static function uninstallCategorize() { if ($confirm) { SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __categorize"); SQL::current()->delete("post_attributes", "name = 'category_id'"); } }
function add_signature_updated_at() { if (!SQL::current()->query("SELECT signature FROM __comments")) { echo __("Adding signature column to comments table...", "comments") . test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __comments ADD signature VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '' AFTER status")); } if (!SQL::current()->query("SELECT updated_at FROM __comments")) { echo __("Adding updated_at column to comments table...", "comments") . test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __comments ADD updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER created_at")); } }
static function __uninstall($confirm) { if ($confirm) { foreach (Attachment::find() as $attachment) { @unlink(uploaded($attachment->path, true)); } SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __attachments"); } }
/** * Bind the default datasource to another named connection * @param string $name The datasource name * @return bool `true` if correctly changed */ public static function defaultTo($name) { if (isset(self::$connections[$name])) { self::$current = $name; return true; } else { return false; } }
static function __uninstall($confirm) { if ($confirm) { SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __milestones"); SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __tickets"); SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __revisions"); } Group::remove_permission("add_milestone"); Group::remove_permission("add_ticket"); Group::remove_permission("add_revision"); Group::remove_permission("edit_milestone"); Group::remove_permission("edit_ticket"); Group::remove_permission("edit_revision"); Group::remove_permission("edit_own_ticket"); Group::remove_permission("edit_own_revision"); Group::remove_permission("delete_milestone"); Group::remove_permission("delete_ticket"); Group::remove_permission("delete_revision"); Group::remove_permission("delete_own_ticket"); Group::remove_permission("delete_own_revision"); Group::remove_permission("code_in_revisions"); }
static function __uninstall($confirm) { if ($confirm) { SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __types"); SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __extensions"); SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __notes"); } Group::remove_permission("add_type"); Group::remove_permission("add_extension"); Group::remove_permission("add_note"); Group::remove_permission("edit_type"); Group::remove_permission("edit_extension"); Group::remove_permission("edit_note"); Group::remove_permission("edit_own_extension"); Group::remove_permission("edit_own_note"); Group::remove_permission("delete_type"); Group::remove_permission("delete_extension"); Group::remove_permission("delete_note"); Group::remove_permission("delete_own_extension"); Group::remove_permission("delete_own_note"); Group::remove_permission("code_in_notes"); }
/** * Function: notify * Emails everyone that wants to be notified for a new comment * * Parameters: * $author - The new comment author * $body - The new comment message * $post - The new comment post ID */ static function notify($author, $body, $post) { $post = new Post($post); $emails = SQL::current()->select("comments", "author_email", array("notify" => 1, "post_id" => $post->id))->fetchAll(); $list = array(); foreach ($emails as $email) { $list[] = $email["author_email"]; } $config = Config::current(); $to = implode(", ", $list); $subject = $config->name . __("New Comment"); $message = __("There is a new comment at ") . $post->url() . "\n Poster: " . fix($author) . "\n Message: " . fix($body); $headers = "From:" . $config->email . "\r\n" . "Reply-To:" . $config->email . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $sent = email($to, $subject, $message, $headers); }
