Exemple #1
    //  Build the path name of the config file
    $cfgPath = $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'];
    $exploded = explode('/', $cfgPath);
    array_push($exploded, 'cfg.include.php');
    $cfgPath = implode('/', $exploded);
    return $cfgPath;
if (!is_dir($cfg['ServicesPath'])) {
    print "FATAL ERROR - Invalid ServicesPath<BR><BR>\n" . "You must edit the file <b>" . getCfgPath() . "</b> " . "and change the ServicesPath value to point to " . "the directory where you installed the services " . "directory of you AMFPHP installation. ";
} elseif ('__none__found__' == $_GET['class']) {
    $cfgPath = getCfgPath();
    print "\r\n\r\n<font size=6><b>No services found</b></font><BR><BR>\r\n\r\nAccording to settings made in:<BR> \r\n<b>{$cfgPath}</b><BR> \r\nyour services should be located in the directory:<BR>\r\n<b>{$cfg['ServicesPath']}</b>\r\n\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\r\n<b>Suggestions:</b><BR>\r\n\r\nIf you haven't installed any services yet, you need to install at least one\r\nservice before using this program.  See the INSTALL file, or wiki for instructions\r\non installing a simple service for testing.\r\n\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\r\nIf your services are already installed in a different directory than the one \r\nlisted above, you should edit the file cfg.include.php in the directory listed \r\nabove and make the cfgPath point to the directory that contains your services.\r\n\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\r\nIf your services are installed in the proper directory\r\nlisted above you should make sure they have permissions such that your web server\r\ncan read them.\r\n\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\r\nThe name of the class within the service must EXACTLY match the name of the\r\nfile, including case.  Any differences will cause the service to be ignored.\r\n\r\n<BR><BR>\r\n\r\nDon't confuse the gateway with the service.  The gateway is the PHP file that\r\nis executed by the Flash Player to invoke a service.  It must reside within\r\nthe DocumentRoot of the web server, and be visible to the world.  Services \r\nare class files that define things made available and reside in the \r\n/flashservices/services directory.  The entire /flashservices path can reside\r\neither within DocumentRoot, or outside in a directory specified in the PHP\r\nINCLUDE_PATH.\r\n";
} elseif (isset($_GET['class'])) {
    $explorer = new ServiceBrowser($cfg['ServicesPath']);
    if ($explorer->setService($_GET['class'])) {
        if ($_GET['action'] == 'exec') {
            include_once 'client/AMFClient.php';
            //Add some custom mappings for RecordSets
            $GLOBALS['amfphp']['customMappingsPath'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/mappings/';
            require_once 'JSON.php';
            include_once 'dBug.php';
            $json = new Services_JSON();
            $arguments = $_POST[$_GET['method'] . '_arguments'];
            if (!isset($arguments) || !is_array($arguments)) {
                $arguments = array();
            foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
                if (!is_numeric($value) && $value != 'false' && $value != 'true' && strpos($value, '[') === FALSE && strpos($value, '{') === FALSE && strpos($value, '"') === FALSE && strpos($value, "'") === FALSE && $value != 'null' && $value != '') {
                    $value = '"' . $value . '"';
Exemple #2
echo $_GET['class'] . '.php';
include_once 'config.inc.php';
$serviceBrowserName = "ServiceBrowser.php";
if (file_exists($serviceBrowserName)) {
    //  Get it relative to the current file name
    define("AMFPHP_BASE", $cfg['AmfphpPath'] . 'amf-core/');
    include_once $serviceBrowserName;
} else {
    //  Get it from the path
    die("AMFPHP path not set properly");
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$explorer = new ServiceBrowser($cfg['ServicesPath']);
if ($explorer->setService($_GET['class'])) {
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'save') {
        $result = $explorer->saveCode($_GET['codeType'], $_GET['location'], $_GET['overwrite']);
        if ($result !== TRUE) {
            echo "<p class='error'>" . $result . "</p>";
        } else {
            echo "<p class='feedback'>Files saved succesfully</p>";
    $menu = array();
    $divs = "";
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($explorer->generateCode() as $key => $val) {
        if (isset($_GET['codeType'])) {
            $selected = $_GET['codeType'] == $key;
Exemple #3
define("AMFPHP_BASE", $cfg['AmfphpPath'] . 'amf-core/');
if ($_GET['action'] != null) {
    if ($_GET['action'] == 'expand') {
        $_SESSION['nodesOpen'] = true;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['nodesOpen'] = false;
if ($_SESSION['nodesOpen'] == null) {
    $_SESSION['nodesOpen'] = false;
include_once "ServiceBrowser.php";
if (!is_dir($cfg['ServicesPath'])) {
    $result = "FATAL ERROR - Invalid ServicesPath<BR><BR>See right pane.";
} else {
    $explorer = new ServiceBrowser($cfg['ServicesPath'], $cfg['OmitPath']);
    $services = $explorer->listServices();
    $result = "";
    $nodesOpen = $_SESSION['nodesOpen'];
    $icon = !$nodesOpen ? 'treenodeplus.gif' : 'treenodeminus.gif';
    $class = !$nodesOpen ? 'treeSubnodesHidden' : 'treeSubnodes';
    foreach ($services as $dirname => $dirvalue) {
        if ($dirname != "zzz_default") {
            $result .= "<div class=\"treeNode\">\n";
            $result .= "<img src=\"images/{$icon}\" class=\"treeLinkImage\" onclick=\"expandCollapse(this.parentNode)\" />\n";
            $result .= "<a href=\"#\" class=\"treeUnselected\" onclick=\"clickAnchor(this)\">" . $dirname . "</a>\n";
            $result .= "<div class=\"{$class}\">\n";
        foreach ($dirvalue as $key => $value) {
            $result .= sprintf("<div class=\"treeNode\"><img src=\"images/treenodedot.gif\" class=\"treeNoLinkImage\" /><a href=\"details.php?class=%s\" target=\"details\" class=\"treeUnselected\" onclick=\"clickAnchor(this)\">%s</a> [<a href='methodTable.php?class=%s' target='details'>mt</a>] [<a href='code.php?class=%s' target='details'>code</a>]</div>\n", $value[1] . $value[0], $value[0], $value[1] . $value[0], $value[1] . $value[0]);