function init() { parent::init(); Requirements::themedCSS('editor'); Requirements::javascript('mysite/js/signup-now.js'); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); }
function init() { parent::init(); Requirements::themedCSS('jquery-filestyle.min'); Requirements::javascript('mysite/js/jquery-filestyle.min.js'); Requirements::javascript('mysite/js/create-heatmap.js'); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); }
public function show($params) { if ($params['ID']) { $this->setCurrentPageID($params['ID']); } if (isset($params['OtherID'])) { Session::set('currentMember', $params['OtherID']); } if (Director::is_ajax()) { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); return $this->EditForm() ? $this->EditForm()->formHtmlContent() : false; } return array(); }
protected function showWithEditForm($params, $editForm) { if (isset($params['ID'])) { Session::set('currentPage', $params['ID']); } if (isset($params['OtherID'])) { Session::set('currentOtherID', $params['OtherID']); } if (Director::is_ajax()) { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); $result = $this->customise(array('EditForm' => $editForm))->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix("_right")); return $this->getLastFormIn($result); } else { return array(); } }
public function getitem() { $id = isset($_REQUEST['ID']) ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $this->templateID; $this->setCurrentPageID($id); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); if (isset($_REQUEST['ID']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ID'])) { $record = DataObject::get_by_id("DynamicTemplate", $_REQUEST['ID']); if ($record && !$record->canView()) { return Security::permissionFailure($this); } } $form = $this->EditForm(); if ($form) { $content = $form->formHtmlContent(); if ($this->ShowSwitchView()) { $content .= '<div id="AjaxSwitchView">' . $this->SwitchView() . '</div>'; } return $content; } else { return ""; } }
public function show($request) { // TODO Necessary for TableListField URLs to work properly if ($request->param('ID')) { $this->setCurrentPageID($request->param('ID')); } if ($this->isAjax()) { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); $form = $this->getEditForm($request->param('ID')); $content = $form->formHtmlContent(); } else { // Rendering is handled by template, which will call EditForm() eventually $content = $this->renderWith($this->getViewer('show')); } if ($this->ShowSwitchView()) { $content .= '<div id="AjaxSwitchView">' . $this->SwitchView() . '</div>'; } return $content; }
function sendFormToBrowser($templateData) { if (Director::is_ajax()) { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); $result = $this->customise($templateData)->renderWith($this->class . '_right'); $parts = split('</?form[^>]*>', $result); return $parts[sizeof($parts) - 2]; } else { return array("Right" => $this->customise($templateData)->renderWith($this->class . '_right')); } }
public function testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode() { $oldRewriteHashLinks = SSViewer::getOption('rewriteHashlinks'); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', 'php'); $tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss'; // Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links. file_put_contents($tmplFile, '<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><% base_tag %></head> <body> <a class="inline" href="#anchor">InlineLink</a> $InsertedLink <body> </html>'); $tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile); $obj = new ViewableData(); $obj->InsertedLink = '<a class="inserted" href="#anchor">InsertedLink</a>'; $result = $tmpl->process($obj); $this->assertContains('<a class="inserted" href="<?php echo strip_tags(', $result); // TODO Fix inline links in PHP mode // $this->assertContains( // '<a class="inline" href="<?php echo str_replace(', // $result // ); unlink($tmplFile); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', $oldRewriteHashLinks); }
public function getitem() { $this->setCurrentPageID($_REQUEST['ID']); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); // Changed 3/11/2006 to not use getLastFormIn because that didn't have _form_action, _form_name, etc. $form = $this->EditForm(); if ($form) { return $form->formHtmlContent(); } else { return ""; } }
public function newmember() { Session::clear('currentMember'); $newMemberForm = array("MemberForm" => $this->getMemberForm('new')); // This should be using FormResponse ;-) if (Director::is_ajax()) { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); $customised = $this->customise($newMemberForm); $result = $customised->renderWith($this->class . "_rightbottom"); $parts = split('</?form[^>]*>', $result); return $parts[1]; } else { return $newMemberForm; } }
