public function addSet($name)
     $s = new Set();
     $this->sets[] = $s;
     return $s;
  * @test
 public function whenIteratingOverSet_ThenReturnAllUniqueItems()
     $item1 = 'A';
     $item2 = 'B';
     $set = new Set();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($set as $key => $value) {
         $values[$key] = $value;
     $this->assertEquals(array(0 => 'A', 1 => 'B'), $values);
 public function collaborators()
     $subscriptions = $this->Subscription->findAllByClassAndForeignId('Workspace', $this->Session->read(''));
     $subscribers = Set::extract('/Subscription/user_id', $subscriptions);
     $subscribers = $this->Subscription->User->find('all', array('conditions' => array('' => $subscribers), 'fields' => array('id', 'name', 'email', 'facebook_id')));
     $this->set('subscribers', $subscribers);
 protected function _render($options)
     $metaFields = array_keys(Set::filter(Set::booleanize($this->getParam('metaFields'))));
     echo '<div class="line-meta-details">';
     echo $this->Html->postDetails($metaFields, array('prefixes' => array('author' => __('By', 'gummfw'), 'date' => __('/', 'gummfw'), 'comments' => __('/', 'gummfw'), 'category' => __('/', 'gummfw')), 'formats' => array('date' => 'd F Y')));
     echo '</div>';
 public function admin_index()
     $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Content', true));
     $this->Node->recursive = 0;
     $this->paginate['Node']['order'] = ' DESC';
     $this->paginate['Node']['conditions'] = array();
     $types = $this->Node->Term->Vocabulary->Type->find('all');
     $typeAliases = Set::extract('/Type/alias', $types);
     $this->paginate['Node']['conditions']['Node.type'] = $typeAliases;
     if (isset($this->params['named']['filter'])) {
         $filters = $this->Croogo->extractFilter();
         foreach ($filters as $filterKey => $filterValue) {
             if (strpos($filterKey, '.') === false) {
                 $filterKey = 'Node.' . $filterKey;
             $this->paginate['Node']['conditions'][$filterKey] = $filterValue;
         $this->set('filters', $filters);
     $nodes = $this->paginate('Node');
     $this->set(compact('nodes', 'types', 'typeAliases'));
     if (isset($this->params['named']['links'])) {
         $this->layout = 'ajax';
Exemple #6
  * @param AppController $controller
  * @param array         $settings
 public function initialize($controller, $settings = array())
     $this->settings = Set::merge($this->settings, $settings);
     $this->controller = $controller;
     $this->Cookie->path = Router::url('/');
Exemple #7
 function afterFind($data)
     if ($data && is_array($data) && !Set::numeric(array_keys($data))) {
         $data = array($data);
     if (is_array($data) && Set::numeric(array_keys($data))) {
         foreach ($data as $i => $row) {
             if (empty($row['user']) && !empty($row['sender'])) {
                 $row['user'] = $row['sender'];
                 $row['message'] = true;
             } else {
                 $row['message'] = false;
             $data[$i] = array('Item' => array('provider_key' => $row['id'], 'message' => $row['message'], 'text' => $row['text'], 'client' => $this->parse($row, 'source'), 'link' => '' . $row['user']['screen_name'] . '/status/' . $row['id'], 'reply_user_provider_key' => $this->parse($row, 'in_reply_to_user_id'), 'reply_status_provider_key' => $this->parse($row, 'in_reply_to_status_id'), 'posted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($row['created_at']))), 'Origin' => array('provider_key' => $row['user']['id'], 'name' => $row['user']['screen_name'], 'profile' => $row['user']['description'], 'origin_link' => $row['user']['url'], 'follower_count' => $row['user']['followers_count'], 'following_count' => $row['user']['friends_count'], 'update_count' => $row['user']['statuses_count'], 'avatar' => $row['user']['profile_image_url'], 'link' => '' . $row['user']['screen_name']));
             if ($this->name == 'TwitterAccount') {
