public static function verifyHashedData($str)
     try {
         // Explode the String into variables
         @(list($signature, $payload) = @explode('-', $str, 2));
         // Validate the given signature against the one we create using the payload
         if ($signature && $payload && $signature === hash_hmac(self::$algorithm, self::base64UrlDecode($payload), self::$secret)) {
             // Store the data
             self::$data = json_decode(self::base64UrlDecode($payload), TRUE);
             // Data untaltered
             return TRUE;
         // Data altered
         return FALSE;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Unknown error occured
         return FALSE;
Exemple #2

// Require class file
require_once 'libs/SecureHash.class.php';
// Get the instance
$SecureHash = SecureHash::getInstance();
// Set the shared secret, algorithm and delimiter
// Hashe the data and return as string
$str = $SecureHash::generateHashedData(array('Hello' => 'World'));
// Debug output
// Just verify, don't return the parsed data
// Like verifyHashedData() but returns the parsed data