Exemple #1
function MoveUsersToShablon()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $SHABLONConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
        $users = $_GET["username"];
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
        $a = explode("+", $users[$i]);
        if ($a[1] != $a[2]) {
            $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_shablon_id='{$id}' WHERE s_user_id='{$a['0']}'");
        } else {
            $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_shablon_id='{$id}',s_quote='{$a['3']}' WHERE s_user_id='{$a['0']}'");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&filename=shablontray.php&function=shablonusers&id={$id}&sid=ALL\";\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #2
function AuthEnabled()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["adld"])) {
        $adld = $_GET["adld"];
    if (isset($_GET["ntlm"])) {
        $ntlm = $_GET["ntlm"];
    if (isset($_GET["ldap"])) {
        $ldap = $_GET["ldap"];
    if (isset($_GET["ncsa"])) {
        $ncsa = $_GET["ncsa"];
    if (isset($_GET["ip"])) {
        $ip = $_GET["ip"];
    if ($ip == "on") {
        $ip = 1;
    } else {
        $ip = 0;
    if ($adld == "on") {
        $adld = 1;
    } else {
        $adld = 0;
    if ($ntlm == "on") {
        $ntlm = 1;
    } else {
        $ntlm = 0;
    if ($ldap == "on") {
        $ldap = 1;
    } else {
        $ldap = 0;
    if ($ncsa == "on") {
        $ncsa = 1;
    } else {
        $ncsa = 0;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE auth_param SET s_value='{$ip}' WHERE s_auth='ip' AND s_param='enabled' ");
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE auth_param SET s_value='{$adld}' WHERE s_auth='adld' AND s_param='enabled' ");
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE auth_param SET s_value='{$ntlm}' WHERE s_auth='ntlm' AND s_param='enabled' ");
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE auth_param SET s_value='{$ldap}' WHERE s_auth='ldap' AND s_param='enabled' ");
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE auth_param SET s_value='{$ncsa}' WHERE s_auth='ncsa' AND s_param='enabled' ");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"tray.php?show=exe&function=authtray&filename=authtray.php\";\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #3
function AddShablon()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $period = "M";
    $clrdate = "1980-01-01";
    if (isset($_GET["groupnick"])) {
        $snick = $_GET["groupnick"];
    if (isset($_GET["defaulttraf"])) {
        $defaulttraf = $_GET["defaulttraf"];
    if (isset($_GET["auth"])) {
        $auth = $_GET["auth"];
    if (isset($_GET["period"])) {
        $period = $_GET["period"];
    if (isset($_GET["newperiod"])) {
        $newperiod = $_GET["newperiod"];
    if (isset($_GET["clryear"])) {
        $clryear = $_GET["clryear"];
    if (isset($_GET["clrmonth"])) {
        $clrmonth = $_GET["clrmonth"];
    if (isset($_GET["clrday"])) {
        $clrday = $_GET["clrday"];
    if (isset($_GET["trange"])) {
        $trange = $_GET["trange"];
    if ($period == "A") {
        $period = $newperiod;
        $clrdate = "{$clryear}-{$clrmonth}-{$clrday}";
    $QUERY = "INSERT INTO shablon ( s_name, s_quote, s_auth, s_period, s_clrdate, s_alldenied, s_shablon_id2 ) VALUES ( '{$snick}', '{$defaulttraf}', '{$auth}', '{$period}', '{$clrdate}', '0', '-1' ) ";
    $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT s_shablon_id FROM shablon WHERE s_name='{$snick}' ");
    $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
    $sid = $row['s_shablon_id'];
    $DB->samsdb_query("INSERT INTO sconfig_time ( s_shablon_id, s_trange_id ) VALUES ( '{$sid}', '{$trange}' ) ");
    //  UpdateLog("$SAMSConf->adminname","$shablonnew_AddShablon_1 $snick","01");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print "  parent.basefrm.location.href =\"tray.php?show=exe&function=shablontray&filename=shablontray.php&id={$sid}\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #4
function DisableGroupUsers()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("UAC") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["counter"])) {
        $counter = $_GET["counter"];