$sql = SQL::current(true); if ($sql->connect(true) and !empty($config->url) and $sql->count("users")) { error(__("Already Installed"), __("Chyrp is already correctly installed and configured.")); } } if (!is_writable(MAIN_DIR) and !file_exists(MAIN_DIR . "/.htaccess") or file_exists(MAIN_DIR . "/.htaccess") and !is_writable(MAIN_DIR . "/.htaccess") and !$htaccess_has_chyrp) { $errors[] = _f("STOP! Before you go any further, you must create a .htaccess file in Chyrp's install directory and put this in it:\n<pre>%s</pre>", array(fix($htaccess))); } if (!is_writable(INCLUDES_DIR)) { $errors[] = __("Chyrp's includes directory is not writable by the server. In order for the installer to generate your configuration files, please CHMOD or CHOWN it so that Chyrp can write to it."); } if (!empty($_POST)) { if ($_POST['adapter'] == "sqlite" and !@is_writable(dirname($_POST['database']))) { $errors[] = __("SQLite database file could not be created. Please make sure your server has write permissions to the location for the database."); } else { $sql = SQL::current(array("host" => $_POST['host'], "username" => $_POST['username'], "password" => $_POST['password'], "database" => $_POST['database'], "prefix" => $_POST['prefix'], "adapter" => $_POST['adapter'])); if (!$sql->connect(true)) { $errors[] = _f("Could not connect to the specified database:\n<pre>%s</pre>", array($sql->error)); } elseif ($_POST['adapter'] == "pgsql") { new Query($sql, "CREATE FUNCTION year(timestamp) RETURNS double precision AS 'select extract(year from \$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"); new Query($sql, "CREATE FUNCTION month(timestamp) RETURNS double precision AS 'select extract(month from \$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"); new Query($sql, "CREATE FUNCTION day(timestamp) RETURNS double precision AS 'select extract(day from \$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"); new Query($sql, "CREATE FUNCTION hour(timestamp) RETURNS double precision AS 'select extract(hour from \$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"); new Query($sql, "CREATE FUNCTION minute(timestamp) RETURNS double precision AS 'select extract(minute from \$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"); new Query($sql, "CREATE FUNCTION second(timestamp) RETURNS double precision AS 'select extract(second from \$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT"); } } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $errors[] = __("Please enter a name for your website."); } if (!isset($_POST['timezone'])) {
/** * Function: safecol * Wraps a column in proper escaping if it is a SQL keyword. * * Doesn't check every keyword, just the common/sensible ones. * * ...Okay, it only does two. "order" and "group". * * Parameters: * $name - Name of the column. */ public static function safecol($name) { $lower = strtolower($name); if ($lower === "order" or $lower === "group") { return SQL::current()->adapter == "mysql" ? "`" . $name . "`" : '"' . $name . '"'; } else { return $name; } }
# <Feather> require_once INCLUDES_DIR . "/interface/Feather.php"; # Set the error handler to exit on error if this is being run from the tester. if (TESTER) { set_error_handler("error_panicker"); } # Redirect to the installer if there is no config. if (!file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR . "/config.yaml.php")) { redirect("install.php"); } # Start the timer that keeps track of Chyrp's load time. timer_start(); # Load the config settings. $config = Config::current(); # Prepare the SQL interface. $sql = SQL::current(); # Set the timezone for date(), etc. set_timezone($config->timezone); # Initialize connection to SQL server. $sql->connect(); # Sanitize all input depending on magic_quotes_gpc's enabled status. sanitize_input($_GET); sanitize_input($_POST); sanitize_input($_COOKIE); sanitize_input($_REQUEST); # Begin the session. session(); # Set the locale for gettext. set_locale($config->locale); # Load the translation engine. load_translator("chyrp", INCLUDES_DIR . "/locale/" . $config->locale . ".mo");
/** * Function: delete * Deletes a given object. Calls the @delete_(model)@ trigger with the objects ID. * * Parameters: * $model - The model name. * $id - The ID of the object to delete. */ protected static function destroy($model, $id) { $model = strtolower($model); if (Trigger::current()->exists("delete_" . $model)) { Trigger::current()->call("delete_" . $model, new $model($id)); } SQL::current()->delete(pluralize($model), array("id" => $id)); }
/** * Function: keywords * Handle keyword-searching. * * Parameters: * $query - The query to parse. * $plain - WHERE syntax to search for non-keyword queries. * $table - If specified, the keywords will be checked against this table's columns for validity. * * Returns: * An array containing the "WHERE" queries and the corresponding parameters. */ function keywords($query, $plain, $table = null) { if (!trim($query)) { return array(array(), array()); } $search = array(); $matches = array(); $where = array(); $params = array(); if ($table) { $columns = SQL::current()->select($table)->fetch(); } $queries = explode(" ", $query); foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!preg_match("/([a-z0-9_]+):(.