Exemple #1
  * render graphviz object
  * @return string the rendered text
 public function render($matches)
     global $context;
     list($text, $variant) = $matches;
     // sanity check
     if (!$text) {
         $text = 'Hello->World!';
     // remove tags put by WYSIWYG editors
     $text = strip_tags(str_replace(array('&gt;', '&lt;', '&amp;', '&quot;', '\\"'), array('>', '<', '&', '"', '"'), str_replace(array('<br />', '</p>'), "\n", $text)));
     // build the .dot content
     switch ($variant) {
         case 'digraph':
             $text = 'digraph G { ' . $text . ' }' . "\n";
     // id for this object
     $hash = md5($text);
     // path to cached files
     $path = $context['path_to_root'] . 'temporary/graphviz.';
     // we cache content
     if ($content = Safe::file_get_contents($path . $hash . '.html')) {
         return $content;
     // build a .dot file
     if (!Safe::file_put_contents($path . $hash . '.dot', $text)) {
         $content = '[error writing .dot file]';
         return $content;
     // process the .dot file
     if (isset($context['dot.command'])) {
         $command = $context['dot.command'];
     } else {
         $command = 'dot';
     //		$font = '"/System/Library/Fonts/Times.dfont"';
     //		$command = '/sw/bin/dot -v -Nfontname='.$font
     $command .= ' -Tcmapx -o "' . $path . $hash . '.map"' . ' -Tpng -o "' . $path . $hash . '.png"' . ' "' . $path . $hash . '.dot"';
     if (Safe::shell_exec($command) == NULL) {
         $content = '[error while using graphviz]';
         return $content;
     // produce the HTML
     $content = '<img src="' . $context['url_to_root'] . 'temporary/graphviz.' . $hash . '.png" usemap="#mainmap" />';
     $content .= Safe::file_get_contents($path . $hash . '.map');
     // put in cache
     Safe::file_put_contents($path . $hash . '.html', $content);
     // done
     return $content;