    if (isset($_GET["disable"])) {
        $disable = $_GET["disable"];
    if (isset($_GET["defen"])) {
        $defen = $_GET["defen"];
    if (isset($_GET["delete"])) {
        $delete = $_GET["delete"];
    if (isset($_GET["discount"])) {
        $discount = $_GET["discount"];
    if (isset($_GET["delcount"])) {
        $delcount = $_GET["delcount"];
    if (isset($_GET["defcount"])) {
        $defcount = $_GET["defcount"];
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    $disable = explode(",", $disable);
    $count1 = count($disable);
    $defen = explode(",", $defen);
    $count3 = count($defen);
    $delete = explode(",", $delete);
    $count2 = count($delete);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $discount; $i++) {
        $QUERY = "UPDATE squiduser SET s_enabled='-1' WHERE s_user_id='{$disable[$i]}'";
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $defcount; $i++) {
        $QUERY = "UPDATE squiduser SET s_enabled='1' WHERE s_user_id='{$defen[$i]}'";
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $delcount; $i++) {
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("DELETE FROM squiduser WHERE s_user_id='{$delete[$i]}' ");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "        parent.tray.location.href=\"tray.php?show=exe&filename=grouptray.php&function=grouptray&id={$id}\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function MoveUserTrafficData()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    global $DATE;
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $sdate = $DATE->sdate();
    $edate = $DATE->edate();
    if (isset($_GET["userfrom"])) {
        $userfrom = $_GET["userfrom"];
    if (isset($_GET["userto"])) {
        $userto = $_GET["userto"];
    $thisdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
    $smdate = strftime("%Y") . "-" . strftime("%m") . "-01";
    $stime = "0:00:00";
    $etime = time();
    $QUERY = "UPDATE squidcache SET s_user='******' WHERE s_user='******' AND  s_date>='{$sdate}' AND s_date<='{$edate}' ";
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
    PageTop("backup_48.jpg", "Data about the traffic of user {$userfrom} is transferred to user {$userto}");
function DeleteGroup()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT count(*) FROM squiduser WHERE s_group_id='{$id}' ");
    $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
    $count = $row[0];
    if ($count > 0) {
    } else {
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT s_name FROM sgroup WHERE s_group_id='{$id}' ");
        $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
        $gname = $row['s_name'];
        $QUERY = "DELETE FROM sgroup WHERE s_group_id='{$id}' ";
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
        //	$QUERY="delete from auth_param where (s_param='adldgroup' OR s_param='ntlmgroup' OR s_param='ldapgroup') AND s_value='$gname'";
        //        $num_rows=$DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
        print "<SCRIPT>\n";
        print "  parent.tray.location.href = \"tray.php?show=exe&filename=userstray.php&function=userstray\";\n";
        print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
        print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #7
function SysPlugConfig()
    global $SAMSConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $DB2 = new SAMSDB();
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT * FROM sysinfo");
    while ($row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array()) {
        if (isset($_GET[$row['s_row_id']])) {
            $val = $_GET[$row['s_row_id']];
        } else {
            $val = "off";
        if ($val == "on") {
            $val = 1;
        } else {
            $val = 0;
        $num_rows = $DB2->samsdb_query("UPDATE sysinfo SET s_status='{$val}' WHERE s_row_id='{$row['s_row_id']}'");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&function=sysplugconfigform&filename=sysplugconfigtray.php\";\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function LoadBackUp()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    PageTop("reark_48.jpg", "{$backupbuttom_2_loadbase_LoadBackUp_1}");
