function processUpdate(Update $update)
    $updateId = $update->updateId;
    printf("Got update #%d\n", $updateId);
    if (!empty($update->message)) {
        $message = $update->message;
        if (!empty($update->message->text)) {
            printf("  Got message: %s\n", $message->text);
            $button1 = (new InlineKeyboardButton('Go to GitHub'))->setUrl('');
            $button2 = (new InlineKeyboardButton('Switch to inline'))->setSwitchInlineQuery("test query");
            $button3 = (new InlineKeyboardButton('Show text'))->setCallbackData('text');
            $button4 = (new InlineKeyboardButton('Show alert'))->setCallbackData('alert');
            $markupData = [[$button1, $button2], [$button3, $button4]];
            $inlineReplyMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup($markupData);
            if (!empty($message->from) && !empty($message->chat)) {
                switch ($message->chat->type) {
                    case Chat::TYPE_PRIVATE:
                        printf("  Sending answer to a user %s\n", $message->chat->id);
                        $method = new SendMessage($message->chat->id, $message->text);
                        return $method;
                    case Chat::TYPE_GROUP:
                    case Chat::TYPE_SUPERGROUP:
                        printf("  Inline keyboard is available only for private chats\n");
    } elseif (!empty($update->callbackQuery)) {
        $callbackQuery = $update->callbackQuery;
        printf(" CallbackQuery received:\n");
        $method = new AnswerCallbackQuery($callbackQuery->id);
        if ($callbackQuery->data == 'text') {
            $method->setText("Show text");
        } elseif ($callbackQuery->data == 'alert') {
            $method->setText("Show alert");
        return $method;
    return null;
  * @group testMessage
 public function testMessage()
     $req = new SendMessage($this->queue);
      * @var $res SendMessageRes
     $res = $req->send();
     $this->assertEquals(strtoupper(md5('{"nihao":"nihao"}')), $res->getMessageBodyMD5());
     $req = new ReceiveMessage($this->queue);
      * @var $res ReceiveMessageRes
     $res = $req->send();
     $req = new DeleteMessage($this->queue);
      * @var $delRes DeleteMessageRes
     $delRes = $req->setReceiptHandle($res->getReceiptHandle())->send();
     $req = new SendMessage($this->queue);
      * @var $res SendMessageRes
     $res = $req->send();
     $peekReq = new PeekMessage($this->queue);
      * @var $peekRes PeekMessageRes
     $peekRes = $peekReq->send();
     $this->assertEquals(strtoupper(md5('{"nihao":"nihao"}')), $peekRes->getMessageBodyMD5());
     $req = new ReceiveMessage($this->queue);
      * @var $res ReceiveMessageRes
     $res = $req->send();
     $cmvReq = new ChangeMessageVisibility($this->queue);
      * @var $cmvRes ChangeMessageVisibilityRes
     $cmvRes = $cmvReq->send();
  * @param int $idUserFrom
  * @param int $idUserTo
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $idQuestion
  * @param string $textMessage
  * @return int
 public static function sendMes($idUserFrom = 1, $idUserTo = 1, $title, $idQuestion, $textMessage = "", $type = "P")
     $res = false;
     $senderUserID = $idUserFrom;
     $targetUserID = $idUserTo;
     $arFieldsMes = array("FROM_USER_ID" => $senderUserID, "TO_USER_ID" => $targetUserID, "TITLE" => $title, "MESSAGE" => $idQuestion, "DATE_CREATE" => date("d.m.Y H:i:s", time() - DIFFERENT_WITH_MOSCOW_TIME), "DATE_VIEW" => false, "MESSAGE_TYPE" => $type, "FROM_DELETED" => "N", "TO_DELETED" => "N", "SEND_MAIL" => "Y");
     if (CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) {
         $res = CSocNetMessages::Add($arFieldsMes);
         if ($res) {
             if (CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
                 if (CModule::IncludeModule('payments')) {
                     $userInfo = new CLawPayment();
                     $InfoUserFrom = $userInfo->userInfo($idUserFrom);
                     $InfoUserTo = $userInfo->userInfo($idUserTo);
                     $emailFrom = $InfoUserFrom["EMAIL"];
                     $emailUser = $InfoUserTo["EMAIL"];
                     SendMessage::sendMessOnEmail($emailFrom, $emailUser, $title, $textMessage);
         } else {
