Exemple #1
 public function __construct($engineName = null)
     if ($engineName) {
  * Issues a uses() command inside a new runtime for every class given
  * and returns a line indicating success or failure for each of them.
  * @param   string[] uses
  * @param   string decl
  * @return  var[] an array with three elements: exitcode, stdout and stderr contents
 protected function useAllOf($uses, $decl = '')
     with($out = $err = '', $p = Runtime::getInstance()->newInstance(NULL, 'class', 'xp.runtime.Evaluate', array()));
     $p->in->write($decl . '
       ClassLoader::registerPath(\'' . strtr($this->getClass()->getClassLoader()->path, '\\', '/') . '\');
       $errors= 0;
       foreach (array("' . implode('", "', $uses) . '") as $class) {
         try {
           echo "+OK ", $class, "\\n";
         } catch (Throwable $e) {
           echo "-ERR ", $class, ": ", $e->getClassName(), "\\n";
     // Read output
     while ($b = $p->out->read()) {
         $out .= $b;
     while ($b = $p->err->read()) {
         $err .= $b;
     // Close child process
     $exitv = $p->close();
     return array($exitv, explode("\n", rtrim($out)), explode("\n", rtrim($err)));
Exemple #3
 public static function create($controller, $method, $args = null, $project = null, $absolute = false)
     $link = "/{$controller}/{$method}";
     if (is_array($args)) {
         $app_params = array();
         $get_params = array();
         $arg_indexes = array_keys($args);
         foreach ($arg_indexes as $i => $key) {
             if ($key == (string) $i) {
                 //numerical index
                 //App param
                 $app_params[] = $args[$key];
             } else {
                 //associative index
                 //GET Param
                 $get_params[$key] = $args[$key];
         if (count($app_params) > 0) {
             $link .= '/' . implode('/', $app_params);
         if (count($get_params) > 0) {
             $link .= '?' . http_build_query($get_params);
     if ($project) {
         $link = "/~{$project}" . $link;
     } else {
         if ($absolute) {
             $link = "/~" . Runtime::currentProject()->name . $link;
     return '/' . trim(trim(self::base(), '/') . "{$link}", '/');
Exemple #4
 public static function initController()
     $id = Request::get('Currency', null, 'COOKIE');
     $Current = new Currency();
     $Default = Currency::findDefault();
     $code = null;
     if (function_exists('geoip_record_by_name')) {
         $arr = @geoip_record_by_name(Request::get('REMOTE_ADDR', '', 'SERVER'));
         $code = isset($arr['country_code']) ? $arr['country_code'] : null;
     $arr = Currency::findCurrencies(true);
     foreach ($arr as $i => $Currency) {
         if ($Currency->Id == $id) {
             $Current = $Currency;
     if (!$Current->Id && $code) {
         foreach ($arr as $Currency) {
             if ($Currency->hasCountry($code)) {
                 $Current = $Currency;
     if (!$Current->Id) {
         foreach ($arr as $Currency) {
             $Current = $Currency;
     Runtime::set('CURRENCY_DEFAULT', $Default);
     Runtime::set('CURRENCY_CURRENT', $Current);
     return false;
 public function newInstance()
     $p = Runtime::getInstance()->getExecutable()->newInstance($this->arguments('-v'));
     $version = defined('HHVM_VERSION') ? 'HipHop VM ' . HHVM_VERSION : 'PHP ' . PHP_VERSION;
     $this->assertEquals($version, $p->out->read(strlen($version)));
  * @see \Components\Http_Scriptlet::dispatch() dispatch
 public static function dispatch(Http_Scriptlet_Context $context_, Uri $uri_)
     $response = $context_->getResponse();
     $content = null;
     try {
         // FIXME Temporary fix - create a explicit route for ui/scriptlet/embedded.
