function main($argc, $argv)
    // Reset to 0 upon success
    $rc = 1;
    // 3 args (+progname) required
    if ($argc != 4) {
        printf("ERROR: 3 args required.\n");
    } else {
        // Store args
        $commandLine = new CommandLine_sgstats2phone($argc, $argv);
        // Extract args
        // Validate args
        if (($argStatus = $commandLine->validateArgs()) != 0) {
        } else {
            // Store the args in the sendGrid object
            $sendGrid = new SendGrid($commandLine->argPhone, $commandLine->argUser, $commandLine->argApiKey);
            // MySecretApiKey
            // Get the SendGrid stats for the current day (via REST/XML)
            if ($sendGrid->statsGet() != 0) {
                printf("ERROR: sendGrid->statsGet()\n");
            } else {
                // Assemble the text-to-speech text, setup params to pass to curl
                // Send stats to phone
                if (SendGridCurl::issueRequest($sendGrid->get_statsParams()) == 0) {
                    // Successful
                    $rc = 0;