Exemple #1
  * Add a join clause to this query
  * @deprecated 3.0 Use innerJoin() or leftJoin() instead.
 public function join($join)
     Deprecation::notice('3.0', 'Use innerJoin() or leftJoin() instead.');
     if ($join) {
         // TODO: This needs to be resolved for all databases
         if (DB::getConn() instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
             $from = $this->query->getFrom();
             $this->query->setGroupBy(reset($from) . ".\"ID\"");
     return $this;
  * Test that "_SortColumn0" is added for an aggregate in the ORDER BY
  * clause, in combination with a LIMIT and GROUP BY clause.
  * For some databases, like MSSQL, this is a complicated scenario
  * because a subselect needs to be done to query paginated data.
 public function testOrderByContainingAggregateAndLimitOffset()
     $query = new SQLQuery();
     $query->setSelect(array('"Name"', '"Meta"'));
     $query->setGroupBy(array('"Name"', '"Meta"'));
     $query->setLimit('1', '1');
     $records = array();
     foreach ($query->execute() as $record) {
         $records[] = $record;
     $this->assertCount(1, $records);
     $this->assertEquals('Object 2', $records[0]['Name']);
     $this->assertEquals('2012-05-01 09:00:00', $records['0']['_SortColumn0']);