protected function check(SblamURI $link) { $domain = $link->getDomain(); $min = max(2, count(explode('.', $domain)) + 1); $res = $this->blacklist->check($link->getHostname()); if ($res >= $min) { return $res + 1 - $min; } return 0; }
function index() { $pdo = $this->services->getDB(); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true); $sblam = $this->getSblam(); $pdo->exec("/*maxtime15*/DELETE from dupes where expires < unix_timestamp(now())"); $pdo->exec("TRUNCATE bayeswordsh_s"); $pdo->exec("TRUNCATE linkswordsh_s"); $pdo->exec("/*maxtime15*/UPDATE plonker f join dnscache d on f.ip=d.ip left join trustedproxies t on\n\t\tset f.added=f.added,f.spampoints = f.spampoints/2 where\n\t\ like '' or\n\t\ like '' or\n\t\ like '' or\n\t\ like '' or\n\t\ like '' or\n\t\ is not null\n\t\t"); $pdo->exec("/*maxtime10*/DELETE from plonker where (spampoints<50 and added < now() - interval 3 month) or spampoints<5"); $pdo->exec("/*maxtime10*/DELETE from dnscache where host is NULL or rand()<0.4"); $pdo->exec("/*maxtime10*/DELETE from dnsrevcache where ip = 0 or rand()<0.4"); $pdo->exec("/*maxtime10*/delete from plonker where ip = inet_aton('') or\nip between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('') or\nip between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('') or\nip between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('') or\nip between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('');"); $n = 0; $q = $pdo->query("/*maxtime15*/SELECT FROM trustedproxies t left join dnscache d ON = WHERE is NULL"); if ($q) { foreach ($q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $res) { SblamURI::gethostbyname($res['host']); } } $pdo->exec("/*maxtime10*/INSERT into dnscache (host,ip) select,r.ip FROM trustedproxies t left join dnscache d ON = join dnsrevcache r on = WHERE is NULL;"); $pdo->exec("DELETE from plonker WHERE ip BETWEEN INET_ATON('') AND INET_ATON('')"); $pdo->exec("DELETE from plonker WHERE ip BETWEEN INET_ATON('' ) AND INET_ATON('')"); $pdo->exec("DELETE from plonker WHERE ip BETWEEN INET_ATON('' ) AND INET_ATON('')"); /* set @minid = least((select id-40000 from posts_meta order by id desc limit 1),(select id+5000 from posts_meta order by id limit 1)); insert into posts_archive select * from posts_meta left join posts_data on = where < @minid; delete from posts_meta where id < @minid; */ if (date("d") % 1) { $pdo->exec("/*maxtime30*/DELETE from bayeswordsh where spam<4 and ham<2 and added < now() - interval 2 month limit 20000"); } else { $pdo->exec("/*maxtime30*/DELETE from linkswordsh where spam<3 and ham<2 and added < now() - interval 2 month limit 10000"); } return array('page_content' => 'ok'); }
function getCheckIPResults() { $out = array(); foreach ($this->ips as $ip => $ipinfo) { list($reason, $scorefactor) = $ipinfo; $res = SblamURI::gethostbynamel($this->reverse($ip)); if ($res) { foreach ($res as $resip) { $tmp = $this->score($ip, $resip, $reason, $scorefactor); if ($tmp) { $out[] = $tmp; } } } } if (!count($out)) { return NULL; } $res = Sblam::sumResults($out); if ($res[0] > 1) { $res[0] = 1; } if ($res[1] > self::CERTAINITY_HIGH) { $res[1] = self::CERTAINITY_HIGH; } return $res; }
function getCheckHostResults() { $score = 0; foreach ($this->addedhosts as $host => $whatever) { $host .= ''; $res = SblamURI::gethostbynamel($host); if ($res && count($res)) { d($res, "found banned {$host}"); $score += 3; $mask = 0; foreach ($res as $ip) { $mask |= ip2long($ip); } $mask &= 127 - 1 - 16; // outblaze list has false positives, so lower score d($mask, "banned mask"); while ($mask) { $score++; $mask >>= 1; } d("total surbl score until now is {$score}"); } else { d("{$host} not listed {$res}"); } } $finalscore = min(0.4 + $score / 25, 1.5); if ($score) { return array($finalscore, $score >= 13 ? self::CERTAINITY_HIGH : self::CERTAINITY_NORMAL, "Linked sites in SURBL (" . round($finalscore, 1) . " = {$score})"); } return NULL; }
private function lookup(array $hosts) { $sblam = $this->getSblam(); // init SblamURI foreach ($hosts as $h) { d(SblamURI::gethostbyname($h['host']), $h['host']); } }
static function init($tldsfile, PDO $db = NULL) { //d('initializing tlds'); self::$tlds = new DomainMatch($tldsfile); self::$db = $db; if (!$db) { warn("No cache"); } self::$useasync = AsyncDNS::supported(); }