+)/", $query)) { $search[] = $query; } else { $matches[] = $query; } } $times = array("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"); foreach ($matches as $match) { list($test, $equals, ) = explode(":", $match); if ($equals[0] == '"') { if (substr($equals, -1) != '"') { foreach ($search as $index => $part) { $equals .= " " . $part; unset($search[$index]); if (substr($part, -1) == '"') { break; } } } $equals = ltrim(trim($equals, '"'), '"'); } if (in_array($test, $times)) { if ($equals == "today") { $where["created_at like"] = date("%Y-m-d %"); } elseif ($equals == "yesterday") { $where["created_at like"] = date("%Y-m-d %", now("-1 day")); } elseif ($equals == "tomorrow") { error(__("Error"), "Unfortunately our flux capacitor is currently having issues. Try again yesterday."); } else { $where[strtoupper($test) . "(created_at)"] = $equals; } } elseif ($test == "author") { $user = new User(array("login" => $equals)); if ($user->no_results and $equals == "me") { $where["user_id"] = Visitor::current()->id; } else { $where["user_id"] = $user->id; } } elseif ($test == "group") { $group = new Group(array("name" => $equals)); $test = "group_id"; $equals = $group->no_results ? 0 : $group->id; } else { $where[$test] = $equals; } } if ($table) { foreach ($where as $col => $val) { if (!isset($columns[$col])) { if ($table == "posts") { $where[""] = $col; $where["post_attributes.value like"] = "%" . $val . "%"; } unset($where[$col]); } } } if (!empty($search)) { $where[] = $plain; $params[":query"] = "%" . join(" ", $search) . "%"; } $keywords = array($where, $params); Trigger::current()->filter($keywords, "keyword_search", $query, $plain); return $keywords; }
public function post_latest_comment_attr($attr, $post) { if (isset($this->latest_comments)) { return fallback($this->latest_comments[$post->id], null); } $times = SQL::current()->select("comments", array("MAX(created_at) AS latest", "post_id"), array("status not" => "spam", "status != 'denied' OR (\n (\n user_id != 0 AND\n user_id = :visitor_id\n ) OR (\n id IN " . self::visitor_comments() . "\n )\n )"), null, array(":visitor_id" => Visitor::current()->id), null, null, "post_id"); foreach ($times->fetchAll() as $row) { $this->latest_comments[$row["post_id"]] = $row["latest"]; } return fallback($this->latest_comments[$post->id], null); }
function delete_posts($aggregate_name) { $sql = SQL::current(); $attrs = $sql->select("post_attributes", "post_id", array("name" => "aggregate", "value" => $aggregate_name))->fetchAll(); foreach ($attrs as $attr) { Post::delete($attr["post_id"]); } }
/** * Function: update_user_password_column * Updates the @password@ column on the "users" table to have a length of 60. * * Versions: 2.0rc3 => 2.0 */ function update_user_password_column() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!($column = $sql->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM __users WHERE Field = 'password'"))) { return; } if ($column->fetchObject()->Type == "varchar(60)") { return; } echo __("Updating `password` column on `users` table...") . "\n"; echo " - " . __("Backing up `users` table...") . test($backup = $sql->select("users")); if (!$backup) { return; } $backups = $backup->fetchAll(); echo " - " . __("Dropping `users` table...") . test($drop = $sql->query("DROP TABLE __users")); if (!$drop) { return; } echo " - " . __("Creating `users` table...") . test($create = $sql->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `__users` (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `login` varchar(64) DEFAULT '',\n `password` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,\n `full_name` varchar(250) DEFAULT '',\n `email` varchar(128) DEFAULT '',\n `website` varchar(128) DEFAULT '',\n `group_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0',\n `joined_at` datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `login` (`login`)\n ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); if (!$create) { echo " -" . test(false, _f("Backup written to %s.", array("./_users.bak.txt"))); return file_put_contents("./_users.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } foreach ($backups as $backup) { echo " - " . _f("Restoring user #%d...", array($backup["id"])) . test($insert = $sql->insert("users", $backup), _f("Backup written to %s.", array("./_users.bak.txt"))); if (!$insert) { return file_put_contents("./_users.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } } echo " -" . test(true); }