                 $data[$i]['Origin']['following'] = true;
             if (!empty($row['retweeted_status'])) {
                 $data[$i]['Item']['text'] = $row['retweeted_status']['text'];
                 $data[$i]['ForwardOrigin'] = array('provider_key' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['id'], 'name' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'], 'profile' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['description'], 'origin_link' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['url'], 'follower_count' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['followers_count'], 'following_count' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['friends_count'], 'update_count' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['statuses_count'], 'avatar' => $row['retweeted_status']['user']['profile_image_url'], 'link' => '' . $row['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name']);
     } else {
         if (is_string($data)) {
             $dataArray = explode('&', $data);
             $data = array();
             foreach ($dataArray as $value) {
                 list($key, $value) = explode('=', $value);
                 $data[$key] = $value;
     return $data;
 function edit($id)
     //		if( (isset($this->data['Service']['submit'])) || (empty($this->data)) ) {
     if (empty($this->data)) {
         if (!$id) {
             $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid Service');
         $this->data = $this->Service->findById($id);
         $this->pageTitle = "Edit Service: {$this->data['Service']['title']}";
         $this->set('user', Set::combine($this->Service->User->find('all', array('recursive' => 0)), '{n}', '{n}'));
         $this->set('customers', Set::combine($this->Service->Customer->find('all', array('recursive' => 0)), '{n}', '{n}.Customer.company_name'));
     } else {
         if ($this->Service->save($this->data)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash("Website saved successfully.");
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash('Please correct errors below.');
             $this->set('user', Set::combine($this->Service->User->find('all', array('recursive' => 0)), '{n}', '{n}'));
             $this->set('customers', Set::combine($this->Service->Customer->find('all', array('recursive' => 0)), '{n}', '{n}.Customer.company_name'));
             $this->pageTitle = 'Edit Service: ' . $this->data['Service']['title'];
 function index()
     $this->Phrase->recursive = 0;
     $phrases = $this->paginate('Phrase');
     $this->set('phrases', $phrases);
     //get the list of locales
     //$locales = $this->Locale->find("list",array("fields"=>array("Locale.locale",""),"order"=>array("name"=>"ASC")));
     $locales = Lang::localeList();
     $this->set("locales", $locales);
     //set the incoming locale to the session
     if (!empty($this->request->data)) {
         if (Set::check($this->request->data, "Phrase.selectLocale")) {
             $this->Session->write("ControlPanel.translate_locale", $this->request->data['Phrase']['selectLocale']);
     //get the locale from the session
     if ($this->Session->check("ControlPanel.translate_locale")) {
         $translate_locale = $this->Session->read("ControlPanel.translate_locale");
     } else {
         $translate_locale = 'en_us';
         $this->request->data['Phrase']['selectLocale'] = 'en_us';
     $this->request->data['Phrase']['selectLocale'] = $translate_locale;
     //get the trnaslated phrases
     $ids = Set::extract("/Phrase/id", $phrases);
     $locale_phrases = $this->Phrase->find('all', array("conditions" => array("" => $ids)));
     $this->set("locale_phrases", $locale_phrases);
Exemple #10
  * Returns a tag cloud
  * The result contains a "weight" field which has a normalized size of the tag
  * occurrence set. The min and max size can be set by passing 'minSize" and
  * 'maxSize' to the query. This value can be used in the view to controll the
  * size of the tag font.