/** * @uses LeftAndMainExtension->init() * @uses LeftAndMainExtension->accessedCMS() * @uses CMSMenu */ function init() { parent::init(); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); // set language $member = Member::currentUser(); if (!empty($member->Locale)) { i18n::set_locale($member->Locale); } if (!empty($member->DateFormat)) { i18n::set_date_format($member->DateFormat); } if (!empty($member->TimeFormat)) { i18n::set_time_format($member->TimeFormat); } // can't be done in cms/_config.php as locale is not set yet CMSMenu::add_link('Help', _t('LeftAndMain.HELP', 'Help', PR_HIGH, 'Menu title'), self::$help_link); // Allow customisation of the access check by a extension // Also all the canView() check to execute Director::redirect() if (!$this->canView() && !$this->response->isFinished()) { // When access /admin/, we should try a redirect to another part of the admin rather than be locked out $menu = $this->MainMenu(); foreach ($menu as $candidate) { if ($candidate->Link && $candidate->Link != $this->Link() && $candidate->MenuItem->controller && singleton($candidate->MenuItem->controller)->canView()) { return Director::redirect($candidate->Link); } } if (Member::currentUser()) { Session::set("BackURL", null); } // if no alternate menu items have matched, return a permission error $messageSet = array('default' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMDEFAULT', "Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS."), 'alreadyLoggedIn' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMALREADY', "I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below"), 'logInAgain' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMAGAIN', "You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below.")); return Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet); } // Don't continue if there's already been a redirection request. if (Director::redirected_to()) { return; } // Audit logging hook if (empty($_REQUEST['executeForm']) && !$this->isAjax()) { $this->extend('accessedCMS'); } // Requirements Requirements::combine_files('lib.js', array(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/prototype/prototype.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/behaviour/behaviour.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/jquery_improvements.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-livequery/jquery.livequery.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-ondemand/jquery.ondemand.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/json-js/json2.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-query/jquery.query.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-metadata/jquery.metadata.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jsizes/lib/jquery.sizes.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jlayout.border.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jquery.jlayout.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.adapter.jquery.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.html4.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/jquery.jstree.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.jquery.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-hoverIntent/jquery.hoverIntent.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-changetracker/lib/jquery.changetracker.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TreeDropdownField.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . "/thirdparty/jquery-form/jquery.form.js", SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/DateField.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/HtmlEditorField.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TabSet.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/Validator.js', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ssui.core.js')); Requirements::combine_files('leftandmain.js', array(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Panel.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Tree.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Ping.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Content.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.EditForm.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Menu.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.AddForm.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Preview.js', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.BatchActions.js')); Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/lang'); Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/lang'); Requirements::combine_files('lib.css', array(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.css', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/themes/apple/style.css', SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/TreeDropdownField.css', SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/unjquery.css')); Requirements::css(SAPPHIRE_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/screen.css'); // Set the members html editor config HtmlEditorConfig::set_active(Member::currentUser()->getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS()); // Set default values in the config if missing. These things can't be defined in the config // file because insufficient information exists when that is being processed $htmlEditorConfig = HtmlEditorConfig::get_active(); $htmlEditorConfig->setOption('language', i18n::get_tinymce_lang()); if (!