             $errorMessage = "";
             if ($err = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetException()) {
                 $errorMessage = $err->GetString();
             if (StrLen($errorMessage) <= 0) {
                 $errorMessage = GetMessage("SONET_UR_ERROR_CREATE_MESSAGE");
             $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException($errorMessage, "ERROR_CREATE_MESSAGE");
     return $res;
function processUpdate(Update $update)
    $updateId = $update->updateId;
    printf("Got update #%d\n", $updateId);
    if (!empty($update->message)) {
        $message = $update->message;
        if (!empty($update->message->text)) {
            printf("  Got message: %s\n", $message->text);
            $replyMarkup = (new ReplyKeyboardMarkup([['Buttons', 'are', 'strings']]))->addKeyboardRow()->addKeyboardButton(new KeyboardButton('Object button 1'))->addKeyboardButton(new KeyboardButton('Object button 2'))->addKeyboardRow([(new KeyboardButton('Request contact'))->setRequestContact(true)])->addKeyboardRow([(new KeyboardButton('Request location'))->setRequestLocation(true)]);
            if (!empty($message->from) && !empty($message->chat)) {
                switch ($message->chat->type) {
                    case Chat::TYPE_PRIVATE:
                        printf("  Sending answer to a user %s\n", $message->chat->id);
                        $method = new SendMessage($message->chat->id, $message->text);
                        return $method;
                    case Chat::TYPE_GROUP:
                    case Chat::TYPE_SUPERGROUP:
                        printf("  Sending answer to a chat %s\n", $message->chat->id);
                        $method = new SendMessage($message->chat->id, $message->text);
                        return $method;
        } elseif (!empty($message->contact)) {
            printf(" Contact received:");
            $dump = print_r($message->contact, true);
            echo $dump;
            $method = new SendMessage($message->chat->id, "Contact received:\n{$dump}");
            $method->setReplyMarkup(new ReplyKeyboardHide());
            return $method;
        } elseif (!empty($message->location)) {
            printf(" Location received:");
            $dump = print_r($message->location, true);
            echo $dump;
            $method = new SendMessage($message->chat->id, "Location received:\n{$dump}");
            $method->setReplyMarkup(new ReplyKeyboardHide());
            return $method;
    return null;
Exemple #5
 public function actionSendMobileMess()
     $sendMessage = new SendMessage();
     $response = array();
     $target = $this->request->getParam('target');
     $user_name = $this->request->getParam('user_name');
     $condition_user_name = array('condition' => 'nick_name = :nick_name OR phone_num = :phone_num', 'params' => array(':nick_name' => $user_name, ':phone_num' => $user_name));
     if (!empty($user_name)) {
         $userList = $this->user_model->find($condition_user_name);
         $target = $userList->phone_num;
     if (!$target) {
         $response['content'] = '请输入目标手机号';
         $response['status'] = 100001;
         Yii::app()->end(FHelper::json($response['content'], $response['status']));
     if (empty($user_name)) {
         if (!$this->verifyPhone($target)) {
             $response['content'] = '该手机号已经被验证过来';
             $response['status'] = 100002;
             Yii::app()->end(FHelper::json($response['content'], $response['status']));
     $code = FHelper::generate_code();
     $content = FConfig::item('siteMessage.register.first') . $code . FConfig::item('siteMessage.register.end');
     $user = FConfig::item('config.ws_mobile.userName');
     $pass = FConfig::item('config.ws_mobile.passWord');
     $today = date('Y-m-d 0:0:0', time());
     $condition = array('condition' => "mobile_no = '{$target}' and send_time >= '{$today}'");
     $messageCount = $sendMessage->count($condition);
     if ($messageCount < 5) {
         require_once 'ws-demo.php';
         $engine = WS_SDK::getInstance($user, $pass);
         $res = $engine->sendSmsAsNormal($target, $content, '', 0);
         if (intval($res) === 0) {
             $cryRes = Fn::crypt($code, FConfig::item('config.cookie.phone_code'));