  * @todo Ideas to improve this are welcome
  * @param string
  * @param array
  * @param array
  * @return array
  * @access public
 public function _findCloud($state, $query, $results = array())
     if ($state == 'before') {
         $options = array('minSize' => 10, 'maxSize' => 20, 'page' => null, 'limit' => null, 'order' => null, 'joins' => null, 'offset' => null, 'contain' => 'Tag', 'conditions' => array(), 'fields' => 'Tag.*, Tagged.tag_id, COUNT(*) AS occurrence', 'group' => 'Tagged.tag_id');
         foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
             if (!empty($value)) {
                 $options[$key] = $value;
         $query = $options;
         if (isset($query['model'])) {
             $query['conditions'] = Set::merge($query['conditions'], array('Tagged.model' => $query['model']));
         return $query;
     } elseif ($state == 'after') {
         if (!empty($results) && isset($results[0][0]['occurrence'])) {
             $weights = Set::extract($results, '{n}.0.occurrence');
             $maxWeight = max($weights);
             $minWeight = min($weights);
             $spread = $maxWeight - $minWeight;
             if (0 == $spread) {
                 $spread = 1;
             foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
                 $size = $query['minSize'] + ($result[0]['occurrence'] - $minWeight) * (($query['maxSize'] - $query['minSize']) / $spread);
                 $results[$key]['Tag']['occurrence'] = $result[0]['occurrence'];
                 $results[$key]['Tag']['weight'] = ceil($size);
         return $results;
 function validate($prod, $order)
     if (empty($order['ShopOrdersItem'])) {
         return false;
     $ids = Set::extract('ShopOrdersItem.{n}.product_id', $order);
     $this->ShopProduct = ClassRegistry::init('Shop.ShopProduct');
     $this->ShopProduct->Aro = ClassRegistry::init('Aro');
     if (!empty($this->params['aroProduct'])) {
         $findOpt = array('fields' => array('Aro.foreign_key'), 'conditions' => array('Aro.model' => 'ShopProduct', 'Aro.foreign_key' => $ids), 'joins' => array(array('alias' => 'Parent', 'table' => $this->ShopProduct->Aro->useTable, 'type' => 'INNER', 'conditions' => array('' => $this->params['aroProduct'], 'Aro.lft BETWEEN Parent.lft AND Parent.rght'))));
         $match = $this->ShopProduct->Aro->find('list', $findOpt);
         $match = array_values($match);
     } else {
         $match = $ids;
     $qty = 0;
     foreach ($order['ShopOrdersItem'] as $item) {
         if (!empty($item['product_id']) && in_array($item['product_id'], $match)) {
             $qty += $item['nb'];
     return (!is_numeric($this->params['min']) || $qty >= $this->params['min']) && (!is_numeric($this->params['max']) || $qty <= $this->params['max']);
 public function edit($id = null)
     if (!$this->Session->check('')) {
         $this->Redirect->flash('not_in_workspace', array('controller' => 'workspaces', 'action' => 'index'));
     if (!empty($this->data['TaskGroup'])) {
         if (!empty($this->data['TaskGroup']['id']) && !empty($this->data['TaskGroup']['assigned_to_id'])) {
             $this->TaskGroup->id = $this->data['TaskGroup']['id'];
             $oldAssignedToId = $this->TaskGroup->field('assigned_to_id');
     $Subscription = ClassRegistry::init('Subscription');
     $subscribers = $Subscription->findAllByClassAndForeignId('Workspace', $this->Session->read(''));
     $subscribers = Set::extract('/Subscription/user_id', $subscribers);
     $assignedTos = $this->TaskGroup->User->findList(array('conditions' => array('' => $subscribers), 'fields' => array('id', 'name')));
     $milestones = $this->TaskGroup->Milestone->find('list', array('conditions' => array('workspace_id' => $this->Session->read(''))));
     $stacksConditions = array();
     if ($this->Session->check('')) {
         $stacksConditions = array('conditions' => array('milestone_id' => $this->Session->read('')));
     } else {
         $stacksConditions = array('conditions' => array('workspace_id' => $this->Session->read('')));
     $stacks = $this->TaskGroup->Stack->find('list', $stacksConditions);
     parent::edit($id, array('controller' => 'tasks', 'action' => 'index'));
  * Constructor
  * @param ComponentCollection $collection The controller for this request.