/** * Function: safecol * Wraps a column in proper escaping if it is a SQL keyword. * * Doesn't check every keyword, just the common/sensible ones. * * ...Okay, it only does two. "order" and "group". * * Parameters: * $name - Name of the column. */ public static function safecol($name) { return preg_replace("/(([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|^)(order|group)([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|\n\$))/i", SQL::current()->adapter == "mysql" ? "\\2`\\3`\n\\4" : '\\2"\\3"\\4', $name); }
static function user_count($user_id) { $count = SQL::current()->count("comments", array("user_id" => $user_id)); return $count; }
public function ajax_tag_post() { if (empty($_POST['name']) or empty($_POST['post'])) { exit("{}"); } $sql = SQL::current(); $post = new Post($_POST['post']); $tag = $_POST['name']; if (!$post->editable()) { exit("{}"); } $tags = $sql->select("post_attributes", "value", array("name" => "tags", "post_id" => $post->id)); if ($tags and $value = $tags->fetchColumn()) { $tags = YAML::load($value); } else { $tags = array(); } $tags[$tag] = sanitize($tag); $sql->replace("post_attributes", array("post_id", "name"), array("name" => "tags", "value" => YAML::dump($tags), "post_id" => $post->id)); exit("{ url: \"" . url("tag/" . $tags[$tag], MainController::current()) . "\", tag: \"" . $_POST['name'] . "\" }"); }
/** * Function: open_tickets * Returns the total number of open tickets in the milestone. */ public function open_tickets() { return SQL::current()->count("tickets", array("milestone_id" => $this->id, "state" => array("new", "open"))); }
/** * Function: archive_list * Generates an array of all of the archives, by month. * * Parameters: * $limit - Amount of months to list * $order_by - What to sort it by * $order - "asc" or "desc" * * Returns: * The array. Each entry as "month", "year", and "url" values, stored as an array. */ public function archives_list($limit = 0, $order_by = "created_at", $order = "desc") { if (isset($this->archives_list["{$limit},{$order_by},{$order}"])) { return $this->archives_list["{$limit},{$order_by},{$order}"]; } $sql = SQL::current(); $dates = $sql->select("posts", array("DISTINCT YEAR(created_at) AS year", "MONTH(created_at) AS month", "created_at AS created_at", "COUNT(id) AS posts"), array("status" => "public", Post::feathers()), $order_by . " " . strtoupper($order), array(), $limit == 0 ? null : $limit, null, array("created_at")); $archives = array(); $grouped = array(); while ($date = $dates->fetchObject()) { if (isset($grouped[$date->month . " " . $date->year])) { $archives[$grouped[$date->month . " " . $date->year]]["count"]++; } else { $grouped[$date->month . " " . $date->year] = count($archives); $archives[] = array("month" => $date->month, "year" => $date->year, "when" => $date->created_at, "url" => url("archive/" . when("Y/m/", $date->created_at)), "count" => $date->posts); } } return $this->archives_list["{$limit},{$order_by},{$order}"] = $archives; }
/** * Function: display * Display the page. * * If "posts" is in the context and the visitor requested a feed, they will be served. * * Parameters: * $file - The theme file to display. * $context - The context for the file. * $title - The title for the page. */ public function display($file, $context = array(), $title = "") { if (is_array($file)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($file); $i++) { $check = ($file[$i][0] == "/" or preg_match("/[a-zA-Z]:\\\\/", $file[$i])) ? $file[$i] : THEME_DIR . "/" . $file[$i]; if (file_exists($check . ".twig") or $i + 1 == count($file)) { return $this->display($file[$i], $context, $title); } } } $this->displayed = true; $route = Route::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); # Serve feeds. if ($this->feed) { if ($trigger->exists($route->action . "_feed")) { return $trigger->call($route->action . "_feed", $context); } if (isset($context["posts"])) { return $this->feed($context["posts"]); } } $this->context = array_merge($context, $this->context); $visitor = Visitor::current(); $config = Config::current(); $theme = Theme::current(); $theme->title = $title; $this->context["theme"] = $theme; $this->context["flash"] = Flash::current(); $this->context["trigger"] = $trigger; $this->context["modules"] = Modules::$instances; $this->context["feathers"] = Feathers::$instances; $this->context["title"] = $title; $this->context["site"] = $config; $this->context["visitor"] = $visitor; $this->context["route"] = Route::current(); $this->context["hide_admin"] = isset($_COOKIE["hide_admin"]); $this->context["version"] = CHYRP_VERSION; $this->context["now"] = time(); $this->context["debug"] = DEBUG; $this->context["POST"] = $_POST; $this->context["GET"] = $_GET; $this->context["sql_queries"] =& SQL::current()->queries; $this->context["visitor"]->logged_in = logged_in(); $this->context["enabled_modules"] = array(); foreach ($config->enabled_modules as $module) { $this->context["enabled_modules"][$module] = true; } $context["enabled_feathers"] = array(); foreach ($config->enabled_feathers as $feather) { $this->context["enabled_feathers"][$feather] = true; } $this->context["sql_debug"] =& SQL::current()->debug; $trigger->filter($this->context, array("main_context", "main_context_" . str_replace("/", "_", $file))); $file = ($file[0] == "/" or preg_match("/[a-zA-Z]:\\\\/", $file)) ? $file : THEME_DIR . "/" . $file; if (!file_exists($file . ".twig")) { error(__("Template Missing"), _f("Couldn't load template: <code>%s</code>", array($file . ".twig"))); } try { return $this->twig->getTemplate($file . ".twig")->display($this->context); } catch (Exception $e) { $prettify = preg_replace("/([^:]+): (.+)/", "\\1: <code>\\2</code>", $e->getMessage()); $trace = debug_backtrace(); $twig = array("file" => $e->filename, "line" => $e->lineno); array_unshift($trace, $twig); error(__("Error"), $prettify, $trace); } }
/** * Function: update * Updates the user with the given login, password, full name, e-mail, website, and <Group> ID. * * Passes all of the arguments to the update_user trigger. * * Parameters: * $login - The new Login to set. * $password - The new Password to set, already encoded. * $full_name - The new Full Name to set. * $email - The new E-Mail to set. * $website - The new Website to set. * $group_id - The new <Group> to set. * * See Also: * <add> */ public function update($login = null, $password = null, $email = null, $full_name = null, $website = null, $group_id = null, $joined_at = null) { if ($this->no_results) { return false; } $sql = SQL::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $old = clone $this; foreach (array("login", "password", "email", "full_name", "website", "group_id", "joined_at") as $attr) { $this->{$attr} = ${$attr} = ${$attr} !== null ? ${$attr} : $this->{$attr}; } $new_values = array("login" => strip_tags($login), "password" => $password, "email" => strip_tags($email), "full_name" => strip_tags($full_name), "website" => strip_tags($website), "group_id" => $group_id, "joined_at" => $joined_at); $trigger->filter($new_values, "before_update_user"); $sql->update("users", array("id" => $this->id), $new_values); $trigger->call("update_user", $this, $old); }
/** * Function: check_url * Checks if a given clean URL is already being used as another post's URL. * * Parameters: * $clean - The clean URL to check. * * Returns: * The unique version of the passed clean URL. If it's not used, it's the same as $clean. If it is, a number is appended. */ static function check_url($clean) { $count = SQL::current()->count("posts", array("clean" => $clean)); return (!$count or empty($clean)) ? $clean : $clean . "-" . ($count + 1); }
/** * Function: view * Updates the view count of the topic. */ public function view() { $this->view_count++; SQL::current()->update("topics", array("id" => $this->id), array("view_count" => $this->view_count)); }
/** * Function: display * Renders the page. * * Parameters: * $action - The template file to display, in (theme dir)/pages. * $context - Context for the template. * $title - The title for the page. Defaults to a camlelization of the action, e.g. foo_bar -> Foo Bar. */ public function display($action, $context = array(), $title = "") { $this->displayed = true; fallback($title, camelize($action, true)); $this->context = array_merge($context, $this->context); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $trigger->filter($this->context, array("admin_context", "admin_context_" . str_replace("/", "_", $action))); # Are there any extension-added pages? foreach (array("write" => array(), "manage" => array("import", "export"), "settings" => array(), "extend" => array("modules", "feathers", "themes")) as $main_nav => $val) { ${$main_nav} = $val; $trigger->filter(${$main_nav}, $main_nav . "_pages"); } $visitor = Visitor::current(); $route = Route::current(); $this->context["theme"] = Theme::current(); $this->context["flash"] = Flash::current(); $this->context["trigger"] = $trigger; $this->context["title"] = $title; $this->context["site"] = Config::current(); $this->context["visitor"] = $visitor; $this->context["logged_in"] = logged_in(); $this->context["route"] = $route; $this->context["hide_admin"] = isset($_SESSION["hide_admin"]); $this->context["now"] = time(); $this->context["version"] = CHYRP_VERSION; $this->context["debug"] = DEBUG; $this->context["feathers"] = Feathers::$instances; $this->context["modules"] = Modules::$instances; $this->context["admin_theme"] = $this->admin_theme; $this->context["theme_url"] = Config::current()->chyrp_url . "/admin/themes/" . $this->admin_theme; $this->context["POST"] = $_POST; $this->context["GET"] = $_GET; $this->context["navigation"] = array(); $show = array("write" => array($visitor->group->can("add_draft", "add_post", "add_page")), "manage" => array($visitor->group->can("view_own_draft", "view_draft", "edit_own_draft", "edit_own_post", "edit_post", "delete_own_draft", "delete_own_post", "delete_post", "add_page", "edit_page", "delete_page", "add_user", "edit_user", "delete_user", "add_group", "edit_group", "delete_group")), "settings" => array($visitor->group->can("change_settings")), "extend" => array($visitor->group->can("toggle_extensions"))); foreach ($show as $name => &$arr) { $trigger->filter($arr, $name . "_nav_show"); } $this->context["navigation"]["write"] = array("title" => __("Write"), "show" => in_array(true, $show["write"]), "selected" => in_array($action, $write) or match("/^write_/", $action)); $this->context["navigation"]["manage"] = array("title" => __("Manage"), "show" => in_array(true, $show["manage"]), "selected" => in_array($action, $manage) or match(array("/^manage_/", "/^edit_/", "/^delete_/", "/^new_/"), $action)); $this->context["navigation"]["settings"] = array("title" => __("Settings"), "show" => in_array(true, $show["settings"]), "selected" => in_array($action, $settings) or match("/_settings\$/", $action)); $this->context["navigation"]["extend"] = array("title" => __("Extend"), "show" => in_array(true, $show["extend"]), "selected" => in_array($action, $extend)); $this->subnav_context($route->action); $trigger->filter($this->context["selected"], "nav_selected"); $this->context["sql_debug"] = SQL::current()->debug; $file = MAIN_DIR . "/admin/themes/%s/pages/" . $action . ".twig"; $template = file_exists(sprintf($file, $this->admin_theme)) ? sprintf($file, $this->admin_theme) : sprintf($file, "default"); $config = Config::current(); if (!file_exists($template)) { foreach (array(MODULES_DIR => $config->enabled_modules, FEATHERS_DIR => $config->enabled_feathers) as $path => $try) { foreach ($try as $extension) { if (file_exists($path . "/" . $extension . "/pages/admin/" . $action . ".twig")) { $template = $path . "/" . $extension . "/pages/admin/" . $action . ".twig"; } } } if (!file_exists($template)) { error(__("Template Missing"), _f("Couldn't load template: <code>%s</code>", array($template))); } } # Try the theme first try { $this->theme->getTemplate($template)->display($this->context); } catch (Exception $t) { # Fallback to the default try { $this->default->getTemplate($template)->display($this->context); } catch (Exception $e) { $prettify = preg_replace("/([^:]+): (.+)/", "\\1: <code>\\2</code>", $e->getMessage()); $trace = debug_backtrace(); $twig = array("file" => $e->filename, "line" => $e->lineno); array_unshift($trace, $twig); error(__("Error"), $prettify, $trace); } } }
static function exists($attachment_id) { return SQL::current()->count("attachments", array("id" => $attachment_id)) == 1; }
public function main_index($main) { $ids = array(); # this mammoth query allows searching for posts on the main page in 1 query $record = SQL::current()->query("SELECT FROM __posts\n LEFT JOIN __post_attributes\n ON ( = __post_attributes.post_id\n AND = 'category_id')\n LEFT JOIN __categorize\n ON (__post_attributes.value =\n AND = 'category_id')\n WHERE (__categorize.show_on_home = 1\n OR __post_attributes.value IS NULL\n OR __post_attributes.value = 0)\n GROUP BY\n "); foreach ($record->fetchAll() as $entry) { $ids[] = $entry['id']; } if (empty($ids)) { return false; } $posts = new Paginator(Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => array("id" => $ids))), Config::current()->posts_per_page); if (empty($posts)) { return false; } $main->display(array("pages/index"), array("posts" => $posts)); return true; }
static function delete_user($user) { SQL::current()->update("likes", array("user_id" => $user->id), array("user_id" => 0)); }
function fix_quotes() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!($tags = $sql->select("post_attributes", array("post_id", "value"), array("name" => "tags")))) { return; } foreach ($tags->fetchAll() as $attr) { $sql->replace("post_attributes", array("post_id" => $attr["post_id"], "name" => "tags", "value" => YAML::dump(YAML::load($attr["value"])))); } }
function add_comment_notify_field() { if (!SQL::current()->query("SELECT notify FROM __comments")) { echo __("Adding notify column to comments table...", "comments") . test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __comments ADD notify INTEGER DEFAULT 0 AFTER parent_id")); } }