    if (($finp = gzopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "r")) != NULL) {
        while (gzeof($finp) == 0) {
            $string = gzgets($finp, 10000);
            $QUERY = strtok($string, ";");
            if (strstr($QUERY, "#") == FALSE) {
                echo "{$QUERY}<BR>";
                $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY . ";");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function ReconfigSquid()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    global $DATE;
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $cache = $_GET["id"];
    $reconfigureOK = 0;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") == 1) {
        $SAMSConf->AddLog("webinterface", "Sent a command to reconfigure proxy server id={$cache}", $DATE->today, $DATE->thistime);
        PageTop("reconfig_48.jpg", "{$squidbuttom_0_reconfig_ReconfigSquid_1}");
        $QUERY = "INSERT INTO reconfig (s_proxy_id, s_service, s_action)  VALUES('{$cache}', 'squid', 'reconfig'); ";
        $result = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
        for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) {
            $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT * FROM reconfig WHERE s_service='squid' AND s_proxy_id='{$cache}' AND s_action='reconfig' ");
            if ($num_rows == 0) {
                $reconfigureOK = 1;
            } else {
        if ($reconfigureOK == 1) {
            $str = "<FONT color=\"BLUE\" SIZE=+1> {$squidbuttom_0_reconfig_ReconfigSquid_3} </FONT><BR>\n";
        } else {
            $str = "<FONT color=\"RED\" SIZE=+1> {$squidbuttom_0_reconfig_ReconfigSquid_4} </FONT><BR>\n";
        print "{$str}";
Exemple #10
function UpdateTRange()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if (isset($_GET["name"])) {
        $name = $_GET["name"];
    $timestart = "";
    if (isset($_GET["shour"])) {
        $timestart = $_GET["shour"];
    if (isset($_GET["smin"])) {
        $timestart = $timestart . ":" . $_GET["smin"] . ":00";
    $timeend = "";
    if (isset($_GET["ehour"])) {
        $timeend = $_GET["ehour"];
    if (isset($_GET["emin"])) {
        $timeend = $timeend . ":" . $_GET["emin"] . ":00";
    $days = "";
    if (isset($_GET["day1"])) {
        $days = "M";
    if (isset($_GET["day2"])) {
        $days = $days . "T";
    if (isset($_GET["day3"])) {
        $days = $days . "W";
    if (isset($_GET["day4"])) {
        $days = $days . "H";
    if (isset($_GET["day5"])) {
        $days = $days . "F";
    if (isset($_GET["day6"])) {
        $days = $days . "A";
    if (isset($_GET["day7"])) {
        $days = $days . "S";
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE timerange  SET  s_name='{$name}', s_days='{$days}', s_timestart='{$timestart}' , s_timeend='{$timeend}' WHERE s_trange_id='{$id}' ");
    //  UpdateLog("$SAMSConf->adminname","$shablonnew_AddShablon_1 $snick","01");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print "  parent.tray.location.href=\"tray.php?show=exe&filename=trangetray.php&function=trangetray&id={$id}\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function AddUsersFromNTLM()
    require_once "adldap.php";
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("UC") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["domainname"])) {
        $domainname = $_GET["domainname"];
    if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
        $userlist = $_GET["username"];
    if (isset($_GET["groupname"])) {
        $usergroup = $_GET["groupname"];
    if (isset($_GET["usershablon"])) {
        $usershablon = $_GET["usershablon"];
    if (isset($_GET["enabled"])) {
        $enabled = $_GET["enabled"];
    if (isset($_GET["domain"])) {
        $domain = $_GET["domain"];
    if ($enabled == "on") {
        $enabled = 1;
    } else {
        $enabled = -1;
    if (strlen($domainname) > 1) {
        $domain = $domainname;
    $i = 0;
    $query = "select s_quote from shablon where s_shablon_id='{$usershablon}'";
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value($query);
    $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
    $s_quote = $row['s_quote'];
    while (isset($userlist[$i]) == TRUE) {
        $string = $userlist[$i];