protected function readConfig(array $ini) { if (!empty($ini['tlds'])) { SblamURI::init($ini['tlds'], $this->services->getDB()); } else { warn('tlds not given!'); } if (!empty($ini['dns'])) { AsyncDNS::init(preg_split('![\\s,]+!', $ini['dns'], NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); } else { warn('dns not given!'); } foreach ($ini as $name => $settings) { if (!is_array($settings) || $name == 'db') { continue; } if (!empty($settings['disabled']) || isset($settings['enabled']) && !$settings['enabled']) { /*d($name,'disabled');*/ continue; } try { include_once "tests/" . strtolower($name) . ".php"; $classname = "SblamTest" . ucfirst($name); if (!class_exists($classname)) { warn($name, "Problem loading test plugin"); } $info = call_user_func(array($classname, 'info')); if (!empty($info['remote']) && isset($ini['remote']) && !$ini['remote']) { d($info, 'Its a remote service, remote disabled, skipping'); continue; } if (!empty($info['unsupported'])) { d($info, 'unsupported in this configuration'); continue; } $test = new $classname($settings, $this->services); if (!$test instanceof ISblamTest) { warn($test, 'Not a test'); continue; } //d($classname,"instantiated"); $this->addTest($test, isset($settings['phase']) ? $settings['phase'] : 10); } catch (Exception $e) { warn($e, "Failed to initialize plugin {$name}"); } } return true; }
private function severity($ip) { $rev = SblamURI::gethostbyaddr($ip); if (is_array($rev)) { warn($rev, "gethostbyaddr returned array!?"); $rev = reset($rev); } if (!$rev) { return 3; } if (preg_match('/(^|[.-])(vp[sn]|srv)[.\\d-]|(^|\\.)(colo|dedi?)[-.]|dedic|resell|serv(er|[.\\d-])|^ns\\d*\\.|^mail\\d*\\.|multicast|invalid|unknown/', $rev)) { return 2; } if (preg_match('/internetdsl\\.|static/', $rev) || preg_match('/^[^\\d]+$/', $rev) || strlen($rev) < 10) { return 1.5; } if (preg_match('/^nat[\\d.-]|cache|proxy|gprs[^a-z]|dynamic|\\.dhcp\\.|\\.sta\\.|ppp[\\d.-]|\\.dyn\\.|(^|[.-])adsl[.0-9-]/', $rev)) { return 0.8; } return 1; }
function index() { $pdo = $this->services->getDB(); $sblam = $this->getSblam(); // inits urls $table = 'plonker'; // FIXME: read config! $accumulate = array(); $max = 10; while ($max--) { foreach ($pdo->query("SELECT ip,added from {$table} where flags=0 order by rand() limit 2000") as $r) { try { $ip = long2ip($r['ip']); $rev = preg_replace('!(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)!', '\\4.\\3.\\2.\\', $ip); $r['rev1'] = $rev; SblamURI::gethostbynameasync($rev); $rev = preg_replace('!(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)!', '\\4.\\3.\\2.\\', $ip); $r['rev2'] = $rev; SblamURI::gethostbynameasync($rev); $accumulate[] = $r; usleep(50000); if (count($accumulate) >= 20) { foreach ($accumulate as $r) { $res = SblamURI::gethostbyname($r['rev1']) ? 'dul' : 'nodul'; $res .= ',' . (SblamURI::gethostbyname($r['rev2']) ? 'wild' : 'nowild'); $q = "update {$table} set flags = '{$res}', added = added where ip = {$r['ip']}"; d($q); if (!$pdo->query($q)) { warn($pdo->errorInfo()); } } $accumulate = array(); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } } return array('redirect' => '/admin/plonker'); }
function testPost(ISblamPost $p) { // whitelist only direct connection (because other can be forged) and only when there aren't any objectionable hosts there $out = array(); $firstIP = true; $whitelisted = false; foreach ($p->getAuthorIPs() as $ip) { $rev = SblamURI::gethostbyaddr($ip); if (!$rev) { continue; } if (is_array($rev)) { warn($rev, 'gethostbyaddr returned array'); $rev = reset($rev); } // WTF? if (preg_match('!(?:\\.|^)(?:' . $this->isps . ')$!', $rev)) { $out[] = array(0.5, self::CERTAINITY_LOW, "Sent from blacklisted ISP ({$rev})"); } else { if ($firstIP && preg_match('!\\.(?:' . $this->whitelist . ')$!', $rev)) { $whitelisted = true; } else { if (preg_match('!\\.(?:' . $this->blacklist . ')$!', $rev)) { $out[] = array(0.35, self::CERTAINITY_LOW, "Sent from blacklisted TLD ({$rev})"); } } } $firstIP = false; } if (!count($out) && $whitelisted) { return array(-0.25, self::CERTAINITY_LOW, "Sent from whitelisted TLD ({$rev})"); } if (count($out)) { return $out; } }
function addURI(array &$urls, SblamURI $link, $prefix = '') { if ($link->isTLD()) { return; } if ($hostname = $link->getHostname()) { $hostname = preg_replace(array('!^www\\.!', '!\\d\\d+!'), array('', 'D'), $hostname); // normalise digits! (block bulk registrations) $urls[$prefix . $hostname] = true; if ($domain = $link->getDomain()) { $urls[$prefix . $domain] = true; } if ($p = $link->getPath()) { $p = preg_replace('!^(/[^#]{1,7}[^#/\\?]{0,5}).*$!', '\\1', $p); // shorten path. its mainly for getting real tinyurl adresses, not every spammy subpage out there if ($p !== '/') { $urls[$prefix . $hostname . $p] = true; } } } if (preg_match('!\\b(?:site:|https?://)([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)!', urldecode($link->getPath()), $m)) { $this->addURI($urls, new SblamURI('http://' . $m[1]), $prefix); } }
private function queue_prefetch(array $spams) { foreach ($spams as $spam) { foreach ($spam->getAuthorIPs() as $ip) { SblamURI::gethostbyaddrasync($ip); } } }