$htmlEditorConfig->getOption('content_css')) { $cssFiles = array(); $cssFiles[] = 'sapphire/admin/css/editor.css'; // Use theme from the site config if (class_exists('SiteConfig') && ($config = SiteConfig::current_site_config()) && $config->Theme) { $theme = $config->Theme; } elseif (SSViewer::current_theme()) { $theme = SSViewer::current_theme(); } else { $theme = false; } if ($theme) { $cssFiles[] = THEMES_DIR . "/{$theme}/css/editor.css"; } else { if (project()) { $cssFiles[] = project() . '/css/editor.css'; } } // Remove files that don't exist foreach ($cssFiles as $k => $cssFile) { if (!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $cssFile)) { unset($cssFiles[$k]); } } $htmlEditorConfig->setOption('content_css', implode(',', $cssFiles)); } foreach (self::$extra_requirements['javascript'] as $file) { Requirements::javascript($file[0]); } foreach (self::$extra_requirements['css'] as $file) { Requirements::css($file[0], $file[1]); } foreach (self::$extra_requirements['themedcss'] as $file) { Requirements::themedCSS($file[0], $file[1]); } $dummy = null; $this->extend('init', $dummy); // The user's theme shouldn't affect the CMS, if, for example, they have replaced // or SSViewer::set_theme(null); }
public function getitem() { $this->setCurrentPageID($_REQUEST['ID']); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); if(isset($_REQUEST['ID']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ID'])) { $record = DataObject::get_by_id($this->stat('tree_class'), $_REQUEST['ID']); if($record && !$record->canView()) return Security::permissionFailure($this); } $form = $this->EditForm(); if($form) return $form->formHtmlContent(); else return ""; }
function publishPages($urls) { // Do we need to map these? // Detect a numerically indexed arrays if (is_numeric(join('', array_keys($urls)))) { $urls = $this->urlsToPaths($urls); } // This can be quite memory hungry and time-consuming // @todo - Make a more memory efficient publisher increase_time_limit_to(); increase_memory_limit_to(); // Set the appropriate theme for this publication batch. // This may have been set explicitly via StaticPublisher::static_publisher_theme, // or we can use the last non-null theme. if (!StaticPublisher::static_publisher_theme()) { SSViewer::set_theme(SSViewer::current_custom_theme()); } else { SSViewer::set_theme(StaticPublisher::static_publisher_theme()); } $currentBaseURL = Director::baseURL(); if (self::$static_base_url) { Director::setBaseURL(self::$static_base_url); } if ($this->fileExtension == 'php') { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', 'php'); } if (StaticPublisher::echo_progress()) { echo $this->class . ": Publishing to " . self::$static_base_url . "\n"; } $files = array(); $i = 0; $totalURLs = sizeof($urls); foreach ($urls as $url => $path) { if (self::$static_base_url) { Director::setBaseURL(self::$static_base_url); } $i++; if ($url && !is_string($url)) { user_error("Bad url:" . var_export($url, true), E_USER_WARNING); continue; } if (StaticPublisher::echo_progress()) { echo " * Publishing page {$i}/{$totalURLs}: {$url}\n"; flush(); } Requirements::clear(); if ($url == "") { $url = "/"; } if (Director::is_relative_url($url)) { $url = Director::absoluteURL($url); } $response = Director::test(str_replace('+', ' ', $url)); Requirements::clear(); singleton('DataObject')->flushCache(); //skip any responses with a 404 status code. We don't want to turn those into statically cached pages if (!$response || $response->getStatusCode() == '404') { continue; } // Generate file content // PHP file caching will generate a simple script from a template if ($this->fileExtension == 'php') { if (is_object($response)) { if ($response->getStatusCode() == '301' || $response->getStatusCode() == '302') { $content = $this->generatePHPCacheRedirection($response->getHeader('Location')); } else { $content = $this->generatePHPCacheFile($response->getBody(), HTTP::get_cache_age(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } } else { $content = $this->generatePHPCacheFile($response . '', HTTP::get_cache_age(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } // HTML file caching generally just creates a simple file } else { if (is_object($response)) { if ($response->getStatusCode() == '301' || $response->getStatusCode() == '302') { $absoluteURL = Director::absoluteURL($response->getHeader('Location')); $content = "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL={$absoluteURL}\">"; } else { $content = $response->getBody(); } } else { $content = $response . ''; } } $files[] = array('Content' => $content, 'Folder' => dirname($path) . '/', 'Filename' => basename($path)); // Add externals /* $externals = $this->externalReferencesFor($content); if($externals) foreach($externals as $external) { // Skip absolute URLs if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//', $external)) continue; // Drop querystring parameters $external = strtok($external, '?'); if(file_exists("../" . $external)) { // Break into folder and filename if(preg_match('/^(.