        $user = "******";
        //       print("user=$user domain=$domain enabled=$enabled usergroup=$usergroup shablon=$usershablon<BR>");
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT * FROM squiduser WHERE s_nick='{$user}'");
        if ($num_rows == 0) {
            $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("INSERT INTO squiduser (s_group_id, s_shablon_id, s_nick, s_domain, s_enabled, s_quote) VALUES('{$usergroup}', '{$usershablon}', '{$user}', '{$domain}', '{$enabled}', '{$s_quote}')");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print " parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print " parent.tray.location.href=\"tray.php?show=exe&function=authntlmtray&filename=authntlmtray.php\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function UsersImportFromFile()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("UC") != 1) {
    PageTop("user.jpg", "{$authbuttom_1_usersimport_LoadFileForm_1}");
    if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
        $userlist = $_GET["username"];
    if (isset($_GET["groupname"])) {
        $usergroup = $_GET["groupname"];
    if (isset($_GET["usershablon"])) {
        $usershablon = $_GET["usershablon"];
    if (isset($_GET["enabled"])) {
        $enabled = $_GET["enabled"];
    if ($enabled == "on") {
        $enabled = 1;
    } else {
        $enabled = -1;
    $i = 0;
    $finp = fopen("data/userslist.txt", "r");
    if ($finp == FALSE) {
        echo "can't open file data/userslist.txt<BR>";
    $QUERY = "SELECT s_quote FROM shablon WHERE s_shablon_id='{$usershablon}'";
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value($QUERY);
    if ($num_rows != 0) {
        $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
        $userquote = $row['s_quote'];
    while (feof($finp) == 0) {
        $string = fgets($finp, 10000);
        $string = trim($string);
        if (strlen($string) > 1) {
            echo "user {$string} ";
            $QUERY = "INSERT INTO squiduser (s_group_id, s_shablon_id, s_nick, s_domain, s_enabled,s_quote) VALUES('{$usergroup}', '{$usershablon}', '{$string}', '', '{$enabled}','{$userquote}')";
            echo "added<BR>";
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print " parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #13
 function SetUserAuthErrorVariables()
     global $SAMSConf;
     $DB = new SAMSDB();
     $time = time();
     if ($this->authOk != 0 && $this->autherrorc != 0) {
         $result = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_autherrorc='0',s_autherrort='0' WHERE s_user_id='{$this->userid}' ");
         return 0;
     if ($this->authOk == 0) {
         if ($this->autherrorc >= 2) {
             $result = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_autherrorc='0',s_autherrort='{$time}' WHERE s_user_id='{$this->userid}' ");
             return 1;
         if ($this->autherrorc < 2 && $time > $this->autherrort + 60) {
             $result = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_autherrorc=s_autherrorc+1,s_autherrort='0' WHERE s_nick='{$this->UserName}' ");
             return -1;
function WebInterfaceReConfig()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    $s_urlaccess = 0;
    $s_useraccess = 0;
    $s_showutree = 0;
    $s_showgraph = 0;
    if (isset($_GET["lang"])) {
        $lang = $_GET["lang"];
    if (isset($_GET["urlaccess"])) {
        $s_urlaccess = 1;
    if (isset($_GET["useraccess"])) {
        $s_useraccess = 1;
    if (isset($_GET["showutree"])) {
        $s_showutree = 1;
    if (isset($_GET["showgraph"])) {
        $s_showgraph = 1;
    if (isset($_GET["iconset"])) {
        $iconset = $_GET["iconset"];
    if (isset($_GET["showname"])) {
        $showname = $_GET["showname"];
    if (isset($_GET["kbsize"])) {
        $kbsize = $_GET["kbsize"];
    if (isset($_GET["mbsize"])) {
        $mbsize = $_GET["mbsize"];
    if (isset($_GET["createpdf"])) {
        $createpdf = $_GET["createpdf"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE websettings SET s_createpdf='{$createpdf}', s_showname='{$showname}', s_showutree='{$s_showutree}', s_iconset='{$iconset}', s_lang='{$lang}', s_urlaccess='{$s_urlaccess}', s_useraccess='{$s_useraccess}', s_showgraph='{$s_showgraph}' ");