  * @param string $settings An array of settings.  This class does not use any settings.
 public function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $settings = array())
     $this->_Collection = $collection;
     $controller = $collection->getController();
     $this->settings = Set::merge($this->settings, $settings);
  * Extract all required information from a CanteenOrder to send to the GatewayAccount Processor
  * @param CanteenOrder $CanteenOrder
  * @return Array:
 public static function formatCanteenOrder($CanteenOrder)
     $t = array();
     $customer = $CanteenOrder['BillingAddress'];
     $t['Transaction']['currency_id'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "CanteenOrder.currency_id");
     $t['Transaction']['amount'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "CanteenOrder.grand_total");
     $t['Transaction']['foreign_key'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "");
     $t['Transaction']['model'] = "CanteenOrder";
     $t['Customer']['first_name'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "first_name");
     $t['Customer']['last_name'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "last_name");
     $t['Customer']['address'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "street") . " " . Set::classicExtract($customer, "apt");
     $t['Customer']['postal'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "postal_code");
     $t['Customer']['country'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "country_code");
     $t['Customer']['email'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "email");
     $t['Customer']['city'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "city");
     $t['Customer']['state'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "state");
     $t['Customer']['phone'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "phone");
     $t['Customer']['user_id'] = Set::classicExtract($customer, "user_id");
     $t['CardData']['number'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "CardData.number");
     $t['CardData']['exp_year'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "CardData.exp_year");
     $t['CardData']['exp_month'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "CardData.exp_month");
     $t['CardData']['code'] = Set::classicExtract($CanteenOrder, "CardData.code");
     return $t;
  * リスト用のimgタグを出力する
  * @param	array	$uploaderFile
  * @param	array	$options
  * @return	string	imgタグ
 public function file($uploaderFile, $options = array())
     if (isset($uploaderFile['UploaderFile'])) {
         $uploaderFile = $uploaderFile['UploaderFile'];
     $imgUrl = $this->getFileUrl($uploaderFile['name']);
     $pathInfo = pathinfo($uploaderFile['name']);
     $ext = $pathInfo['extension'];
     $_options = array('alt' => $uploaderFile['alt']);
     $options = Set::merge($_options, $options);
     if (in_array(strtolower($ext), array('gif', 'jpg', 'png'))) {
         if (isset($options['size'])) {
             $resizeName = $pathInfo['filename'] . '__' . $options['size'] . '.' . $ext;
             if (!empty($uploaderFile['publish_begin']) || !empty($uploaderFile['publish_end'])) {
                 $savePath = $this->savePath . 'limited' . DS . $resizeName;
             } else {
                 $savePath = $this->savePath . $resizeName;
             if (file_exists($savePath)) {
                 $imgUrl = $this->getFileUrl($resizeName);
         return $this->Html->image($imgUrl, $options);
     } else {
         $imgUrl = 'Uploader.icon_upload_file.png';
         return $this->Html->image($imgUrl, $options);
 function index()
     $this->name = 'feedbacks';
     $feedbacks = $this->Feedback->getAllFeedbacks();
     $user_ids = Set::extract('/Feedback/user_id', $feedbacks);
     $this->set(array('feedbacks' => $feedbacks, 'feedback_posters' => $this->Profile->getProfilesInfoFromUserIds($user_ids), 'feedback_count' => $this->FeedbackComment->countFeedbackComments()));
Exemple #17
  * Method to output a tag-cloud formatted based on the weight of the tags
  * @param array $tags Tag data array
  * @param array $options Display options. Valid keys are:
  * 	- shuffle: true to shuffle the tag list, false to display them in the same order than passed [default: true]