*\/)([^\/]+)$/', $external, $matches)) { $files[$external] = array( "Copy" => "../$external", "Folder" => $matches[1], "Filename" => $matches[2], ); } else { user_error("Can't parse external: $external", E_USER_WARNING); } } else { $missingFiles[$external] = true; } }*/ } if (self::$static_base_url) { Director::setBaseURL($currentBaseURL); } if ($this->fileExtension == 'php') { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', true); } $base = BASE_PATH . "/{$this->destFolder}"; foreach ($files as $file) { Filesystem::makeFolder("{$base}/{$file['Folder']}"); if (isset($file['Content'])) { $fh = fopen("{$base}/{$file['Folder']}{$file['Filename']}", "w"); fwrite($fh, $file['Content']); fclose($fh); } else { if (isset($file['Copy'])) { copy($file['Copy'], "{$base}/{$file['Folder']}{$file['Filename']}"); } } } }
/** * @uses LeftAndMainExtension->init() * @uses LeftAndMainExtension->accessedCMS() * @uses CMSMenu */ function init() { parent::init(); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); // set language $member = Member::currentUser(); if (!empty($member->Locale)) { i18n::set_locale($member->Locale); } if (!empty($member->DateFormat)) { i18n::set_date_format($member->DateFormat); } if (!empty($member->TimeFormat)) { i18n::set_time_format($member->TimeFormat); } // can't be done in cms/_config.php as locale is not set yet CMSMenu::add_link('Help', _t('LeftAndMain.HELP', 'Help', 'Menu title'), self::$help_link); // Allow customisation of the access check by a extension // Also all the canView() check to execute Controller::redirect() if (!$this->canView() && !$this->response->isFinished()) { // When access /admin/, we should try a redirect to another part of the admin rather than be locked out $menu = $this->MainMenu(); foreach ($menu as $candidate) { if ($candidate->Link && $candidate->Link != $this->Link() && $candidate->MenuItem->controller && singleton($candidate->MenuItem->controller)->canView()) { return $this->redirect($candidate->Link); } } if (Member::currentUser()) { Session::set("BackURL", null); } // if no alternate menu items have matched, return a permission error $messageSet = array('default' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMDEFAULT', "Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS."), 'alreadyLoggedIn' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMALREADY', "I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below"), 'logInAgain' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMAGAIN', "You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below.")); return Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet); } // Don't continue if there's already been a redirection request. if ($this->redirectedTo()) { return; } // Audit logging hook if (empty($_REQUEST['executeForm']) && !$this->request->isAjax()) { $this->extend('accessedCMS'); } // Set the members html editor config HtmlEditorConfig::set_active(Member::currentUser()->getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS()); // Set default values in the config if missing. These things can't be defined in the config // file because insufficient information exists when that is being processed $htmlEditorConfig = HtmlEditorConfig::get_active(); $htmlEditorConfig->setOption('language', i18n::get_tinymce_lang()); if (!$htmlEditorConfig->getOption('content_css')) { $cssFiles = array(); $cssFiles[] = FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/editor.css'; // Use theme from the site config if (class_exists('SiteConfig') && ($config = SiteConfig::current_site_config()) && $config->Theme) { $theme = $config->Theme; } elseif (SSViewer::current_theme()) { $theme = SSViewer::current_theme(); } else { $theme = false; } if ($theme) { $cssFiles[] = THEMES_DIR . "/{$theme}/css/editor.css"; } else { if (project()) { $cssFiles[] = project() . '/css/editor.css'; } } // Remove files that don't exist foreach ($cssFiles as $k => $cssFile) { if (!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $cssFile)) { unset($cssFiles[$k]); } } $htmlEditorConfig->setOption('content_css', implode(',', $cssFiles)); } // Using uncompressed files as they'll be processed by JSMin in the Requirements class. // Not as effective as other compressors or pre-compressed+finetuned files, // but overall the unified minification into a single file brings more performance benefits // than a couple of saved bytes (after gzip) in individual files. // We also re-compress already compressed files through JSMin as this causes weird runtime bugs. Requirements::combine_files('lib.js', array(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-ondemand/jquery.ondemand.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/lib.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/json-js/json2.