public static function run($scope, $query) { self::$enterprise = 'enterprise' === $scope; if (' ' !== $query[0]) { return ''; } $query = ltrim($query); self::$query = $query; self::$parts = $parts = explode(' ', $query); Workflow::init(self::$enterprise, $query); if (Workflow::checkUpdate()) { self::addUpdateCommands(); return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); } if (self::$enterprise && !Workflow::getBaseUrl()) { self::addEnterpriseUrlCommand(); return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); } if (!Workflow::getAccessToken() || !(self::$user = Workflow::requestApi('/user'))) { self::addLoginCommands(); return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); } Workflow::stopServer(); $isSystem = isset($query[0]) && $query[0] == '>'; $isMy = 'my' == $parts[0] && isset($parts[1]); $isUser = isset($query[0]) && $query[0] == '@'; $isRepo = false; $queryUser = null; if ($isUser) { $queryUser = ltrim($parts[0], '@'); } elseif (($pos = strpos($parts[0], '/')) !== false) { $queryUser = substr($parts[0], 0, $pos); $isRepo = true; } if ($isSystem) { self::addSystemCommands(); Workflow::sortItems(); } else { if ($isMy) { self::addMyCommands(); } elseif ($isUser && isset($parts[1])) { self::addUserSubCommands($queryUser); } elseif (!$isUser && $isRepo && isset($parts[1])) { self::addRepoSubCommands(); } else { self::addDefaultCommands($isUser, $isRepo, $queryUser); } Workflow::sortItems(); if ($query) { if (!$isUser && $isRepo && isset($parts[1])) { $repoQuery = substr($query, strlen($parts[0]) + 1); Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title("Search '{$parts['0']}' for '{$repoQuery}'")->icon('search')->arg('/' . $parts[0] . '/search?q=' . urlencode($repoQuery))->autocomplete(false), false); } $path = $isUser ? $queryUser : '******' . urlencode($query); $name = self::$enterprise ? 'GitHub Enterprise' : 'GitHub'; Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title("Search {$name} for '{$query}'")->icon('search')->arg('/' . $path)->autocomplete(false), false); } } return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); }
public function indexAction() { $key = $this->getRequest()->get('kw'); $orderby = $this->getRequest()->get('od'); $page = $this->getRequest()->get('page', 1); // $router = \Yaf\Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); // $config = \Yaf\Application::app()->getConfig(); $search = new Search(); $search->setQ($key); $search->setPage($page); if (!empty($orderby)) { $search->setSortby($orderby); } $res = $search->query(); $pages = 1; $films = null; if ($res) { $pages = empty($res['pages']) ? 1 : $res['pages']; if (isset($res['matches'])) { foreach ($res['matches'] as $match) { $ids[] = $match['id']; } $conn = new MyPDO(); $films = $conn->table('film')->select('*')->where('id in (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')')->orderBy('order by find_in_set (id, \'' . implode(',', $ids) . '\')')->execute(); } } $this->_view->assign('films', $films); $this->_view->assign('kw', $key); $this->_view->assign('orderby', $orderby); $this->_view->assign('page', $page); $this->_view->assign('pages', $pages); }
/** * Search with solr & prepare data for output * * @param $p options * @param $prepare bool */ private function solrSearch($p, $prepare = false) { // skip grid params unset($p->grid); $p->fl = 'id, pid, path, name, template_type, system, ' . 'size, date, date_end, oid, cid, cdate, uid, udate, case_id, acl_count, ' . 'case, template_id, task_u_assignee, status, task_d_closed, versions, ' . 'case_violation_resolved, case_violation_unresolved, cfg, type, nid, ' . 'search_hash, case_hash'; $s = new Search(); return $s->query($p); }
public function index($arguments) { Layout::set('title', 'Search'); if (empty($_POST['query'])) { return Error::set('No search query found.'); } $query = substr(trim(htmlentities($_POST['query'], ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO8859-1', false)), 0, 250); $results = Search::query($query); if ($results['hits']['total'] == 0) { return Error::set('No results found.'); } $this->view['results'] = array(); $news = new news(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo')); $articles = new articles(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo')); $lectures = new lectures(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo')); $i = 1; if (empty($results['hits']['hits'])) { return; } foreach ($results['hits']['hits'] as $result) { $entry = $result['_source']; switch ($entry['type']) { case 'news': $post = $news->get($result['_id'], false, true); if (empty($post)) { continue; } $post['type'] = 'news'; array_push($this->view['results'], $post); break; case 'article': $article = $articles->get($result['_id'], false, true); if (empty($article)) { continue; } $article['type'] = 'article'; array_push($this->view['results'], $article); break; case 'lecture': $lecture = $lectures->get($result['_id'], false, true); if (empty($lecture)) { continue; } $lecture['type'] = 'lecture'; array_push($this->view['results'], $lecture); break; } if ($i == 5) { break; } ++$i; } }