  *  - extract: Set::extract() compatible format string. Path to extract weight values from the $tags array [default: {n}.Tag.weight]
  *  - before: string to be displayed before each generated link. "%size%" will be replaced with tag size calculated from the weight [default: empty]
  *  - after: string to be displayed after each generated link. "%size%" will be replaced with tag size calculated from the weight [default: empty]
  *  - maxSize: size of the heaviest tag [default: 160]
  *  - minSize: size of the lightest tag [default: 80]
  *  - url: an array containing the default URL
  *  - named: the named parameter used to send the tag [default: by]
  *  - paramType: the type of URL parameters used (named or querystring) [default: named]
  * @return string
 public function display($tags = null, $options = array())
     if (empty($tags) || !is_array($tags)) {
         return '';
     $defaults = array('tagModel' => 'Tag', 'shuffle' => true, 'extract' => '{n}.Tag.weight', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'maxSize' => 160, 'minSize' => 80, 'url' => array('controller' => 'search'), 'named' => 'by', 'paramType' => 'named');
     $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
     $weights = Set::extract($tags, $options['extract']);
     $maxWeight = max($weights);
     $minWeight = min($weights);
     // find the range of values
     $spread = $maxWeight - $minWeight;
     if (0 == $spread) {
         $spread = 1;
     if ($options['shuffle'] == true) {
     $cloud = null;
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $data = Set::extract(array($tag), $options['extract']);
         $tagWeight = array_pop($data);
         $size = $options['minSize'] + ($tagWeight - $minWeight) * (($options['maxSize'] - $options['minSize']) / $spread);
         $size = $tag[$options['tagModel']]['size'] = ceil($size);
         $cloud .= $this->_replace($options['before'], $size);
         $cloud .= $this->Html->link($tag[$options['tagModel']]['name'], $this->_tagUrl($tag, $options), array('id' => 'tag-' . $tag[$options['tagModel']]['id'])) . ' ';
         $cloud .= $this->_replace($options['after'], $size);
     return $cloud;
 public function testIndex()
     $vars = $this->testAction('involvement_leaders/index/Involvement:1', array('return' => 'vars'));
     $results = Set::extract('/Leader', $vars['leaders']);
     $expected = array(array('Leader' => array('id' => 2, 'user_id' => 1, 'model' => 'Involvement', 'model_id' => 1, 'created' => '2010-04-09 07:28:57', 'modified' => '2010-04-09 07:28:57')));
     $this->assertEqual($results, $expected);
 function getBilanServiceWithSqlQuery($id = 'all')
     //  Méthode 3 : à l'aide d'une requête SQL directe
     $prefix = $this->tablePrefix;
     if ($id == 'all' or $id == null) {
         $sql = "SELECT perso_id AS id, perso_id, SUM( h_cours ) AS h_cours, SUM( h_td ) AS h_td, SUM( h_tp ) AS h_tp FROM {$prefix}matieres_persos AS MatieresPerso GROUP BY perso_id";
         $result = $this->query($sql);
         $result = Set::combine($result, '{n}', '{n}.0');
         // Mise en forme l'array pour avoir perso_id comme clé
         return $result;
     } else {
         $id = Sanitize::paranoid($id);
         // use Sanitize for $id to avoid SQL injection
         $sql = "SELECT perso_id AS id, perso_id, SUM( h_cours ) AS h_cours, SUM( h_td ) AS h_td, SUM( h_tp ) AS h_tp FROM {$prefix}matieres_persos AS MatieresPerso WHERE perso_id={$id} GROUP BY perso_id LIMIT 1";
         $result = $this->query($sql);
         if (!empty($result[0])) {
             //$result = Set::merge($result[0]["MatieresPerso"], $result[0][0]);
             //return $result;
             return $result[0][0];
         } else {
             return array('h_cours' => 0, 'h_td' => 0, 'h_tp' => 0);
Exemple #20
  * initCore
  * Setup your Config/core.php
  * @param array $config 
  * @return boolean
  * @throws CakeException
 public function initCore($config = array())
     $path = $this->appPath . 'Config' . DS . 'core.php';
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         throw new CakeException(__d('oven', 'Core config file could not be found.'));
     if (!is_writable($path)) {