             FCookie::set(FConfig::item('config.cookie.phone_key'), $cryRes);
             $response['status'] = 100000;
             $response['content'] = $target;
             // 短信发送成功
             $telArr = array('mobile_no' => $target, 'mess_code' => $code, 'send_time' => FF_DATE_TIME);
             $sendMessage->attributes = $telArr;
         } else {
             $response['status'] = 100003;
             $response['content'] = '短信发送失败,请重试';
     } else {
         $response['status'] = 100004;
         $response['content'] = '该手机号码今天发送验证码过多';
     Yii::app()->end(FHelper::json($response['content'], $response['status']));
     * Function sends systemmesage, and loads all sender
     * @param sfWebRequest $request
     * @return <type>
    public function executeSendMail(sfWebRequest $request) {
        $subject = $request->getParameter('subject');
        $type = $request->getParameter('type');
        $content = $request->getParameter('description');
        $decission = $request->getParameter('receiver');
        switch ($decission) {
            case 'ALL':
                $users = UserLoginTable::instance()->getAllUser(-1, -1)->toArray(); // load all user
            case 'SENDER':
                $users = WorkflowTemplateTable::instance()->getWorkflowSender()->toArray(); // load sender only
            case 'ONLINE':
                $currentTime = time();
                $fiveMinutes = (1 * 60)*5;
                $fiveMinutesAgo = $currentTime - $fiveMinutes;
                $users = UserDataTable::instance()->getOnlineUser($fiveMinutesAgo)->toArray(); // user which are online for about 5mins^^
        // send messages
        foreach($users as $user) {
            if($decission == 'SENDER') {
               $userData = new UserMailSettings($user['sender_id']);
            elseif ($decission == 'ALL') {
                $userData = new UserMailSettings($user['id']);
            else {
                $userData = new UserMailSettings($user['user_id']);
            $send = new SendMessage();
            $send->sendSystemMail($userData, $subject, $content, $type);

        return sfView::NONE;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return SendMessage the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = SendMessage::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Exemple #8

require_once 'send.message.php';
//requires file
require_once 'facebook.php';
//sdk provided by facebook, you need one for tokens and
$config = array('appId' => '1496661733888719', 'secret' => '');
//////////////////////////your application secret
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
if (!$facebook->getUser()) {
    $params = array('scope' => 'xmpp_login', 'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost/');
    $url = $facebook->getLoginUrl($params);
    header("location:" . $url);
$messageobj = new SendMessage($facebook);
$receiverId = '';
// this may either be username or userID, this class takes care of both the
$body = 'test message';
if ($messageobj->sendMessage($body, $receiverId)) {
    echo 'message sent';
} else {
    echo 'some error occured';
     $m->textlength = $_POST['textlength'];
     $m->receipient = $st->getEmail();
     $headers = array('Subject' => $m->emailtitle, 'From' => $smtpuser, 'To' => $m->receipient);
     $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => "{$m->smtpserver}", 'auth' => true, 'username' => $m->smtpuser, 'password' => $m->smtppassword));
     $mail = $smtp->send($m->receipient, $headers, $m->message);
     if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
         echo "<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>";
     } else {
         echo "<p>Message sent! click <a href='index.php'>here</a> for back to home.</p> The receipient as below:<br>{$m->receipient}";
     //    $m->sendemail();
 case "sendsms":
     include_once "../system/class/";
     include "../hes/class/Student.php";
     $m = new SendMessage();
     $st = new Student();
     $st->isselected = $isselected;
     $m->emailtitle = $_POST['emailtitle'];
     $m->message = $_POST['msg'];
     $m->textlength = $_POST['textlength'];
     $m->subscriber_number = $st->getNumber();
 case "studentexam":
