting) {
        $format($list, explode('.', $setting->name), $setting->value);
return $list;
  * Show a list of all the comment posts.
  * @return View
 public function getIndex()
     $settings = Setting::all();
     $title = Lang::get('admin/settings/title.title');
     return Theme::make('admin/settings/index', compact('comments', 'title', 'settings'));
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     return Setting::all();

| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested.
if ($app = Setting::all()) {
    Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');
    Route::get('/adopt', 'AdoptController@view');
    Route::get('/admin', 'AdminController@view');
    Route::post('/admin', 'AdminController@login');
    Route::get('/admin/register', 'AdminController@getreg');
    Route::post('/admin/register', 'AdminController@postreg');
    //General Pages
    Route::get('/{slug}', 'PageController@view');
} else {
    Route::get('*', 'InstallController@view');
  * Show the form for editing the specified Admin.
 public function edit()
     $this->data['notificationSettingActive'] = 'active';
     $this->data['setting'] = Setting::all()->first();
     return View::make('admin.notificationSettings.edit', $this->data);
 public function index()
     $settings = Setting::all();
     return Theme::make('admin/settings/index', compact('comments', 'settings'));
Exemple #17
  * Setup the layout used by the controller.
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     $this->data['setting'] = Setting::all()->first();
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function getIndex()
     $settings = Setting::all();
     return View::make('setting.index')->with('settings', $settings);
  * Display a listing of the resource.
 public function index()
     $settings = Setting::all();
     return view('apanel.siteyonetimi.siteyonetimi')->with(array('ayar' => $settings));
 public function getSettings()
     $this->layout->body_class = 'user';
     $data = array('settings' => Setting::all());
     $this->layout->contents = View::make('admin/admin-settings', $data);
Exemple #21
Route::get('authenticate/{remember_token}', 'AuthenticateController@noPassword');
Route::get('background_image', 'BackgroundImageController@index');
// access across site because users need it to see what's going on, maybe??
Route::resource('setting', 'SettingController');
Route::get('/settings', function () {
    $user = null;
    if ($token = JWTAuth::getToken()) {
        $user = JWTAuth::parseToken()->authenticate();
    // return only particular keys like themename and background image i guess
    // question is: can this be handled in the controller
    // need to run settings/create onload...
    //	Setting::get('background_image', null);
    //  Setting::get('theme', []);
    return Setting::all();
Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('index');
Route::group(array('middleware' => 'testing', 'prefix' => 'api'), function () {
    Route::resource('user', 'UserController');
    Route::resource('ethnic_origin', 'EthnicOriginController');
    Route::group(['middleware' => 'jwt.auth'], function () {
        Route::resource('role', 'RoleController');
        Route::resource('background_image', 'BackgroundImageController');
        Route::get('motion/{id}/restore', 'MotionController@restore');
        Route::resource('motion', 'MotionController');
        Route::resource('motion.comment', 'MotionCommentController', ['only' => ['index']]);
        Route::resource('motion.motionfile', 'MotionFileController');
        Route::resource('motion.vote', 'MotionVoteController', ['only' => ['index']]);