         throw new CakeException(__d('oven', 'Core config is not writable.'));
     $config = Set::merge(array('salt' => substr(str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'), 0, 40), 'cipherSeed' => str_shuffle(str_repeat('0123456789', 3))), $config);
     // READ FILE
     $file = new File($path);
     $contents = $file->read();
     $replace = "Configure::write('Security.salt', 'DYhG93b0qyJfIxfs2guVoUubWwvniR2G0FgaC9mi');";
     $with = "Configure::write('Security.salt', '" . $config['salt'] . "');";
     $contents = str_replace($replace, $with, $contents);
     $replace = "Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', '76859309657453542496749683645');";
     $with = "Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', '" . $config['cipherSeed'] . "');";
     $contents = str_replace($replace, $with, $contents);
     $replace = "//Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));";
     $with = "Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));";
     $contents = str_replace($replace, $with, $contents);
     // WRITE FILE
     return true;
Exemple #21
 public function cakeArrayToArray($data, $options = array())
     $options += array('fields' => array(), 'models' => array());
     $options['fields'] = Set::normalize($options['fields'], false);
     $options['models'] = Set::normalize($options['models'], false);
     $options += array('defaultModel' => count($options['models']) == 1 ? $options['models'][0] : null);
     $firstRow = true;
     $array = array();
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         foreach ($item as $model => $fields) {
             if ($options['models'] && !in_array($model, $options['models'])) {
             foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
                 if ($options['fields'] && !in_array($field, $options['fields']) && !in_array("{$model}.{$field}", $options['fields'])) {
                 if ($firstRow) {
                     if ($model == $options['defaultModel']) {
                         $array[0][] = $field;
                     } else {
                         $array[0][] = "{$model}.{$field}";
                 $row[] = $value;
             $array[] = $row;
         $firstRow = false;
     return $array;
Exemple #22
  * setup
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param array $config
  * @return void
 public function setup(Model $Model, $config = array())
     $recipe = Configure::read('Oven.recipe');
     if (!empty($recipe)) {
         foreach ($recipe as $key => $type) {
             $modelName = Inflector::classify($key);
             if (!isset($this->settings['uploadFields'][$modelName])) {
                 $this->settings['uploadFields'][$modelName] = array();
             if (!empty($type['schema'])) {
                 foreach ($type['schema'] as $field => $val) {
                     if (empty($val['type'])) {
                     if ($val['type'] == 'file') {
                         $this->settings['uploadFields'][$modelName][] = $field;
     if (empty($config['uploadLocation'])) {
         $config['uploadLocation'] = Configure::read('Oven.config.upload_location');
         if (empty($config['uploadLocation'])) {
             $config['uploadLocation'] = WWW_ROOT . 'files' . DS . 'uploads' . DS;
     if (!file_exists($config['uploadLocation'])) {
         new Folder($config['uploadLocation'], true);
     $this->settings = Set::merge($this->settings, $config);
Exemple #23
 function _create_attendance($team, $event_id, $date)
     if (array_key_exists('id', $team)) {
         $team_id = $team['id'];
     } else {
         $team_id = $team['Team']['id'];
     // Find event details
     $event = $this->read(null, $event_id);
     if (!$event) {
     if ($event['TeamEvent']['team_id'] != $team_id) {
     // Find all attendance records for this event
     $attendance = $this->Attendance->find('all', array('contain' => false, 'conditions' => array('team_event_id' => $event_id)));
     // Extract list of players on the roster as of this date
     $roster = Set::extract("/Person/TeamsPerson[created<={$date}]/../.", $team);
     // Go through the roster and make sure there are records for all players on this date.