    PageTop("config_48.jpg", "{$adminbuttom_1_prop_SamsReConfig_1}");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function DeleteShablon()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if ($sname != "default") {
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT * FROM squiduser WHERE s_shablon_id='{$id}' ");
        if ($num_rows == 0) {
            $QUERY = "select s_name from shablon where s_shablon_id='{$id}'";
            $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
            $s_name = $row['s_name'];
            $QUERY = "delete from auth_param where (s_param='adldgroup' OR s_param='ntlmgroup' OR s_param='ldapgroup') AND s_value='{$s_name}'";
            $QUERY = "DELETE FROM shablon WHERE s_shablon_id='{$id}'";
        } else {
            PageTop("denied.gif", "<FONT SIZE=+3 COLOR=\"RED\"> {$shablonbuttom_9_delete_DeleteShablon_3} </FONT>");
            echo "<FONT  SIZE=+1>{$shablonbuttom_9_delete_DeleteShablon_1} {$num_rows} {$shablonbuttom_9_delete_DeleteShablon_2}</FONT>";
    print "OK<BR>";
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&function=newshablonform&filename=shablonnew.php\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #16
function ClearUsersTrafficCounter()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") == 1) {
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_size='0', s_hit='0' ");
        print "<SCRIPT>\n";
        print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&filename=userstray.php&function=AllUsersForm&type=all\";\n";
        print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #17
function DeletePool()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if ($sname != "default") {
        $DB->samsdb_query("DELETE FROM delaypool WHERE s_pool_id='{$id}' ");
        $DB->samsdb_query("DELETE FROM d_link_s WHERE s_pool_id='{$id}' ");
        $DB->samsdb_query("DELETE FROM d_link_t WHERE s_pool_id='{$id}' ");
        $DB->samsdb_query("DELETE FROM d_link_r WHERE s_pool_id='{$id}' ");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&filename=pooltray.php&function=addpoolform\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #18
function ClearCounter()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    $QUERY = "UPDATE proxy SET s_endvalue='0' WHERE s_proxy_id='{$id}'";
Exemple #19
function shutdown_proxy()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") == 1) {
        $DB = new SAMSDB();
        PageTop("reconfig_48.jpg", "Send command '{$SAMSConf->SHUTDOWN}' to proxy server");
        $QUERY = "INSERT INTO reconfig (s_proxy_id, s_service, s_action)  VALUES('{$id}', 'squid', 'shutdown'); ";
        $result = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
Exemple #20
function AddPool()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    $agg1 = "-1";
    $agg2 = "-1";
    $net1 = "-1";
    $net2 = "-1";
    $ind1 = "-1";
    $ind2 = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET["name"])) {
        $name = $_GET["name"];
    if (isset($_GET["class"])) {
        $class = $_GET["class"];
    if (isset($_GET["agg1"])) {
        $agg1 = $_GET["agg1"];
    if (isset($_GET["agg2"])) {
        $agg2 = $_GET["agg2"];
    if (isset($_GET["net1"])) {
        $net1 = $_GET["net1"];
    if (isset($_GET["net2"])) {
        $net2 = $_GET["net2"];
    if (isset($_GET["ind1"])) {
        $ind1 = $_GET["ind1"];
    if (isset($_GET["ind2"])) {
        $ind2 = $_GET["ind2"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $DB->samsdb_query("INSERT INTO delaypool ( s_name, s_class, s_agg1, s_agg2, s_net1, s_net2, s_ind1, s_ind2 ) VALUES ( '{$name}', '{$class}', '{$agg1}', '{$agg2}', '{$net1}', '{$net2}', '{$ind1}', '{$ind2}' ) ");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print " parent.basefrm.location.href = \"main.php?show=exe&filename=pooltray.php&function=addpoolform\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function AddUsersFromLDAP()
    require_once "ldap.php";
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("UC") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
        $userlist = $_GET["username"];
    if (isset($_GET["groupname"])) {
