  * Load the next bunch of items
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 3/1/06
 function loadNext()
     $dbc = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     // get the list of the next set of Ids
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addColumn("id", "entry_id", "log_entry");
     $query->addOrderBy("timestamp", DESCENDING);
     if ($this->_currentRow) {
         $query->startFromRow($this->_currentRow + 1);
     // 		printpre('CurrentRow at load: '.$this->_currentRow);
     // 		printpre($query->asString());
     $results = $dbc->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
     $nextIds = array();
     while ($results->hasNext()) {
         $row = $results->next();
         $nextIds[] = $row['entry_id'];
     // 		printpre($nextIds);
      * Load the rows for the next set of Ids
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addColumn("id", "id", "log_entry");
     $query->addColumn("timestamp", "timestamp", "log_entry");
     $query->addColumn("category", "category", "log_entry");
     $query->addColumn("description", "description", "log_entry");
     $query->addColumn("backtrace", "backtrace", "log_entry");
     $subQuery = new SelectQuery();
     $subQuery->addWhereIn("fk_entry", $nextIds);
     $query->addDerivedTable($subQuery, LEFT_JOIN, "log_entry.id = tmp_agent.fk_entry", "tmp_agent");
     $query->addColumn("fk_agent", "agent_id", "tmp_agent");
     $subQuery = new SelectQuery();
     $subQuery->addWhereIn("fk_entry", $nextIds);
     $query->addDerivedTable($subQuery, LEFT_JOIN, "log_entry.id = tmp_node.fk_entry", "tmp_node");
     $query->addColumn("fk_node", "node_id", "tmp_node");
     $query->addWhereIn("id", $nextIds);
     $query->addOrderBy("timestamp", DESCENDING);
     $query->addOrderBy("id", ASCENDING);
     //  		printpre($query->asString());
     $results = $dbc->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
     $i = $this->_current;
     $currentEntryId = null;
     $timestamp = null;
     $category = null;
     $description = null;
     $backtrace = '';
     $agents = array();
     $nodes = array();
     while ($results->hasNext()) {
         $row = $results->next();
         // Create the entry if we have all of the data for it.
         if ($currentEntryId && $currentEntryId != $row["id"]) {
             // 				printpre("Creating Entry: ".$currentEntryId." ".$timestamp." -- ".($i+1)." of ".$this->_count);
             $this->_entries[$i] = new HarmoniEntry($dbc->fromDBDate($timestamp, $this->_dbIndex), $category, $description, $backtrace, array_unique($agents), array_unique($nodes), $this->_formatType, $this->_priorityType);
             $currentEntryId = null;
             $timestamp = null;
             $category = null;
             $description = null;
             $backtrace = '';
             $agents = array();
             $nodes = array();
         $currentEntryId = $row["id"];
         $timestamp = $row["timestamp"];
         $category = $row["category"];
         $description = $row["description"];
         $backtrace = $row["backtrace"];
         $agents[] = $row["agent_id"];
         $nodes[] = $row["node_id"];
         // 			printpre($currentEntryId." ".$timestamp." ".$this->_currentRow);
     // get the last entry if we are at the end of the iterator
     if ($currentEntryId && $i == $this->_count - 1) {
         // 			printpre("Creating Entry: ".$currentEntryId." ".$timestamp." -- ".($i+1)." of ".$this->_count);
         $this->_entries[$i] = new HarmoniEntry($dbc->fromDBDate($timestamp, $this->_dbIndex), $category, $description, $backtrace, array_unique($agents), array_unique($nodes), $this->_formatType, $this->_priorityType);
  * Return the names of writable Logs.
  * @return object StringIterator
  * @throws object LoggingException An exception with one of the
  *		   following messages defined in org.osid.logging.LoggingException
  *		   may be thrown:  {@link
  *		   org.osid.logging.LoggingException#UNIMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED},
  *		   {@link org.osid.logging.LoggingException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *		   OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.logging.LoggingException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *		   CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.logging.LoggingException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  * @access public
 function getLogNamesForWriting()
     $dbc = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $results = $dbc->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
     $names = array();
     while ($results->hasNext()) {
         $names[] = $results->field("log_name");
     $iterator = new HarmoniIterator($names);
     return $iterator;
  * Get all NodeTypes used in this Hierarchy.
  * @return object TypeIterator
  * @throws object HierarchyException An exception with one of
  *		   the following messages defined in
  *		   org.osid.hierarchy.HierarchyException may be thrown:	 {@link
  *		   org.osid.hierarchy.HierarchyException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *		   OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.hierarchy.HierarchyException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *		   PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.hierarchy.HierarchyException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *		   CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.hierarchy.HierarchyException#UNIMPLEMENTED
  * @access public
 function getNodeTypes()
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     // set the tables
     $joinc = "az2_node.fk_type = az2_node_type.id";
     $query->addTable("az2_node_type", INNER_JOIN, $joinc);
     $hierarchyIdValue = $this->_id->getIdString();
     $query->addWhereEqual("az2_node.fk_hierarchy", $hierarchyIdValue);
     // set the columns to select
     $query->addColumn("id", "id", "az2_node_type");
     $query->addColumn("domain", "domain", "az2_node_type");
     $query->addColumn("authority", "authority", "az2_node_type");
     $query->addColumn("keyword", "keyword", "az2_node_type");
     $query->addColumn("description", "description", "az2_node_type");
     $queryResult = $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_cache->_dbIndex);
     $types = array();
     while ($queryResult->hasMoreRows()) {
         // fetch current row
         $arr = $queryResult->getCurrentRow();
         // create type object
         $type = new HarmoniType($arr['domain'], $arr['authority'], $arr['keyword'], $arr['description']);
         // add it to array
         $types[] = $type;
     $result = new HarmoniTypeIterator($types);
     return $result;
 function fill(SelectQuery $selectQuery, EntityQueryBuilder $entityQueryBuilder)