Exemple #1
  * POST Create action.
  * @return void
 public function post_create()
     $data = Input::post();
     $data['meta'] = array();
     foreach (Input::post('meta') as $meta) {
         if ($name = Arr::get($meta, 'name')) {
             $data['meta'][$name] = Arr::get($meta, 'value');
     $validator = Validation_Gateway::create();
     if (!$validator->run($data)) {
         Session::set_alert('error', __('form.error'));
         $this->view->errors = $validator->error();
     $data = $validator->validated();
     if ($gateway = Service_Gateway::create($data['type'], $data['processor'], $data)) {
         if (Service_Gateway::link($gateway, Seller::active())) {
             Session::set_alert('success', 'The gateway has been added.');
         } else {
             Session::set_alert('error', 'There was an error adding the gateway.');
     } else {
         Session::set_alert('error', 'There was an error adding the gateway.');
Exemple #2
  * Generates sellers.
  * @return void
 protected static function sellers()
     $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", self::BEGIN_DATETIME);
     $companies = array('Stella Labs, Inc', 'Star Point Industries');
     foreach ($companies as $company) {
         $seller = \Service_Seller::create($company, array('contact' => array('company_name' => $company, 'email' => 'support@' . \Inflector::friendly_title($company) . '.com', 'address' => mt_rand(1, 5000) . ' Quail Springs Pkwy', 'city' => 'Oklahoma City', 'state' => 'Oklahoma', 'zip' => mt_rand(10000, 99999), 'country' => 'US'), 'created_at' => $date));
         if ($seller) {
             self::$sellers[] = $seller;
             // Link the seller to the gateway.
             \Service_Gateway::link(self::$gateway, $seller);
     \Cli::write('Seller Simulation Complete', 'green');
Exemple #3
  * Creates a gateway.
  * @param int $seller_id Seller ID.
  * @return void
 public function post_index($seller_id = null)
     $validator = \Validation_Gateway::create();
     if (!$validator->run()) {
         throw new HttpBadRequestException($validator->errors());
     $data = $validator->validated();
     $gateway = \Service_Gateway::create($data['type'], $data['processor'], $data);
     if (!$gateway) {
         throw new HttpServerErrorException();
     if (!\Service_Gateway::link($gateway, \Seller::active())) {
         throw new HttpServerErrorException();