public static function run($query) { self::$query = $query; self::$parts = $parts = explode(' ', $query); Workflow::init($query); if (Workflow::checkUpdate()) { self::addUpdateCommands(); return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); } if (!Workflow::getConfig('access_token') || !(self::$user = Workflow::requestGithubApi('/user'))) { self::addLoginCommands(); return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); } Workflow::stopServer(); $isSystem = isset($query[0]) && $query[0] == '>'; $isMy = 'my' == $parts[0] && isset($parts[1]); $isUser = isset($query[0]) && $query[0] == '@'; $isRepo = false; $queryUser = null; if ($isUser) { $queryUser = ltrim($parts[0], '@'); } elseif (($pos = strpos($parts[0], '/')) !== false) { $queryUser = substr($parts[0], 0, $pos); $isRepo = true; } if ($isSystem) { self::addSystemCommands(); Workflow::sortItems(); } else { if ($isMy) { self::addMyCommands(); } elseif ($isUser && isset($parts[1])) { self::addUserSubCommands($queryUser); } elseif (!$isUser && $isRepo && isset($parts[1])) { self::addRepoSubCommands(); } else { self::addDefaultCommands($isUser, $isRepo, $queryUser); } Workflow::sortItems(); if ($query) { if (!$isUser && $isRepo && isset($parts[1])) { $repoQuery = substr($query, strlen($parts[0]) + 1); Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title("Search '{$parts['0']}' for '{$repoQuery}'")->icon('search')->arg('' . $parts[0] . '/search?q=' . urlencode($repoQuery))->autocomplete(false), false); } $path = $isUser ? $queryUser : '******' . urlencode($query); Workflow::addItem(Item::create()->title("Search GitHub for '{$query}'")->icon('search')->arg('' . $path)->autocomplete(false), false); } } return Workflow::getItemsAsXml(); }
public function results($query) { if (!empty($query)) { // cleanup, convert, replace, strip... $query = Fari_Decode::url($query); $query = preg_replace('~\\s{2,}~', ' ', implode(' ', explode('-', strtolower($query)))); $query = substr($query, -1) == ' ' ? substr($query, 0, -1) : $query; // trailing space $query = substr($query, 0, 1) == ' ' ? substr($query, 1) : $query; // leading space $this->view->query = $query = Fari_Escape::alpha($query); $this->view->keywords = implode('-', explode(' ', $query)); // implode back to have clean keywords } else { $this->redirect('/'); die; } // fetch the result and add relevance to it $this->view->result = Search::query($query); $this->view->display('results'); }
function thread_post_get() { global $DB; $Search = new Search(); $offset = cmd(3, true) ? cmd(3, true) * 100 : 0; $res = $Search->query(cmd(2), "thread_post", $offset); $ids = array_keys($res['matches']); $page = cmd(3, true) + 1; $Query = new BoardQuery(); $View = new BoardView(); $View->type(VIEW_THREAD_SEARCH); $View->title("Search Thread Posts: " . htmlentities(cmd(2))); $View->subtitle(number_format($res['total']) . " results found showing " . ($offset ? $offset : 1) . "-" . ($offset + 100) . SPACE . ARROW_RIGHT . SPACE . "page: {$page}"); $View->header(false); require_once DIR . "module/search/.content/main.php"; $View->header_menu(); if ($res['total'] == 0) { $ids = array(0); } $DB->query($Query->view_thread(false, cmd(3, true), cmd(4, true), $ids)); $View->data($DB->load_all()); $View->thread(); $View->footer(); }
public function pagelist($where, $template = null, $order = null, $under = null, $filter = null, $keyword = null, $param = "q", $inclusive = false) { $p = new \Phile\Repository\Page(); $settings = \Phile\Registry::get('Phile_Settings'); if ($order) { $settings = array_merge($settings, array('pages_order' => $order)); } if (!$template) { $template = "pagelist-default"; $this->templateDir = PLUGINS_DIR . "infostreams/pagelistSnippet/Templates"; } $all = $p->findAll($settings); $list = array(); if (is_array($where)) { // user provided a list of pages // - we obtain those from '$all' to make sure any provided sorting order is applied $where = array_map('trim', $where); foreach ($all as $p) { if (in_array($p->getUrl(), $where)) { $list[] = $p; } } } else { // user provided a keyword, such as 'all', 'below' or 'search' switch ($where) { default: case "below": case "search": $root = null; if ($under) { $p = new \Phile\Repository\Page(); $root = $p->findByPath($under); } // for 'search', we support providing an 'under' argument if ($where == "search" && $root == null) { // however, if it isn't provided, we default to searching all pages $list = $all; break; } if (!