Exemple #1
switch ($_SESSION["security-level"]) {
    case "0":
        // This code is insecure
    // This code is insecure
    case "1":
        // This code is insecure
        /* Use the clients authorization token which is stored in
         * the cookie (in this case). Placing authorization tokens
         * on the client is fairly ridiculous.
         * Known Vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Authorization Bypass, Session Fixation,
         * 	Lack of custom error page, Application Exception
        if (isset($_COOKIE['uid'])) {
            try {
                $lQueryResult = $SQLQueryHandler->getUserAccountByID($_COOKIE['uid']);
                // Switch to whatever cookie the user sent to simulate sites
                // that use client-side authorization tokens. Auth information
                // should never be in cookies.
                if ($lQueryResult->num_rows > 0) {
                    $row = $lQueryResult->fetch_object();
                    $_SESSION['loggedin'] = 'True';
                    $_SESSION['uid'] = $row->cid;
                    $_SESSION['logged_in_user'] = $row->username;
                    $_SESSION['logged_in_usersignature'] = $row->mysignature;
                    $_SESSION['is_admin'] = $row->is_admin;
                    header('Logged-In-User: '******'logged_in_user'], true);
                // end if ($result->num_rows > 0)
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo $CustomErrorHandler->FormatError($e, $lQueryString);