         if (Environment::isEmbedded()) {
             $scriptlet = new Ui_Scriptlet_Embedded();
             $scriptlet->request = $context_->getRequest();
             $scriptlet->response = $context_->getResponse();
             $method = $scriptlet->request->getMethod();
             if (false === method_exists($scriptlet, strtolower($method))) {
                 throw new Http_Exception('ui/scriptlet', null, Http_Exception::NOT_FOUND);
             $content = $scriptlet->{$method}();
         } else {
             $content = parent::dispatch($context_, $uri_);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($e instanceof Http_Exception) {
     echo $content;
  * Setup this test case
 public function setUp()
     if (!Runtime::getInstance()->extensionAvailable('sockets')) {
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Sockets extension not available', NULL, array('ext/sockets'));
 public function newInstance()
     $p = Runtime::getInstance()->getExecutable()->newInstance(array('-v'));
     $version = 'PHP ' . phpversion();
     $this->assertEquals($version, $p->out->read(strlen($version)));
Exemple #9
  * Retrieve configuration setting from config.php
  * overrided with relative config mode file
  * @return type
 public static function config()
     // base-config file not found create with setup.php
     $configBaseFile = __BASE__ . '/config.php';
     if (!file_exists($configBaseFile)) {
         Runtime::error('file not found: ' . $configBaseFile, 101);
     $configBase = (include $configBaseFile);
     if (!is_array($configBase)) {
         Runtime::error("empty or corrupted 'config.php' " . "run '<a href='setup.php'>setup.php</a>'", 110);
     $configModeFile = __BASE__ . '/config/' . __NAME__ . '.' . __MODE__ . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($configModeFile)) {
         Runtime::error('file not found: ' . $configModeFile, 102);
     $configMode = (include $configModeFile);
     $configDefault = array('default' => array('code' => 'Default', 'action' => 'index'));
     $config = array_replace_recursive($configDefault, $configBase, $configMode);
     return Functions::arrayToObject($config);
  * Setup method. Ensure extension we depend on is available
 public function setUp()
     $depend = $this->extension();
     if (!Runtime::getInstance()->extensionAvailable($depend)) {
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError(ucfirst($depend) . ' support not available', NULL, array('ext/' . $depend));
  * Set up test and create fixture
 public function setUp()
     if (!Runtime::getInstance()->extensionAvailable('soap')) {
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('PHP Soap extension not available', NULL, array('ext/soap'));
     $this->fixture = new NativeSoapTypeMapper();
  * @GET
  * @POST
 public function clear()
     if (false === Runtime::isManagementAccess()) {
         throw new Http_Exception('cache/resource', null, Http_Exception::FORBIDDEN);
  * Setup this test. Creates a 1x1 pixel image filled with white.
 public function setUp()
     if (!Runtime::getInstance()->extensionAvailable('gd')) {
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('GD extension not available');
     $this->image = Image::create(1, 1);
     $this->image->fill($this->image->allocate(new Color('#ffffff')));
Exemple #14
 public function ls()
     $items = array('name' => '', 'age' => '12');
     $form = Validation\Validation::parse('vld', $items);
     $this->data->form = $form;
     $this->data->report = $form->validate();
     $this->data->fsm = \FSM\Engine::parse('site');
  * @return \Components\Text_Html_Tidy
 public function parse()
     $charset = strtolower(str_replace(['-', '_'], null, $this->m_charset->name()));
     $config = $this->config;
     $config['char-encoding'] = $charset;
     $config['drop-proprietary-attributes'] = !$this->ignoreProprietaryAttributes;
     $this->m_tidy->parseString($this->m_html, $config, $charset);
     return $this;
  * @param Runtime $runtime
  * @param string $channel
  * @return mixed
 public function send($runtime, $channel = '')
     $warnings = $runtime->getWarnings();
     if (count($warnings) > 0) {
         switch ($channel) {
             case 'dump':
                 print $this->format($warnings);
             case 'hidden':
                 print '<!--' . $this->format($warnings) . '-->';
             case 'none':
                 // fall through to default
             // fall through to default
                 // do nothing
  * Download an url and return or store contents.
  * @param string $url
  * @param bool   $file
  * @return bool|null|string
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function download($url, $file = false)
     if (Runtime::isCurlEnabled()) {
         return static::curlDownload($url, $file);
     } else {
         if (Runtime::isAllowUrlFopenEnabled()) {
             return static::fgetDownload($url, $file);
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException('No download mechanism available');
  * Sets up test case
 public function setUp()
     $this->vendor = $this->vendorName();
     // Check whether any PHP extensions are required by a specific test,
     // and skip if this extension is not loaded. This is done by checking
     // for an @ext annotation.
     $m = $this->getClass()->getMethod($this->name);
     if ($m->hasAnnotation('ext') && !Runtime::getInstance()->extensionAvailable($ext = $m->getAnnotation('ext'))) {
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Extension not available', NULL, array($ext));
  * Throws an deprecated exception if given version is older than
  * the current project version.
  * If no message is given, an auto-generated message will be used
  * which contains type/method & location where this method has been
  * invoked - respectively the location of the deprecated code.