        $usergroup = $_GET["groupname"];
    if (isset($_GET["usershablon"])) {
        $usershablon = $_GET["usershablon"];
    if (isset($_GET["enabled"])) {
        $enabled = $_GET["enabled"];
    if ($enabled == "on") {
        $enabled = 1;
    } else {
        $enabled = -1;
    $i = 0;
    $query = "select s_quote from shablon where s_shablon_id='{$usershablon}'";
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value($query);
    $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
    $s_quote = $row['s_quote'];
    while (strlen($userlist[$i]) > 0) {
        $string = $userlist[$i];
        $user = "******";
        $query = "INSERT INTO squiduser (s_group_id, s_shablon_id, s_nick, s_enabled, s_quote) VALUES('{$usergroup}', '{$usershablon}', '{$user}', '{$enabled}', '{$s_quote}')";
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($query);
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print " parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function ChangeAdminPasswd()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["username"])) {
        $username = $_GET["username"];
    if (isset($_GET["adminname"])) {
        $adminname = $_GET["adminname"];
    if (isset($_GET["passw1"])) {
        $newpasswd = $_GET["passw1"];
    if (isset($_GET["oldpasswd"])) {
        $oldpasswd = $_GET["oldpasswd"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $passwd = crypt($newpasswd, "00");
    $oldpasswd2 = crypt($oldpasswd, "00");
    $QUERY = "SELECT s_pass FROM passwd WHERE s_user='******' AND s_pass='******' ";
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value($QUERY);
    if ($num_rows != 1) {
        PageTop("warning.jpg", "{$username} password wrong");
    } else {
        $QUERY = "UPDATE passwd SET s_pass='******' WHERE s_user='******' AND s_pass='******' ";
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query($QUERY);
        PageTop("user_48.jpg", "{$adminbuttom_4_chpasswd_ChangeAdminPasswd_1} {$username} {$adminbuttom_4_chpasswd_ChangeAdminPasswd_2}");
        setcookie("user", "");
        setcookie("passwd", "");
        setcookie("domainuser", "");
        setcookie("gauditor", "");
        setcookie("userid", "");
        setcookie("webaccess", "");
        setcookie("samsadmin", "0");
        print "<SCRIPT>\n";
        print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&function=setcookie&username={$username}&userid={$newpasswd}\";\n";
        print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
        print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function lffolder_5_z1_shablon()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") == 1) {
        $item = array("classname" => "shablon", "icon" => "paddressbook.gif", "target" => "basefrm", "url" => "main.php?show=exe&function=newshablonform&filename=shablonnew.php", "text" => "{$lframe_sams_UserShablonFolder_1}");
        $DB->samsdb_query("SELECT * FROM shablon ORDER BY s_name");
        while ($row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array()) {
            $item = array("classname" => "shablon", "target" => "tray", "url" => "tray.php?show=exe&function=shablontray&filename=shablontray.php&id={$row['s_shablon_id']}", "text" => "{$row['s_name']}");
function DeleteProxy()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    $QUERY = "DELETE FROM proxy WHERE s_proxy_id='{$id}'";
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "  parent.basefrm.location.href = \"main.php?show=exe&function=cacheform&filename=squidtray.php&function=squidtray\"; \n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #25
function UpdateGroup()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if (isset($_GET["nick"])) {
        $nick = $_GET["nick"];
    $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE sgroup SET s_name='{$nick}'  WHERE s_group_id='{$id}' ");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\";\n";
    print "        parent.tray.location.href=\"tray.php?show=exe&filename=grouptray.php&function=grouptray&id={$id}\" ";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
Exemple #26
function AddSyncGroup()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    if (isset($_GET["addsyncgroupname"])) {