     $returnfalse = 0;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($studentline_id as $student_id) {
         $total_outstanding = $total_outstandingline[$i];
         $total_previousoutstanding = $total_previousoutstandingline[$i];
Exemple #10

include "SendMessage.class.php";
include "DomParser.class.php";
/*const LOGIN         =   "******";
const PASSWORD      =   "******";
const URL = "";
const NODE_XPATH = "/html/body/div[3]/div/div[2]/div[3]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li[2]/dt";
const POST_COMMENT_STR_PREFIX = "post_id=8016&comments=";
const POST_COMMENT_STR_SUFFIX = "&name=revconps31&mail=&editor_mode=&skin=kino2\n&sec_code=&question_answer=&recaptcha_response_field=&recaptcha_challenge_field=&allow_subscribe=0";
const COMMENTS_URL = "";
$login = $_GET['login_name'];
$password = $_GET['login_password'];
$send = new SendMessage($login, $password, URL, COMMENTS_URL);
$parser = new DomParser();
$filmName = $parser->getNodeValueByXpath(URL, NODE_XPATH);
$mes = POST_COMMENT_STR_PREFIX . $filmName . ". I liked the movie, but not more than 10/10. Expected more." . POST_COMMENT_STR_SUFFIX;
echo "<br>THE WORK DONE!<br>";
Exemple #11
 private function notify_fb($uid, $title, $msg, $notification_id)
     /* connect fb for sending message */
     $user = $this->user_model->get_user_by_id($uid);
     $fb_access_token = $user[$this->user_model->KEY_fb_access_token];
     if ($fb_access_token == null) {
     $userfbId = $this->facebook->getUser();
     // If user is not yet authenticated, the id will be zero
     if ($userfbId == 0) {
         // invalid access token, return with error
         $data['url'] = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl(array('scope' => 'public_profile,email,read_mailbox,xmpp_login'));
         $this->core_controller->add_return_data('login_url', $data['url']);
     } else {
         $messageobj = new SendMessage($this->facebook);
         $receiverId = $userfbId;
         // this may either be username or userID, this class takes care of both the //cases
         $body = $msg;
         if ($messageobj->sendMessage($body, $receiverId)) {
             echo 'message sent';
         } else {
             echo 'some error occured';
 public function sendWorkflowSMS()
     global $sendsmsgroup, $smsid, $smspassword;
     $this->log->showLog(4, "run sendWorkflowSMS with isemail : {$this->issms}");
     if ($this->issms == 1) {
         if ($smsid != "" && $smspassword != "") {
             include_once "../simantz/class/";
             $m = new SendMessage();
             $m->message = $this->sms_body;
             $m->textlength = strlen($this->sms_body);
             $m->arraynumber = explode(",", $this->sms_list);
Exemple #13
 public function actionSendMsgPhone()
     $sendMessage = new SendMessage();
     $response = array();
     $code = FHelper::generate_code();
     $content = FConfig::item('siteMessage.register.first') . $code . FConfig::item('siteMessage.register.end');
     $user = FConfig::item('config.ws_mobile.userName');
     $pass = FConfig::item('config.ws_mobile.passWord');
     $today = date('Y-m-d 0:0:0', time());
     $condition = array('condition' => "mobile_no = '{$this->user['phone_num']}' and send_time >= '{$today}'");
     $messageCount = $sendMessage->count($condition);
     if ($messageCount < 5) {
         require_once 'ws-demo.php';
         $engine = WS_SDK::getInstance($user, $pass);
         $res = $engine->sendSmsAsNormal($this->user['phone_num'], $content, '', 0);
         if (intval($res) === 0) {
             $cryRes = Fn::crypt($code, FConfig::item('config.cookie.phone_code'));
             FCookie::set(FConfig::item('config.cookie.phone_key'), $cryRes);
             $response['status'] = 100000;
             $response['content'] = '短信发送成功';
             $telArr = array('mobile_no' => $this->user['phone_num'], 'mess_code' => $code, 'send_time' => FF_DATE_TIME);
             $sendMessage->attributes = $telArr;
         } else {
             $response['status'] = 100001;
             $response['content'] = '短信发送失败,请重试';
     } else {
         $response['status'] = 100002;
         $response['content'] = '该手机号码今天发送验证码过多';
     Yii::app()->end(FHelper::json($response['content'], $response['status']));