     $attendance_update = array();
     foreach ($roster as $person) {
         $update = false;
         $conditions = "[person_id={$person['id']}]";
         $record = Set::extract("/Attendance{$conditions}/.", $attendance);
         if (empty($record)) {
             // We didn't find any appropriate record, so create a new one
             $attendance_update[] = array('team_id' => $team_id, 'game_date' => $date, 'team_event_id' => $event_id, 'person_id' => $person['id'], 'status' => ATTENDANCE_UNKNOWN);
     if (!empty($attendance_update)) {
 public function __construct($View = null, $settings = array())
     $settings = Set::merge(array('engine' => 'Tools.NumberLib'), $settings);
     parent::__construct($View, $settings);
     $i18n = Configure::read('Currency');
     if (!empty($i18n['code'])) {
     	$this->code = $i18n['code'];
     if (!empty($i18n['places'])) {
     	$this->places = $i18n['places'];
     if (!empty($i18n['symbolRight'])) {
     	$this->symbolRight = $i18n['symbolRight'];
     if (!empty($i18n['symbolLeft'])) {
     	$this->symbolLeft = $i18n['symbolLeft'];
     if (isset($i18n['decimals'])) {
     	$this->decimalPoint = $i18n['decimals'];
     if (isset($i18n['thousands'])) {
     	$this->thousandsPoint = $i18n['thousands'];
 function admin_index()
     $q = null;
     if (isset($this->params['named']['q']) && strlen(trim($this->params['named']['q'])) > 0) {
         $q = $this->params['named']['q'];
     } elseif (isset($this->data['Artist']['q']) && strlen(trim($this->data['Artist']['q'])) > 0) {
         $q = $this->data['Artist']['q'];
         $this->params['named']['q'] = $q;
     if ($q !== null) {
         $this->paginate['conditions']['OR'] = array('ShopPromotion.code LIKE' => '%' . $q . '%', 'ShopPromotion.title_fre LIKE' => '%' . $q . '%', 'ShopPromotion.title_eng LIKE' => '%' . $q . '%', 'ShopPromotion.desc_fre LIKE' => '%' . $q . '%', 'ShopPromotion.desc_eng LIKE' => '%' . $q . '%');
     $this->paginate['order'] = 'ShopPromotion.created DESC';
     $this->ShopPromotion->recursive = 0;
     $shopPromotions = $this->paginate();
     //////////// calcul use count ////////////
     $ids = Set::extract('{n}', $shopPromotions);
     $useCounts = $this->ShopPromotion->ShopCoupon->find('all', array('fields' => array('COUNT(*) as `uses`', 'ShopCoupon.shop_promotion_id'), 'conditions' => array('ShopCoupon.shop_promotion_id' => $ids, 'ShopOrder.status' => array('ordered', 'paid', 'shipped')), 'group' => 'shop_promotion_id', 'contain' => array('ShopOrder')));
     $useCounts = array_combine(Set::extract('{n}.ShopCoupon.shop_promotion_id', $useCounts), Set::extract('{n}.0.uses', $useCounts));
     foreach ($shopPromotions as &$promo) {
         $promo['ShopPromotion']['uses'] = !empty($useCounts[$promo['ShopPromotion']['id']]) ? $useCounts[$promo['ShopPromotion']['id']] : 0;
     $this->set('shopPromotions', $shopPromotions);
     $this->set('operators', $this->ShopPromotion->operators);
 function evaluate($affiliate, $params, $team, $strict, $text_reason, $complete, $absolute_url)
     if ($text_reason) {
         $this->reason = sprintf(__('have signed the %s waiver', true), $this->waiver);
     } else {
         App::import('Helper', 'Html');
         $html = new HtmlHelper();
         $url = array('controller' => 'waivers', 'action' => 'sign', 'waiver' => $this->config[0], 'date' => $this->date);
         if ($absolute_url) {
             $url = $html->url($url, true);
         } else {
             $url['return'] = true;
         $this->reason = $html->link(sprintf(__('have signed the %s waiver', true), $this->waiver), $url);
     $this->redirect = array('controller' => 'waivers', 'action' => 'sign', 'waiver' => $this->config[0], 'date' => $this->date);
     if (!$strict) {
         $this->invariant = true;
         return true;
     if (is_array($params) && array_key_exists('Waiver', $params)) {
         $matches = array_intersect($this->config, Set::extract("/Waiver/WaiversPerson[valid_from<={$this->date}][valid_until>={$this->date}]/waiver_id", $params));