$root) { $root = $this->currentPage; } $root_dir = dirname($root->getFilePath()); $inclusive = $this->isTrue($inclusive); foreach ($all as $p) { if (strpos($p->getFilePath(), $root_dir) !== false) { if ($inclusive || !$inclusive && $p->getFilePath() != $root->getFilePath()) { $list[] = $p; } } } break; case "all": $list = $all; break; } // once we have obtained a base list of pages, we can search and filter if ($where == "search") { if (array_key_exists($param, $_GET)) { // retrieve the keyword so we know what to search for, $keyword = urldecode($_GET[$param]); // ... and then remove it from the $_GET array to make sure // that we don't run the search again if we come across a page // that contains another (pagelist: search) snippet. // // This fixes unset($_GET[$param]); $search = new Search($list); $list = $search->query($keyword); } else { $list = array(); } } } if (!is_null($filter) && is_array($filter)) { // apply filter to filter by meta tag $filter_count = count($filter); foreach ($list as $i => $p) { $match_count = 0; foreach ($filter as $k => $v) { // Check if each filter matches. // Filters can be specified as regular expressions. if (preg_match('/' . trim($v, '/') . '/', $p->getMeta()->{$k})) { $match_count++; } } if ($match_count != $filter_count) { // if one or more filters don't match, then remove this page from the list unset($list[$i]); } } // renumber filtered list $list = array_values($list); } // if the user provides a keyword to filter/search, do that now if (!is_null($keyword)) { foreach ($list as $i => $l) { if ($l == $this->currentPage) { unset($list[$i]); break; } } $search = new Search($list); $list = $search->query($keyword); } // We have now obtained the list of pages to display. Store it in a public // place so that we can inject it into the template rendering process by // intercepting the 'template_engine_registered' event in the main Plugin class. $this->pagelist = $list; // We can start rendering now, but only if the recursion protection says we're good if (self::$renderDepth < 3) { // (The recursion limit is here to make sure we don't accidentally time-out // recursively rendering the same page) self::$renderDepth++; // get the template engine, and make sure we're working on an independent copy $templateEngine = \Phile\ServiceLocator::getService('Phile_Template'); $clone = clone $templateEngine; // The template engine determines which template to use by looking at the // page's metadata. We create a dummy page with only one piece of metadata // (the name of the template file) to force the engine to use the template // we specify. $clone->setCurrentPage(new DummyPage($template)); // now do the actual rendering and return the output $output = $clone->render(); self::$renderDepth--; return $output; } // the recursion limit has been reached - return an empty string return ""; }
public function query($query) { $dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "data" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $jsonDir = $dir . "json"; $indexDir = $dir . "index"; // Percorre os indices $files = scandir($jsonDir); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $indexName = substr($file, 0, -5); $index = Lucene\Lucene::open($indexDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $indexName); // Abre index $hits = $index->find($query); // Executa query // Lista resultados foreach ($hits as $hit) { $document = $hit->getDocument(); // return a Zend\Search\Lucene\Field object // from the Zend\Search\Lucene\Document echo "<h3>" . $document->getFieldValue('url') . "</h3><br />"; //echo "<p>" . $hit->text . "</p><br /><br />"; } } } } $q = !empty($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : 'CBF'; $sc = new Search(); $sc->query($q);
} else { if (!empty($_GET["location"])) { $title = $_GET["location"]; } else { if (!empty($_GET["date"])) { $title = $_GET["date"]; } else { if (!empty($_GET["user"])) { $title = $_GET["user"]; } } } } } try { $Search->setInclude($_GET["q"]); $Search->setTags($_GET["tags"]); $Search->setLocation($_GET["location"]); $Search->setDate($_GET["date"]); $Search->setUser($_GET["user"]); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } if (!isset($Feed)) { $Feed = new Feed($Database); } $eventCount = 0; foreach ($Search->query() as $status) { require $baseDir . 'includes/templates/feed_box.php'; $eventCount++; }