  * @param string $namespace_
  * @param \Components\Version $version_
  * @param string $message_
  * @throws \Components\Deprecated
 public static function since($namespace_, Version $version_, $message_ = null)
     // ignore for production.
     if (Environment::isLive()) {
     if (0 > Runtime::version()->compareTo($version_)) {
         if (null === $message_) {
             throw static::createDefaultException($namespace_);
         throw new static($namespace_, $message_, null, true);
Exemple #20
  * The function returns Captcha object.
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return object The Captcha.
 public static function getCaptcha()
     if (self::$instance === null) {
         include_once Runtime::get('LIBS_DIR') . '/secureimage/securimage.php';
         self::$instance = new Securimage();
         self::$instance->code_length = 4;
         self::$instance->image_width = 80;
         self::$instance->shadow_text = true;
         self::$instance->line_color = '#3399ee';
         self::$instance->arc_line_colors = '#3399ee';
         self::$instance->text_color = '#1177cc';
     return self::$instance;
Exemple #21
 public function buildNavigation($path)
     $this->navigation->controllerName = null;
     $this->navigation->methodName = null;
     $this->navigation->args = array();
     $this->navigation->spirits = array();
     $racks = array();
     foreach ($path as $i => $urlSection) {
         if (strlen($urlSection) > 0 && $urlSection[0] == '+') {
             $racks[] = array();
         $racks[count($racks) == 0 ? count($racks) : count($racks) - 1][] = $urlSection;
     foreach ($racks as $i => &$rack) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $this->navigation->controllerName = isset($rack[0]) && !empty($rack[0]) ? $rack[0] : Conf::instance()->evaluate('default.controller');
             $this->navigation->methodName = isset($rack[1]) && !empty($rack[1]) ? $rack[1] : Conf::instance()->evaluate('default.method');
             for ($i = 2; $i < count($rack); ++$i) {
                 $this->navigation->args[] = $rack[$i];
         } else {
             if (count($rack) > 1) {
                 //Ignore if no MethodName is provided
                 $spirit = new stdClass();
                 $spirit->spiritName = substr($rack[0], 1);
                 //remove the + sign
                 $spirit->methodName = $rack[1];
                 $spirit->args = array();
                 for ($i = 2; $i < count($rack); ++$i) {
                     $spirit->args[] = $rack[$i];
                 $this->navigation->spirits[] = $spirit;
     if (is_null($this->navigation->controllerName)) {
         $this->navigation->controllerName = 'default';
     if (is_null($this->navigation->methodName)) {
         $this->navigation->methodName = 'main';
     MemPool::instance()->set('bong.mvc.controller', $this->navigation->controllerName);
     MemPool::instance()->set('bong.mvc.method', $this->navigation->methodName);
Exemple #22
 public function ctor()
     ControllerTray::instance()->renderLayout = false;
     $this->_xdo = ControllerXDO::unpack('project');
     if (Backend::ExistsUnSessioned('explorer.' . $this->_xdo->project->name)) {
         $this->_backend = Backend::LoadUnSessioned('explorer.' . $this->_xdo->project->name);
     } else {
         $this->_backend = Structs\Admin\Project::create($this->_xdo->project->name);
         /*Create From reflection*/
     if (isset($this->_xdo->controllerName)) {
         $this->_controllerName = $this->_xdo->controllerName;
  * @return \Components\Test_Cli
 public static function get()
     $instance = new static();
     $year = date('Y');
     $version = (string) Runtime::version();
     $instance->addOption('p', true, null, 'test root path', 'path');
     $instance->addOption('b', true, null, 'build path', 'build');
     $instance->addOption('c', true, null, 'configuration path', 'config');
     $instance->addOption('a', true, null, 'enable static code analyzers [emma,..]', 'analyzers');
     $instance->addOption('h', false, null, 'print command line instructions', 'help');
     $instance->addOption('v', false, null, 'print program version & license', 'version');
     $instance->setInfo(sprintf('%1$s%3$s%2$s%3$s', "Test Executor {$version}, net.evalcode.components", "Copyright (C) {$year} evalcode.net", Io::LINE_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT));
     return $instance;
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * Ignores everything but 'context'
 public function loadFile($file)
     $context = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.context');
     $config = array();
     $yaml = Yaml::parse($file);
     foreach ($yaml as $key => $data) {
         if ('meta' == $key) {
         // context key
         if (Runtime::isContextMatch($key, $context)) {
             $config = Toolbox::arrayMergeRecursive($config, $data);
     die(var_dump(__FILE__, $yaml));
     return $this->validate($config, $file);
  * Issues a uses() command inside a new runtime for every class given
  * and returns a line indicating success or failure for each of them.