         if (!empty($matches)) {
             $this->invariant = true;
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #27
 function find($type, $options = array())
     switch ($type) {
         case 'superlist':
             $total_fields = count($options['fields']);
             if (!isset($options['fields']) || $total_fields < 3) {
                 return parent::find('list', $options);
             if (!isset($options['separator'])) {
                 $options['separator'] = ' ';
             if (!isset($options['format'])) {
                 $options['format'] = '%s';
                 for ($i = 2; $i < $total_fields; $i++) {
                     $options['format'] .= "{$options['separator']}%s";
             $options['recursive'] = -1;
             $list = parent::find('all', $options);
             $formatVals = array();
             $formatVals[0] = $options['format'];
             for ($i = 1; $i < $total_fields; $i++) {
                 $formatVals[$i] = "{n}.{$this->alias}." . str_replace("{$this->alias}.", '', $options['fields'][$i]);
             return Set::combine($list, "{n}.{$this->alias}.{$this->primaryKey}", $formatVals);
             return parent::find($type, $options);
 function find($type, $query = array())
     if (is_array($type)) {
         $query = $type;
     } else {
         $query['type'] = $type;
     if (!is_array($query)) {
         $query = array('Title' => $query);
     $map = array('info' => 'ResponseGroup', 'type' => 'SearchIndex');
     foreach ($map as $old => $new) {
         $query[$new] = $query[$old];
     foreach ($query as $key => $val) {
         if (preg_match('/^[a-z]/', $key)) {
             $query[Inflector::camelize($key)] = $val;
     $query = am(array('Service' => 'AWSECommerceService', 'AWSAccessKeyId' => $this->config['key'], 'Operation' => 'ItemSearch', 'Version' => '2008-06-28'), $query);
     $r = $this->Http->get('', $query);
     $r = Set::reverse(new Xml($r));
     return $r;
  * Get teammates user_id for the teams for some model, model_id
  * @author Oleg D.
 function temmatesOfCompletedOrPendingTeams($model, $modelID)
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(tm.user_id)\n        FROM teams t\n        INNER JOIN teammates tm ON = tm.team_id\n        INNER JOIN teams_objects tob ON = tob.team_id\n        WHERE tob.model = '" . $model . "' AND tob.model_id = " . $modelID . " AND tob.status = 'created' AND tm.status IN ('Creator', 'Accepted','Pending') AND t.status IN ('Completed','Created','Pending')";
     $results = $this->query($sql);
     $usersIDs = Set::combine($results, '{n}.tm.user_id', '{n}.tm.user_id');
     return $usersIDs;
  * admin_index
  * @return void
 public function admin_index()
     $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Permissions'));
     $acoConditions = array('parent_id !=' => null, 'foreign_key' => null, 'alias !=' => null);
     $acos = $this->Acl->Aco->generateTreeList($acoConditions, '{n}', '{n}.Aco.alias');
     $roles = $this->Role->find('list');
     $this->set(compact('acos', 'roles'));
     $rolesAros = $this->AclAro->find('all', array('conditions' => array('AclAro.model' => 'Role', 'AclAro.foreign_key' => array_keys($roles))));
     $rolesAros = Set::combine($rolesAros, '{n}.AclAro.foreign_key', '{n}');
     $permissions = array();
     // acoId => roleId => bool
     foreach ($acos as $acoId => $acoAlias) {
         if (substr_count($acoAlias, '_') != 0) {
             $permission = array();
             foreach ($roles as $roleId => $roleTitle) {
                 $hasAny = array('aco_id' => $acoId, 'aro_id' => $rolesAros[$roleId], '_create' => 1, '_read' => 1, '_update' => 1, '_delete' => 1);
                 if ($this->AclPermission->hasAny($hasAny)) {
                     $permission[$roleId] = 1;
                 } else {
                     $permission[$roleId] = 0;
                 $permissions[$acoId] = $permission;
     $this->set(compact('rolesAros', 'permissions'));