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-query/jquery.query.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-form/jquery.form.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jsizes/lib/jquery.sizes.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jlayout.border.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jquery.jlayout.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.adapter.jquery.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.html4.js', THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/jquery.jstree.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.jquery.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-hoverIntent/jquery.hoverIntent.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-changetracker/lib/jquery.changetracker.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/TreeDropdownField.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/DateField.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/HtmlEditorField.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/TabSet.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ssui.core.js', FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/GridField.js')); if (Director::isDev()) { Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/leaktools.js'); } HTMLEditorField::include_js(); Requirements::combine_files('leftandmain.js', array_unique(array_merge(array(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Panel.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Tree.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Ping.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Content.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.EditForm.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Menu.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.AddForm.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Preview.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.BatchActions.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.FieldHelp.js', FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.TreeDropdownField.js'), Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/lang', true, true), Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/lang', true, true)))); // TODO Confuses jQuery.ondemand through document.write() if (Director::isDev()) { Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/src/jquery.entwine.inspector.js'); } Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.css'); Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css'); Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.css'); Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/themes/apple/style.css'); Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/TreeDropdownField.css'); Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/screen.css'); Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/GridField.css'); // Browser-specific requirements $ie = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') : false; if ($ie) { $version = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $ie + 5, 3); if ($version == 7) { Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/ie7.css'); } else { if ($version == 8) { Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/ie8.css'); } } } // Custom requirements foreach (self::$extra_requirements['javascript'] as $file) { Requirements::javascript($file[0]); } foreach (self::$extra_requirements['css'] as $file) { Requirements::css($file[0], $file[1]); } foreach (self::$extra_requirements['themedcss'] as $file) { Requirements::themedCSS($file[0], $file[1]); } $dummy = null; $this->extend('init', $dummy); // The user's theme shouldn't affect the CMS, if, for example, they have replaced // or SSViewer::set_theme(null); }
/** * Supports both direct URL links (format: admin/getversion/<page-id>/<version>), * and through GET parameters: admin/getversion/?ID=<page-id>&Versions[]=<version> */ function getversion() { $id = $this->request->param('ID') ? $this->request->param('ID') : $this->request->requestVar('ID'); $version = $this->request->param('OtherID') ? $this->request->param('OtherID') : $this->request->requestVar('Versions'); $record = Versioned::get_version("SiteTree", $id, $version); if ($record) { if ($record && !$record->canView()) { return Security::permissionFailure($this); } $fields = $record->getCMSFields($this); $fields->removeByName("Status"); $fields->push(new HiddenField("ID")); $fields->push(new HiddenField("Version")); $versionAuthor = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $record->AuthorID); if (!