        $addsyncgroupname = $_GET["addsyncgroupname"];
    PageTop("config_48.jpg", "{$AddSyncGroup_authntlmtray_1}");
    $i = 0;
    while (strlen($addsyncgroupname[$i]) > 0) {
        $result = $DB->samsdb_query("INSERT INTO auth_param (s_auth, s_param, s_value) VALUES('ntlm', 'ntlmgroup', '{$addsyncgroupname[$i]}') ");
        echo "<B>{$addsyncgroupname[$i]}</B><BR>";
function LoadRedirList()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["listfilename"])) {
        $listfilename = $_GET["listfilename"];
    if (isset($_GET["type"])) {
        $type = $_GET["type"];
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("CL") != 1) {
    $listfilename = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"];
    PageTop("import_48.jpg", "{$redir_loadfurllist1} <BR>{$listfilename}");
    $aaa = copy($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], "data/urllist.txt");
    $finp = fopen("data/urllist.txt", "r");
    if ($finp == FALSE) {
        echo "can't open sams config file data/urllist.txt<BR>";
    while (feof($finp) == 0) {
        $string = fgets($finp, 10000);
        $string = trim($string);
        //print("INSERT INTO urls SET urls.url=\"$string\",type=\"$id\" <BR> ");
        if (strlen($string) > 1) {
            $DB->samsdb_query("INSERT INTO url (s_url, s_redirect_id) VALUES ('{$string}' , '{$id}') ");
    print "<SCRIPT>\n";
    print "        parent.basefrm.location.href=\"main.php?show=exe&filename=redirlisttray.php&function=redirlistform&id={$id}\";\n";
    print "</SCRIPT> \n";
function ChUserPasswd()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    global $SquidUSERConf;
    if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
        $id = $_GET["id"];
    $SquidUSERConf = new SAMSUSER();
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("AUC") == 1 || $USERConf->s_user_id == $SquidUSERConf->s_user_id && $USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("W") == 1) {
        $DB = new SAMSDB();
        $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
        require $lang;
        if (isset($_GET["passw1"])) {
            $newpasswd = $_GET["passw1"];
        PageTop("userpasswd_48.jpg", " {$userbuttom_6_chpasswd_ChUserPasswd_1} <BR><FONT COLOR=\"BLUE\">{$SquidUSERConf->s_nick}</FONT>");
        $passwd = crypt($newpasswd, substr($newpasswd, 0, 2));
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query("UPDATE squiduser SET s_passwd='{$passwd}' WHERE s_user_id='{$SquidUSERConf->s_user_id}'");
Exemple #29
function UpdateAuthParameter($auth, $parameter)
    global $SAMSConf;
    if (isset($_GET["{$parameter}"])) {
        $value = $_GET["{$parameter}"];
    $value = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $value);
    if ($value != "") {
        $DB = new SAMSDB();
        $num_rows = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT s_value FROM auth_param WHERE s_auth='{$auth}' AND s_param='{$parameter}' ");
        if ($num_rows > 0) {
            $row = $DB->samsdb_fetch_array();
            if ($row['s_value'] != $value) {
                $query = "UPDATE auth_param SET s_value='{$value}' WHERE s_auth='{$auth}' AND s_param='{$parameter}'";
            } else {
                return 0;
        } else {
            $query = "INSERT INTO auth_param VALUES('{$auth}','{$parameter}','{$value}')";
function AddGroup()
    global $SAMSConf;
    global $USERConf;
    if ($USERConf->ToWebInterfaceAccess("C") != 1) {
    $DB = new SAMSDB();
    $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}";
    require $lang;
    if (isset($_GET["groupnick"])) {
        $groupnick = $_GET["groupnick"];
    $result = $DB->samsdb_query_value("SELECT s_name FROM sgroup where s_name = '{$groupnick}'");
    if ($result == 0) {
        $result = $DB->samsdb_query("INSERT INTO sgroup (s_name) VALUES('{$groupnick}') ");
        print "<SCRIPT>\n";
        print "  parent.lframe.location.href=\"lframe.php\"; \n";
        print "  parent.tray.location.href=\"tray.php?show=usergrouptray&groupname={$groupname}&groupnick={$groupnick}\";\n";
        print "</SCRIPT> \n";
    } else {
        PageTop("usergroup_48.jpg", "{$newgroupbuttom_5_addgroup_newgrpbuttom_5_groupexist}");