  * @param   string[] uses
  * @param   string src
  * @return  var[] an array with three elements: exitcode, stdout and stderr contents
 protected function runInNewRuntime($uses, $src)
     with($out = $err = '', $p = Runtime::getInstance()->newInstance(NULL, 'class', 'xp.runtime.Evaluate', array()));
     $uses && $p->in->write('uses("' . implode('", "', $uses) . '");');
     // Read output
     while ($b = $p->out->read()) {
         $out .= $b;
     while ($b = $p->err->read()) {
         $err .= $b;
     // Close child process
     $exitv = $p->close();
     return array($exitv, $out, $err);
  * Starts server in background
  * @param   string protocol
 public static function startServerWith($protocol)
     // Start server process
     with($rt = Runtime::getInstance());
     self::$serverProcess = $rt->getExecutable()->newInstance(array_merge($rt->startupOptions()->asArguments(), array($rt->bootstrapScript('class')), array('net.xp_framework.unittest.peer.server.TestingServer', $protocol)));
     // Check if startup succeeded
     $status = self::$serverProcess->out->readLine();
     if (2 != sscanf($status, '+ Service %[0-9.]:%d', self::$bindAddress[0], self::$bindAddress[1])) {
         try {
         } catch (IllegalStateException $e) {
             $status .= $e->getMessage();
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Cannot start server: ' . $status, NULL);
  * Create a new runtime
  * @return  var[] an array with three elements: exitcode, stdout and stderr contents
 protected function run()
     $runtime = Runtime::getInstance();
     $options = $runtime->startupOptions()->withSetting('magic_quotes_gpc', 1)->withSetting('error_reporting', 'E_ALL');
     $out = $err = '';
     with($p = $runtime->newInstance($options, 'class', 'xp.runtime.Evaluate', array('return 1;')));
     // Read output
     while ($b = $p->out->read()) {
         $out .= $b;
     while ($b = $p->err->read()) {
         $err .= $b;
     // Close child process
     $exitv = $p->close();
     return array($exitv, $out, $err);
 public static function startFtpServer()
     // Arguments to server process
     $args = array('debugServerProtocolToFile' => NULL);
     // Start server process
     self::$serverProcess = Runtime::getInstance()->newInstance(NULL, 'class', 'net.xp_framework.unittest.peer.ftp.TestingServer', array_values($args));
     // Check if startup succeeded
     $status = self::$serverProcess->out->readLine();
     if (1 != sscanf($status, '+ Service %[0-9.:]', self::$bindAddress)) {
         try {
         } catch (IllegalStateException $e) {
             $status .= $e->getMessage();
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Cannot start FTP server: ' . $status, NULL);
 public static function startApplicationServer()
     // Arguments to server process
     $args = array('debugServerProtocolToFile' => NULL);
     // Start server process
     self::$serverProcess = Runtime::getInstance()->newInstance(NULL, 'class', 'net.xp_framework.unittest.remote.TestingServer', array_values($args));
     // Check if startup succeeded
     $status = self::$serverProcess->out->readLine();
     if (2 != sscanf($status, '+ Service %[0-9.]:%d', self::$bindAddress[0], self::$bindAddress[1])) {
         try {
         } catch (IllegalStateException $e) {
             $status .= $e->getMessage();
         throw new PrerequisitesNotMetError('Cannot start EASC server: ' . $status, NULL);
     // Add classloader with CalculatorBean client classes
     $a = XPClass::forName(xp::nameOf(__CLASS__))->getPackage()->getPackage('deploy')->getResourceAsStream('beans.test.CalculatorBean.xar');
     self::$clientClassesLoader = ClassLoader::registerLoader(new ArchiveClassLoader(new Archive($a)));
Exemple #30
 private function modelName()
     $index = -1;
     $modelPath = $this->model($index);
     switch ($index) {
         case 0:
             $modelName = ucfirst($this->navigation->controllerName) . ucfirst($this->navigation->methodName) . 'Model';
         case 1:
             $modelName = ucfirst($this->navigation->controllerName) . 'Model';
         case 2:
             $modelName = ucfirst(Runtime::currentProject()->name) . 'Model';
         case 3:
             $modelName = 'BongAppModel';
             //TODO Handle Error
     return $modelName;