$versionAuthor) { $versionAuthor = new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Unknown author')); } $fields->insertBefore(new LiteralField('YouAreViewingHeader', '<p class="message notice">' . sprintf(_t('CMSMain.VIEWING', "You are viewing version #%s, created %s by %s", PR_MEDIUM, 'Version number is a linked string, created is a relative time (e.g. 2 days ago), by a specific author'), "<a href=\"admin/getversion/{$record->ID}/{$version}\" title=\"" . ($versionAuthor ? $versionAuthor->Title : '') . "\">{$version}</a>", $record->obj('LastEdited')->Ago(), $versionAuthor ? $versionAuthor->Title : '') . '</p>'), 'Root'); $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("email", _t('CMSMain.EMAIL', "Email")), new FormAction("rollback", _t('CMSMain.ROLLBACK', "Roll back to this version"))); // encode the message to appear in the body of the email $archiveURL = Director::absoluteBaseURL() . $record->URLSegment . '?archiveDate=' . $record->obj('LastEdited')->URLDatetime(); // Ensure that source file comments are disabled SSViewer::set_source_file_comments(false); $archiveEmailMessage = urlencode($this->customise(array('ArchiveDate' => $record->obj('LastEdited'), 'ArchiveURL' => $archiveURL))->renderWith('ViewArchivedEmail')); $archiveEmailMessage = preg_replace('/\\+/', '%20', $archiveEmailMessage); $fields->push(new HiddenField('ArchiveEmailMessage', '', $archiveEmailMessage)); $fields->push(new HiddenField('ArchiveEmailSubject', '', preg_replace('/\\+/', '%20', urlencode('Archived version of ' . $record->Title)))); $fields->push(new HiddenField('ArchiveURL', '', $archiveURL)); $form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions); $form->loadDataFrom($record); $form->loadDataFrom(array("ID" => $id, "Version" => $version)); // historical version shouldn't be editable $readonlyFields = $form->Fields()->makeReadonly(); $form->setFields($readonlyFields); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); if ($this->isAjax()) { $content = $form->formHtmlContent(); if ($this->ShowSwitchView()) { $content .= '<div id="AjaxSwitchView">' . $this->SwitchView($record) . '</div>'; } return $content; } else { $templateData = $this->customise(array("EditForm" => $form)); return $templateData->renderWith('LeftAndMain'); } } }
<?php SiteTree::add_extension('OrbitPage'); // Disable hash re-writing SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false);
public function init() { parent::init(); Requirements::javascript('mysite/js/prepaid-signup.js'); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); }
/** * Returns the content to be placed in Form_SubForm when editing a file. * Called using ajax. */ public function getfile() { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); // bdc: only try to return something if user clicked on an object if (is_object($this->getSubForm($this->urlParams['ID']))) { return $this->getSubForm($this->urlParams['ID'])->formHtmlContent(); } else { return null; } }
function publishPages($urls) { set_time_limit(0); ini_set("memory_limit", -1); //$base = Director::absoluteURL($this->destFolder); //$base = preg_replace('/\/[^\/]+\/\.\./','',$base) . '/'; if (self::$static_base_url) { Director::setBaseURL(self::$static_base_url); } if ($this->fileExtension == 'php') { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', 'php'); } $files = array(); $i = 0; $totalURLs = sizeof($urls); foreach ($urls as $url) { $i++; if (StaticPublisher::echo_progress()) { echo " * Publishing page {$i}/{$totalURLs}: {$url}\n"; flush(); } Requirements::clear(); $response = Director::test($url); Requirements::clear(); /* if(!is_object($response)) { echo "String response for url '$url'\n"; print_r($response); }*/ if (is_object($response)) { $content = $response->getBody(); } else { $content = $response . ''; } if ($this->fileExtension) { $filename = $url ? "{$url}.{$this->fileExtension}" : "index.{$this->fileExtension}"; } else { $filename = $url ? "{$url}/index.html" : "index.html"; } $files[$filename] = array('Content' => $content, 'Folder' => dirname($filename) == '/' ? '' : dirname($filename) . '/', 'Filename' => basename($filename)); // Add externals /* $externals = $this->externalReferencesFor($content); if($externals) foreach($externals as $external) { // Skip absolute URLs if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//', $external)) continue; // Drop querystring parameters $external = strtok($external, '?'); if(file_exists("../" . $external)) { // Break into folder and filename if(preg_match('/^(.*\/)([^\/]+)$/', $external, $matches)) { $files[$external] = array( "Copy" => "../$external", "Folder" => $matches[1], "Filename" => $matches[2], ); } else { user_error("Can't parse external: $external", E_USER_WARNING); } } else { $missingFiles[$external] = true; } }*/ } if (self::$static_base_url) { Director::setBaseURL(null); } if ($this->fileExtension == 'php') { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', true); } //Debug::show(array_keys($files)); //Debug::show(array_keys($missingFiles)); $base = "../{$this->destFolder}"; foreach ($files as $file) { Filesystem::makeFolder("{$base}/{$file['Folder']}"); if (isset($file['Content'])) { $fh = fopen("{$base}/{$file['Folder']}{$file['Filename']}", "w"); fwrite($fh, $file['Content']); fclose($fh); } else { if (isset($file['Copy'])) { copy($file['Copy'], "{$base}/{$file['Folder']}{$file['Filename']}"); } } } }